Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン マグナゲートと∞迷宮
File:PMD GTI Boxart EN.png
Boxart for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Basic info
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: Dungeon crawler
Players: 1-4
Connectivity: Unknown
Developer: Chunsoft
Publisher: Nintendo
The Pokémon Company
Part of: Generation V side series
Release dates
Japan: November 23, 2012
North America: March 24, 2013
South Korea:
Hong Kong: N/A
Taiwan: N/A
Japanese: Official site
English: Official site
Japanese boxart
File:PMD GTI Boxart JP.png
Boxart for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (Japanese: ポケモン不思議のダンジョン マグナゲートと∞迷宮 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth) is a Nintendo 3DS title that is a part of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. It was released in Japan on November 23, 2012 and is scheduled to be released in the US on March 24, 2013.

New features

This game implements full 3D gameplay via the 3DS's 3D capabilities. It also takes advantage of the 3DS's AR functions. By recognizing different round objects, it transforms them into a Magnagate, leaving an infinite labyrinth of dungeons to be explored.

Many Unova Pokémon such as Gurdurr, Virizion, and Hydreigon are included in the game. One of the other prominent features is mini-games, one of which is run by Beartic, though their purpose is currently unknown.

There are obstacles such as a Poison Gas cloud that block the way in dungeons. It is currently unknown how to clear the way. When it rains or hails, the player may not heal their Pokémon's HP as they are walking. However, the player can still use items to heal.

Wonder Orbs may now be used during boss battles.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

The story begins with a dream of Munna being chased by Hydreigon before switching to the dream background. The player begins the game as a character that becomes a Pokémon which the player has chosen, the Pokémon that is chosen enters a blue Magnagate and falls from the sky to the ground. The Pokémon wakes up dizzy and confused, as the player gets to choose their partner Pokémon. The partner Pokémon that can be chosen are Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Pikachu and Axew. Both the playable and partner Pokémon start out at Level 7. The player is able to choose the gender of the Pokémon chosen. The playable Pokémon wakes up, which startles the partner Pokémon. The playable Pokémon explains to their partner that they fell from the sky.

The partner Pokémon brings them into the first dungeon called (Japanese: でこぼこ山 Bumpy Mountain). As the Pokémon enter the first dungeon, a view of the whole dungeon is shown. The Pokémon come to a bridge, as they try to figure out how to cross it. They enter a cave opening, as a tutorial on how to use the controls is shown. More tutorials are displayed, as the Pokémon move through the dungeon. As the Pokémon reach the 3rd floor, they come upon a sparkling tree. The Pokémon hits the tree to create a bridge to cross. As the Pokémon reach the 5th floor, they have made it to the other side of the dungeon and may now exit the dungeon.

The Pokémon take the crossroad to a barren wasteland, where the are met by a Quagsire. Quagsire walks away, as the partner Pokémon decides to permanently team up. The player then chooses a name for their partner Pokémon. The playable Pokémon recalls the dream they had about Hydreigon chasing after a Munna, as a flashback is shown. The Pokémon sleep through the night in front of a tree stump. The next morning, Quagsire returns and brings them through the crossroads to the (Japanese: ポケモンパラダイス Pokémon Paradise). A view of the different shops and locations inside of the Pokémon Paradise are shown.

Quagsire shows the treasure chest that can be used to store Poké and items and explains that Kecleon runs the shop to buy items. A Roggenrola and Ducklett have an argument and then go their separate ways. Quagsire introduces the Pokémon to a pair of Timburr, as they enter Swanna's store. Quagsire introduces them to Swanna and Gurdurr, as Gurdurr decides to help them build the Pokémon Paradise. The Timburr make a request for them to obtain rocks, as the Pokémon enter the next dungeon called (Japanese: 石の洞窟 Stone Cave).

When the Pokémon reach the B3F, they will come upon a locked door that will require a key to open. As the Pokémon reach the end of the dungeon, there are blue shining rocks. The Pokémon take some of the rocks for the Timburr, and then head back to the Pokémon Paradise. As the Pokémon return to the Pokémon Paradise, a Scraggy bumps into them. Scraggy runs off, as the Pokémon return to where Timburr and Gurdurr are. The Pokémon try to give Timburr and Gurdurr the rocks, but realize that they have been stolen. Gurdurr does not appear to be upset, as the Pokémon exit the store.

