Dawn (game)/Quotes

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Quotes from her male counterpart: Lucas (game)/Quotes

These are Dawn's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Needs BDSP quotes

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Lake Verity

"Professor, there isn't anything out of the ordinary on the other side, either!"
"Professor, how are you enjoying being back in Sinnoh? After being away for four years, it must be exciting again?"
"I beg your pardon... We'll be on our way."
"Oh! There's the briefcase! The professor would have been furious if I'd lost it... Huh? Oh, no! Did you... Did you use the Pokémon in here? You did?! Oh, my gosh! What's the professor going to say...? ... This is so not good... I'll take this briefcase for now."
  • Before battle with Commander Mars (if talked to)
"<player>! It's T-Team Galactic! Oh no! The Pokémon of the lake..."
  • After battle with Commander Mars (if talked to)
"<player>, what is Team Galactic up to? Are the abducted Pokémon of the lakes going to be OK?"

Route 201

"Um... Yes! Professor, please wait for me! I think you should visit our lab later. OK, see you!"

Sandgem Town

"Oh! There you are! Please, come with me! The professor is waiting! This is it! Our Pokémon Research Lab! Let's go..."
"Wow, what was that? Your friend sure seems to be really impatient. Well, anyway... Let's go inside."
  • In Professor Rowan's lab
"I'm sure glad that you're kind toward Pokémon! If you weren't, I'd have to... Oh, I just can't say it..."
  • After receiving the Pokédex
"I've got one, too!"
"The Pokémon that I used for the first time was a Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup! If you'd have chosen a Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup at the lake, we'd have the same Pokémon now! Not that it matters, but... Anyway, I'm Dawn. I also help the professor add pages to the Pokédex. So, in a sense, I'm just like you. I just got a little head start on you, that's all. I'll be happy to teach you things. Glad to meet you, <player>!"
  • Town tutorial
"OK, <player>, I'll act as your mentor. I've got a bit more experience than you as a Trainer and as the professor's assistant. OK, follow me! This building with the red roof is the Pokémon Center. It's the place that heals Pokémon that have been hurt in battle. You can find a Pokémon Center in most towns. The building with the blue roof over here is the Poké Mart. It's a shop where you can buy and sell items and medicine. <player>, since you're a novice Trainer, you won't be able to buy many kinds of merchandise. Don't let it bother you! Oh, that's right! <player>... Don't you need to let your family know that you're going to be helping Prof. Rowan with the Pokédex? You may need to go far away, so I think you should let someone know. Oh, but before you go, heal up your Pokémon at the Poké Center. It will be a lot less scary that way. OK, bye now!"
  • Post-game
"Hi, <player>! You're friends with the elder of Celestic Town, aren't you? She told me that she had something she wanted to show you."
  • After talking to Cynthia's grandmother
"<player>! I heard from the professor! Congratulations, Champ!"
"Hi, <player>! May I see your Pokédex? ... Oh, my gosh! You've seen every kind of Pokémon in Sinnoh! Have you shown your Pokédex to Prof. Rowan yet?" (before upgrade to National listing)
"Hey, <player>, have you ever chatted with my kid sister?" (after)
  • After talking to Dawn's sister
"Oh, <player>, are you acquainted with Bebe? She lives in Hearthome City. Every Trainer should make it a point to pay Bebe a visit."
  • After talking to Bebe
"Hi, <player>! How's your Poké Radar? When you use it, do you sometimes see more than one patch of tall grass rustling? The patch farther away gives you a better chance of seeing the same kind of Pokémon in a row. That's the feeling I get, anyway."
  • After used the Poké Radar
"So, <player>. I'm also helping the professor put together the National Pokédex. Catching Pokémon can be really challenging, can't it? But, it's also so much fun!"
"Sometimes a patch of grass sparkles when a Poké Radar is used. People say a differently-colored Pokémon is hiding there! Could that be true?"
  • After completing the National Pokédex
"<player>! <player>, <player>, <player>! Congratulations for completing the National Pokédex!"
  • If talked to on the player's birthday
"Is today maybe...Your birthday, <player>?"
Yes: "Giggle...Congratulations, <player>! And many more happy returns!"
No: "Oh, it isn't? I wonder what made me think that today was your birthday?"

Route 202

  • If the player hasn't talked to Mom
"<player>?! Did you tell your family that you're helping the professor? ...You didn't, did you? I know that you're eager to see all kinds of Pokémon. But you shouldn't make your mom worry that you've disappeared."
"You should go tell your family that you're helping the professor. The faster the better, too."
  • If the player has talked with Mom
"Oh, that's right! <player>, I haven't shown you how to catch a Pokémon. I'll demonstrate how to catch one, so just watch me, OK?"
  • Catching tutorial
"OK! Its HP is down! It's ready for a Poké Ball!"
  • After tutorial
"Giggle... See? Isn't it neat? Actually, it's better to lower your target's HP more than I did. It's important to get the Pokémon's HP as low as possible. This is because a healthy Pokémon is very difficult to catch. Oh, Pokémon also get easier to catch if you make them sleep or something by using a Pokémon's move. OK, <player>, to get you started, I'll give you five Poké Balls."
"If you have lots of Pokémon with you, it will be safer on long trips. Plus, it will be a lot more fun having your Pokémon friends along. OK, I need to get going. Bye, now!"

Jubilife City

"Hi, <player>! Are you catching Pokémon? ...Um... I think you'd feel a lot safer if you were to catch some more./You've already got <#> Pokémon with you! At that pace, your Pokédex should be full in no time at all! In Jubilife City, there's the Trainers' School, which... Well, you know. <player>, you should visit it. You'll get some tips on Pokémon. Oh yes, Barry went to the Trainers' School earlier. OK, bye now!"
  • Before battle with Team Galactic Grunts
"<player>! Let's battle together and teach these horrible men a lesson!"
  • After battle
"<player>, did you know? The professor studies the evolution of Pokémon, too. According to his research, 90% of all Pokémon are somehow tied to evolution! I guess that means some Pokémon must undergo startling evolutions. So, <player>... Let's keep working on our Pokédex project for the professor!"

Route 207

"Hi, <player>! How's your Pokédex coming along? Me? I'm somewhere between fantastic and, uh, hopeless... But this isn't about me! I've got something nice for you. <player>, choose which hand you want."
  • Regardless of which hand is chosen
"I see... You want the Vs. Seeker. I'm impressed, <player>. You know what's important. Using that Vs. Seeker, you can find Trainers who want a rematch with you. Oh, <player>, do you also have a Pokétch? Yup, you do. You can have this too, then. You deserve it for all your hard work, <player>. The Dowsing Machine is something you should touch often. It will tell you if there is an item on the ground that you can't see. It will be especially useful inside dark caves. OK, let's keep working on our Pokédexes. Professor Rowan is counting on us!"

Veilstone City

  • Before earning the Cobble Badge
"<player>, are you going to take the Gym challenge? Gee, you keep getting tougher and tougher, don't you? Me? Well, I went shopping at the department store, and... I mean, well, of course I've been working on my Pokédex, but... I'll catch you later!"
  • After earning the Cobble Badge
"Hi, <player>! Please, can you help me? I dropped my Pokédex by accident and Team Galactic found it. Now they won't give it back. Please, I need your help. I'll be waiting in front of the warehouses. Please come!"
  • In front of the warehouses
"Hi, <player>! Please, can you help me? I dropped my Pokédex by accident and Team Galactic found it. Now they won't give it back. Please, I need your help. Team up and battle with me!"
No: "I'll be waiting. Please get ready and come quickly."
Yes: "You and your Pokémon together with me and my Pokémon... United like this, our dream team has no chance of losing! I'm not letting those bad people get away with their dirty deeds!"
  • After battle with Team Galactic Grunts
"What's going on? Why is Team Galactic out in the streets like they own the place? <player>, thank you, sincerely. If Professor Rowan ever finds out that I lost my Pokédex... Eewww... I don't want to think about it. So, <player>, what are you going to do now? I'm thinking of going to Pastoria City now. The Great Marsh there is home to many kinds of Pokémon."

Canalave Library

"You can count on me! It will help with my Pokédex, too. <player>, you'll go too, won't you?"
"Will do!"

Canalave City

  • After the explosion in Lake Valor
"...<player>, you'll be OK, won't you?"
  • If talked to
"We're going off to Lake Verity first... Don't do anything rash if something does happen."

Spear Pillar

"<player>... I ran into Barry a little while ago. He said he believed in you, <player>. He said that you could get the job done. I feel the same way. Please help that Pokémon! It's suffering from being dragged out by Team Galactic!"
"Since the last time, the professor did a lot research... He became very concerned about you <player>, so he came out to a place as treacherous as this... <player>, I'm so glad you're safe. Let's go home!"
  • If talked to
"...You know, that Pokémon was extraordinary, wasn't it? Was it really the Pokémon that created the Sinnoh region...?"

