Rugged Road (Pokéwalker)

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Rugged Road ごつごつみち
Rugged Path
Yellow Forest jp art.png
Cost: Unlocked by:
50 watts Default
Route paths2.png Advantageous
A hilly, rugged mountain road. The view from atop the mountain is very beautiful.

Rugged Road (Japanese: ごつごつみち Rugged Path) is a course for the Pokéwalker that is unlocked by saving up 50 watts.


Group Pokémon Level Steps Required Steps with advantageous type Rarity Held item Moves
A Spr 4pw 095.png 9 4000+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Very Common None Harden Normal
Bind Normal
Screech Normal
Onix Rock Throw Rock
A Spr 4pw 240.png 9 5000+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Common None Smog Poison
Leer Normal
Ember Fire
Magby Sunny Day Fire
B Spr 4pw 066.png 7 1000+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Very Common None Low Kick Fighting
Leer Normal
Focus Energy Normal
Machop -- --
B Spr 4pw 077.png 7 1000+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Very Common None Growl Normal
Tackle Normal
Tail Whip Normal
Ponyta -- --
C Spr 4pw 074.png 8 0+ Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Very Common None Defense Curl Normal
Mud-Slap Ground
Rock Polish Rock
Geodude -- --
C Spr 4pw 163.png
0+ steps Very Common None Tackle Normal
Growl Normal
Foresight Normal
Hypnosis Psychic


Item Steps Required Rarity
PP Up PP Up 7000+ steps Very Rare
Hard Stone Hard Stone 5000+ steps Very Rare
Red Shard Red Shard 3000+ steps Rare
Star Piece Star Piece 2000+ steps Rare
Full Heal Full Heal 1500+ steps Rare
Super Repel Super Repel 1000+ steps Rare
Burn Heal Burn Heal 800+ steps Rare
Antidote Antidote 500+ steps Common
Escape Rope Escape Rope 100+ steps Common
Repel Repel 0+ steps Very Common

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese ごつごつみち
France Flag.png French Chemin Pierreux
Germany Flag.png German Holpriger Pfad
Italy Flag.png Italian Sentiero Impervio
South Korea Flag.png Korean 울퉁불퉁길 Ultung-bultung'gil
Spain Flag.png Spanish Camino Pedregoso

External links

Pokéwalker Routes
Before National Pokédex
Refreshing FieldNoisy ForestRugged RoadBeautiful Beach
Suburban AreaDim CaveBlue LakeTown Outskirts
After National Pokédex
Hoenn FieldWarm BeachVolcano PathTreehouseScary CaveSinnoh Field
Icy Mountain Rd.Big ForestWhite LakeStormy BeachResortQuiet Cave
Beyond the SeaNight Sky's EdgeYellow Forest
RallySightseeingWinner's PathAmity Meadow

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