
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 19:05, 16 April 2012 by NateVirus (talk | contribs) (Fixing some wording and updating crap...)
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628.png This user comes from the United States.
034.png This user identifies as male.

Rick Astley.png This user got RickRolled.
Magmar Falcon Punch.png FALCON PUNCH!!!
295.png THIS IS SPARTA!!!
Dialga Roar of Time.png This user can Shoop da Whoop.

ResortPianoSprite.png This user plays the piano.
235.png This user is an artist.

006.png This user likes mythical creatures.
142.png This user likes dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.
160.png This user liked Steve Irwin.
248.png This user has a collection of Kaiju (Japanese Giant Monsters) Movies.
Ash DP 1.png This user is not a shipper.
453.png This user does not like shipping.
Dialga Hyper Beam.png This user is overly hyper.
Spr HGSS Red.png This user is a twerp.

Spr BW Marshal.png This user's favorite character is Marshal.
Spr BW Alder.png This user's favorite Champion is Alder.
File:GSC Trainer Red.png This user's favorite character is Red.

The last revision was on 16 April 2012.

Who was the last person to edit this page? IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN ME! DIO-...I mean NateVirus!...And last time I checked, I'm a dude...

Only I have the Pokéballs to rule Lylat!
Hey, look, its a...err...Shark? Oh lord, the sharks have grown legs!!!


:3 I shall smash your skull on my belly like a clam! :3

User Talk

"Does whatever a Spider can"?


Mwahahahaha! I have you NOW!


...Not exactly a safe-looking sandbox if you ask me...


Only I have the Brains to rule...ehh, Kanto?

NateVirus (a.k.a. Speedynat3) has been on Bulbapedia since August 2011. What a N00b!!! XD Chances are I will be off and on here, greater chance more off than on. Only time will tell.

007About Me007

Nothing much for me to say (some can be found in my userbox). I'm a guy that loves video games, from Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Pikmin, Street Fighter, Megaman, etc. (and I do mean etc!) Also, I enjoy music, drawing, art, movies (Godzilla and other monster movies plus more), running, stuffz on TV (well, that depends LOL), comics/manga, and other stuff I'm probably too lazy to mention. I can be a bit of a nerd, but I don't think that really matters. I've beaten Pokémon Red, Yellow, and Silver, but I started over in Red and Silver (I messed up somewhere with a moveset in Silver and I had only two well-trained Pokémon in Red, Mewtwo and my Blastoise and I felt too lazy to train everyone else from that point). I still haven't beaten the other Pokémon games I own, but that's for the userbox, I guess.

Also, I will state that I'm not a shipper and so far I'm not too fond of "fanboy/fangirls", at least to a certain degree (yeah, don't care for the fanservice for the Pokémon series either...anyone notice most of it is starting to involve...nevermind). Overall, don't force you opinions (or your fanservice) on to me and we'll be fine, I hope. =P

If you read though all of this...well, uhh, here's a cookie? ^_^

004Teams So Far004

Teams be changing or at least I might switch through Pokémon for different combinations/variations and whatnot. Probably will train more Pokémon for more potential variations. But still, I know I suck. LOL. And yes, I nickname my Pokémon. There aren't the greatest nicknames, but they are the best I can come up with at the time I received/captured them...So I really don't give two Hoot-Hoots. (See what I did thar?...*slapped*) Also, I might put up some of my teams from previous Generations if I feel up to it (like...actually all three Gens before) and if the games work (well last time I checked, all of the games I own on handheld sort of work, including Crystal, though Gold and Silver might be reaching their "end" seeing that the files have disappeared).


Coming soon...or whatever...


Coming soon...or whatever...


Might need to still train for the Elite Four.

Team 1

Team 2

More likely to use this team against the Elite Four.


Finally beat Morty! LOL!

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4


Need to beat Iris!

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Mothra Probably will have a more solid moveset once she evolves.