Pokémon Platinum

Route 201

"Professor Rowan. You left your briefcase at the lake! Oh? Is something wrong here?"
"Pardon?! Those Pokémon are hard to replace. Are you sure about giving them away?"
"Professor! Wait for me, please! I'm sorry... Please let me pass."

Sandgem Town

"Oh! There you are! Please, come with me! The professor is waiting! This is it! Our Pokémon Research Lab! Let's go..."
"Wow, what was that? Your friend sure seems to be really impatient. Well, anyway... Let's go inside."
  • Inside the Lab
"I'm so glad that you're kind toward Pokémon! If you weren't, I'd have to... Oh, I just can't say it..."
"I've got one, too!"
"The Pokémon that I met for the first time was a Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup! If you would have chosen a Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup on Route 201, we'd have the same Pokémon now! Not that it matters, but... Anyway, I'm Dawn. I also help the professor add pages to the Pokédex. So, in a sense, I'm just like you. I just got a little head start on you, that's all. I'll be happy to teach you things. Glad to meet you, <player>!"
  • Town tutorial
"Oh, wow. I didn't know the professor had TMs. Was he a Trainer when he was young...? OK, <player>, I'll act as your mentor. I've got a bit more experience than you as a Trainer and as the professor's assistant. OK, follow me! This building with the red roof is the Pokémon Center. It's the place that heals Pokémon that have been hurt in battle. You can find a Pokémon Center in most towns. The building with the blue roof over here is the Poké Mart. It's a shop where you can buy and sell items and medicine. <player>, since you're a novice Trainer, you won't be able to buy many kinds of merchandise. Don't let it bother you! Oh, that's right! <player>... Don't you need to let your family know that you're going to be helping Prof. Rowan with the Pokédex? You may need to go far away, so I think you should let someone know. Oh, but before you go, heal up your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. It will be a lot less scary that way. OK, bye now!"
  • In the lab (after battling Giratina)
"The professor did a lot of checking up after you left. He was really worried about you, <player>... He contacted acquaintances looking for help, and... <player>, I'm glad to see you safe! Welcome back!"
  • If talked to
"So, I was thinking... Those Pokémon you met, <player>... Were they the ones said to be the creators of the Sinnoh region?"
"Hi, <player>! You're friends with the elder of Celestic Town, aren't you? She told me that she had something important to tell you."
  • After talking to Cynthia's grandmother
"Hey, <player>! The professor told me something. It's possible that either Dialga or Palkia will appear at the Spear Pillar!"
"<player>! I heard from the professor! Congratulations, Champ!"
  • When all Pokémon in Sinnoh Pokédex listing are seen
"Hi, <player>! May I see your Pokédex? ... Oh, my gosh! You've seen every kind of Pokémon in Sinnoh! Hey, let's go show your Pokédex to Prof. Rowan!" (before upgrade to National listing)
"Hey, <player>, have you ever chatted with my kid sister?" (after)
  • After talking to Dawn's sister
"Oh, <player>, are you acquainted with Bebe? She lives in Hearthome City. Every Trainer should make it a point to pay Bebe a visit. She's the administrator of the Pokémon Storage System. She's awesome!"
  • After talking to Bebe
"Hey! <player>, you've got a Poké Radar? I've got one, too! I'll show you how to use it. Come with me to Rt. 202!"
  • After the Poké Radar Tutorial
"Hi, <player>! How's your Poké Radar? When you use it, do you sometimes see more than one patch of tall grass rustling? I've heard that patches farther away gives you a better chance of seeing the same kind of Pokémon in a row."
"So, <player>. I'm also helping the professor put together the National Pokédex. Catching Pokémon can be really challenging, can't it? But, it's also so much fun!"
  • After using the Poké Radar
"Sometimes a patch of grass sparkles when a Poké Radar is used. People say a different-colored Pokémon is hiding there! Could that be true?"
  • After completing the National Pokédex
"<player>! <player>, <player>, <player>! Congratulations for completing the National Pokédex!"
"Is today maybe... Your birthday, <player>?"
Yes: "Giggle... Congratulations, <player>! And many more happy returns!"
No: "Oh, it isn't? I wonder what made me think that today was your birthday?"

Route 202

  • If you haven't talked to your mom
"<player>?! Did you tell your family that you're helping the professor? ...You didn't, did you? I know that you're really eager to see all kinds of Pokémon. But you shouldn't make you mom worry that you've disappeared."
"You should go tell your family that you're helping the professor. The faster the better, too."
  • Talked with Mom
"Oh, that's right! <player>, I haven't shown you how to catch a Pokémon. I'll demonstrate how to catch one, so just watch me, OK?"
  • Catching tutorial
"OK! Its HP is down! It's ready for a Poké Ball!"
  • After tutorial
"Giggle... See? Isn't it neat? Actually, it's better to lower your target's HP more than I did. It's important to get the Pokémon's HP as low as possible. This is because a healthy Pokémon is very difficult to catch. Oh, Pokémon also get easier to catch if you make them sleep or something by using a Pokémon's move. OK, <player>, to get you started, I'll give you five Poké Balls!"
"If you have lots of Pokémon with you, it will be safer on long trips. Plus, it will be a lot more fun having your Pokémon friends along. OK, I need to get going. Bye, now!"
  • Poké Radar tutorial
"Hi, <player>! I was waiting for you. Let me show you how the Poké Radar works. Let's not waste any time. So, when you use the Poké Radar... See? Did you notice the tall grass rustling? There's a Pokémon in that patch of tall grass. If you go there, the Pokémon will come bursting out. Now, this is where it gets interesting. If you see another patch of rustling grass some distance away, go to it. You'll see the same kind of Pokémon as before. If you want to keep meeting the same kind of Pokémon, you should maybe use some Repels."

Jubilife City

"Hi, <player>! Are you catching Pokémon? ...Um... I think you'd feel a lot safer if you were to catch some more. You know, like when you need to travel to faraway places./You've already got <#> Pokémon with you! At that pace, your Pokédex should be full in no time at all! Oh, I know! Don't you think it's better to know more about Pokémon? Sure it is! I know just the place. Come on! Don't be shy. Follow me! That man... What is he doing? Um..."
"Huh? What? I beg your pardon? I was just making conversation..."
"...Working for the International Police must be hard. <player>, here it is. It's the Trainers' School. The name says it all! I saw your friend Barry go in earlier. He could still be in there studying. OK, bye now!"
  • Before battle with Team Galactic Grunts
"<player>! Let's battle together!"
  • After battle
"<player>, did you know? The professor studies the evolution of Pokémon, too. According to his research, 90% of all Pokémon are somehow tied to evolution! Well, maybe that's the reason those people tried to take the professor's research data by force. That's really unforgivable!"

Route 207

"Hi, <player>! How's your Pokédex coming along? Me? I'm somewhere between fantastic and, uh, hopeless... But this isn't about me! I've got something nice for you. <player>, choose which hand you want.
  • Regardless of which hand is chosen
"I see... You want the Vs. Seeker. I'm impressed, <player>. You know what's important. Using that Vs. Seeker, you can find Trainers who want a rematch with you. Oh, <player>, do you also have a Pokétch? Yup, you do. You can have this too, then. You deserve it for all your hard work, <player>. The Dowsing Machine is something you should touch often. It will tell you if there is an item on the ground that you can't see. I think there's something here, even. You should try it out. OK, let's keep working on our Pokédexes. Professor Rowan is counting on us!"

Veilstone City

  • Before earning the Cobble Badge
"<player>, are you going to take the Gym challenge? Gee, you keep getting tougher and tougher, don't you? Me? Well, I went shopping at the department store, and... I mean, well, of course I've been working on my Pokédex, but..."
"... So, uh, <player>. Good luck on your Gym challenge."
  • After earning the Cobble Badge
"Hi, <player>! Please, can you help me? Some Team Galactic goons took my Pokédex away from me. I need your help to get it back. I'll be waiting in front of the warehouses. Please come!"
  • In front of the warehouses
"Hi, <player>! Please, can you help me? Do you remember Team Galactic? Those horrible people? They tried to steal Prof. Rowan's research results in Jubilife, remember? I ran into them, and they took away my Pokédex. Please, I need your help. Team up and battle with me!"
No: "I'll be waiting. Please get ready and come quickly."
Yes: "You and your Pokémon together with me and my Pokémon... United like this, our dream team has no chance of losing! I'm not letting those bad people get away with their dirty deeds!"
  • After battle with Team Galactic Grunts
"What's going on? Why is Team Galactic out in the streets like they own the place? <player>, thank you, sincerely. I would've been lost without my Pokédex. It's indispensable for helping Prof. Rowan with his studies. So, <player>, what are you going to do now? I'm thinking of going to the Pokémon Mansion on Route 212. I hear they show rare Pokémon to visitors there."
"Oh...It's that funny man from Jubilife..."
"I'm terribly sorry. Team Galactic took my Pokédex, so I was very irritated... I just blurted it out... ...I should be going now. Be wary of Team Galactic."

