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The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie /
Pikachu, What's This Key For?
Music Collection
Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie Music Collection.jpg
CD cover art
Release date July 30, 2014
By Sony Music Direct
Catalogue number MHCL-2453/4
Number of tracks 58

The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie / Pikachu, What's This Key For? Music Collection (Japanese: ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 破壊の繭とディアンシー&ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ? ミュージックコレクション) is the Japanese soundtrack for the seventeenth movie and Pikachu, What's This Key?. It was released in Japan on July 30, 2014.


CD No. Track Title Translation
1 メインタイトル Main Title
2 鉱国のプリンセス Princess of the Domain
3 聖なるダイヤ Heart Diamond
4 オルアースの森の大破壊 The Great Destruction of the Allearth Forest
5 命のエネルギー Life Energy
6 ポケットモンスター縮めてポケモン Pocket Monsters, Pokémon for Short
7 カルネVSガンピ Diantha VS Wikstrom
8 その少年、マサラタウンのサトシ That Boy, Ash of Pallet Town
9 悪だくみ A Sinister Scheme
10 楽しいディナー A Fun Dinner
11 ディアンシーいただき! Diancie, Let's Eat!
12 ダイヤの海でおぼれたい Indulge in the Sea of Diamonds
13 プリンセス・ディアンシー Princess Diancie
14 追跡者 Pursuers
15 星に願いを Wish Upon the Star
16 ヤッホーホイ! Yahhōhoi!
17 ユーリカとダイヤ Bonnie and a Diamond
18 ファッションショー Fashion Show
19 見つかっちゃいました Found it
20 シトロンの発明 Clemont's Invention
21 フライング サトシ! Flying Ash!
22 盗賊たちの襲撃 The Thieves Attack
23 ミリスとブリガロン Millis and Chesnaught
24 かなわぬ願い Unfulfilled Wishes
25 街の灯り Light of the City
26 鉱国の危機 Crisis in the Domain
27 ディアンシーの涙 Diancie's Tears
28 再びゼルネアスのもとへ To Xerneas Again
29 破壊の繭 The Cocoon of Destruction
30 ゼルネアスとの出会い Meeting with Xerneas
31 フェアリーオーラ Fairy Aura
32 大盗賊登場! The Master Thieves Appear!
33 みんなダイヤが好き Everyone Loves Diamonds
34 イベルタル爆誕! Yveltal's Explosive Birth
35 デスウィング Oblivion Wing
36 あきらめちゃダメだ! Don't Give Up!
37 決意のディアンシー Determined Diancie
38 メガディアンシー Mega Diancie
39 ゼルネアス VS イベルタル Xerneas VS Yveltal
40 ピカチュウ死んじゃダメだ! Don't Die, Pikachu!
41 希望のはじまり The Beginning of Hope
42 友情の証 A Proof of Friendship
43 メガV -Cinema Ver.- Mega Volt - Cinema Ver.-
44 夜明けの流星群 Daybreak Meteor Shower
45 ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ? Pikachu, What's This Key For?
46 いってきま〜す See You La~ter
47 デデンネまっしぐら! Dedenne at Full Speed!
48 ニャースとソーナンスとマーイーカ Meowth, Wobbuffet, and Inkay
49 くれ!くれ!クレッフィ! Here! Here! Klefki!
50 それ!それ!クレッフィ! There! There! Klefki!
51 カギ穴の世界へ To the World of the Keyhole
52 カギ・カギ・カギ!! Key - Key - Key!!
53 アレだよ、デデンネ Over There, Dedenne
54 トランポリンみたい Finding a Trampoiline
55 ありがとうビクティニ Thank You, Victini
56 さぁ、みんな行くよ! Come On Everybody, Let's Go!
57 オーロラ・スライダー Aurora Slider
58 チゴラス軍団登場! Tyrunt Army Appears!
59 ニャースとソーナンスとマーイーカ Part2 Meowth, Wobbuffet, and Inkay Part 2
60 マナフィ〜〜… Manaphy~~...
61 チゴラス怒らす! Tyrunt is Angry!
62 チゴラスピカ一発! Tyrunt Flashes!
63 ズガーン! Rumble!
64 おはようジラーチ、さよならダークライ Hello Jirachi, Goodbye Darkrai
65 みんな仲良く Everyone is Friends
66 時間がない!! There's No Time!!
67 力いっぱい笑顔で Smile Full of Energy
68 カ、カギが!? Whe... Where's the Key!?
69 バイバイ、クレッフィ Goodbye Klefki
70 ただいま We're Home
71 ピースマイル!(映画サイズ) Peace Smile! (Movie Size)