The Pokémon see Scraggy again at the entrance to Pokémon Paradise as Scraggy runs off again. The Pokémon head off to the next dungeon called (Japanese: カゲロウ峠 Heat Haze Pass). After reaching the 6F, the Pokémon run into Scraggy, as they hide and notice that Gurdurr is also in the dungeon and speaks to Scraggy. The Pokémon confront Gurdurr and Scraggy, as the boss battle begins. After defeating Scraggy and Gurdurr, Scraggy runs away. The pair of Timburr show up, as Gurdurr becomes angry and knocks both Timburr down before walking away. The Pokémon and Timburr go after Gurdurr.

After reaching the top, the Pokémon see Gurdurr looking out at the moon. The Pokémon begin another battle against Gurdurr. After the battle, Gurdurr shows the Pokémon the back scratch that it had received. The Timburr show up, as they cry along with Gurdurr. The next day, it is shown that the Timburr and Gurdurr built the Pokémon a house. The next day, the Pokémon wake up inside of their home, and head outside. Quagsire brings them to the notice board and introduces them to Azumarill. The partner Pokémon looks at the board and chooses a mission, as the gate opens. Quagsire sells some items at this time prior to the Pokémon going on the mission.

The Pokémon enter the dungeon called (Japanese: トントン山 Tapping Mountain). After reaching the logs with the shining stars, the Pokémon hits the logs and they fall down the waterfall. An Emolga appears and greets them before leaving. The Pokémon try to climb down a ladder, but the ladder breaks and they crash to the ground. As the Pokémon navigate through the dungeon and end up on the other side of the dungeon, they come upon more logs with shining stars. The Pokémon hits the logs, as they move down the waterfall and complete the bridge needed to cross the water. The Pokémon move further through the dungeon until they find crystals and bring some with them. At the end of the dungeon, the Pokémon run into a Dunsparce, as Emolga arrives and the dungeon is cleared.

After the mission, the Pokémon are given a Blast Seed, a Red Key, and 100 Poké. A flashback is shown of the Pokémon finding and obtaining the crystals, as the Pokémon show Dunsparce and Emolga the crystals. The crystals are handed over, as Dunsparce turns red. A Virizion shows up with a sparkling background, as other Pokémon fall in love with it. Virizion goes into Swanna's store, as everyone follows inside. A scene is shown with two crossing rainbows in the sky with a sparkling background. Dunsparce expresses its love to Virizion by handing over a shining crystal. Dunsparce gets rejected and runs off, as Emolga gets angry and also runs off. Virizion walks out of the store. A couple of suspicious Pawniard look on at what is going on, and walk away.

Quagsire tells the Pokémon that it saw Dunsparce speaking to the pair of suspicious Pawniard before all three walked toward a dungeon. The Pokémon decide to go after them, as Virizion looks on. The Pokémon head off to the dungeon named (Japanese: 荒れ果て谷 Desolate Valley). After progressing through the dungeon, Pawniard and Dunsparce are shown in the cliff opening. The Pawniard make some demands, as Dunsparce tries to get away but is stopped by them. Emolga and the other Pokémon arrive to confront the Pawniard and save Dunsparce. A pair of Venipede and a pair of Galvantula appear, as the Pokémon get set to battle. Before the Pokémon can battle, Virizion, the pair of Timburr, and Gurdurr appear. The Pokémon, Virizion, Emolga, and Dunsparce have a battle with the Pawniard, Venipede, and Galvantula. After defeating the boss Pokémon, Galvantula, Venipede, and Pawniard run away. Emolga, Dunsparce, and Virizion decide to join the other Pokémon. Emolga isn't happy about Virizion joining. The Pokémon exit the dungeon.

The next day, Emolga, Virizion, Dunsparce, and Pelipper greet the Pokémon outside of their home. The player then chooses a team name for the Pokémon and Pelipper flies away. Quagsire appears and shows the Pokémon that Scraggy now owns a shop at the crossroad area where Pokémon can forget and remember their moves. Pelipper drops a treasure chest, as the Pokémon open it up. The chest contains a team bag, a one-page letter, and a team badge for using Everyone Attack. The Pokémon head to the next dungeon called (Japanese: 林の横穴 Forest Cave) for their next mission. On the 7F, the Pokémon use the newly usable Everyone Attack prior to exiting the dungeon.

