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Croconaw was purified

Purification, or "opening the heart's door", is the only known method of changing a Shadow Pokémon back into a normal Pokémon. It is used in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness to restore any Shadow Pokémon that Wes or Michael have snagged. Purification can be seen as a main goal in those games.

Purifying a Pokémon

Heart Gauge

Before completely opening the door to a Shadow Pokémon's heart, its Heart Gauge must first drop to zero, turning completely white.

The following actions will slowly open the door to a Pokémon's heart:

Purification Stages

  • 0% Purified: This is the state at which a Shadow Pokémon is snagged. The Pokémon has at least one Shadow move, and its Nature is unknown. Before any progress has been made on the Heart Gauge, the Pokémon's description will state, "The door to its heart is tightly shut." After any progress has been made, until the next stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is starting to open."
  • 20% Purified: When at this stage, the Shadow Pokémon will relearn its first non-Shadow move. Until the next stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is opening up."
  • 40% Purified: The Shadow Pokémon's Nature is revealed (though it was determined when the Pokémon was first encountered), and the Pokémon will also start receiving experience points in battle, though this is not mentioned to the player or counted towards a level-up until the purification process is completed. Until the next stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is opening wider."
  • 60% Purified: The second non-Shadow move is relearned. Until the next stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is nearly open."
  • 80% Purified: The Shadow Pokémon will enter Hyper (or Reverse) Mode more frequently. Also, in Colosseum only, a third non-Shadow move is relearned. Until the next stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is almost fully open."
  • Empty Shadow Bar: The Shadow Pokémon's heart is 'ready to open' and the Purification process can be finished, turning the Shadow Pokémon back into a normal Pokémon. At this stage, the description will state, "The door to its heart is about to open. Undo the final lock!"

Purification Ritual

Once a Pokémon's Heart Gauge is completely white, it is time to "undo the final lock," the final step in opening the door to a Shadow Pokémon's heart. This is done through a Purification Ritual. In Pokémon Colosseum, Purification Rituals can only be performed at the Relic Stone in Agate Village, but in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, they can also be performed in any Set of the Purify Chamber at Pokémon HQ Lab as well.

Once the purification is complete, the Pokémon's Shadow moves are replaced by normal moves for their species, any experience points accumulated during battle are awarded all at once, the player is registered as the Pokémon's original trainer and may assign a nickname to it. The Pokémon is also given a Ribbon.

Time Flute

In Pokémon Colosseum, the player can find up to three special items called Time Flutes to instantly purify any Shadow Pokémon by summoning Celebi, which will open the door to a Shadow Pokémon's heart. Time Flutes do not appear in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

Shadow Lugia

Shadow Lugia is a special case and can only be purified if it is put into one of the Purify Chamber's Sets when all nine slots have achieved maximum tempo. Its Heart Gauge will also reset if the process is interrupted, such as by removing Shadow Lugia from the chamber.

After Purification

Once a Pokémon is purified, any Shadow moves are replaced with other moves. In Pokémon XD, a just-purified Pokémon will know one move learned through level up, one move learned through a TM, one Egg move, and one special move. It immediately gains any Experience and Effort Values that it has earned in battles prior to the purification, meaning that it may gain one or more levels. The Pokémon receives a special Ribbon for "clearing all difficulties", and at this point the Pokémon Trainer may choose a nickname for it. The player is now able to trade the purified Pokémon with the GBA games Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen using a GameCube/GBA cable.

Special moves

The following Pokémon can only gain certain moves if they are a Shadow Pokémon purified in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness:

# Name Icon Move(s)
012 Butterfree 012 Morning Sun
015 Beedrill 015 Baton Pass
017 Pidgeotto 017 Refresh
020 Raticate 020 Refresh
021 Spearow 021 Baton Pass
024 Arbok 024 Refresh
037 Vulpix 037 Charm
046 Paras 046 Refresh
049 Venomoth 049 Refresh
051 Dugtrio 051 Charm
Sandstorm *
052 Meowth 052 Sing
055 Golduck 055 Charm
057 Primeape 057 Helping Hand
058 Growlithe 058 Charm
062 Poliwrath 062 Helping Hand
070 Weepinbell 070 Morning Sun
078 Rapidash 078 Baton Pass
082 Magneton 082 Refresh
083 Farfetch'd 083 Baton Pass
085 Dodrio 085 Baton Pass
086 Seel 086 Helping Hand
088 Grimer 088 Helping Hand
090 Shellder 090 Refresh
Take Down *
097 Hypno 097 Baton Pass
100 Voltorb 100 Refresh
103 Exeggutor 103 Refresh
105 Marowak 105 Sing
106 Hitmonlee 106 Refresh
107 Hitmonchan 107 Helping Hand
108 Lickitung 108 Helping Hand
112 Rhydon 112 Helping Hand
113 Chansey 113 Sweet Kiss
114 Tangela 114 Morning Sun
121 Starmie 121 Refresh
122 Mr. Mime 122 Follow Me
123 Scyther 123 Morning Sun
Razor Wind *
125 Electabuzz 125 Follow Me
126 Magmar 126 Follow Me
127 Pinsir 127 Helping Hand
128 Tauros 128 Refresh
131 Lapras 131 Heal Bell
143 Snorlax 143 Refresh
Fissure *
144 Articuno 144 Haze
Heal Bell
145 Zapdos 145 Baton Pass
Metal Sound
146 Moltres 146 Morning Sun
149 Dragonite 149 Heal Bell
165 Ledyba 165 Refresh
167 Spinarak 167 Refresh
175 Togepi 175 Tri Attack
Helping Hand
177 Natu 177 Baton Pass
179 Mareep 179 Heal Bell
204 Pineco 204 Refresh
216 Teddiursa 216 Refresh
219 Magcargo 219 Refresh
Heat Wave *
220 Swinub 220 Charm
228 Houndour 228 Charm
249 Lugia 249 FeatherDance
Psycho Boost
261 Poochyena 261 Heal Bell
273 Seedot 273 Refresh
277 Swellow 277 Baton Pass
280 Ralts 280 Sing
285 Shroomish 285 Refresh
296 Makuhita 296 Refresh
299 Nosepass 299 Helping Hand
301 Delcatty 301 Sweet Kiss
302 Sableye 302 Helping Hand
303 Mawile 303 Sing
310 Manectric 310 Refresh
315 Roselia 315 Sweet Kiss
316 Gulpin 316 Sing
318 Carvanha 318 Refresh
322 Numel 322 Charm
334 Altaria 334 Heal Bell
335 Zangoose 335 Refresh
337 Lunatone 337 Baton Pass
338 Solrock 338 Baton Pass
343 Baltoy 343 Refresh
354 Banette 354 Helping Hand
355 Duskull 355 Helping Hand
361 Snorunt 361 Sing
363 Spheal 363 Charm
373 Salamence 373 Refresh
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