Canalave Library

"You can count on me! It will help with my Pokédex, too. <player>, you'll go too, won't you?"
"Will do!"
  • Outside Canalave Library, after explosion in Lake Valor
"...<player>, you'll be OK, no matter what, right?"
  • If talked to
"We're going off to Lake Verity first... Don't do anything rash if something does happen."

Lake Verity

  • Before battle with Commander Mars
"<player>! It's T-Team Galactic! They're taking the Pokémon of the lake... I... I couldn't beat this person..."
  • After battle with Commander Mars
"<player>, what is Team Galactic up to? Are the abducted Pokémon of the lakes going to be OK?"

The Villa

"Wow, <player>, this sofa is so sumptuous! You know, I think we have similar tastes, <player>."
  • Visiting quotes (random)
"<player>, are you going to collect furniture now? Are you maybe the type who can't bear to use Technical Machines? The sort of person who ends up making a collection of them?"
"I had no idea that you can get a Villa as a gift. Who knows what can happen in life?"
"I'm envious of you having your own place. I have to share a bedroom with my little sister!"
"Sigh... To be with that special someone in a wonderful Villa like this... I think it's a nice dream to have."
"You run into so many Pokémon in the Battle Zone. It's a bit much. So, <player>, please let me catch a little rest."

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Dawn (Masters)

Prior to version 2.17.0, Dawn's regular and seasonal variants shared their voice lines unless mentioned otherwise.