The next day, an explosion is heard. Gurdurr sees that Scraggy now owns a shop. Gurdurr shows the Pokémon that it has its own shop now as well. Gurdurr lets the Pokémon know that they can check the notice board for other missions they can take. The player decides on a mission to go on, and goes to a previous dungeon to complete it. After completing a mission, there is a message on the screen that says "Great Job". After doing two missions, Gurdurr tells the Pokémon that additional shops can now be built after completing missions and giving Poké and certain items for them.

After completing several missions, a fireball goes across the sky prior to the Pokémon waking up the next day. colorful circles float through the air, as the Pokémon exit their home. Other Pokémon in the Pokémon Paradise also see the colorful circles floating around. Emolga brings the Pokémon to a bulletin that the Pokémon are unsure of what it is for. The ground shakes, as the fireball heads toward the Pokémon. The Pokémon run away, as the fireball crashes to the ground. Victini appears inside of its own shop after the impact. Victini is displayed with a colorful background during its appearance.

Victini explains that it has a V-Roulette wheel where Poké can be wagered. Victini poses and wants to be a part of Pokémon Paradise. The other Pokémon become annoyed by the posing, but Victini is allowed to stay. Victini does some dancing and spinning around. The Pokémon can now go to a dungeon called (Japanese: 山あいの小道 Ravine Path) for a mission. That night, the Pokémon has a dream that has sound effects, a small flash, and a large purple flash with shock waves and someone calling out for help. The Pokémon wakes up from the dream, and thinks about what they saw and heard during it after checking on the partner Pokémon. The Pokémon recalls the first dream about Hydreigon chasing a Munna, and wonders if the Munna might be the one asking for help. The next day, the partner Pokémon wakes up and notices that the other Pokémon is still awake.

After going through another mission and then waking up the next day, Dunsparce shows the Pokémon an ice-covered area in the distance. After going through another mission and then waking up the next day, an unknown figure moves through bushes toward the Pokémon Paradise. The moon is shown shining above and through the Pokémon's house. The Pokémon has another dream, this time with a voice calling their name and calling out for help. The next day, the Pokémon explains to their partner about the dream that they had. As they walk outside of their home, a Pelipper drops some papers on the ground. The Pokémon read one of the papers. Quagsire approaches them and hands the Pokémon some Poké. The Pokémon notice that the Pokémon Paradise is now empty. They go into Swanna's store and give it the Poké Quagsire gave to them. Rufflet and Herdier appear to be very worried about the disappearances.

The mysterious figure from before is again shown moving through the bushes toward Pokémon Paradise. The next day, Dunsparce, Emolga, Leavanny, and Lillipup are at the house when the Pokémon come out. Leavanny and Lillipup are worried about their friend Swadloon. The Pokémon can now go to the dungeon called (Japanese: シキサイの森 Color Forest). When they reach the 5F, the Swadloon is seen digging up a red stone and two items with a strange pattern written on them and is shocked by it. The mysterious figure is shown moving through the forest while approaching Swadloon. Swadloon turns around and screams for help, as the mysterious figure attacks. After progressing further through the dungeon, the Pokémon reach Swadloon. The items are no longer by Swadloon. The Pokémon exit the dungeon and reunite Swadloon with Leavanny and Lillipup with them hugging each other.

That night, the sky is shown without the moon, as the partner Pokémon has thoughts about the other Pokémon, as it's sleeping. The mysterious figure from before again moves toward the Pokémon Paradise, but appears very sickly and collapses to the ground. As the Pokémon go outside, a frantic Emolga is there waiting for them. As the Pokémon enter the Pokémon Paradise, several Paradise Pokémon are anxiously waiting outside of Swanna's store. The Pokémon head inside, as the mysterious figure is revealed to be an Umbreon. Umbreon lays on the bed and looks very sick. Virizion recognizes Umbreon and tells everyone all about it. The Pokémon now have access to the (Japanese: スズカゼ草原 Breezy Plains) and (Japanese: ゆうわくの戻り道 Alluring Return Path) dungeons.

