Lilycove Department Store

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The Lilycove Department Store is located in Lilycove City in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Its slogan is "Overflowing with great merchandise and excitement! A great place to find that something you need!" Lilycove Department Store is similar to Goldenrod Department Store from Generation II, consisting of five floors, and a roof. The primary difference is that it does not have a basement.


First floor

The entrance floor. The lady on the left is a greeter, and the lady on the right gives out lottery tickets, with the winning number changing daily. Prizes are awarded for winning numbers.

Second floor

This is where items to fulfill Trainers' basic needs are available, such as Poké Balls, potions, mail, and other items.

Left Cashier Right Cashier
Item Price
Poké Ball $200
Great Ball $600
Ultra Ball $1,200
Full Heal $600
Antidote $100
Parlyz Heal $200
Burn Heal $250
Ice Heal $250
Awakening $250
Other items
Escape Rope $550
Fluffy Tail $1,000
Item Price
Potion $300
Super Potion $700
Hyper Potion $1,200
Max Potion $2,500
Revive $1,500
Other items
Repel $350
Super Repel $500
Max Repel $700
Wave Mail $50
Mech Mail $50

Third floor

This floor sells items that raise the stats of Pokémon.

Left Cashier Right Cashier
Item Price
Protein $9,800
Calcium $9,800
Iron $9,800
Zinc $9,800
Carbos $9,800
HP Up $9,800
Item Price
Battle items
X Speed $350
X Special $350
X Attack $500
X Defend $550
X Accuracy $950
Dire Hit $650
Guard Spec. $700

Fourth floor

This floor sells four offensive and four defensive TMs.

Left Cashier Right Cashier
Item Price
TM38 (Fire Blast) $5,500
TM25 (Thunder) $5,500
TM14 (Blizzard) $5,500
TM15 (Hyper Beam) $7,500
Item Price
TM17 (Protect) $3,000
TM20 (Safeguard) $3,000
TM33 (Reflect) $3,000
TM16 (Light Screen) $3,000

Fifth Floor

This floor sells furniture for Secret Bases.

Leftmost Cashier Second Cashier from Left
Item Price
Pichu Doll $3,000
Pikachu Doll $3,000
Marill Doll $3,000
Jigglypuff Doll $3,000
Duskull Doll $3,000
Wynaut Doll $3,000
Baltoy Doll $3,000
Kecleon Doll $3,000
Azurill Doll $3,000
Skitty Doll $3,000
Swablu Doll $3,000
Gulpin Doll $3,000
Item Price
Pika Cushion $2,000
Round Cushion $2,000
Zigzag Cushion $2,000
Spin Cushion $2,000
Diamond Cushion $2,000
Ball Cushion $2,000
Grass Cushion $2,000
Fire Cushion $2,000
Water Cushion $2,000
Second Cashier from Right Rightmost Cashier
Item Price
Ball Poster $1,000
Green Poster $1,000
Red Poster $1,000
Blue Poster $1,000
Cute Poster $1,000
Pika Poster $1,500
Long Poster $1,500
Sea Poster $1,500
Sky Poster $1,500
Item Price
Surf Mat $4,000
Thunder Mat $4,000
Fire Blast Mat $4,000
Powder Snow Mat $4,000
Attract Mat $4,000
Fissure Mat $4,000
Spikes Mat $4,000
Glitter Mat $2,000
Jump Mat $2,000
Spin Mat $2,000


This floor has a couple of vending machines.

Item Price
Fresh Water $200
Soda Pop $300
Lemonade $350

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