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The River

The River (Japanese: リバー River) is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island, and as its name suggests, it is a gently-flowing river that runs alongside a forest. Much of it is eclipsed by the thick canopies of the nearby trees, where Metapod may be found attached to their branches.

Twelve different species of Pokémon can be photographed around or within the River, including rarities such as Bulbasaur and Porygon. Schools of Shellder and Cloyster are very abundant within these waters, and may be seen casually rising up and floating in the air for several seconds at a time. Signs on the riverbanks indicate where Shellder may be found.

Near the end of the course is a button on the riverbank. A Porygon camouflaged nearby, when disturbed with a Pester Ball, will land on the button and open the way to the next course, the Cave.

A Vileplume sleeps midway through the course, emitting a noxious cloud as it slumbers. When it is woken with the Poké Flute, the cloud's dissipation reveals a tree resembling a Cubone. Professor Oak names this Pokémon sign Cubone Tree.

Cubone Tree

Although the stage does not return in New Pokémon Snap, the new Mightywide River stage is a reference to Pokémon Island River.

Todd's description

The river here is flowing gently. Someone might be hiding nearby...

Native Pokémon

Pokémon Description Pokémon Description
060 Poliwag Several Poliwag will be on the right bank of the river. Hitting them with enough Pester Balls will make them do a running dive into the water. They will emerge multiple times together along the river, and they can also be drawn out by throwing items into the water. 001 Bulbasaur On the left bank, there are two Bulbasaur bulbs sticking out of stumps. They can be knocked into view with Pester Balls. Another Bulbasaur can be lured out from an opening in a log with Pokémon food.
079 Slowpoke Two are found sitting on the left bank. Using food, they can be lured onto special platforms where they will fish for Shellder. 090 Shellder Multiple Shellder will rise out of water and float through the air. They can also be seen briefly when a fishing Slowpoke pulls one out of the water before they both combine to form Slowbro.
080 Slowbro Luring a Slowpoke with Pokémon food to one of the spots marked with a Shellder sign, and it will go fishing with its tail. It will catch a Shellder, which will cause it to evolve into a Slowbro. 045 Vileplume This is sleeping on the right bank, releasing spores into the air. The Poké Flute will wake it up and make it dance.
011 Metapod Several can be seen hanging overhead in the canopy of a tree. Hitting them with items will cause them to descend until hit again. Two are positioned so that they can stop the ZERO-ONE. 054 Psyduck One can first be seen swimming around by the second Slowpoke. Another can be seen swimming around small pieces of land in the water. Hitting either one with an item will cause them to sink. The second one will then start jumping out of the water where it was swimming, holding its head. Throwing items into the water may cause one to appear out of the water in other spots, sometimes jumping up very quickly with sparkles around it.
137 Porygon On the right bank, there is a point where strange shapes are sticking out of the bushes, camouflaged to match the bushes themselves. Throwing items at them will cause Porygon to jump out. Their camouflage can be removed with a Pester Ball. Down the river, there is a third Porygon which, when it jumps out, will hit a button to reveal the next stage. 091 Cloyster Just as Shellder can fly out of the water and float through the air, Cloyster can as well. One will eventually appear with the Shellder.
129 Magikarp Throw items into the water, and one may jump out. 025 Pikachu Near the end of the course, there is a pile of logs with a Pikachu poking its head out. Taking a picture of it will make it run around with a Quick Attack.

Pokémon Island
BeachTunnelVolcanoRiverCaveValleyRainbow Cloud

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