After completing another dungeon, the next day Timburr brings the Pokémon back to Swanna's store to see Umbreon. Umbreon is awake and out of bed but is still not well. Umbreon explains about Magnagates, as a couple of Magnagate cards are shown on the screen. The same cards that Swadloon had discovered in the Color Forest dungeon. After Umbreon's explanation, everyone is shown to have fallen asleep during it. Umbreon is bandaged up, as the Pokémon go outside. Umbreon places the two cards in a square box, as a Magnagate portal opens up. Umbreon explains the Magnagate, and then it closes. The Pokémon have to now go to the dungeon called (Japanese: ドウコクの谷 Wailing Valley) to help Umbreon's friend Espeon.

After reaching the 4F, Espeon is shown moving through the dungeon and responding to a mysterious voice. Espeon looks very hurt as it moves through the dungeon. After reaching the 6F, there is a checkpoint where they can store items and Poké in a treasure box. After reaching the 10F, Espeon is shown barely making it to the top. Purugly corners it, along with Toxicroak. They move in to attack, as the player's Pokémon step in to protect Espeon. The Pokémon battle against Toxicroak and Purugly. After being defeated, Toxicroak and Purugly run away. The Pokémon exit the dungeon, as Umbreon and Espeon are reunited. Swadloon and Leavanny appear, as Swadloon hands over the two other Magnagate cards to Espeon. A flashback is shown of Espeon being the one that approached Swadloon in the Color Forest. Espeon saw that Swadloon had found the Magnagate cards. The Pokémon heard rustling in the bushes, so Espeon ran away and had Swadloon protect the cards. That night, the dark sky is shown as the Pokémon talk about the Magnagate portal prior to going to sleep. A flashback is shown of Umbreon trying to open the portal. The next day, the Pokémon go to check on Umbreon and Espeon, as the other Pokémon appear as well from some hiding spots.

That night after proceeding through another dungeon, Dunsparce looks in the distance, as Virizion comes up to it. Dunsparce becomes startled, but they look in the distance together. Emolga sees them looking out at in the distance. Emolga is shocked, as it hides behind a tree and watches them. The Pokémon all talk about what happened the next day, as Espeon and Umbreon are told about it as well. Dunsparce thinks about what happened between it and Virizion, as a flashback is shown of it. That night after going through another dungeon, the partner Pokémon thinks about what has happened, as it looks at the sky just prior to sleeping. The Pokémon have a discussion with Espeon and Umbreon the next day, as it is found out that they have joined the team.

The Pokémon go up to Umbreon and Espeon, as they get ready to open the Magnagate portal. All of the Pokémon Paradise Pokémon become very excited about it. Umbreon and Espeon put the final Magnagate card in the box, as the portal opens. Espeon and Umbreon enter the portal first, as Virizion, Emolga, and the partner Pokémon enter the Magnagate afterward. Dunsparce is sad that it doesn't get to go, as Emolga pushes Dunsparce into the portal and stays outside of it instead. The Pokémon enter the portal and it disappears, as Emolga is sad to see them go. The Pokémon land at the entrance of a new dungeon called (Japanese: 地脈のはざま Ley Line Gorge), as Dunsparce is sad that it had to leave Emolga behind.

After completing the dungeon, the Pokémon arrive through the Magnagate portal to a large icy area. The Pokémon look around and notice a large glacier in the distance. The Pokémon may now enter the dungeon called (Japanese: 大氷河 Big Glacier). After completing the Big Glacier dungeon, the Pokémon see another large glacier in the distance. The Pokémon find a circle on the ground, as they have a flashback of Umbreon and Espeon opening the Magnagate portal at Pokémon Paradise. Espeon and Umbreon place the Magnagate cards and the box on the circle, as they open the Magnagate portal again. Streams of light shoot out of the ice, as the Pokémon enter the Magnagate portal. The Pokémon may now enter the dungeon called (Japanese: 氷の地下道 Icy Underpass). After completing the Icy Underpass dungeon, the Pokémon see a large icy crystallized mountain from a high cliff. The Pokémon may now enter the dungeon called (Japanese: グレッシャーパレス Glacier Palace).

After passing the 8F, the Pokémon see floating ice crystals and what looks like crystallized rocks. One of the crystallized rock begins to glow, as the Pokémon try to warm it up and the crystallized rock stops glowing. Virizion finds another glowing crystallized rock, as Dunsparce warms it up as well and it stops glowing. A voice is heard from the rock, as Virizion begins to cry. The Pokémon continue through the dungeon. After the 10F, the Pokémon come to a rest stop where they can store items and Poké. After finishing the 13F, the Pokémon hear a voice in the dark, as a Golurk roars and appears. Two Cryogonal also appear, as the Pokémon have a boss battle with them.

