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- If you were looking for the CD single, see The Sky / The Voice (single).
The subject of this article has no official English name. The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
宙 -そら-
Movie 14 ED
Every Little Thing Every Little Thing
持田香織 Kaori Mochida
菊池一仁 Kazuhito Kikuchi
中尾昌文·Every Little Thing Masafumi Nakao, Every Little Thing
The Sky (Japanese: 宙 -そら- Sora) is the Japanese ending theme for Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom. Along with The Voice, it is performed by Every Little Thing.
心に心に いつもあるよ 輝いている いっぱいの ありがとう
夕暮れに黄昏ていた あの雲は いつか
蒼い蒼い夜に のまれては 儚くそっと消える
悲しみは 何処からともなく 突然にやってくる
愛したい ただそれだけで ただそれだけなのにね
失うことで生まれてゆくこと そこから始まることがあること
そう信じて 受け入れながら 明日を確かめて 生きてゆくよ
心に心に いつもあるよ 大切な輝いた確かなもの 戸惑いながらも 永遠ではない日々を いっぱい愛したい
君に逢えたから きっと強くなる
いつかきっと いつかきっと、と あてのない日々に 期待しては 時に怖じけて 手放してしまうんだ
信じること怖れずにいること 信じすぎて疎かになること
忘れないよ 溢れそうになる 優しさ力にして 生まれ変わる
生きとし生きゆく 希望の光の先に 夢の続きがあるなら 空をあおいで この手のひらに感じて いっぱいの ありがとう
ぼくらはいつでも どんなときだって きっと ひとりきりじゃないんだ
心に心に いつもあるよ 大切な輝いた確かなもの 戸惑いながらも 永遠ではない日々を いっぱい愛したい
君と優しさと ぼくは生きてゆく
In my heart, in my heart It’s always there Shining And full of Gratitude
In the evening sky That cloud would gradually dim In time
In the pale blue night It would be swallowed Letting it gently fading away
Sadness Where could it have come from To have suddenly sprung up like that
I want to love Just that Nothing else
A loss can bring forth something It's only a beginning from there
Just believe in it As you begin accepting Confirm your tomorrow And live on
In my heart, in my heart It's always there That which is important, shining, and definite Though I may hesitate I want to fully love it In the days that will not last forever
After encountering you I will definitely become stronger
Definitely someday "Definitely someday," I said In the aimless days I hold on to my hopes There are times that I would be in fear And let it go from my hands
Just believe and don't be afraid But do not be over-reliant as to become careless
I couldn't forget it As if it overflowed And became tender strength Making a fresh start in life
Living and live on Ahead the light of hope Dreams continue to wait for us Gazing up the sky Feel it with the palm of your hands That feeling Full of gratitude
Because surely At any time We are Never on our own
In my heart, in my heart It's always there That which is important, shining, and definite Though I may hesitate I want to fully love it In the days that will not last forever
With you and kindness I can continue to live on