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited for the first time
"Hi, I'm Dawn. I've got a bit more experience as a Trainer than you, so I can teach you some things!"
  • Subsequent recruitments
"Need some help on your next big adventure? I'm your gal! Come on, let's do some exploring!"
  • After being recruited (Palentine's 2021)
"Hi, I'm Dawn! Wanna learn how to make some sweets? I can teach you!"
  • After being recruited (Sygna Suit)
"I'm Dawn, the hero who'll protect everyone's hopes and dreams!"
  • After being recruited (New Year's 2023)
"Hi, I'm Dawn! I've got a brand-new outfit and a fresh new outlook to go with it!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"If you ever need help, I can be your mentor! You can count on me!"
"United like this, our dream team has no chance of losing!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Palentine's 2021)
"What kind of sweets do you like? I'll make some for you!"
"Making sweets can be fun, even if you make mistakes along the way. But it's even more fun to eat them!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Sygna Suit)
"I won't let bad people get away with their dirty deeds!"
"Never fear; the dream team is here!"
  • Sync pair viewer (New Year's 2023)
"I hope we can keep trying all sorts of new things today!"
"Dream big! And no matter what you're dealing with, think positive! That's my goal, anyway."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Woohoo! Ready to go!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Palentine's 2021)
"Take me with you! I'm sure you'll want your mentor on your team!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Sygna Suit)
"Let's get out there and make some dreams come true!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, New Year's 2023)
"Time to go meet someone new! Let's go!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Barry)*
"I'm going with you, Barry."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Lucas)*
"The dream team is ready for action!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Cynthia)*
"I'm excited to battle with you, Cynthia!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Looker)*
"Looker! Are you working on Pasio now?"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Catch you later!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Palentine's 2021)
"See you later!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Sygna Suit)
"See you later!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, New Year's 2023)
"See you, then!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Whoa, this is gonna be awesome!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Palentine's 2021)
"It's always fun to learn something new, isn't it?"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Sygna Suit)
"I didn't know you had this kind of power!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (New Year's 2023)
"Oh, fantastic! We learned something new!"
  • Upon leveling up
"Woo! Another step forward for us!"
  • Upon leveling up (Palentine's 2021)
"Yay, I feel a lot stronger now!"
  • Upon leveling up (Sygna Suit)
"We're getting stronger and stronger!"
  • Upon leveling up (New Year's 2023)
"We'll keep improving one step at a time!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"We're unstoppable now! Ehaha!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Palentine's 2021)
"Look at us! We're amazing!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Sygna Suit)
"We won't lose to anyone!"
  • Upon reaching max level (New Year's 2023)
"We won't stop here. Keep moving forward!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Ehaha, we're at the top of our game!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Palentine's 2021)
"Let's keep on getting better!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Sygna Suit)
"There's no limit to the power of dreams!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (New Year's 2023)
"I didn't know this side of me existed!"
  • Increasing friendship level cap
  • Upon evolving Pokémon
"Oh my gosh, you evolved! You're the best partner ever!"
  • Receiving EX style
"Whoa, this is gonna be awesome!"
  • Receiving EX style (Palentine's 2021)
"Oh my gosh!"
  • Receiving EX style (Sygna Suit)
  • Receiving EX style (New Year's 2023)
"This is getting exciting!"
  • During conversation
"How awesome!"
"You've got this!"
"Oh no...
"Thank you!"
"No way!"
"Appreciate it!"
  • During conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Leave it to me!"
"No way."
"No way..."
"Ready to go!"
"Thank you!"
"We've got this!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Hey there! Starting an adventure first thing in the morning, huh? You sure you have everything you need?"*
"It's great that Pasio's so lively during the day, but I also love how quiet it gets here in the morning before everyone wakes up."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"I wonder what it'd be like to grab a couple of bikes and go riding along the beach. Sounds super nice, right?!"*
"The warm sunshine feels so nice around this time of day, don't you think?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"I know it's not good to stay up late at night...but it's just so exciting to have adventures in the dark!"*
"I love taking walks in the moonlight. It's not scary as long as I have my Pokémon with me!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Palentine's 2021)
"Good morning! You look like you're ready to go on an adventure! Want some sweets to take with you in case you get hungry?"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Palentine's 2021)
"Hi! I was just thinking about what kind of snacks I want to make...and now I'm super hungry!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Palentine's 2021)
"You're up late tonight! After a long day, I like to treat myself to some sweets!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"It's still morning, but I know I'll be exhausted by lunchtime—because I'm always giving my all!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"If you ever need a hand, just let me know! No matter where I am, I'll find you!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"If you're ever having a nightmare, I'll come save you—even in your dreams!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (New Year's 2023)
"Did you see the sunrise this morning?! I swear it was shining and sparkling more than ever!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (New Year's 2023)
"Just going out in a bright and cheery outfit really lifts my mood! How about you?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (New Year's 2023)
"Well, the sun's gone down and the day's about to end...but there's still so much I want to do!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Hey, do you want this?"
  • During special gift conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"Here's a present from me, your mentor!"
  • During special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Here, you can have this!"
  • During special gift conversation (New Year's 2023)
"This is for you."
  • During special gift conversation (Trainer Lodge)
"I've got something special for you!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right."
  • Co-op match screen (Palentine's 2021)
  • Co-op match screen (Sygna Suit)
  • Co-op match screen (New Year's 2023)
"Now then!"
  • VS screen
"Let's battle!"
  • VS screen (Palentine's 2021)
"Let's do this!"
  • VS screen (Sygna Suit)
"We're gonna win this!"
  • VS screen (New Year's 2023)
"It's battle time!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Sending out Pokémon (Palentine's 2021)
"Here we go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"Let's go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (New Year's 2023)
"Right then!"
  • Using Pokémon move
  • Using Pokémon move (Palentine's 2021)
"Come on!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Sygna Suit)
"Take this!"
  • Using Pokémon move (New Year's 2023)
"Here we go!"
"Right there!"
  • Using item
"Here we go!"
  • Using item (New Year's 2023)
"All right!"
  • Using Trainer move
"My turn!"
  • Using Trainer move (Palentine's 2021)
"Got it!"
  • Using Trainer move (Sygna Suit)
"Here we go!"
  • Using Trainer move (New Year's 2023)
"I won't lose!"
  • Using sync move
"Ready or not, here we come!"*
"We're gonna win!"*
  • Using sync move (Palentine's 2021)
"Take a bite out of this!"
  • Using sync move (Sygna Suit)
"Justice is served!"
  • Using sync move (New Year's 2023)
"A new step forward!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Palentine's 2021)
"Cake time!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Sygna Suit)
  • Unity attack / theme skill (New Year's 2023)
"Join up!"
"And go!"
  • Uh-oh!
"We're gonna win!"
  • Uh-oh! (New Year's 2023)
"This is getting exciting!"
  • Switching in
"We're up!"
  • Switching in (Palentine's 2021)
"Let me help!"
  • Switching in (Sygna Suit)
"Our turn!"
  • Switching in (New Year's 2023)
"Leave it to us."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"We'll get 'em next time."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Palentine's 2021)
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"Our hopes are shattered..."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (New Year's 2023)
"Okay. You did well."
  • "Nice!" emote
  • "Nice" emote (Palentine's 2021)
  • "Nice" emote (Sygna Suit)
  • "Nice" emote (New Year's 2023)
  • "Watch out!" emote
  • "Watch out" emote (Palentine's 2021)
"Watch out!"
  • "Watch out!" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Look out!"
  • "Watch out" emote (New Year's 2023)
  • "Let's do this!" emote
"I'll teach you how it's done!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (Palentine's 2021)
"Sugar rush!"
  • "Let's do this!" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Sweet dreams!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (New Year's 2023)
"Don't be scared. Give it a whirl!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you!"
  • "Thanks" emote (Palentine's 2021)
  • "Thanks" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Thank you!"
  • "Thanks" emote (New Year's 2023)
"Thank you!"
  • Defeat
"Gee, that was tough..."
  • Defeat (Palentine's 2021)
"No way!"
  • Defeat (Sygna Suit)
"No way..."
  • Defeat (New Year's 2023)
"So frustrating..."
  • Victory
"That's the power of teamwork!"
  • Victory (Palentine's 2021)
"We followed the recipe for victory!"
  • Victory (Sygna Suit)
"Dream on!"
  • Victory (New Year's 2023)
"Extremely well done!"
  • Victory (with Cynthia on the team, speaks first)*
"We won, Cynthia!"
  • Victory (with Looker on the team, speaks first)*
"I'm feeling confident!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Sinnoh - Dreaming in Darkness
  • Team Galactic on the Move
"Maybe we should let Cynthia know about this, too."
"Guess it's up to us to find Cynthia, then!"
"Thanks! We're on it!"
"There you are, Cynthia! I thought you might be here!"
"I see... Maybe it kept seeing you surveying these ruins and wanted to copy you!"
"Dialga?! What's it doing here?"
"I don't see anyone else here, though."
"Actually, we've heard that Team Galactic is resuming its operations on Pasio!"
"What if that just now was a warning from Team Galactic?"
"Will you help us stop them?"
"Awesome! Thank you, Cynthia!"