A very cold wind blows by, as the Pokémon keep going. All of the Pokémon except the main playable Pokémon have trouble walking and collapse to the floor. It becomes dark, as a voice can be heard and Kyurem drops down in front of the Pokémon. Kyurem roars, as cold air blows toward the Pokémon. The rest of the Pokémon get back up, as Kyurem doesn't want to fight. Kyurem disappears, as a treasure chest is left behind. The Pokémon open the chest, as it contains many items and a lot of Poké. The Pokémon celebrate about what they have found. The next day, the Pokémon hear Emolga's voice but don't know where it's coming from. They look around and find one of the crystallized rocks from the Glacier Palace dungeon. They realize that the voice they heard was coming from inside of it. The Pokémon find Emolga setting up another crystallized rock, as Emolga is embarrassed. Emolga grabs the crystallized rocks and leaves. Inside of Swanna's store, everyone is asleep. The Pokémon may now go to the (Japanese: 赤土の大地 Red Land) and (Japanese: 東のサバンナ East Savanna) dungeons.

After completing one of the two dungeons, the playable Pokémon has a dream where a voice calls out to it while a dream sequence background is shown. The next day, the playable Pokémon tells their partner what happened in the dream, and wonders who could be calling out to them. After completing the next dungeon, the Pokémon meet up with Ducklett and Rufflet on the top of the hill. They look in the distance, as they see something yellow and shining in the sky. That night after completing another mission, the playable Pokémon has another dream sequence shown. The Pokémon that had been calling out to it is revealed to be a Munna. A flashback is shown of Hydreigon chasing Munna, as they discuss the nightmares. Something happens to Munna, as the playable Pokémon wakes up very startled. It thinks about the dream it had.

The next day, the Pokémon tells the Paradise Pokémon about what happened in the dream. Everyone becomes very worried. The Pokémon meet Umbreon and Espeon on top of the hill, as they open the Magnagate portal. Only the playable and partner Pokémon enter the Magnagate portal. The Pokémon can now enter a new dungeon called (Japanese: ゲノウエア間道 Genoware Shortcut). After completing the dungeon, the Pokémon arrive at a pond area, as they make a fire and sleep through the night before proceeding. That night, Munna communicates with the playable Pokémon again, as the Pokémon wakes up startled. The playable Pokémon wakes up their partner, who is startled. The playable Pokémon tells its partner about the dream. The Pokémon may now enter the (Japanese: 闇夜の森 Dark Night Forest) dungeon. After making it through the dungeon, the Pokémon end up in a very dark area. They find a very scared Munna hiding behind a rock.

All of a sudden Munna looks fine, as two Chandelure appear, followed by Toxicroak, four Excadrill, two Gigalith, and a Purugly. The enemies move in, as the playable and partner Pokémon fight the enemies on their own in the darkness. The playable Pokémon is shown running away, as it realizes that its partner is no longer coming along with it. The Pokémon can now enter the dungeon called (Japanese: あかつきの山岳 Daybreak Mountain). After making it passed the 7F, the playable Pokémon arrives at a tall cliff. Gigalith, Chandelure, and Toxicroak corner the Pokémon. After defeating the enemies in a boss battle, Salamence and two Excadrill appear. The two Excadrill go after the playable Pokémon, as they knock it down. Salamence roars and prepares to finish the Pokémon off, as Hydreigon appears and uses Dragon Pulse to stop Salamence. Hydreigon knocks the playable Pokémon off the cliff, as it surprises the enemies. Hydreigon flies down to get the playable Pokémon.

The playable Pokémon wakes up in a cave-like area and sees Hydreigon. Hydreigon explains that it isn't a bad Pokémon, as the playable Pokémon remembers the dream of Hydreigon chasing Munna and a flashback is shown. Hydreigon appears very excited to see the playable Pokémon. The playable Pokémon remembers the original dream sequence, as a flashback is shown. Hydreigon is angry about something, as a flashback is shown of when shock waves were shown in the dream sequence. A loud roar is heard, as the playable Pokémon and Hydreigon continue on together. The Pokémon can now go to the (Japanese: イエローキャニオン Yellow Canyon) dungeon. After completing the Yellow Canyon dungeon, the Pokémon proceed to the (Japanese: カレカレ草原 Withering Plains) dungeon.

