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Revision as of 14:22, 21 July 2013 by 0danmaster0 (talk | contribs) (added pure psychic, removed fairy retypings and realized what <br> actually does)
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All the type combos ranked by abundance. Will work on more later

Rank Type combination Gen I Gen II Gen III Gen IV Gen V Total
1 Normal Rattata Raticate Clefairy Clefable
Wigglytuff Meowth PersianLickitung
Chansey Kangaskhan TaurosDitto
Eevee Porygon Snorlax
Sentret Furret Cleffa Igglybuff
Togepi Aipom Dunsparce Snubbull
Granbull Teddiursa Ursaring Porygon2
Stantler Smeargle Miltank Blissey
Zigzagoon Linoone Slakoth Vigoroth
Slaking Whismur Loudred Exploud
Azurill Skitty Delcatty Spinda
Zangoose Castform Kecleon
Bidoof Ambipom Buneary Lopunny
Glameow Purugly Happiny Munchlax
Lickilicky Porygon-Z Regigigas Arceus
Patrat Watchog Lillipup Herdier
Stoutland Audino Minccino Cinccino
2 Water Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Psyduck
Golduck Poliwag Poliwhirl Seel
Shellder Krabby Kingler Horsea
Seadra Goldeen Seaking Staryu
Magikarp Vaporeon
Totodile Croconaw FeraligatrAzumarill
Politoed Remoraid OctillerySuicune
Mudkip Wailmer Wailord Corphish
Feebas Milotic Castform Clamperl
Huntail Gorebyss Luvdisc Kyogre
Piplup Prinplup Buizel Floatzel
Shellos Finneon Lumineon Phione
Oshawott Dewott Samurott Panpour
Simipour Tympole Basculin Alomomola
3 Psychic Abra Kadabra Alakazam Drowzee
Hypno Mr. Mime Mewtwo Mew
Espeon Unown Wobbuffet Ralts Kirlia SpoinkGrumpig
ChimechoWynaut Deoxys
Chingling Mime Jr. Uxie Mesprit
Munna Musharna Gothita Gothorita
Gothitelle SolosisDuosionReuniclus