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# '''{{p|Tympole}} Chorus''' (オタマロ合唱隊)
# '''{{p|Tympole}} Chorus''' (オタマロ合唱隊)
# '''{{rt|22|Unova}} (Autumn - Winter)''' (22番道路(秋~冬))
# '''{{rt|22|Unova}} (Autumn - Winter)''' (22番道路(秋~冬))
# '''Pokédex Complete!''' (図鑑生息地が埋まった!)
# '''Pokédex Habitat Complete!''' (図鑑生息地が埋まった!)
# '''Collected All Medals!''' (メダルを全部あつめた!)
# '''Collected All Medals!''' (メダルを全部あつめた!)
# '''Battle! Champion [[Iris]]!''' (戦闘!チャンピオンアイリス)
# '''Battle! Champion [[Iris]]!''' (戦闘!チャンピオンアイリス)

Revision as of 18:02, 22 November 2012

Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Super Music Complete
BW2 Super Music Complete.png
CD cover art featuring Black Kyurem
Release date July 25, 2012
By The Pokémon Company and Overlap
Catalogue number OVCP-0001
Number of tracks 173

Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Super Music Complete is the official soundtrack release for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and also features music from Pokémon Emerald and Pokémon Platinum. It was released on July 25 2012.

Hitomi Satō, Gō Ichinose, Junichi Masuda, Shota Kageyama, Teruo Taniguchi, Satoshi Nohara, Minako Adachi, and Morikazu Aoki are credited as composers. The music is arranged by Hitomi Satō and Gō Ichinose, except for less than a tenth of the tracks, which are mostly short sound effects.


Disc 1

  1. Opening (オープニング)
  2. Title (タイトル)
  3. A Sign of the Beginning (はじまりのきざし)
  4. Aspertia City (ヒオウギシティ )
  5. Bianca's Theme (ベルのテーマ)
  6. Route 19 (Spring - Summer) (19番道路(春~夏))
  7. Battle! Wild Pokémon! (戦闘!野生ポケモン)
  8. Floccesy Town (サンギタウン)
  9. Floccesy Ranch (サンギ牧場)
  10. Rival's Theme (ライバルのテーマ)
  11. Battle! Rival (戦闘!ライバル)
  12. Virbank City (タチワキシティ)
  13. Virbank Gym (Performance - KOFFING) (タチワキジム(演奏・DOGARS))
  14. Team Plasma, Again (プラズマ団、再び)
  15. Pokéstar Studios (ポケウッド)
  16. While Shooting in Pokéstar Studios! (ポケウッドで撮影中!)
  17. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Confrontation (ポケウッド・対決のテーマ)
  18. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Glory (ポケウッド・栄光のテーマ)
  19. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Defeat (ポケウッド・敗北のテーマ)
  20. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Invasion (ポケウッド・襲来のテーマ)
  21. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Success (ポケウッド・成功のテーマ)
  22. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Retreat (ポケウッド・敗退のテーマ)
  23. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Strangeness (ポケウッド・奇妙のテーマ)
  24. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Romance (ポケウッド・愛情のテーマ)
  25. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Sorrow (ポケウッド・悲愴のテーマ)
  26. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Horror (ポケウッド・戦慄のテーマ)
  27. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Purity (ポケウッド・浄化のテーマ)
  28. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Terror (ポケウッド・恐怖のテーマ)
  29. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Comedy (ポケウッド・滑稽のテーマ)
  30. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Despair (ポケウッド・絶望のテーマ)
  31. Pokéstar Studios: Theme of Shock (ポケウッド・衝撃のテーマ)
  32. A Statue Was Erected in the Pokéstar Studios! (ポケウッドに銅像が建った!)
  33. Castelia Sewers (ヒウン下水道)
  34. Castelia Gym (ヒウンジム)
  35. Spotted! Harlequin (視線!クラウン)
  36. Funfest Mission Underway! (フェスミッション開催中!)
  37. Unity Tower (ユナイテッドタワー)
  38. Colress' Theme (アクロマのテーマ)
  39. Battle! Trainer (戦闘!トレーナー)
  40. Join Avenue (ジョインアベニュー)
  41. Up to Level 1 in Join Avenue (ジョインアベニューでレベルアップ1)
  42. Up to Level 2 in Join Avenue (ジョインアベニューでレベルアップ2)
  43. Greeting at Join Avenue! (ジョインアベニューであいさつ!)
  44. Nimbasa Gym - Runway (ライモンジム・ランウェイ)
  45. Spotted! Beauty (視線!おとなのおねえさん)
  46. Nimbasa Gym - Stage (ライモンジム・ステージ)))
  47. Battle! Gym Leader (戦闘!ジムリーダー)
  48. Victory Before Your Eyes! (勝利は目の前!)

