Medal (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

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Revision as of 02:20, 30 December 2014 by Ribose (talk | contribs) (→‎Adventure Medals: adding medals returning from XY that I can confirm: 004 to 024, 028 to 034, 037 to 040 (guesses not added: 025 nat-dex, 026 50-catches-in-day, 030 naming, 031 tv))
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In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Medals return on the Pokémon Global Link. As in Pokémon X and Y, when the player performs a Game Sync, any achieved Medals are automatically unlocked.

List of medals

Adventure Medals

No. Image Name Japanese name Description Notes
A2-001-1 Medal-adventure1.png Light Walker ライトウォーカー A Medal to praise light walkers who stepped on the land of Hoenn 5,000 times.
A2-001-2 Medal-adventure2.png Middle Walker ミドルウォーカー A Medal to praise middle walkers who took 10,000 steps on the land of Hoenn.
A2-001-3 Medal-adventure3.png Heavy Walker ヘビーウォーカー A Medal to praise heavy walkers who took 20,000 steps on the land of Hoenn.
A2-001-4 Medal-adventure4.png Honored Footprints めいよのあしあと A Medal to praise ultimate walkers who took 100,000 steps on the land of Hoenn.
A2-002-1 Medal-adventure1.png Step-by-Step Saver ちまちまレポーター A Medal to recognize a newly started journey that has been recorded 10 times.
A2-002-2 Medal-adventure2.png Busy Saver せかせかレポーター A Medal to recognize an energetic journey that has been recorded 20 times.
A2-002-3 Medal-adventure3.png Experienced Saver すらすらレポーター A Medal to recognize a smooth journey that has been recorded 50 times.
A2-002-4 Medal-adventure4.png Wonder Writer きせきのペンさき A Medal to recognize an astonishing journey that has been recorded 100 times.
A2-003-1 Medal-adventure1.png Pokémon Center Fan ポケセンファン A Medal given to kind Trainers who let their Pokémon rest at Pokémon Centers many times.
A2-004-1 Medal-adventure1.png Starter Cycling ビギナーツーリング A Medal given to beginning cyclists who rode a Bicycle for the first time.
A2-004-2 Medal-adventure2.png Easy Cycling イージーツーリング A Medal given to casual cyclists who have ridden a Bicycle 30 times.
A2-004-3 Medal-adventure3.png Hard Cycling ハードツーリング A Medal given to outstanding cyclists who have ridden a Bicycle 100 times.
A2-004-4 Medal-adventure4.png Pedaling Legend はしるでんせつ A Medal given to earthshaking cyclists who have ridden a Bicycle 500 times.
A2-005-1 Medal-adventure1.png Old Rod Fisherman ボロのつりびと A Medal given to beginning fishers who caught a Pokémon for the first time. "Catch" only means to reel in a Pokémon here
A2-005-2 Medal-adventure2.png Good Rod Fisherman いいつりびと A Medal given to leisure fishers who caught 10 Pokémon. "Catch" only means to reel in a Pokémon here
A2-005-3 Medal-adventure3.png Super Rod Fisherman すごいつりびと A Medal given to very experienced fishers who caught 50 Pokémon. "Catch" only means to reel in a Pokémon here
A2-005-4 Medal-adventure4.png Mighty Fisher いれぐいフィッシャー A Medal given to legendary fishers who caught 100 Pokémon. "Catch" only means to reel in a Pokémon here
A2-006-1 Medal-adventure3.png Normal-type Catcher ノーマルコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Normal-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-007-1 Medal-adventure3.png Fire-type Catcher ほのおコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Fire-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-008-1 Medal-adventure3.png Water-type Catcher みずコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Water-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-009-1 Medal-adventure3.png Electric-type Catcher でんきコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Electric-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-010-1 Medal-adventure3.png Grass-type Catcher くさコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Grass-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-011-1 Medal-adventure3.png Ice-type Catcher こおりコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Ice-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-012-1 Medal-adventure3.png Fighting-type Catcher かくとうコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Fighting-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-013-1 Medal-adventure3.png Poison-type Catcher どくコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Poison-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-014-1 Medal-adventure3.png Ground-type Catcher じめんコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Ground-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-015-1 Medal-adventure3.png Flying-type Catcher ひこうコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Flying-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-016-1 Medal-adventure3.png Psychic-type Catcher エスパーコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Psychic-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-017-1 Medal-adventure3.png Bug-type Catcher むしコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Bug-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-018-1 Medal-adventure3.png Rock-type Catcher いわコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Rock-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-019-1 