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DP031 : The Grass-type Is Always Greener!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP033 : All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!
An Angry Combeenation!
DP032   EP498
Beequeen of the Amber Castle!
First broadcast
Japan May 3, 2007
United States October 13, 2007
English themes
Opening Diamond and Pearl
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜 (PopUp.Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 十川誠志 Masashi Sogo
Storyboard 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Animation director 夏目久仁彦 Kunihiko Natsume
Additional credits

An Angry Combeenation! (Japanese: 琥珀の城のビークイン! Beequeen of the Amber Castle!) is the 32nd episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 498th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on May 3, 2007 and in the United States on October 13, 2007.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


The episode begins with a recap of the group's journey with Cheryl. They chase after Mothim, which is flying after a Combee, which Dawn scans on her Pokédex. Meanwhile Team Rocket are leaning against a tree. Meowth wants to keep going, but Jessie and James are too tired. Meowth tries to drag them, but isn't strong enough. The group come across a large Pomeg flower. When Mothim tries to land on it, a Combee flies away from it. they quickly lose sight of it. They decide to follow the Pomeg flowers.

Meowth has managed to get Jessie and James walking, if only with their eyes closed as if sleep walking. Jessie comments that they could be walking off a cliff and they wouldn't know. James agrees to this, saying that "it would be just like in those goofy cartoons". Meowth says that it's more likely to happen now that they have said it, which the others laugh off, when Meowth (who is looking backwards at them) almost walks off a cliff. Jessie and James admit that Meowth was right, and they are about to walk the other way when the cliff crumbles, making them fall into water.

Back with the group, Mothim spots something and suddenly a large Combee wall flies out of a bush. The group give chase. They end up near a waterfall with many Combee walls around. Mothim flies off towards the waterfall, and then Pikachu excitedly follows across some rocks. The group notice a cave behind the waterfall, and decide that the Amber Castle must be there. Team Rocket then come out from underneath a rock, deciding to follow them.

Pikachu and Mothim beckon down one of the cave's passages. Pikachu sniffs the air, and Brock mentions that Pikachu must be able to smell the honey. Pikachu and Mothim then race off down the tunnel. The group follow. In the darkest depths of the cave, the group can't decide which way to go. Pikachu calls out to them and the group comes across a large room going down, with blue light coming from it. They walk down the spiral path around the edge of the room.

Suddenly Mothim flies into a tunnel in the wall, and Pikachu worriedly runs after it. The group start to follow, but lose them. Ash tries to run after them, but Brock stops him, reminding him that they need to stay together. They pick a path and follow it, only to reach a dead end.

Team Rocket have got themselves lost and are resting. James asks how an Amber Castle could be hidden down in the caves, but Meowth replies that he has been smelling Honey since they entered the cave. He then gives them a motivational speech, making them start digging.

A dark silhouette with red eyes blocks the end of a tunnel and it hisses. Back woth the group, they are wondering whether they had been that way before, with Cheryl commenting that it all looks the same. Suddenly Mothim and Pikachu appear in front of them and happily greet them. Pikachu then looks worried, as a large group of angry Combee fly past. They decide to follow and find Team Rocket and their holes.

The silhouette hisses again and the Combee angrily surround Team Rocket. Brock comments that their digging must have made the Combee angry. Team Rocket call out Seviper and Cacnea. Cacnea uses Pin Missile and Seviper uses Poison Tail to attack the Combee. The silhouette hisses again, and the Combee counter with glowing beams of light. Cheryl tells Mothim to use Supersonic to stop the attacks, and Dawn sends out Piplup, which uses Whirlpool, washing Team Rocket away. The group then try another path.

They are following another path when it gets very dark. Mothim seems excited, so they keep going, but Ash walks into a wall, which seems to be moving. They realize that it is a giant Combee wall, and the Combee start attacking them. Mothim uses Supersonic and the wall crumbles, revealing the Amber Castle. They enter the Castle to find honey flowing everywhere. The silhouette is revealed to be a Vespiquen, which Dawn scans on her Pokédex.

Cheryl walks up to the Vespiquen to ask for some enchanted honey and is immediately surrounded by angry Combee. She apologizes for forcing her way into the Amber Castle, saying that her dream was to find it. Suddenly Team Rocket break through the roof of the castle and perform their motto. They say they are going to steal all the enchanted honey, before sending out Seviper, Cacnea and Carnivine and telling them to use Poison Tail, Pin Missile and Bullet Seed respectively. Ash initially starts to battle, but Brock stops him, saying that if they battle here they will destroy the castle. Vespiquen counters with Attack Order, but when the attacks stop the castle starts to crack.

The honey starts to leak, so Team Rocket start loading buckets with honey. Dawn sends out Buneary, which uses Ice Beam to seal the cracks in the walls. Brock points out that it is only a temporary fix, as the ice will quickly melt. The Combee fly down until they are just above the honey. The group decide to fix the walls and Brock sends out Sudowoodo and Croagunk to help. They bagin to pile up rocks to cover the cracks.

Dawn then sends out Pachirisu, which uses Sweet Kiss to confuse Team Rocket's Pokémon. The ice starts to melt, so Team Rocket decide to leave, but are stopped by Mothim's Supersonic, surrounded by Combee and attacked with Attack Order. Meowth quickly pills out an umbrella, which Team Rocket hide behind. However Vespiquen uses Power Gem, sending Team Rocket blasting off through several floors of the cave.

The Combee have calmed down, and they start using the honey to seal the cracks in the walls. Brock thanks his Pokémon. Vespiquen then flies up and hands Cheryl a jar of enchanted honey. Cheryl thanks Vespiquen and then gives everyone a taste of the enchanted honey. Everyone likes it, except Croagunk.

That evening the group walk to a clearing in the forest when Brock starts to flirt with Cheryl. However she spots a Beedrill, and runs off, claiming her grandfather told her that if she saw a Beedrill she should travel alone. As the group head off for Eterna City, Team Rocket are running through the forest chased by a large swarm of Pokémon, as their clothes were covered in the enchanted honey when they blast off.

Major events

  • Cheryl finds the honey she was searching for, and leaves the group.


Pokémon debuts






File:Error 7.png
Jessie's missing undershirt
  • Similar to the error made in the previous episode with Gardenia's mantle, Jessie's undershirt is animated with skin color making it seem as if she has no undershirt. This happens just after Team Rocket crashed into the Amber Castle and is harder to spot when not played in slow motion.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP031 : The Grass-type is Always Greener!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP033 : All Dressed up with Somewhere to Go
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