Disc 2

  1. Driftveil Gym (ホドモエジム)
  2. Pokémon World Tournament (PWT) (ポケモンワールドトーナメント(PWT))
  3. PWT Venue (PWT会場)
  4. Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto) (戦闘!ジムリーダー(カントー))
  5. Battle! Champion (Kanto) (戦闘!チャンピオン(カントー))
  6. Battle! Gym Leader (Johto) (戦闘!ジムリーダー(ジョウト))
  7. Battle! Champion (Johto) (戦闘!チャンピオン(ジョウト))
  8. Battle! Gym Leader (Hoenn) (戦闘!ジムリーダー(ホウエン))
  9. Battle! Champion (Hoenn) (戦闘!チャンピオン(ホウエン))
  10. Battle! Gym Leader (Sinnoh) (戦闘!ジムリーダー(シンオウ))
  11. Battle! Champion (Sinnoh) (戦闘!チャンピオン(シンオウ))
  12. PWT Final! (PWT決勝戦!)
  13. PWT Victory! (PWTで勝利!)
  14. Won the PWT! (PWTで優勝!)
  15. Underground Ruins (地底遺跡)
  16. Battle! Regirock, Regice, Registeel! (戦闘!レジロック・レジアイス・レジスチル)
  17. Plasma Frigate - Deck (プラズマフリゲート・甲板)
  18. Zinzolin's Theme (ヴィオのテーマ)
  19. Cheren's Theme (チェレンのテーマ)
  20. Mistralton Gym (フキヨセジム)
  21. Medal Rally Goal in! (メダルラリーでゴールイン!)
  22. Medal Box Renewal! (メダルボックスリニューアル!)
  23. Lentimas Town (ヤマジタウン)
  24. The Road to Reversal Mountain (リバースマウンテンへの道)
  25. Reversal Mountain (Black) (リバースマウンテン(ブラック))
  26. Reversal Mountain (White) (リバースマウンテン(ホワイト))
  27. Strange House (ストレンジャーハウス)
  28. Battle! Legendary Pokémon (Sinnoh) (戦闘!伝説のポケモン(シンオウ))
  29. Opelucid Gym (ソウリュウジム)
  30. Storm! Opelucid City (強襲!ソウリュウシティ)
  31. Frozen City (凍った街)
  32. Spotted! Team Plasma (視線!プラズマ団)
  33. Battle! Team Plasma (戦闘!プラズマ団)
  34. Shadow Triad Theme (ダークトリニティのテーマ)
  35. Marine Tube (マリンチューブ)
  36. Humilau City (セイガイハシティ)
  37. Humilau Gym (セイガイハジム)
  38. Route 22 (Spring - Summer) (22番道路(春~夏))
  39. An Attack on the Plasma Frigate (プラズマフリゲート出撃)

Disc 3

  1. Infiltrate the Plasma Frigate! (プラズマフリゲートに潜入!)
  2. Battle! Colress (戦闘!アクロマ)
  3. Awakening (覚醒)
  4. Confrontation (対峙)
  5. Absorption (吸収)
  6. Coalescence (合体)
  7. Battle! Black Kyurem/White Kyurem (戦闘!ブラックキュレム・ホワイトキュレム)
  8. Battle! Ghetsis (戦闘!ゲーチス)
  9. Route 23 (23番道路)
  10. N's Castle (Nの城)
  11. N's Room (Nの部屋)
  12. N's Theme (Nのテーマ)
  13. Battle! N! (戦闘!N)
  14. Unova Link (イッシュリンク)
  15. Xtransceiver Minigames! (ライブキャスターでミニゲーム!)
  16. Xtransceiver - Game Start! (ライブキャスター・ゲームスタート!)
  17. Xtransceiver - Game Victory! (ライブキャスター・ゲームで優勝!)
  18. Route 19 (Autumn - Winter) (19番道路(秋~冬))
  19. Cave of Being (心の空洞)
  20. Battle! Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf (戦闘!ユクシー・エムリット・アグノム)
  21. Black Skyscraper - Entrance (黒の摩天楼・入り口)
  22. Black Skyscraper (黒の摩天楼)
  23. White Tree Hollow - Entrance (白の樹洞・入り口)
  24. White Tree Hollow (白の樹洞)
  25. Tympole Chorus (オタマロ合唱隊)
  26. Route 22 (Autumn - Winter) (22番道路(秋~冬))
  27. Pokédex Habitat Complete! (図鑑生息地が埋まった!)
  28. Collected All Medals! (メダルを全部あつめた!)
  29. Battle! Champion Iris! (戦闘!チャンピオンアイリス)
  30. Staff Roll (スタッフロール)
  32. Musical "Charming Munna" (ミュージカル「メロメロ★ムンナ」)
  33. Musical "Pokémon Party!" (ミュージカル「ポケモンパーティ!」)
  34. Musical "Carnival Pokémon" (ミュージカル「ポケモンセンターDEオシャレ♪」)
  35. Musical "MELOETTAAA!!!" (ミュージカル「MELOETTAAA!!!」)
  36. Finals! Pokémon World Championships (決勝! ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス)
  37. Relic Song (いにしえのうた)

Disc 4

Tracks missing from previous soundtrack releases.