  • The Darkest Nightmare
"I think I might know what's causing that."
"Something like this happened before in Canalave City."
"Team Galactic might be using Darkrai to make everyone have those nightmares!"
"I know. We have to stop them before they do even more damage!"
"Hm? What's wrong, Cynthia?"
"Understood! That's probably the best course of action, if we can do it."
"Yeah! Let's go and stop Team Galactic!"
"OK! I trust your judgment, Cynthia!"
"So, what's our plan for getting into the hideout?"
"Yeah. If we draw all the attention to us, I bet that would make things easier on Cynthia, too."
"Ready to cut loose?"
"Wait! Do you even know what he's trying to do?"
"If he carries out his plan, you might get erased from this world, you know!"
"Are we not going to be able to solve this by reasoning with them?"
  • The Galactic Hideout
"Help us out, Torterra!"
"So you're who the International Police sent to investigate Pasio!"
"Thank you, Looker! Be careful!"
  • Cyrus's True Ambitions
  • Together in Spirit
"Our Pokémon!"
"Lucas, come back! It's dangerous!"
"Lucas's sync stone is reacting to his feelings of wanting to save Dialga?"
"What was that Pokémon?"
"And just now..."
"What in the..."
"Hey, everyone! Good news! We were able to wake up all the sync pairs that were asleep because of Darkrai!"
"Together with Cresselia and her power!"
"As long as we work together, we can help everyone!"
"No matter what kind of nightmares everyone is having, we'll make things all right again!"
"'Cause we're here to protect them all!"
  • The Nightmare Spreads
  • Off-screen
"Sorry to keep you waiting! How do you like my sygna suit?"
  • After appearing, wearing her sygna suit
"Really? A hero? That IS cool!"
"I hope I can be just like all those heroes out there and help everyone out!"
"Though, there is more to it than that..."
"Professor Sycamore!"
"Thank goodness..."
"But wait! If he's asleep, that's bad!"
"Oh no... This is bad!"
  • Galactic Alliance
"Everyone fell asleep again..."
"I wonder what Cyrus is trying to accomplish by using Darkrai's power."
"Unbelievable! But we know what eventually happens to those who fall into Darkrai's nightmare..."
"... ... ..."
"OK. I believe you."
"Uh-huh. Everyone worries about the people they care about. It has nothing to do with good or evil."
  • Off-screen
"Professor Bellis..."
  • Intertwined Pasts
"Hm... Where should we start looking?"
"What are you doing?"
"Betray me? Are you sure about that?"
"I didn't sense any ill will from you or your Toxicroak."
"I don't mind."
"Cyrus is important to you. I get that. But you have to take care of yourself just as much."
"You can't just keep pushing your own feelings aside for everyone else."
"Barry and Lucas are my precious friends..."
"But I think it's great that we can tell each other what we want to do, even if it's a little selfish or it leads to an argument."
"If you don't do that, you can't let your friends know when they're doing something wrong."
"Because...a lot can happen in life, you know?"
"And I'd be more than happy to share my secret to getting stronger!"
"After all, we're on Pasio—a place where sync pairs are free to battle and form as many connections with others as they want!"
"Got it?"
  • Off-screen
"Oh! Look at that!"
  • The Time of Awakening
"We found him sleeping right in the middle of the road, so we brought him back with us..."
"According to Looker, Cyrus should be in this cave."
"No, let's go into the nightmare!"
"If Cyrus is already in Darkrai's nightmare..."
"then I think we have to go to sleep, too."
"I'll see you soon...in our dreams..."
"It's so dark...and cold…"
"Is this Darkrai's nightmare? The one Cyrus is experiencing?"
"I feel like I've lost something precious to me…"
  • Off-screen
"If I knew I'd feel like this, I never would've come here..."
  • On-screen
"Cresselia! You found me!"
"Thanks. I'm not lonely anymore."
"I know I have friends who care about me!"
"Come on! Let's find Cyrus!"
  • Off-screen
"There he is!"
  • On-screen
"Hey! You have to wake up! Everyone's waiting for you!"
  • A Mission to Complete
"We were able to get out of that nightmare thanks to the connections that bring us together!"
"There are people who need us... Who are waiting for us!"
"We can't stay cooped up and asleep in a nightmare like that forever!"
"I know you feel the same!"
"I hope it's because Cyrus has begun to understand how important feelings are."
"I hope I can have another battle with Team Galactic someday..."
"Not as enemies, but as rivals!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Final Chapter - Where Ideals Cross Paths
  • The Target
"No way..."
"<player>... Please save Paulo."
  • Off-screen
"I think if anyone can wake Paulo from this nightmare, it's you and Tina!"
Story Event - The Star of the Contest
  • Intro
"There you are, <player>! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"You're not going to believe this! I just heard that a sync pair contest is going to be held on Pasio!"
"Sounds like fun, huh? We should totally sign up!"
"You'll have such a good time! Plus, I've entered contests before back in Sinnoh, so I can show you the ropes!"
  • Let the Contest Begin!
"It's almost time. You nervous?"
My legs are shaking!: "Yikes! Just take slow, deep breaths! It'll help you calm down!"
N-n-no... I'm f-f-fine.: "No, you're not! I can tell you're nervous! Just take some slow, deep breaths. It'll help you calm down!"
"C'mon, just breathe after me! Inhaaaaale...and exhaaaaale... Inhaaaaale...and exhaaaaale..."
"There, see? All better! All right, let's go over the rules of the contest."
"Sync pair contests are divided into three separate competitions: visual, dance, and razzle-dazzle."
"Your total points from all three competitions are added up, and whoever has the most points at the end wins!"
"And unlike contests in other regions, here they'll be judging the bond between you and your Pokémon!"
"Anyway, first up is the visual competition!"
"My Turtwig is so awesome and adorable! I can't wait to show her off to everyone!"
"What are we waiting for? Let's head to the stage!"
  • Dress to Impress!
"That was over so fast! Did you put on a good show for the judges, <player>?"
You bet I did!: "Nice! You might be more cut out for contests than we thought!"
"I think I did all right with Turtwig, but..."
"I dunno. I feel like I could have used my time better and REALLY shown off just how awesome and adorable she is!"
I wish I did a better job!: "I know, right? Contests never go the way you expect them to."
"I think I did all right with Turtwig, but..."
"I dunno, I feel like I could have used my time better and REALLY shown off just how awesome and adorable she is!"
"All right! Time to focus up and power through the next competition!"
I know you can do it!: "Thanks! I'm rooting for you, too!"
I'm gonna win this thing!: "Yeah, that's the spirit! Let's do our best out there!"
"Oh, by the way, did you see that Fantina is here, too?"
"Fantina is an accomplished dancer and a contest regular back in Sinnoh."
"We definitely need to be on our toes!"
  • Sweep 'Em Off Their Feet!
"Omigosh, Turtwig! That was amazing! You are the perfect partner!"
"Hey, what did you think of the dance competition?"
Fantina was breathtaking!: "Yeah! I agree with Fantina!"
Wallace was amazing!: "Yeah! I agree with Wallace!"
"Out of all of us, I'd say you had the best dance chemistry with your Pokémon."
"But you'd better watch your back!"
"I don't care if it's you, Fantina, or Wallace. I'm not gonna lose to anybody!"
"Well, no matter what happens, let's get out there and finish this!"
"Hm? What's the matter?"
What's a razzle-dazzle competition?: "Oh, that's right! I haven't explained what this competition is!"
Are we competing to see who can eat the most Razz Berries?: "No? Why would you think that? Oh, that's right! I haven't explained what this competition is!"
"In other words, we give everything we've got and show off what makes us shine in battle!"
"It's been a really close contest so far, so we're gonna have to bring our A game!"
  • Off-screen
"Fantina and Wallace are going to be tough opponents."
  • On-screen
"But the one I really need to watch out for is..."
  • Razzle 'Em and Dazzle 'Em!
Most impressive!: "True to form, Wallace's moves are so striking and elegant!"
"He's so strong..."
"Wallace is definitely a tough opponent. But we can do this!"
Keep at it, Dawn!/You got this, Dawn!: "Wha... <player>!"
"Hehe... And I thought I was supposed to be teaching you. You really are incredible."
"I have people cheering me on. I can't let them down!"
"Forget being nervous! You ready, Turtwig?"
"Let's show them what we're made of!"
  • And the Winner Is...
"Thank you both!"
Congratulations, Dawn!: "Thanks! But you deserve a congratulations, too! You came in second! That's awesome!"
Wooo! I took second place!: "Congratulations, <player>! I'm proud to be your mentor!"
"I can't believe you got second place in your first contest! That's amazing!"
"I was so nervous, thinking that I had to prove to everybody how great Turtwig is."
Heh, you and me both!: "Then you must perform really well under pressure."
Sometimes being nervous can help!: "That's true. Some people can perform really well under pressure."
"It was only thanks to you that I was able to get my head on straight!"
"I'm supposed to be your mentor, but you ended up helping me."
"Thanks, <player>!"
"I might not be the best mentor, but you can always count on me!"
Story Event - Baking Buddies
  • Happy Palentine's Day!
  • Wearing her Palentine's outfit
"Palentine's Day is a day for showing thanks to all the people close to you by giving them sweets."
"Pretty sweet event, huh?"
"We're going to make our Palentine's Day sweets from scratch!"
"We can get the ingredients we need for our sweets in town."
"Why don't you join us?"
  • Clumsy but Genuine
"Thanks for coming, <player>!"
"Lear made a special deal with the shops here on Pasio just for Palentine's Day."
"The deal made it so that we can get the ingredients we need for Palentine's Day sweets through Pokémon battles!"
"All right! Before we battle, let's check what ingredients we need."
  • Off-screen
"Wait, is that Cheryl over there?"
  • On-screen
"Yes, but we can stop to help out if there's something you need help with!"
"I see. In that case, why don't you two come make sweets with us?"
"I know how it feels to have someone special who you want to show thanks to."
"What do you two think of that plan?"
"All right! Let's get to collecting ingredients!"
  • Pal Collaboration!
"I think we've got the ingredients we need. Now we just need somewhere to make the sweets."
"Thank you! In that case, let's get right to it!"
"And this mixer can be set to the exact mixing strength you want!"
"Would you like to try mixing with me?"
"Alcremie, get ready with the frosting for when they're done baking!"
We have to go after her!: "Yes, we do! I want to make sure she makes it to the end of this baking adventure with us!"
There are still things she can try!: "You're right! We still have time. I'm sure she'll figure it out!"
  • Thank-Yous All Around
"Look! Over there!"
"It's OK to make mistakes!"
"The important thing on Palentine's Day is the heart that you put into your gift!"
"You worked so hard to collect ingredients and were doing your best at making the sweets."
"You've already put a lot of heart into it!"
"Just increasing the ingredient amounts may not be enough. We might need to cook them differently, too..."
