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Days of Gloom and Glory
Collected in Vol. 3
Chapter number 11
Manga series Electric Tale of Pikachu
Previous Chapter Clefairy in Space
Next Chapter Welcome to the Big Leagues

Days of Gloom and Glory (Japanese: リンドウ Lindow) is the eleventh chapter of the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga. It is based on the anime episode Make Room For Gloom.


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Now that Ash has earned eight Gym Badges, he is officially qualified to enter the Indigo League and compete in the Indigo Plateau Conference. Inspired to resume their own training and perhaps enter the league themselves, Misty and Brock separate from Ash.

Traveling alone again, Ash encounters a large group of Gloom, and is surprised to discover that they do not emit a foul odor. Their Trainer, a woman named Florinda Showers, reveals that when certain herbal perfumes are mixed into their drinking water, Gloom will not emit a foul smell. Ash takes notice of Florinda's Leaf Stones, and she reveals that they are fakes. She explains that she was tricked into buying fake Leaf Stones and that her house has sunk into the sea.

Suddenly, a man, Potter, emerges from the sea. He explains that he has salvaged Flordina's favorite stuffed animals as well as her secret diary. Florinda laments that she feels worthless as the head of the family and that she could not survive without Potter, but Potter disagrees, saying that she can bring the family to its former glory. As Ash is about to leave, he recongizes a photo of the crooks who sold Florinda the false Leaf Stone: it is Jessie and James of Team Rocket.

Meanwhile, Jessie and James are diving underwater, looting the house for valuable items and jewellery.

Major events


Pokémon debuts




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