Medal-adventure3.png Ghost-type Catcher ゴーストコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Ghost-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-020-1 Medal-adventure3.png Dragon-type Catcher ドラゴンコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Dragon-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-021-1 Medal-adventure3.png Dark-type Catcher あくコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Dark-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-022-1 Medal-adventure3.png Steel-type Catcher はがねコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Steel-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-023-1 Medal-adventure3.png Fairy-type Catcher フェアリーコレクター A Medal in commemoration of catching all the Fairy-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-024-1 Medal-adventure4.png Hoenn Pokédex Completionist A Medal to honor those recognized by the professor as having completed the Hoenn Pokédex.
A2-027-1 Medal-adventure1.png Evolution Hopeful エボルブホープ A Medal for promising Trainers who evolved a Pokémon for the first time.
A2-027-2 Medal-adventure2.png Evolution Tech エボルブテクニシャン A Medal for skilled Trainers who evolved Pokémon 10 times and are recognized even by Pokémon Breeders.
A2-027-3 Medal-adventure3.png Evolution Expert エボルブエキスパート A Medal for great Trainers who evolved Pokémon 50 times, which surprises even the Pokémon Day-Care workers.
A2-027-4 Medal-adventure4.png Evolution Authority あるくしんかろん A Medal for exceptional Trainers who evolved Pokémon 100 times, which astounds even Pokémon Professors.
A2-028-1 Medal-adventure2.png Ace Pilot エースパイロット A Medal for those who flew all over the Hoenn sky using Fly. Use Fly 10 times
A2-029-1 Medal-adventure3.png Trash Master ガサいれのたつじん A Medal for curiosity seekers who checked trash cans even though they knew they were empty. Search any trash can 10 times
A2-032-1 Medal-adventure2.png Regular Customer じょうれんカスタマー A Medal for Trainers who kept going to Poké Marts and became regular customers. Make 10 purchases
A2-033-1 Medal-adventure1.png Moderate Customer ぜいたくエントリー A Medal for rich people who spent $10,000 at Poké Marts.
A2-033-2 Medal-adventure2.png Great Customer ぜいたくグレート A Medal for rich people who spent $100,000 at Poké Marts.
A2-033-3 Medal-adventure3.png Indulgent Customer ぜいたくスペシャル A Medal for rich people who spent $1,000,000 at Poké Marts.
A2-033-4 Medal-adventure4.png Super Rich スーパーミリオネア A Medal for super-rich people who spent $10,000,000 at Poké Marts.
A2-034-1 Medal-adventure1.png Smart Shopper かいものじょうず A Medal for thrifty shoppers who made bulk purchases and got bonus Premier Balls. Buy at least 10 Poké Balls at once
A2-035-1 Medal-adventure1.png Sweet Home スイートホーム A Medal for those who love their hometown and went home to rest and revisit old memories.
A2-036-1 Medal-adventure1.png First Encounter であいファースト A Medal commemorating the first encounter and farewell with a fellow player.
A2-036-2 Medal-adventure2.png Sociable であいビギナー A Medal commemorating turbulent encounters and farewells with 100 fellow players.
A2-036-3 Medal-adventure3.png Outgoing であいノービス A Medal commemorating the extraordinary human dramas of encountering 10,000 fellow players.
A2-037-1 Medal-adventure3.png O-Power Pro Oパワーのでんどうしゃ A Medal to recognize those who have received all of the O-Powers. Receive all O-Powers from the old guys.
A2-038-1 Medal-adventure1.png O-Power Lv. 1 OパワーLv.1 A Medal to recognize a new current of power in using a O-Power for the first time.
A2-038-2 Medal-adventure2.png O-Power Lv. 2 OパワーLv.2 A Medal to recognize a strong current of power in using 10 O-Powers.
A2-038-3 Medal-adventure3.png O-Power Lv. 3 OパワーLv.3 A Medal to recognize a fierce current of power in using 50 O-Powers.
A2-038-4 Medal-adventure4.png O-Power MAX OパワーMAX A Medal to recognize an ultimate current of power in using 100 O-Powers.
A2-039-1 Medal-adventure1.png Egg Beginner タマゴビギナー A Medal to prove the fresh parental instincts of people who hatched a Pokémon Egg for the first time.
A2-039-2 Medal-adventure2.png Egg Breeder タマゴブリーダー A Medal to prove the decent parental instincts of people who hatched 10 Pokémon Eggs.
A2-039-3 Medal-adventure3.png Egg Elite タマゴアスリート A Medal to prove the outstanding parental instincts of people who hatched 50 Pokémon Eggs.
A2-039-4 Medal-adventure4.png Hatching Aficionado せいめいのしんぴ A Medal to prove the endless parental instincts of people who hatched 100 Pokémon Eggs.
A2-040-1 Medal-adventure2.png Day-Care Faithful そだてやマニア A Medal for those who love to raise Pokémon and left many Pokémon at the Pokémon Day Care. Leave 10 Pokémon
A2-044-1 Medal-adventure3.png Super Sneaker A Medal to prove that the bearer has taken 1,000 sneaking steps.
A2-046-1 Medal-adventure1.png Amateur Pokémon Seeker A Medal signifying that the bearer has found his or her first hidden Pokémon.
A2-046-2 Medal-adventure2.png Casual Pokémon Seeker A Medal signifying that the bearer has found 10 or more hidden Pokémon.
A2-046-3 Medal-adventure3.png Practiced Pokémon Seeker A Medal signifying that the bearer has found 50 or more hidden Pokémon.
A2-046-4 Medal-adventure4.png Veteran Pokémon Seeker A Medal signifying that the bearer has found 100 or more hidden Pokémon.