"I think they want to say that they were having fun making sweets with you!"
"Wow! That looks really good!"
"I'm glad everything worked out in the end!"
  • Dawn's Gift
"I was waiting for you, <player>!"
"Sorry for calling you out here at a time like this!"
"To tell you the truth, there's something that I want to give you."
"Here it is... It's a Palentine's Day sweet!"
"I made it by myself, and I think I burnt it a little. But don't worry—I'm sure it still tastes good!"
"I put all of my thanks into it..."
"Please accept it!"
Of course!: "Hehe! Thanks!"
Thank you!: "Hehe! You're welcome!"
"I'm always thankful for all you do for me, but I thought this would be a good chance to show that!"
"You're always helping me out, but you know..."
"I'd really like to be able to help you out, too!"
"So feel free to rely on me when you're in need!"
"Promise me that you will! OK, <player>?"
Story Event - All Aboard the Victory Train
  • A Train of Thought
"I guess I am a little curious... Wanna check them out and see where they take us?"
  • The Tracks Continue
"Oh, wait! Are you the Subway Bosses from Unova?"
"They're superstrong Trainers you can battle on the subway!"
"At least, that's what Hilda told me."
"Oh, in that case, you should probably ask Lear! He's the owner of this island!"
"Good luck!"
Story Event - Sweet Shenanigans
  • Show of Gratitude
  • Wearing her Palentine's outfit
"Yeah, leave it to us!"
Solo Event - Pasio Gold Rush
  • The Mysterious Hikers
"I met someone like that at the Resort Area back in Sinnoh."
"I wonder if it was the same person."
Story Event - Gather Up! Dream Duo!
  • Let's Be Idols!
"It really is!"
"We formed a sync pair because Oricorio's dancing stole my heart!"
"Oricorio changes its form based on the nectar it drinks..."
"And I think each appearance is so gorgeous, just like an idol!"
"Oh, Lisia!"
"I heard you're doing a live show soon!"
"Whaaaaat?! M-me?!"
"You want me to be an idol...with Lisia..."
"... ... ..."
"Okay, I'll do it! I'll be an idol!"
"It's important to try everything, right?"
"So let's go on stage together!"
  • Rapidash and the Elitist
"Thanks. Maybe my experience with Pokémon contests is coming in handy."
"My mom participates in contests back in Sinnoh, so..."
"I've been practicing my performance so I can beat my mom one day!"
"Whoa! There're so many Lisia fans!"
"(She must be tired from the lesson, but she's talking to her fans with the brightest smile...)"
"(This is what an idol is! Amazing, Lisia!)"
"What's with you?! Showing up all of a sudden–"
"I don't think he was supporting us..."
"Let's practice even more and make it the best performance ever!"
  • Outfit Delivery!
"It should be fine! Valerie and Kali will definitely get them to us on time!"
"Let's go, Lisia!"
"The outfits didn't make it..."
"Yeah! Let's sing our hearts out for Valerie and Kali's sake!"
  • Wearing her New Year's outfit
"Wow! These outfits are wonderful!"
  • New Year, New Show
"I was afraid at first. I wondered if I could actually be an idol..."
"When I saw Lisia, who's always shining bright..."
"it made me want to be like her and stand on the same stage together and shine..."
"So...I became an idol!"
"Hm? What's up, Lisia?"
"Doldrums defying!"
"Let's have an absolute blast and welcome the new year with the best live show ever!"
Special Event - Metronome Day
"Hmm, that's true!"
"OK then! I'm gonna test my luck with Metronome!"
  • If spoken to
"A Metronome battle... I'd really love to use a strong move and win."
"Let's do our best, Togepi!"
Story Event - Travelers from a Distant Past
  • A Rift in the Sky
"Professor Bellis! Something terrible is happening—"
"Huh? Lucas?"
"Y-yes, that's it!"
"Oh! Speaking of Dialga!"
"There was another commotion in town, too!"
"I heard that some people were making a fuss about Dialga and Palkia."
  • Two from Hisui
"Yeah, I think so."
"Huh? Wh-what?"
"U-um! Hold on a second!"
"I-I'm Dawn!"
"I-it's OK. Nice to meet you."
"But...Hisui? I haven't heard of that region before."
"What's wrong, Lucas?"
"Lucas! Are you serious? Hisui is ancient Sinnoh?"
"They've come from ancient Sinnoh?"
"If that's the case, it'll be hard to tell if this was really Dialga's doing."
"What do you mean?"
"That's the rift in the sky Professor Bellis was talking about!"
  • Pokémon Are Dangerous?
"Yes! Their names are Adaman and Irida!"
"Does that mean the ones on Pasio will, too?"
"But if it's just a lot of Pokémon showing up, that's not exactly scary, right?"
"Come to think of it, before I became a Trainer, adults used to warn me..."
""Don't go into the tall grass.""
"We need to stop this at once, before this causes even more trouble!"
"Thank you!"
"But Palkia..."
"But... I guess she's right."
  • Cyrus of Team Galactic
"Um, we're not here to stop your plans or anything!"
"Um, so the reason why we're here is—"
"Adaman! Irida! What's wrong?!"
"If so, we might be able to use the power of time and space to restore balance and stop the distortions!"
  • People and Pokémon
"Hey... The distortion seems to be getting bigger..."
"At this rate..."
"Huh? The rift is still open?"
"Huh? But I thought you two wanted to get back home as soon as possible."
"Let's give it our best, Adaman, Irida!"
Story Event - We Should Battle!
  • The Best Stage Ever!
"Um, well then... Let's have a good battle!"
Story Event - Together in an Unknown Land
  • On an Island with Pokémon
"They look just like us!"
"Um... Are you Rei and Akari?"
"Yup. They mentioned you when we met a while back..."
"Both of them are in town, so let's go see them! "
"I think they'll be happy to see some familiar faces!"
"I contacted Adaman and Irida, so they should be here soon..."
"The world you came from?"
"Whaaat?! You're kidding!"
"So it's come full circle, and you've made it back to your original world, like Akari said?"
"The, uh, "Galaxy Team" back in your time is surveying Pokémon in the Hisui region, right?"
"That's completely different from the Team Galactic we know..."
  • The Myth Researcher
"Both of you are so positive!"
  • As Rivals...
"Wow! You're getting used to Pasio very quickly!"
"And you're already using modern Poké Balls, no problem!"
"Yeah... It must be confusing, not knowing what to do."
"Wow... You're tough, Rei!"
  • The Next Daybreak
"Good! Just what I wanted!"
Neo Champions - A Touching Sepia-Toned Song
  • A Heart-Touching Performance?
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"I guess the lesson hasn't started yet?"
  • How Rosa and Meloetta Express Themselves
  • Off-screen, as Dawn
"Is that Meloetta?"
  • On-screen
"I want to hear Meloetta's song, too!"
"What a bittersweet yet fun melody—it's so wonderful!"
"You're participating in the competition as a sync pair, right?"
"Are you going to sing or dance, Rosa?"
"You'll be OK!"
"I was able to become an idol thanks to Lisia's help."
"Even if you can't accomplish something on your own, you can do it as long as you're with Meloetta!"
"I'm glad we could help her..."
"but we also just cheered on the person we're going to be competing against."
  • Wearing her New Year's outfit
"I feel happier just watching them!"
Story Event - Rising New Year's Resolutions
  • The Key to Success?
"So, you're hosting a magnificent event to celebrate the upcoming year..."
"I can't wait to see what you've got planned!"
"Are you talking about your partner Pokémon?"
"It's an Ultra Beast, right?"
  • Artist from Another World
  • Wearing her New Year's outfit
"You're a Water-type user, so I was surprised when I heard you became a sync pair with Blacephalon..."
"Why did that happen?"
"I-I see..."
  • Beat the Rain Clouds!
"Wow! The clouds are getting smaller!"
"So, you were able to launch all the fireworks we prepared!"
Story Event - The Electrifying Influencer
  • Pasio #3: Let's Play a Game!
"In Sinnoh we have Poffins!"
Special Sync Pair Event - Sweet and Fancy
  • Flavor and Decoration
  • Wearing her Palentine's outfit
"Now, if you take a look at the Alcremie's decorations..."
"Why don't you play with these Alcremie and decide which one you like the most?"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Dawn
"Hey there, little fella. Where'd you come from?"
"Did you lose your Trainer?"
Is something the matter?/Is that Pokémon lost?: "Oh, hey, <player>! It looks like this Lotad is lost."
"Its Trainer must be worried sick! We gotta find them!"
"But...it looks a little under the weather. What's wrong, buddy?"
"Wait! Maybe you're thirsty! Here, take some of my water!"
  • Off-screen
"How was that? Good? Oh, thank goodness! Here, I'll water your leaf, too!"
  • On-screen
"There you go! All better! OK, let's go find your Trainer!"
"Yay! I can't believe we found its Trainer so fast!"
"Don't worry about it. It was my pleasure! Now, Lotad, don't you go wandering off again, OK?"
That was really nice of you.: "Oh, that? That was nothing."
That's my mentor!: "Hehehe! But that really wasn't anything special, y'know. ♪"
"If somebody's in trouble, you help them. It's only natural!"
"Oh! Sorry, Turtwig. Were you thirsty, too?"
"Hang on, I'll give you some water..."
"Wait! I just remembered! I gave that Lotad the last of my water!"
"I'm so sorry, Turtwig. We'll head back to the Pokémon Center right away. Can you hold out until then?"
Here, take some of my water!/I have water!: "You're...sharing your water with us? Well, I won't say no to that."
  • Off-screen
"Here, Turtwig. Open up."
"There you go! All better!"
  • On-screen
"Thank you so much, <player>! You really helped us out!"
"Turtwig love water as much as Lotad do."
"When they get thirsty, the leaves on their heads start to wilt."
"That's why I always have water with me, but unfortunately I only brought one canteen today."
"I'm pretty good in a Pokémon battle, but when it comes to anything else, I can be a little scatterbrained."
"So, somebody else usually ends up having to bail me out."
"Just like how you gave us some of your water!"
Don't even worry about it!/I'm glad I could help!: "Thanks! But you know, I've always been like this..."
"And I've always thought that people and Pokémon aren't meant to go through life alone."
"That's why I make it a point to help others when they're in trouble!"
"So, if you ever need a helping hand, I'm your gal!"
"Besides, I've got a bit more experience than you as a Trainer, so I'm sure I can teach you a few things, too!"
"Right, Turtwig?"
"Huh? Turtwig?!"
"Wh-where could she have gone?"
"Heeey! Turtwiiig! Where are you?!"
  • Off-screen
"Phew! There she is! Wait, what does she have in her mouth? Is that...my canteen? Why does she have my..."
  • On-screen
"Oh! I must have been so focused on finding that Lotad's Trainer, I didn't even notice that I had dropped it."
"Classic me, right, Turtwig? What would I do without you?"
"A-anyway, like I was saying, we gotta help each other out as much as we can!"
"'Cause if you do good, good will always come back to you. Know what I mean?"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Dawn
"We can't hear their conversation from here."
"I can't hear what they're saying, but we have to hurry and save that kid!"
  • Off-screen
"Halt right there, villains!"
  • On-screen
"The protector of dreams and the guardian of children's smiles!"
"The shining moonlight led me to you! I'm Sygna Suit Dawn, the Knight of the Crescent Moon!"
"You're the ones who should be embarrassed! You think it's cool to pick on people weaker than you?"
"Kidnapping children is a crime, and you're in big trouble, misters!"
