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キャロラ Carola
Gender Female
Eye color Unknown
Hair color Purple
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown

Carola (Japanese: キャロラ) is a villain in the Pokémon RéBURST manga. She is a member of the Great Gavel Organization and is one of their Seven Warriors.


Carola is a seemingly young character who despite having a child-like appearance, is a member of a criminal organization. She has a voracious appetite and her first appearance has her attempting to eat a Burst Heart. While she acts innocent most of the time, Carola can easily switch to a dark and sinister personality when the moment calls for it.


After Hariru defeats Ryouga in battle and takes his Burst Heart, Carola makes her appearance by falling from the sky. She lands on Hariru's arm, the same one that was holding Ryouga's Burst Heart and keeps it in her own mouth even after letting go of him. She takes the Burst Heart out of her mouth and gives it to Miruto.

Hariru quickly protests to why she returned the Burst Heart to them until Carola states it was "Boss's orders", causing him to reluctantly go silent. Carola then introduces herself to Miruto as one of the Seven Warriors of Great Gavel and menacingly tells her to not lose the Burst Heart until she beats them. Demanding food, she runs to Hariru and jumps on his shoulders; the two then make their leave while Hariru tells Miruto that he will return so long Ryouga has an Original Burst Heart.

Boss: Fraud
Three Generals: AmuGankuRovy
Seven Warriors: HilgreitzHariru*Carola*ZengaiKigyan*Lukov*Toga*
Notable Members: Yaza
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