  1. Title (Emerald) (タイトル(エメラルド))
  2. Entry Call (エントリーコール)
  3. Abnormal Weather (異常気象)
  4. Rayquaza's Descent! (レックウザ光臨!)
  5. Battle Frontier (Hoenn) (バトルフロンティア(ホウエン))
  6. Battle Tower (Hoenn) (バトルタワー(ホウエン))
  7. Battle Factory (Hoenn) (バトルファクトリー(ホウエン))
  8. Battle Arena (バトルアリーナ)
  9. Battle Dome (バトルドーム)
  10. Battle Pike (バトルチューブ)
  11. Battle Palace (バトルパレス)
  12. Battle Pyramid (バトルピラミッド)
  13. Battle Pyramid Summit (バトルピラミッド頂上)
  14. Battle Points Obtained! (バトルポイントをもらった!(ホウエン))
  15. Battle! Frontier Brain (Hoenn) (戦闘!フロンティアブレーン(ホウエン))
  16. Battle Symbol Get! (バトルシンボルゲット!)
  17. Battle! Mew (戦闘!ミュウ)
  18. Title (Platinum) (タイトル(プラチナ))
  19. press start (press start)
  20. "Let's Ask Professor Rowan!" Show (特別番組「ナナカマド博士に聞く」)
  21. Looker's Theme (ハンサムのテーマ)
  22. Global Terminal (グローバルターミナル)
  23. Wi-Fi Plaza (Wi-Fiひろば)
  24. Wi-Fi Plaza - Plaza Game (Wi-Fiひろば・ひろばゲーム)
  25. Wobbuffet Pop Clear! (どんどんソーナンスをクリア!)
  26. Wi-Fi Plaza - Parade (Wi-Fiひろば・パレード)
  27. Giratina Appears! (ギラティナ出現!)
  28. Giratina Appears! Part 2 (ギラティナ出現!その2)
  29. Distortion World (やぶれたせかい)
  30. Battle! Giratina! (戦闘!ギラティナ)
  31. Spin Trade (ぐるぐるこうかん)
  32. Mystery Gift (Platinum) (ふしぎなおくりもの(プラチナ))
  33. Super Contest - Cuteness (スーパーコンテスト・かわいさ部門)
  34. Super Contest - Coolness (スーパーコンテスト・かっこよさ部門)
  35. Super Contest - Toughness (スーパーコンテスト・たくましさ部門)
  36. Super Contest - Beauty (スーパーコンテスト・うつくしさ部門)
  37. Super Contest - Smartness (スーパーコンテスト・かしこさ部門)
  38. Villa - Twinleaf Music Box! (別荘・フタバでオルゴール!)
  39. Villa - Lilycove Bossa Nova! (別荘・ミナモでボサノバ!)
  40. Fight Area (Battle Frontier) (ファイトエリア(バトルフロンティア))
  41. Battle Arcade (バトルルーレット)
  42. Battle Arcade BP Get! (バトルルーレットでBPゲット!)
  43. Battle Hall (バトルステージ)
  44. Battle Factory (Sinnoh) (バトルファクトリー(シンオウ))
  45. Battle Castle (バトルキャッスル)
  46. Got Battle Points in the Castle! (キャッスルポイントをもらった!)
  47. Got Battle Points! (Sinnoh) (バトルポイントをもらった!(シンオウ))
  48. Battle! Frontier Brain (Sinnoh) (戦闘!フロンティアブレーン(シンオウ))
  49. Victory Against Frontier Brain! (Sinnoh) (フロンティアブレーンに勝利!(シンオウ))


  • The music played in Hidden Grottoes is notably absent from this soundtrack.

