Emily (AG140)

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Emily (Japanese: アヅミ Azumi) is a character of the day who appeared in Sitting Psyduck.

Emily is a fairly wealthy Trainer who lives in Kanto with her Psyduck. However, she had a problem with her Pokémon constantly running away from her. When Ash and his friends were passing through her area, they soon discovered the reason why Psyduck kept running away; it wanted to play outside, but Emily wouldn't let it. She claimed that it would get Psyduck dirty.

Later, after Team Rocket came to her house, James's Cacnea came up to her Psyduck to challenge it to a battle on behalf of its team. After some convincing and recalling the moves her Psyduck knows, she allowed the battle to start. After using Focus Punch on James's Cacnea and Fury Swipes and Hydro Pump on Meowth, it finished them off by using Confusion on Jessie's Seviper, sending it to the rest of the team. Pikachu then sends them packing. After the battle, Emily slowly began to realize that Psyduck loved being outside. She finally conceded and allowed Psyduck to have fun. Ash and the others left, knowing Psyduck would probably never run away again.


Emily's Psyduck

Psyduck was unhappy because Emily would not let it play outside. After Psyduck had enough, it began to run away from Emily. However, when Team Rocket challenged her and her Psyduck to a battle, Emily soon began to understand what Psyduck really wanted, and allowed Psyduck to have fun outside.

Psyduck's known moves are Focus Punch, Fury Swipes, Hydro Pump and Confusion.

Emily's Machop

Machop was sent by Emily to find her Psyduck that ran away. As soon as it found Psyduck, it went up to Ash and his friends. However, Ash thought that the Machop was going to harm it so he sent out his Phanpy to take care of it. Later, it rescued Ash and his friends from Team Rocket after they tried to steal their Pokémon and then took them to Emily.

Machop's known moves are Karate Chop and Cross Chop.

Emily's Machoke

Machoke was sent by Emily to find her Psyduck that ran away. As soon as it found Psyduck, it went up to Ash and his friends. However, Ash thought that the Machoke was going to harm it so he sent out his Phanpy to take care of it. Later, it rescued Ash and his friends from Team Rocket after they tried to steal their Pokémon and then took them to Emily.

Machoke's known moves are Karate Chop and Cross Chop.

Emily's Machamp

Machamp was sent by Emily to find her Psyduck that ran away. As soon as it found Psyduck, it went up to Ash and his friends. However, Ash thought that the Machamp was going to harm it so he sent out his Phanpy to take care of it. Later, it rescued Ash and his friends from Team Rocket after they tried to steal their Pokémon and then took them to Emily.

Machamp's known moves are Karate Chop and Cross Chop.

Rapidash (×2)
Emily's Rapidash

Emily owns two Rapidash that take her place to place on a carriage.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 白鳥由里 Yuri Shiratori
English Rebecca Honig
Spanish Latin America Mildred Barrera
Spain Valle Acebrón


  • Emily bears some similarities to Madame Muchmoney from Johto. Both were wealthy individuals who were spoiling their Pokémon, who, in turn, disliked being spoiled and kept running away.
  • She is the second character to be named Emily that is voiced by Rebecca Honig.
  • Emily is the most recent character of the day to be seen with a full party of six Pokémon.

Project COD logo.png This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.