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* For releases in countries such as Australia and the UK, the [[height]] and [[weight]] of the Pokémon are given in the metric scale.
* For releases in countries such as {{pmin|Australia}} and {{pmin|the United Kingdom}}, the [[height]] and [[weight]] of the Pokémon are given in the metric scale.

* The Ghost Evolver misspells Night Shade as '''NightShade'''.
* The Ghost Evolver misspells Night Shade as '''NightShade'''.
* The Rock Evolver misspells Selfdestruct as '''Self Destruct'''.
* The Rock Evolver misspells Selfdestruct as '''Self Destruct'''.

Revision as of 01:24, 26 January 2020

050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Incomplete Water summary and images of covers

The Fire-type Pokémon Evolver

Pokémon Evolvers are a set of eight flip pages designed by David Roe which shows the evolutionary lines of Pokémon. It also includes a description of the Pokémon based on the Pokédex entry from Pokémon Red and Blue and shows some moves that they can learn and use.



Grass shows the Bulbasaur evolutionary line. The cover shows Victreebel, Vileplume, Gloom, Tangela, Weepinbell, Bellsprout, Paras, Parasect, and Oddish. Ash says he just caught a Bulbasaur while Misty bets it's cute.

Flipping the page, it shows a Bulbasaur, and states that a strange seed planted on the back of Bulbasaur grows as it grows. Ash then tells Bulbasaur to use Leech Seed on Geodude to sap its energy.

The next page shows Ivysaur and it says that as the seed grows, Ivysaur loses the ability to stand on its hind legs. Ash then has it attacking several Pokémon: hitting Pidgey with Vine Whip, dusting Omanyte with PoisonPowder, and attacking Hitmonlee with Razor Leaf.

Flipping to the last page shows Venusaur. It says that the plant on its back absorbs sunlight and that Venusaur moves to seek sunlight. It blasts a Poliwrath with SolarBeam, blankets Sandslash with Sleep Powder, and uses Growth to increase its special abilities.


Ghost shows the Gastly evolutionary line. The cover shows Team Rocket along with Team Rocket, Ekans and Koffing running away from a Gastly owned by Ash Ketchum who states even bad guys are scared of his Ghost-type Pokémon.

The first page shows Gastly. It says that it is almost invisible, and that it cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without being noticed. It is seen attacking Drowzee with Lick.

The next page shows Haunter using Confuse Ray on Exeggcute and Night Shade on Starmie. It says since Haunter can go through block walls that people believe it comes from another dimension.

Flipping the page, Gengar is seen putting a Slowbro to sleep with Hypnosis and using Dream Eater on a sleeping Mr. Mime. It states that under a full moon, Gengar likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright.


Bug shows the Caterpie evolutionary line. The cover shows Venonat, Venomoth, Pinsir, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect, and Scyther. Ash tells Pikachu he just caught a Caterpie. Samurai states he won't rest until he has trained all Bug Pokémon.

Flipping the page, Caterpie is stated to have suction pads on the tip of its little feet that allow it to climb slopes and walls tirelessly. It is seen using String Shot to slow down an Oddish.

Flipping the page shows Metapod. It says its body is weak when the shell is soft, making it vulnerable to attack. Ash tells it to use Harden and says Weepinbell will get tired out before Metapod can be hurt.

The last page shows Butterfree. It says it flaps its wings fast during battle to release highly toxic dust into the air. It sends Gloom to sleep using Sleep Powder. Butterfree is then seen making a battle end by using Whirlwind on Hypno. Butterfree then uses Psybeam on Tangela to confuse it.


Fire shows the Charmander evolutionary line. The cover shows Ponyta, Rapidash, Growlithe, Arcanine, Vulpix, Ninetales, and Flareon. Ash enthusiastically claims he will capture a Charmander, and Gary claims that he will catch one first.

Charmander is shown on the first page and states that it prefers hot places, and that when it rains, steam spouts from the tip of its tail. At the bottom, it shows Ash commanding Charmander to use Scratch on a Venonat.

Charmeleon is featured on the second page, stating that when Charmeleon swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels. Charmeleon is then shown using Leer, Ember on an Exeggutor, and Rage on a Parasect.