After making it past 12F, Hydreigon and the playable Pokémon rest in a small area near a fire they made. The playable Pokémon remembers when the Pokémon found the frozen crystallized rocks in the Glacier Palace dungeon, as a flashback is shown. A flashback is also shown of Kyurem's appearance in the Glacier Palace. A flashback is also shown of the Pokémon getting tired and collapsing while walking through the Glacier Palace. The Pokémon move along, as four Excadrill appear and want to attack them. They prepare to battle, as the Excadrill suddenly disappear. The Pokémon proceed to the (Japanese: 風穴の丘 Windhole Hill. After reaching the 4F, the Pokémon find a crystallized rock outside. The playable Pokémon warms up the rock, as Toxicroak's voice can be heard from inside of it.

After reaching the 13F, a cut-scene is shown of Chandelure, Toxicroak, Munna, Gigalith, and Excadrill on the cliff-side. Munna and Toxicroak discuss the partner Pokémon, as it's shown to be trapped in a sand cage. Voices are heard, as the playable Pokémon knocks out Toxicroak. The playable Pokémon checks on its partner, but a crystallized rock is in the cage instead. The bad Pokémon ambush the playable Pokémon, as Hydreigon flies down and fires off Dragon Pulse to protect the Pokémon. The playable Pokémon rescues their partner, as they are again ambushed by the enemies on another cliff-side. The Pokémon are rescued by Hydreigon, as Salamence chases after them.

After successfully getting away from Salamence, Hydreigon is completely exhausted. The Pokémon are both relieved to have been rescued by Hydreigon. A flashback is shown of the Pokémon finding the crystallized rock that had Toxicroak's voice inside. Hydreigon and the playable Pokémon fill the partner in on everything that Hydreigon said about their history. The partner Pokémon is shocked to hear how Hydreigon and the playable Pokémon know each other. The Pokémon head to the (Japanese: カエン砂漠 Blazing Desert) dungeon. After making it passed the 10F, the Pokémon walk slowly through the desert until Kyurem suddenly appears. Kyurem suddenly attacks and freezes Hydreigon. Kyurem crushes Hydreigon in the ice and Hydreigon disappears with colorful sparkles flying around. Kyurem goes after the playable Pokémon and crushes it several times. Kyurem goes after the partner Pokémon and attacks it severely as well. Kyurem gets ready to finish off the playable Pokémon, as its partner steps in to stop Kyurem from attacking. A flashback is shown of the Pokémon looking at the yellow light in the sky from Pokémon Paradise, as Kyurem explains it. Kyurem walks away, as the partner Pokémon checks on the playable Pokémon. Emolga and Dunsparce arrive, as the partner Pokémon fills them in on everything and they head back to Pokémon Paradise.

The Pokémon of Pokémon Paradise are filled in on what had happened, as Umbreon and Emolga are angry about it and everyone else is very sad. The Pokémon decide to avenge their fallen friend. Rufflet goes into Swanna's store, as Swanna tells him what's going on. Herdier, Ducklett, and Patrat find out as well. All of the Pokémon gather in one spot in Pokémon Paradise, as the partner Pokémon fills them in on what the plans are. The Pokémon are shocked and worried by what they heard. The ground begins to shake, as everyone heads to the top of the hill and sees a flying object heading their way. Everyone becomes frightened, as they run away and leave Swanna, the playable Pokémon, and the partner Pokémon behind. That night, the Pokémon grieve and remember Hydreigon that night in the playable and partner Pokémon's home and share concerns about what lies ahead.

Lillipup comes inside, as they head outside and all of the Pokémon lend their support even though they are afraid. Umbreon and Espeon hand the playable Pokémon the Magnagate cards and walk away. The playable Pokémon opens up the portal at the top of the hill, as Emolga, Virizion, the playable and partner Pokémon enter the portal with Dunsparce staying in Pokémon Paradise. The Pokémon can now go to the (Japanese: シアンの迷い道 Cyan Lost Road) dungeon. After making it past the 11F, the Pokémon arrive at an icy cliff-side. A shadow appears above them, as they look up and see a Glacier Palace floating in the air. Salamence flies down and roars, as two Chandelure also appear. After the bosses are defeated, all three of them collapse to the ground. One Chandelure gets back up and prepares to attack, as Espeon appears and knocks it down. The Pokémon look up at the floating Glacier Palace, as a flashback is shown of the Magnagate portal lighting the way when they were heading to the Icy Underpass dungeon.