Anime soundtracks: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (1997) • Sound Anime Collection (1998) • Song Best Collection (1999) • The Rivals (1999) • Song Best Collection 2 (2001) • Ready Go! (2002) • Advance Adventure (2003) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Movie Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Challenger!! (2004) • Pokémon Symphonic Medley / GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ (2005) • Full of Energy!! Pokémon Song Collection (2005) • Battle Frontier (2005) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection 2 (2006) • Spurt! / I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~ (2006) • Together / By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ (2006) • Together 2007 (2007) • Message of the Wind (2008) • High Touch! / Surely Tomorrow (2008) • High Touch! 2009 (2009) • Which One ~ Is It? (2009) • The Greatest - Everyday! (2010) • Original Soundtrack Best (2010-2011) • Best Wishes! / Fanfare of the Heart (2010) • Pokémon Song Best (2011) • Best Wishes! Season 2 (2012) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 1 (2016) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 2 (2016) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary- (2017) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack (2020) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Volume 2 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST 2019-2022 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST OF BEST OF BEST 1997-2023 (2023) • Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Adventure Original Soundtrack (2024) • Let me battle (2024)
Movie and Pikachu short soundtracks: Pika Pika Massaichu (1998) • Mirage Pokémon: Lugia's Explosive Birth MC (1999) • Soaring Pokémon Kids (1999) • Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei MC (2000) • Pikachu's Winter Vacation (2000) • Celebi: Encounter Beyond Time OS (2001) • Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios MC (2002) • Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi MC (2003) • Sky-Splitting Visitor: Deoxys MC (2004) • Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero: Lucario MC (2005) • Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy MC (2006) • Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai MC (2007) • Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin MC (2008) • Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008 (2009) • Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime MC (2009) • Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark MC (2010) • Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom / Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram MCs (2011) • Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo / Meloetta's Dazzling Recital MC (2012) • ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens / Pikachu and Eevee Friends MC (2013) • The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie / Pikachu, What's This Key For? MC (2014) • The Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa MC (2015) • Volcanion and the Mechanical Magearna MC (2016) • I Choose You! MC (2017) • Everyone's Story MC (2018) • Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution MC (2019) • Koko Theme Song Collection (2020) • Koko Music Collection (2020)
Game soundtracks: Entire Pokémon Sounds Collection (1997) • Pokémon Gotta Catch the Sound! (2000) • RS Super Music Collection (2003) • FRLG Super Music Collection (2004) • 10th Anniversary Pokémon Happy Birthday Concert (2006) • DP Super Music Collection (2006) • HGSS Super Music Collection (2009) • BW Super Music Collection (2010) • B2W2 Super Music Collection (2012) • XY Super Music Collection (2013) • ORAS Super Music Collection (2014) • RG Super Music Collection (2016) • SM Super Music Collection (2016) • LGPE Super Music Collection (2018) • SwSh Super Music Collection (2024) • LA Super Music Collection (2024) • SV Super Music Collection (2024)
Singles: Singing Pokémon Encyclopedia (1997) • Together With the Wind (1998) • toi et moi (1999) • Riding on Lapras (1999) • Meowth's Party (1999) • OK! (2000) • Exciting Pokémon Relay (2000) • The Day a Rainbow Was Born (2000) • To My Best Friend (2001) • Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow (2001) • Hide and Seek (2001) • Face Forward Team Rocket! (2001) • Aim for that Hill (2002) • You're Not Alone (2002) • A Small Thing (2003) • Polka O Dolka (2003) • Marching March (2004) • L·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dreaming LOVELY BOY~ (2004) • Hello! Thank You! (2005) • Song of Origin / Nice Buddy (2005) • 24 -twenty four- (2006) • I Will Be With You (2007) • ONE (2008) • Antenna of the Heart (2009) • Ice Cream Syndrome (2010) • PARADISE/Endless Fighters (2010) • The Sky / The Voice (2011) • Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW (2011) • Maiden War (2012) • Memories (2012) • Let's Join Hands / Forbidden Karma (2013) • Summerly Slope (2013) • Smiling Face (2013) • V / Santa Claus at 850 Yen Per Hour (2013) • Mega V / Sunshine (2014) • Daybreak Meteor Shower (2014) • Let's Dance with Pokémon with J☆Dee'Z (2014) • DreamDream (2015) • Mad-Paced Getter (2015) • Tweedia (2015) • Roaring All-Stars / Life Only Comes Once (2015) • Mailing out My Voice (2016) • Alola!! / Pose (2017) • OT WORKS (2018) • Future Connection (2018) • Limited FOV of a Shut-In (2018) • Breath (2018) • Together With the Wind (2019) • Acacia / Gravity (2020) • Nijirald / Chan-Dan (2022) • Heart-Pounding Diary (2023) • Pokémon Music Collective (2023) • Have a Good Time Here (2023) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master / One Hundred Fifty-One (2023) • RVR ~Rising Volt Tacklers Rap~ (2023) • Biri-Biri (2024) • ALIVE (2024)
Suzukisan: Can You Draw All the Pokémon? (1997) • Let's Trade Please (1999) • Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo? (2000)
Team Rocket's Secret Empire: Volume 1 - Jessie Edition (2013) • Volume 2 - James Edition (2013) • Volume 3 - Meowth Edition (2013) • Rare Pilot Edition (2013) • ~Selection~ (2013)
Other: Team Rocket Forever (1997) • It's a White Tomorrow! Team Rocket (1998) • Can You Play Pokémon? (1998) • The Birth of Mewtwo (1999) • Pokémon Detective Pikachu Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2019) • Pokémon Healing ~Listening to healing music with Psyduck (2019)
Project Music logo.png This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.