Anime soundtracks: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (1997) • Sound Anime Collection (1998) • Song Best Collection (1999) • The Rivals (1999) • Song Best Collection 2 (2001) • Ready Go! (2002) • Advance Adventure (2003) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Movie Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Challenger!! (2004) • Pokémon Symphonic Medley / GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ (2005) • Full of Energy!! Pokémon Song Collection (2005) • Battle Frontier (2005) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection 2 (2006) • Spurt! / I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~ (2006) • Together / By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ (2006) • Together 2007 (2007) • Message of the Wind (2008) • High Touch! / Surely Tomorrow (2008) • High Touch! 2009 (2009) • Which One ~ Is It? (2009) • The Greatest - Everyday! (2010) • Original Soundtrack Best (2010-2011) • Best Wishes! / Fanfare of the Heart (2010) • Pokémon Song Best (2011) • Best Wishes! Season 2 (2012) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 1 (2016) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 2 (2016) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary- (2017) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack (2020) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Volume 2 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST 2019-2022 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST OF BEST OF BEST 1997-2023 (2023) • Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Adventure Original Soundtrack (2024) • Let me battle (2024)
Movie and Pikachu short soundtracks: Pika Pika Massaichu (1998) • Mirage Pokémon: Lugia's Explosive Birth MC (1999) • Soaring Pokémon Kids (1999) • Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei MC (2000) • Pikachu's Winter Vacation (2000) • Celebi: Encounter Beyond Time OS (2001) • Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios MC (2002) • Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi MC (2003) • Sky-Splitting Visitor: Deoxys MC (2004) • Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero: Lucario MC (2005) • Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy MC (2006) • Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai MC (2007) • Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin MC (2008) • Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008 (2009) • Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime MC (2009) • Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark MC (2010) • Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom / Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram MCs (2011) • Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo / Meloetta's Dazzling Recital MC (2012) • ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens / Pikachu and Eevee Friends MC (2013) • The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie / Pikachu, What's This Key For? MC (2014) • The Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa MC (2015) • Volcanion and the Mechanical Magearna MC (2016) • I Choose You! MC (2017) • Everyone's Story MC (2018) • Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution MC (2019) • Koko Theme Song Collection (2020) • Koko Music Collection (2020)
Game soundtracks: Entire Pokémon Sounds Collection (1997) • Pokémon Gotta Catch the Sound! (2000) • RS Super Music Collection (2003) • FRLG Super Music Collection (2004) • 10th Anniversary Pokémon Happy Birthday Concert (2006) • DP Super Music Collection (2006) • HGSS Super Music Collection (2009) • BW Super Music Collection (2010) • B2W2 Super Music Collection (2012) • XY Super Music Collection (2013) • ORAS Super Music Collection (2014) • RG Super Music Collection (2016) • SM Super Music Collection (2016) • LGPE Super Music Collection (2018) • SwSh Super Music Collection (2024) • LA Super Music Collection (2024) • SV Super Music Collection (2024)
Singles: Singing Pokémon Encyclopedia (1997) • Together With the Wind (1998) • toi et moi (1999) • Riding on Lapras (1999) • Meowth's Party (1999) • OK! (2000) • Exciting Pokémon Relay (2000) • The Day a Rainbow Was Born (2000) • To My Best Friend (2001) • Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow (2001) • Hide and Seek (2001) • Face Forward Team Rocket! (2001) • Aim for that Hill (2002) • You're Not Alone (2002) • A Small Thing (2003) • Polka O Dolka (2003) • Marching March (2004) • L·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dreaming LOVELY BOY~ (2004) • Hello! Thank You! (2005) • Song of Origin / Nice Buddy (2005) • 24 -twenty four- (2006) • I Will Be With You (2007) • ONE (2008) • Antenna of the Heart (2009) • Ice Cream Syndrome (2010) • PARADISE/Endless Fighters (2010) • The Sky / The Voice (2011) • Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW (2011) • Maiden War (2012) • Memories (2012) • Let's Join Hands / Forbidden Karma (2013) • Summerly Slope (2013) • Smiling Face (2013) • V / Santa Claus at 850 Yen Per Hour (2013) • Mega V / Sunshine (2014) • Daybreak Meteor Shower (2014) • Let's Dance with Pokémon with J☆Dee'Z (2014) • DreamDream (2015) • Mad-Paced Getter (2015) • Tweedia (2015) • Roaring All-Stars / Life Only Comes Once (2015) • Mailing out My Voice (2016) • Alola!! / Pose (2017) • OT WORKS (2018) • Future Connection (2018) • Limited FOV of a Shut-In (2018) • Breath (2018) • Together With the Wind (2019) • Acacia / Gravity (2020) • Nijirald / Chan-Dan (2022) • Heart-Pounding Diary (2023) • Pokémon Music Collective (2023) • Have a Good Time Here (2023) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master / One Hundred Fifty-One (2023) • RVR ~Rising Volt Tacklers Rap~ (2023) • Biri-Biri (2024) • ALIVE (2024)
Suzukisan: Can You Draw All the Pokémon? (1997) • Let's Trade Please (1999) • Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo? (2000)
Team Rocket's Secret Empire: Volume 1 - Jessie Edition (2013) • Volume 2 - James Edition (2013) • Volume 3 - Meowth Edition (2013) • Rare Pilot Edition (2013) • ~Selection~ (2013)
Other: Team Rocket Forever (1997) • It's a White Tomorrow! Team Rocket (1998) • Can You Play Pokémon? (1998) • The Birth of Mewtwo (1999) • Pokémon Detective Pikachu Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2019) • Pokémon Healing ~Listening to healing music with Psyduck (2019)

Project Music logo.png This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.