Back at Pokémon Paradise, Pokémon look out at the Glacier Palace and are worried about the other Pokémon. Swanna calms them down, as they walk away. Meanwhile, the Pokémon take the Magnagate portal to the (Japanese: グレッシャーパレス 東の塔 Glacier Palace - East Tower) dungeon. Virizion, Espeon, Umbreon, and Emolga enter the dungeon first and then the other Pokémon follow suit. After making it to the 2F, a cut-scene is shown of Umbreon and Espeon continuing through the dungeon and discussing what lies ahead. After making it to the 6F, a cut-scene is shown of Virizion and Emolga continuing through the dungeon and discussing what lies ahead. After making it past the 12F, Virizion and Emolga become ambushed by six Excadrill and a Purugly. The playable and partner Pokémon arrive, as they have a boss battle. After the bosses are defeated, the Pokémon continue on to the (Japanese: グレッシャーパレス 西の塔 Glacier Palace - West Tower) dungeon. Meanwhile, a cut-scene is shown of Munna speaking to Kyurem in a dream state. Toxicroak informs Munna about the other Pokémon being defeated.

Back at Pokémon Paradise, Swanna, Herdier, and Dunsparce tells the rest of the Pokémon what is going on at Glacier Palace. After making it past the 3F, a thud is heard and a cut-scene is shown of Espeon and Umbreon continuing through the dungeon. Espeon and Umbreon break through a blue ice door and roll inside. They find Magnagate cards and an injured Keldeo inside. After making it past the 12F, the a cut-scene is shown of the Glacier Palace with a purple cloud above it. It begins to shake, as the Pokémon feel it. The Pokémon get ambushed by Munna, Toxicroak, Chandelure, and four Gigalith. After the bosses are defeated, the Pokémon get back up and try to attack again. A Magnagate portal appears, as Espeon, Umbreon, and Keldeo appear. The ground shakes and the screen goes white, as the Glacier Palace breaks apart.

Munna is very hurt, as everyone is concerned. The playable and partner Pokémon continue on, as Munna's friends are worried about it. Keldeo goes down in pain, as the other Pokémon are very sad about it. The partner Pokémon is exhausted, as they enter the (Japanese: グレッシャーパレス 大結晶の塔 Glacier Palace - Big Crystal Tower) dungeon. After making it past the 5F, the partner Pokémon is even more exhausted now. They see a doorway with purple streams surrounding it. Kyurem appears, as they battle it. After being defeated, Kyurem collapses to the ground.

After defeating Kyurem, the player first arrives in the room where the Glacial Body lurks. The Glacial Body unleashes a powerful force that greatly weakens the player's partner and falls to the ground. Fortunately the player is unaffected by the powerful force that the Glacial Body exerts, so the player has to fight the Glacial Body alone throughout the entire battle. The playable Pokémon moves very slowly toward the Glacial Body, as it becomes more and more difficult. All of the Pokémon in Pokémon Paradise and Kyurem yell for the playable Pokémon to keep going and take it down. All of the Pokémon outside of the Glacier Palace - Big Crystal Tower cheer the playable Pokémon on as well.

During the start of the battle, the Glacial Body will be immune to any damage dealt to it. The Glacial Body unleashes three different attacks each time the playable Pokémon tries to attack. After being knocked out, the player is able to save before trying to battle again. The dark purple cloud above Glacier Palace continues to swirl around, which scares the Pokémon Paradise Pokémon, as the Glacial Body attempts to plunge the world into darkness. The playable Pokémon hits the Glacial Body with its head, which reveals its red core. The playable Pokémon hits it again, as the Glacial Body lets out sparks and shock waves, before falling. The darkness around the palace disappears and shines, as a small rainbow appears above it. The Pokémon in Pokémon Paradise are shown again, which they notice that the darkness has disappeared from the palace and then having another bit of a discussion. But then the screen switches back to viewing the palace again, where the darkness comes back around the palace again. The Pokémon in Pokémon Paradise continue to cheer the playable Pokémon on. The screen then switches back to the player, where the real battle begins.

