Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Post Story/Section 7

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After the events last night, you and your partner are talking in the bluff. Your partner was just was time that was being destroyed before, right? And now, another disastrous event has arrived--the fabric of space is becoming distorted. The destruction of time and the distortion of space...your partner can't even begin to conceive of such things. But the troubles of time and space...your partner thinks they're related. You think about the possible connection.

Your partner asks you if you remember when time was breaking down. Lapras gave the two of you a lot of insight into Temporal Tower. So about the distortion of space...don't you think Lapras might know something about it? You think about it for a wouldn't be unusual if Lapras did know something about this. Your partner appears to have read your mind. Well, then, that settles it--head over to Lapras!

When you get to the beach, you and your partner are talking to Lapras. Your partner explains that the two of you are investigating the distortions in the fabric of space. Lapras thinks for a moment...your partner explains that the two of you would like to learn anything Lapras knows. Lapras thinks for a moment...your partner is desperate and asks if Lapras knows anything. Lapras is sorry to say he doesn't know anything about the space distortions. However...Lapras does know of a Pokémon that embodies space itself.

You and your partner are surprised. According to Lapras, time and space are deeply connected. So, just as Dialga governs time itself...there too is a being that governs the fabric of space. Your partner asks who it is. Its name is Palkia. This being is said to possess the ability to distort space itself. And, Spacial Rift is said to be its domain. You think about Palkia. Another, if the two of you meet Palkia, the two of you might be able to learn more about the space distortions! Bur your partner finds a flaw in this plan--how to get to Spacial Rift? Can Lapras travel there, just like Lapras can travel to the Hidden Land?

Unfortunately, Lapras cannot travel to Spacial Rift, and he doesn't even know where it is. That is all Lapras can tell you. Your partner gets slightly nervous. Lapras apologizes to your partner. He's sorry that he's not much help. No no...learning about the existence of Palkia is a big help for you. Your partner thanks Lapras despite the lack of information.


So, really...Lapras didn't know much about the distortion of space...but he did tell the two of you that Palkia controls space itself...and that this being dwells in Spacial Rift. Palkia, huh...if the two of you can meet Palkia, the two of you would be able to ask about the distortion of space. Still, the two of you don't have a clue where Spacial Rift is. So, there really isn't any point in worrying about it right now.

That night...

You and your partner are sound asleep...before suddenly, the ground begins to shake! Tremors! A flash of blinding light, and suddenly, a mysterious Pokémon comes forth you! HE HAS FOUND YOU AT LAST! THE DEFILERS WHO ARE CAUSING...THE DISTORTION OF SPACE! Your partner asks nervously who this Pokémon is. HE IS PALKIA! HE HOLDS SWAY OVER SPACE! HE HAS DOMINION OVER DIMENSION!

You and your partner are surprised that he is Palkia. Palkia ignores your partner's questions. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE NOW! THIS IS THE END OF YOU!! He begins storing power, and he becomes a golden light, which you and your partner are dragged into.

You are suddenly in a dungeon. Your partner asks Palkia where this is. THIS IS HIS DOMAIN! SPACIAL RIFT! You and your partner are surprised they got to go somewhere where they have been seeking answers, though the two of you didn't enter in a way that you would have pleased. Palkia is very angry---YOU DARE DISTORT SPACE? WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION? HE WILL BE RID OF YOU NOW!

You and your partner are surprised. He walks forward, and the two of you walk back. IT'S THE END! He attempts to attack, but with you and your partner step back and ask what he is doing. But then...there's absolutely nothing behind you! Palkia roars, and the two of you fall down somewhere. Palkia is upset since he didn't get to kill you. However, there is no escaping him!

You and your partner are still falling, until final rolling into somewhere. Your partner asks if you're OK. It looks like the two of you landed somewhere else. But this is such a surprise! Who knew things would turn out like this? Your partner doesn't understand why Palkia suddenly attacked you...Palkia seemed to be bellowing about the distortion of space. You think about it, thinking how Palkia seemed to know the two of you were causing the distortion of space. And then he attacked the both of you, but you don't understand why. There's no mistaking one thing--Palkia is trying to get rid of you.

Spacial Rift

The first time going here, you cannot bring any recruited Pokémon--this is due to the fact that Palkia pushed you into here. The Pokémon here are very tough; some wild Pokémon may be higher level than the boss, who is Palkia. Palkia is level 48, so be at level 55, at least--this may seem overleveled, but Palkia is very powerful, regardless. There are 25 floors in all.

Pokémon Encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Chatot (Pokémon) Chatot 1-6 49 -10%
Drapion (Pokémon) Drapion 1-6 ? -12%
Xatu (Pokémon) Xatu 1-7 48 ?%
Gallade (Pokémon) Gallade 1-9 ? -12%
Kadabra (Pokémon) Kadabra 1-9, 11-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 50-53 -19%
Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon 1-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 45-50 -12%
Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 49-53 -12%
Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 49-53 -12%
Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 50-53 -12%
Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow 1-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 53 -12%
Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 48-52 8.2%
Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock 4-10 ? 6.4%
Chimecho (Pokémon) Chimecho 5-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? 6.9%
Gligar (Pokémon) Gligar 6-15; Deepest Part 1-9 49-53 8.2%
Bronzor (Pokémon) Bronzor 7-12 7 8.2%
Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak 7-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? -12%
Latias (Pokémon) Latias 10 44 0.1% *
Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius 12-15; Deepest Part 1-2 50-53 6.4%
Darkrai (Pokémon) Darkrai 14 53 -22% *
Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir 14-15; Deepest Part 1-4 ? 8.2%
Drowzee (Pokémon) Drowzee 15; Deepest Part 1-4 15 6.4%
Spiritomb (Pokémon) Spiritomb 15; Deepest Part 1-5 ? -10%
Porygon (Pokémon) Porygon Deepest Part 3-9 ? 6.4%
Latios (Pokémon) Latios Deepest Part 5 44 0.1% *
Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno Deepest Part 6-9 ? -4.5%
Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone Deepest Part 6-9 ? 6.4%
Palkia (Pokémon) Palkia Bottom 48 100% Boss
Palkia cannot be recruited on the first visit.

Boss Battle

After completing the dungeon, you'll reach the dungeon, where Palkia is. Palkia roars at you and says no one will destroy space, with your partner persisting, saying that they're not distorting space. Palkia is very upset, so, he doesn't listen to a word you say--instead, he just has a battle with you!

A very hard battle. Despite being the same level as Dialga, his most powerful move, Spacial Rend, does not need recharging. Note that he does not have common weakness--as a Water and Template:Type2, the only weakness he has is Dragon. Even if you have recruited, say, a Dratini during your journeys, you won't be able to bring it with you. Just keep on hitting him with your neutral moves and eventually, he'll falter.

Palkia freezes and some random voice leads you into Palkia's dream.

Palkia's Dream

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Once you enter Palkia's dream, you'll see Palkia, trying to destroy you.

After completing this dungeon, it's time to finish the second storyline by going to Dark Crater, which is the last dungeon of this storyline!

Continue to Section 8.

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