User talk:Unowninator/Archive2

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User talk:Unowninator/Archive1

Brute Force

Just to confirm, I was in a Shuffle Discord chat where they were talking about Brute Force being bugged and take advantage of it as long as you can before checking in, because the extra data fixed it. So yes, the increase to Brute Force was a glitch, and it was restored in v1.4.7. Coincidentally, it was around that point I finally started playing again, so I missed a lot of events. RIP me. CycloneGU (talk) 19:55, 18 May 2017 (UTC)

So what you're saying is that it was only x3 during the glitch period? Unowninator?! (talk) 00:48, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Yes, I remember reading that something was overpowered but never paid attention. I do remember the version, though, and when Boblers said the version number I realized that's what it had to be. Since he tested it in the current build, I trust that what he has is accurate, and from my memory and that Shuffle chat trust that it was Brute Force, as that was the only thing I believe was fixed the very next day. Unless there's one I'm forgetting. CycloneGU (talk) 01:08, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
This may be a technicality, but I don't think the increase to Brute Force's multiplier was itself the glitch, though the two did coincide. From what I've read on these reddit posts, the actual glitch was that Brute Force boosted the attack of all types instead of only those Not Very Effective against the enemy Pokemon. The official japanese site even announced the x2 -> x3 buff to Brute Force, although they have since deleted it (see the third reddit post for more info on that). The combo multiplier buff just happened to be at the same time as the glitch appeared, and was then removed at the same time as the glitch was fixed. It seems to me that they messed up while attempting to add the buff, and then had to rollback the skill entirely because a fix couldn't be found fast enough.
With this in mind, how should mention this in the Skill article, if at all? Unowninator's edit earlier today that removed the hover-over note on Brute Force got me thinking about this. Would it be more appropriate to put this as a point in the trivia, or as a statement on the skill like "in 3DS v1.4.6 and mobile v1.10-1.10.1, the skill erroneously activated for all types" with the hover-over note on the multiplier restored? Boblers (talk) 03:55, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
THAT is what I was missing. Now I wholly remember that the buff was being applied to everything matched in chain with Brute Force, and that was the glitch I read about. I guess I never knew about the 3x buff because I never played it, and didn't know it was added and then removed with the glitch. Thanks for clarifying the sequence of events for me there, Boblers. CycloneGU (talk) 03:58, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Well I did try mentioning the glitch, but Pumpkingking undid my edit for some reason. I then wanted to put it in trivia as a compromise, but my ban's still in effect. Unowninator?! (talk) 04:03, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
I was just thinking it might be a trivia thing, myself. I'll think about it, but let's leave it be for now. I'll review where you originally edited it. CycloneGU (talk) 04:04, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
What? When did I do anything of the sort? Are you mixing me up with Boblers? Pumpkinking0192 (talk) 04:19, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Nope. Unowninator?! (talk) 04:21, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Ah, I see. It was in the "incomplete" header. Like I said, I'll think about the best way to do it. I'd like to note the glitch somewhere for historical purposes, and information on the glitch can also be preserved at Pokémon Shuffle/Version history if it isn't already (for the appropriate versions). CycloneGU (talk) 04:30, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Oh, that was ages ago and I had forgotten about it by now. Yeah, I think the version history is the best place for it, perhaps with a small note on Brute Force's entry to the gist of "in version X, a glitch affected Brute Force, more details {here}" with a link to the subsection in the version history article. But I really don't think we need to go into a lot of detail on the Skill article, because it was clearly unintended behavior and was patched incredibly quickly. Pumpkinking0192 (talk) 04:57, 19 May 2017 (UTC)

(resetting indent) The Version History actually already has a mention of the Brute Force glitch, with the glitch being introduced in 3DS 1.4.6/Mobile 1.10.0 and the fix being implemented in 3DS 1.4.7/Mobile 1.10.2. Is the info in these entries sufficient, or should more info be added to them? Boblers (talk) 05:13, 19 May 2017 (UTC)


Please do not just blindly revert something you don't agree with, like you did here. Discuss it on the talk page to come to a solution. My reasoning behind removing Pokémon icons was sound in that we have a sortable list at the other page already, and it's pointless to have to bounce around updating data in multiple locations. I don't even understand what you were comparing it to. I personally find icons in the Skill table extremely clunky when we can already sort in the list every single Pokémon that has the skill at quick glance.

I do see as I was typing this that you did post on the talk page there, so I'll discuss it further there. CycloneGU (talk) 03:47, 19 May 2017 (UTC)

Yeah, when I started typing my undo reason, the talk page was still empty & it didn't occur to me to check until my edit was undone. But I would like to talk to you about this, so like you said, I'll talk to you on the other talk page. Unowninator?! (talk) 03:52, 19 May 2017 (UTC)

Edit wars

Hi! Just to give you a heads up, if there's a plain edit war going on, we ask that users refrain from contributing to the edit war. (It is part of our policy that we can block anyone who participates in an edit war.) Instead, please just let a staff member know and wait for us to handle it. If it's basically anything short of simple vandalism, it'll be alright for that long.

Thanks! Tiddlywinks (talk) 11:01, 19 May 2017 (UTC)

Are you talking about the Serena thing? Unowninator?! (talk) 15:23, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Also, are you saying that vandalism should be edit warred with? Or am I misunderstanding? Unowninator?! (talk) 15:35, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
1) Yes.
2) It may depend on the severity of the vandalism. If a user replaces whole pages with a wall of vulgar language or images and tries to keep it that way, we certainly don't want that staying up. Tiddlywinks (talk) 15:49, 19 May 2017 (UTC)
Got it. Thanks. ¿¡Unowninator?! (talk) 16:00, 19 May 2017 (UTC)