The final page features Charizard, and the description states that Charizard spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. It also states that it is known to cause forest fires unintentionally. It then features Charizard using Fire Spin on an Arbok, scorching a Victreebel with Flamethrower, and cutting a Beedrill with Slash.


Psychic shows the Abra evolutionary line. The cover shows Hypno, Mewtwo, Jynx, Slowpoke, Mr. Mime, Slowbro, and a Drowzee. Ash asks Pikachu if he can read his mind, as he was about to choose an Abra.

Opening to the first page shows Abra posing. It says it uses its ability to read minds. Abra will Teleport away from impending danger. Abra is shown to be nearly attacked by a Fearow and Ash tells it to Teleport away to safety.

On the next page, Ash tells Kadabra to use Disable so Machop can't use Karate Chop. It is then shown using Confusion on Bulbasaur to make it unaware of what is going on. It then uses Psybeam on a Weepinbell to confuse it. It states that Kadabra emits special alpha waves from its body that can induce headaches by just being near.

On the last page, Alakazam is seen protecting itself from Hitmonchan by using Reflect. Alakazam is then asked to use Recover to heal. Alakazam then proceeds to use Psychic on Mankey to make it weaker. Alakazam's brain is stated that it can outperform a Supercomputer and has an IQ said to be 5,000.


Fighting shows the Machop evolutionary line. The cover shows Mankey, Primeape, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Poliwrath. Ash enthusiastically tells Pikachu to look at the moves of the Fighting Pokémon, while Master Trainer Bruno introduces himself as one of the Elite Four and comments that training Fighting Pokémon is hard work but worth it in the end.

Machop is shown on the first page and says that it loves to build muscles and trains in all martial arts to become stronger. At the bottom, it shows Ash commanding Machop to use Karate Chop on a Raticate.

Flipping the page shows a Machoke posing, and says that its muscular body is so powerful that it must wear a power-save belt to regulate its motions. Machoke is shown to use Leer, and Low Kick on a Meowth. It also uses Focus Energy to land a critical hit on a Chansey.

The last page shows Machamp leaning forward and states it can throw powerful punches that send its victim right over the horizon. It shows it using Submission on a Tauros, and Seismic Toss on a Jigglypuff.


Rock shows the Geodude evolutionary line. The cover shows Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte, Omastar, and Aerodactyl. Holding a Poké Ball forward, Ash exclaims that Rock-type Pokémon are strong and that he'd like to get a Geodude. On the other side, James also wishes that he had a Geodude, while Jessie rebuts saying sometimes James' head was nothing but a rock.

Geodude is shown on the first page and states that it is found in fields and mountains but is often mistaken for boulders. At the bottom, it shows Ash commanding Geodude to use Tackle on a Growlithe.

Flipping the page features Graveler, and says that it rolls down slopes to move and rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing its direction. Graveler is shown to use Rock Throw, Defense Curl and Self-Destruct on a Scyther.

On the last page, Golem is shown. It is commanded to keep using Harden so no Pokémon can hurt it. Golem is also shown using Earthquake on Rapidash, and Explosion on Pinsir. Golem's boulder-like body is stated to be extremely hard and that it can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage.


Water shows the Squirtle evolutionary line. The cover shows Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Psyduck, Golduck, Goldeen, Seaking, Seel, Dewgong, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Horsea, Krabby, Staryu, Shellder, and Magikarp. Ash compliments Misty, saying that she is such a great Trainer and that her Squirtle will grow up big and proud. Misty comments that she loves Water Pokémon and that they're so brave and strong.

The first page features Squirtle.

Flipping the page shows Wartortle.

The last page shows Blastoise shooting water out of its cannons, and it states that Blastoise is a brutal Pokémon which uses pressurized water jets on its shell for high-speed tackles. It is seen using Withdraw, drenching Onix with Hydro Pump, and using Skull Bash on Magmar.




  • The Ghost Evolver misspells Night Shade as NightShade.
  • The Rock Evolver misspells Selfdestruct as Self Destruct.

In other languages

Pokémon Evolvers

Language Title
Bulgaria Flag.png Bulgarian Покемон Еволюиращите Pokémon Evolyuirashtite
Italy Flag.png Italian Pokémon Evolvers
Portugal Flag.png Portuguese Evolução

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