Battle Medals

No. Image Name Japanese name Description Notes
B2-001-1 Medal-battle1.png Battle Learner バトルもんかせい A Medal for courageous young Trainers who went through 100 battles.
B2-001-2 Medal-battle2.png Battle Teacher バトルしはんだい A Medal for ferociously courageous Trainers who went through 200 battles.
B2-006-1 Medal-battle1.png Supereffective Savant ばつぐんのたつじん A Medal for Trainers who saw through many foes' weak points and battled to their best advantage.
B2-024-1 Medal-battle1.png Rematch Amateur A Medal commemorating the first battle carried out using the Trainer's Eye app.
B2-024-2 Medal-battle2.png Rematch Beginner A Medal commemorating 10 battles carried out using the Trainer's Eye app.

Fun Medals

No. Image Name Japanese name Description Notes
E2-002-1 Medal-entertainment1.png First Friend ともだちエントリー A Medal to honor the new friendship formed by registering a friend for the first time.
E2-003-1 Medal-entertainment1.png Berry Gardener きのみガーデナー A Medal for those who have picked 10 Berries from Berry fields. Plant and pick 10 separate Berries
E2-007-1 Medal-entertainment1.png Pokémon-Amie Aficionado ポケパルレファン A Medal for Trainers who played with their Pokémon in Pokémon-Amie 10 times.
E2-008-1 Medal-entertainment1.png Super-Training Instructor スパトレインストラクター A Medal for Trainers who played with their Pokémon in Super Training 10 times.