"Now we're evenly matched, and we don't have to worry about your hostage! Are you ready for your punishment now?"
"Help me out, Cresselia!"
"Phew! That takes care of it!"
"Are you OK?"
"That's good to hear! You were so brave!"
"*chuckle* She's totally conked out."
"Yeah. In that case..."
"It's one of Cresselia's feathers. I'm giving it to her so she'll have sweet dreams!"
"Anyway, what was up with that plan, Lucas?!"
"That was when we were kids!"
"I mean..."
"That's because, in front of that little girl, I wanted to be a hero—just like the heroes I used to look up to."
"I guess it was a little embarrassing, though..."
You were super cool!: "Th-thanks! I'm glad you thought so."
It was so you!: "R-really? Thanks!"
"Then maybe I can work even harder!"
"Cresselia and I will keep working together to protect everyone we meet! *chuckle*"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Lucas
"Got it! Let's go, Torterra!"
"All right! How was that?"
"Oh, come on! Our sync move just now was great!"
"Oh, there you go again, getting lost in your thoughts!"
"If we give it a try and it doesn't work, all we have to do is try again!"
"I'll help you out as much as you want!"
"Exactly! If you're not sure about something, we can just test it out!"
"Oh, they're gone... They just gave up before the battle even started! What a spineless bunch."
"I wonder why?"
"Well, there's no way we were gonna let them get away with stealing your research, right?"
"I feel like we're always thinking more about bonds whenever we hang out with you, <player>!"
Sync Pair Story - Turtwig's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Sinnoh? Well, let's see..."
"I suppose it gets colder than other regions, and the weather can get pretty intense, too. We get snow, volcanic ash, and everything in between!"
  • After defeating Hau
"I had so much fun, too! I could practically feel the Alolan breeze blowing through my hair!"
"Hm? You OK, Turtwig?"
"Oh, you're evolving! I'm so proud of you, Turtwig!"
Sync Pair Story - Grotle's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Oh, my gosh! You're Plumeria, aren't you?!"
"I've heard all about you! Everyone says you're like a super-cool big sister!"
"I'd love to know more about you! Could you have a Pokémon battle with me?"
"I can't believe I just got a compliment from Plumeria! I'm so happy right now!"
"Huh? Grotle, are you about to..."
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"United like this, our dream team has no chance of losing!"
  • During sync background preview (Palentine's 2021)
"When you give a present, it's full of all of your feelings! I think that's why presents can be so special."
  • During sync background preview (Sygna Suit)
"No matter what kind of nightmares everyone is having, we'll make things all right again!"
  • During sync background preview (New Year's 2023)
"Okay, I'll do it! I'll be an idol!"
  • Random conversation
"How long has it been since you came to Pasio? Have you run into any problems?"
"When I first arrived on Pasio, I had no clue what I was doing. I bet it was the same for you, too."
"It's important for Trainers to help each other out! If you ever need help, I'll lend you a hand!"
  • If spoken to again
"I've gotten where I am today because so many kind people helped me along the way."
"When someone is kind to me, it makes me want to pay it forward and be kind to someone else."
  • Random conversation
"Pasio is a totally new place to me."
"It's so exciting! There's just so much to see and do on Pasio. I haven't had any time to calm down!"
"I can't wait to share these experiences with everyone back in Twinleaf Town!"
  • If spoken to again
"I'm sure this is obvious, but there are Trainers from all over here on Pasio."
"Where are you from? I'd like to go see it for myself someday!"
  • Random conversation
"It looks like no matter where you go, there are people who use Pokémon to do bad things..."
"In the Sinnoh region, there was a nasty group called Team Galactic."
"We put a stop to them, though!"
  • If spoken to again
"I feel so sorry for the Pokémon that are used by evil people."
"Pokémon just want to help a Trainer that they truly care about..."
"I'm not worried at all about your partner Pokémon, <player>. I know you're a good person."
  • Random conversation
"Why does stuff always go missing when you're short on time in the morning?"
""Where'd that briefcase go?! What happened to my Pokédex?!" And before you know it, you're half past late!"
"*sigh* Why are mornings such a hassle?"
  • If spoken to again
"I can be a little impatient at times, but my childhood friend Barry just rushes into things without thinking."
"But...I wonder if Barry thinks I'm the more impatient one."
  • Random conversation
"Meeting any Pokémon is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time."
"If I had been doing something different that day, I never would have met my partner Pokémon."
"But...considering how we met and the fact that we're a sync pair now, I wouldn't have it any other way!"
  • If spoken to again
"I've come this far by believing in myself and always charging forward."
"But there's more to it than that! People and Pokémon are bound by an invisible thread of destiny!"
"Maybe meeting you, <player>, was destined to happen!"
  • Random conversation
"As your mentor, I've got to look out for you."
"But I know you're not some junior Trainer that needs to be babysat, either."
"I don't think you're below me at all. That's why I want you standing by my side like a true rival."
  • If spoken to again
"Isn't "rival" such a wonderful word?"
"Don't worry about who has more experience! Let's just push each other to grow stronger like rivals do!"
  • Random conversation
"There are so many people I don't know on Pasio. At first it was a bit discouraging..."
"Getting to know you and your partner Pokémon has been really reassuring. Thanks to that, I've been enjoying every day on Pasio!"
"You should come visit the Sinnoh region sometime! I'd be happy to show you around!"
  • If spoken to again
"Not only are you kind to Pokémon, <player>, but I know I can count on you in a pinch."
"I wonder if I'll be able to find the secret to your strength and kindness if I stay with you."
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"What do you think of this new outfit? The apron is like strawberry mousse, right? I think it's stylish and cute!"
"And these pins in my hair! Don't they look like Strawberry Sweets? How yummy!"
"It's as if Alcremie decided to decorate me!"
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"My Alcremie always has this sweet scent around her..."
"That must be why I always feel so happy just being by her side!"
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"Wearing this outfit really puts me in the mood to bake something!"
"But then again...I sometimes forget about the oven and end up with cakes that are burnt to a crisp..."
"Even mistakes like that make baking fun!"
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"When you're giving someone a gift, it's good to choose carefully what to give them, but how you wrap it is important, too!"
"When gift wrapping is stylish, the person receiving the gift might enjoy it even more! When I see that, I can't help but feel happier, too!"
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"Hey, <player>? What kind of things do you like?"
"Since I became a Trainer before you, I'd like to learn more about you! That's why I'm asking."
"If you tell me, I'll give you a present!"
"It'll be my treat!"
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"I think it's pretty embarrassing to put your feelings into words. "
"Sometimes, I feel like I really need to say something but still don't have the courage to actually say it..."
"That's why I always choose carefully when I'm getting a present for someone! "
  • If spoken to again
"When you give a present, it's full of all your feelings!"
"I think that's why presents can be so special."
  • Random conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"How sweet is just sweet enough? And do they like milk chocolate or dark chocolate?"
"Oh, whoops! How long have you been standing there?"
"Anyway, this might be perfect timing!"
  • If spoken to again
"Would you come shopping with me? Looks like I might need to buy more stuff than I originally thought."
"I'm sure we can manage it! It's just a little more, after all!"
"I'll also let you have some of the sweets we make!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"How do you like my sygna suit? I think it makes me look like a hero!"
"With this on and Cresselia by my side, no opponent is too scary to face! They can come at me however they please!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"When I first met Cresselia, I was so entranced by her beauty! It was like nothing I'd seen before!"
"I didn't know this, but when you see something so gorgeous, it actually leaves you speechless!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"When I wear this sygna suit, I feel like it amplifies my courage... Like I can do anything, even if I couldn't before!"
"Huh? I'm like that even without the suit? Are you sure about that?"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Cresselia's my trusty partner, but it's not like we're always together."
"That said, whenever I'm in a pinch, Cresselia's always there to help me out!"
"That's why I feel brave enough to put my all into everything I do, no matter what!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I met Cresselia in the Sinnoh region."
"She kept running away to all sorts of places, so it was really hard to catch her!"
"I still have fond memories of chasing her! It was actually a lot of fun!"
"The more you work hard together, the stronger your friendship becomes!"
"You and I have been working real hard on Pasio, haven't we! I think we've gotten a lot closer because of it!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"This sygna suit is designed to look like a prince—just like the ones I saw in the fairy tales I read when I was little."
"That was around the time I started thinking that I wanted to help everyone around me!"
"I guess that's why, even today, people say that I like to take care of others!"
  • If spoken to again
"Wanting to help someone is really a nice feeling."
"I hope I never forget how to feel this way!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"You know how you can have a bunch of childhood dreams but not all of them come true?"
"Even if a dream doesn't work out, that doesn't mean it wasn't worth believing."
"After all, your dreams are what shaped you into who you are today!"
  • If spoken to again
"What kind of dreams did you have in the past?"
"You can think about them when you need a little motivation!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"New beginnings are so exciting!"
"I might not know what'll happen, but it makes me feel like I'm dreaming of a bright future..."
"I'm going to keep taking each new step without worrying about making mistakes!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"Sensu Style Oricorio likes to show everyone its elegant dancing."
"I hope one day I can dance elegantly, too... But it's harder than it looks."
"That's why I'm studying Oricorio's dances right now!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"This outfit is based on traditional clothes from Johto... I hope I look OK in it."