The playable Pokémon is able to now attack and defeat it. The Glacial Body will shatter and explode, as the darkness disappears from the Glacier Palace Crystal Tower once again. Then the player's partner will get back up again, the palace starts to crack and break apart and palace also starts falling from the sky. The Pokémon in Pokémon Paradise become very worried about everyone in the palace. The playable and player Pokémon end up in a different colorful area, as Kyurem appears and roars. The Pokémon end up back at Pokémon Paradise. Espeon, Umbreon, Emolga, Keldeo, and Virizion are glad to see that they are okay. Dunsparce appears and is also relieved. The Pokémon go to the hill, as they see the rainbow in the sky. Hydreigon's spirit suddenly appear, which shocks everyone. Gurdurr, Swanna, and Quagsire appear and are happy to see everyone, as they inform the rest of the Pokémon. All of the Pokémon cry and are very happy that everyone is okay.

The Pokémon have a fire and celebrate. The Pokémon also celebrate in Swanna's shop. Hydreigon speaks to the playable Pokémon at the top of the hill, as a flashback is shown of the partner Pokémon speaking to it earlier. The next day, the playable Pokémon thinks about its partner, as it walks outside. A flashback is shown of them confronting Gurdurr in the Heat Haze Pass dungeon, and them beginning to build Pokémon Paradise in the beginning. The playable Pokémon goes back to the hill and speaks to Hydreigon again and becomes surrounded by a yellow orb, as they float into the sky. The Pokémon float around and look down on the Pokémon of Pokémon Paradise. The Pokémon look to the sky, which surprises the playable Pokémon. They continue floating toward the sky and keep looking down at the Pokémon, as they then look out at the large rainbow in the sky.

Hydreigon floats down, as a crystallized rock with a voice inside appears in front of the playable Pokémon. The partner Pokémon, Espeon, Dunsparce, Virizion, Umbreon, Quagsire, Swanna, Gurdurr, Herdier and Emolga speak to the playable Pokémon through the crystallized rock. Again a flashback is shown of the playable and partner Pokémon talking and being happy in front of their house. A flashback is shown of everyone watching the playable Pokémon and Hydreigon float to the sky. The playable Pokémon begins to cry, as the credits begin to run with a scene of the rainbow, the playable Pokémon floating, and an overhead view of the world being shown.

201 Spoilers end here. 201

Playable characters


As with past Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games this game features shops. Kangaskhan Storage has been removed in favor of a storage chest next to Kecleon Shop that serves the same function.

As the player progresses throughout the game, they can change the town by adding new shops to their own personal liking; similarly to Join Avenue from Black 2 and White 2.

  • Kecleon Shop: As in previous titles, Kecleon runs this shop. The player can buy general goods here.
  • Treasure Shop: Rampardos runs this shop. Like Xatu's shop from the previous games, The player can open treasure chests they find here.
  • Gold Gorgeous: Cofagrigus runs this shop. Not much else is known.
  • Unknown shop: Cinccino runs this shop. Not much else is known.
  • Unknown shop: Deino runs this small shop next to Cofagrigus's. Not much else is known.
  • Unknown shop: Foongus runs a small DLC shop next to Cofagrigus's.
  • Unknown shop: Scraggy runs a small shop in town. The player and their teammates can remember and forget moves here.
  • Unknown shop: Pansage runs a small shop in town. The player can grow a Berry garden here much like the one in the Dream World.

Important characters

  • Dunsparce: Dunsparce gives the player quest requests. Dunsparce will also join the player's team during a certain point in the story.
  • Emolga: A resident of Pokémon Paradise that will join the player's team during a certain point in the story.
  • Espeon and Umbreon: A duo of researchers dedicated to researching Magnagates and dungeons.
  • Azumarill: Runs the Notice Board, where missions can be obtained.
  • Quagsire: Like Chimecho of the previous games, Quagsire will be able to add members to the player's team for dungeon explorations as well as view stats and other vital information of each Pokémon that the player has recruited.
  • Gurdurr: Helps with the building of new shops in Pokémon Paradise.








  • This is the first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game to be released without being tied to another game in the series.
    • This is also the first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game to have an overseas release since Explorers of Sky, since the WiiWare games never did get an overseas release.
  • This is the second Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game that the player can choose their Pokémon, with the first games where the player selected their own Pokémon being Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare), unlike the earlier games in the series where a quiz chose the kind of Pokémon the player would be.

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