"I want to wear it nicely and put on a really flashy performance!"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"Oricorio changes its form based on what kind of flower nectar it sips."
"Apparently, it doesn't just change in appearance. Its overall vibe and how it battles can also change a lot!"
"That makes me want to become the kind of Trainer who can adapt to different situations, too."
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"Do you have any new goals or resolutions, <player>?"
"If you do, maybe we can share our goals with each other! What do you think?"
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"My mom sometimes participates in contests in the Sinnoh region."
"Her partner is Jumpy the Kangaskhan. They're really high level and super good at the appeal section of the contest!"
"They're really tough to beat, but I'm not gonna lose! I'll practice for contests here on Pasio, then challenge Mom and Jumpy!"
  • If spoken to again
"Do you know that feeling of not wanting to lose to a family member?"
"Even if you love them a lot, you still wanna win, right? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."
  • Random conversation (New Year's 2023)
"I've heard that there are some dreams that bring you good luck if you see them at the start of a new year!"
"If I'm going to be dreaming anyway, I hope the dreams are fun..."
  • If spoken to again
"If I dream of having fun battling with all of my friends and Pokémon..."
"I bet wonderful things will happen this year!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh, hey, <player>! I've been waiting for you. Let's go adventuring today!"
"Don't worry—I'll act as your mentor. I've got a bit more experience than you."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Palentine's 2021)
"Hey, <player>! You made it!"
"I'm sure something good will happen to you today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Sygna Suit)
"Hey! Did you have some nice dreams last night, <player>?"
"I hope today turns out even better than anything you could dream of!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (New Year's 2023)
"Nice to see you, <player>!"
"Let's start this new day with a fresh, clean slate!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)*
"Hey there! Starting an adventure first thing in the morning, huh? You sure you have everything you need?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"It's great that Pasio's so lively during the day, but I also love how quiet it gets here in the morning before everyone wakes up."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)*
"I wonder what it'd be like to grab a couple of bikes and go riding along the beach. Sounds super nice, right?!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"The warm sunshine feels so nice around this time of day, don't you think?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)*
"I know it's not good to stay up late at night...but it's just so exciting to have adventures in the dark!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"I love taking walks in the moonlight. It's not scary as long as I have my Pokémon with me!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Palentine's 2021)*
"Good morning! You look like you're ready to go on an adventure! Want some sweets to take with you in case you get hungry?"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Palentine's 2021)*
"Hi! I was just thinking about what kind of snacks I want to make...and now I'm super hungry!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Palentine's 2021)*
"You're up late tonight! After a long day, I like to treat myself to some sweets!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"It's still morning, but I know I'll be exhausted by lunchtime—because I'm always giving my all!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"If you ever need a hand, just let me know! No matter where I am, I'll find you!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"If you're ever having a nightmare, I'll come save you—even in your dreams!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (New Year's 2023)
"Did you see the sunrise this morning?! I swear it was shining and sparkling more than ever!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (New Year's 2023)
"Just going out in a bright and cheery outfit really lifts my mood! How about you?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (New Year's 2023)
"Well, the sun's gone down and the day's about to end...but there's still so much I want to do!"
  • Special gift conversation
"I've got a really great item on me right now. I think I'll share it with you."
"That's a gift from me, OK? Make sure to use it wisely!"
  • After giving out item
"But if you're in a situation where you really need to use it, don't be shy about doing so!"
  • Special gift conversation (Palentine's 2021)
"Found you! So this is where you were hanging out, huh?"
"Here, this is for you! It's a present!"
  • After giving out item
"I put a lot of heart into it! Use it wisely!"
  • Special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Oh, there you are! Here—a present from me!"
  • After giving out item
"I hope you treasure it! Or feel free to use it!"
  • Special gift conversation (New Year's 2023)
"This is bound to be lucky for you!"
  • After giving out item
"Presents have the power to make you feel special!"
  • Special Happy New Year 2021 log-in conversation with Barry
"There he goes, rushing things again..."
"Anyway, let's try that again! Happy New Year! You know, we–"
"Hey! Wait for me!"
  • Special The Star of the Contest story event blurb
"I'm so excited to see what this sync pair contest will be like!"
  • Special The Star of the Contest story event conversation
"Don't worry, I'll hold your hand through this! I'm your mentor, after all—that includes contests, too!"
"Of course I have! I'm going to give some to you and Alcremie and Whimsicott and..."
"Thank you! I can't wait to try whatever you make!"
  • Special Gather Up! Dream Duo! story event conversation with Lisia (New Year's 2023) (wearing her New Year's outfit)
"Yep! It's nerve-racking to perform in front of everyone, but..."
"if I'm gonna do it, I wanna enjoy it with everyone!"
  • Special Fashion Week! solo event blurb
"This scarf is so warm!"
  • Special Fashion Week! solo event conversation with Lucas and Bertha
"I feel like a lot of people from Sinnoh keep their necks bundled up!"
"Will do!"
Trainer Lodge
  • When spoken to (friendship level 1-9)
"Hm? What's up?"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 10-29)
"Hey, <player>! How's it going?"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 30+)
"I feel like I can do anything as long as I'm with you, <player>!"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 1-9)
"Hey! You can have this, if you like!"
  • After giving out item
"I think you'll be able to use it well!"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 10-29)
"Ta-da! I've got a great present for you!"
  • After giving out item
"I'm sure you'll need it sometime, so hold on to it and use it when the time is right!"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 30+)
"I have something for you, <player>!"
  • After giving out item
"I was a bit worried whether you'd like it or not, so my heart was racing!"
"After all, it's a special present for you!"
  • Chat (available from start)
"I feel so relaxed whenever I'm here... It feels just like being in my own home."
"I have to be careful not to get TOO comfortable, or I'll look silly. *giggle*"
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Dawn: Part 1)
"People who focus all their energy on one thing have a bright shine to them, don't they?"
"For example, Lucas is like that when he's working hard as Professor Rowan's assistant."
"I can't seem to choose just one thing to focus on..."
"But I guess that's not the worst thing I could be worried about. It means I have so many fun things to do!"
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Dawn: Part 2)
"Exercise is the best way to lift your spirits!"
"After a tough hike up a mountain, you're rewarded with the best view from the summit!"
"I know! If you ever plan on visiting Sinnoh, we should climb Mount Coronet together!"
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 1-9)
"Would you like to chat for a bit?"
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 10-29)
"Let's have a nice chat, <player>!"
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 30+)
"Time sure flies when I'm chatting with you, <player>!"
  • If given a Hair Clip or Good Hair Clip
"Oh, a present for me? Thank you! I love it!"
  • If given an Awesome Hair Clip
"What a great present! Thank you so much!"
"Thanks for thinking of me and for this special gift, <player>! I'll take good care of it!"
  • After the conversation ends (Great / Excellent)
"That was so much fun! Let's talk again sometime!"
  • After the conversation ends (Wonderful)
"You're a natural at telling stories, <player>."
"I had such a nice time talking with you! Let's chat again sometime!"
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Dawn: Part 1
"Oh, there you are!"
"Here you go! A gift for you, <player>!"
"I made some sweets again!"
(Say thanks.): "Not at all! You're welcome!"
(Say it looks tasty.): "Hehe! I did pretty good with them, didn't I?"
"I've been making a lot of sweets since Siebold taught me how."
"Oh! I've also been working hard on my live performances!"
"I've been researching about contests, too!"
"There are so many things I want to do, and each time I try out new things..."
"I can find a new side of myself. It's so rewarding!"
"Or, that's how I want it to be..."
"I tend to overthink things."
"There are so many people here who chase their dreams..."
"Ever since I came to Pasio, I've discovered myself many times. It's like meeting a new me!"
"But now I'm not sure which of them is the true me."
"I hope I can find something that I can proudly say is me..."
(Tell her you'll help her find a dream.): "My...dream?"
(Offer to help her out.): "Thank you for taking me seriously."
"OK then! Let's climb this mountain together!"
"This is gonna help me find yet another me!"
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Dawn: Part 2
"We finally arrived!"
"When I was in Sinnoh, I managed to climb Mt. Coronet with help from Pokémon, but it really is hard!"
"Until today, a lot of people and Pokémon have helped me out."
"Thanks to that, I was able to see how big the world is."
"I learned that the world is full of fun things."
"It's hard to choose just one out of all those things, huh?"
"I hope I can get together with all the people and Pokémon who've helped me up until now..."
"and tell them, "This is what I'm all about!""
(Tell her there's no need to rush.): "That's true..."
(Tell her she'll figure it out someday.): "Someday..."
"Thanks. I guess that's true, huh?"
"Oh! The sun is rising!"
"Look how beautiful it is..."
"I'm so glad to see this view!"
"Like you said, there's no need to rush!"
"If I try hard and work through what's in front of me, then someday..."
"I may be able to find my one and only light!"
"In order to do that, I'll try my best in everything I do and shine bright like the sun!"
"When you find your dream, I hope you tell me about it, too!"
"I'll cheer for you with all my heart!"
"We're a dream team, and there's no dream we can't make happen!"
"Right, <player>?"