2009 World Championships

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018Pidgeot.png It has been suggested that this article be moved to 2009 World Championships (TCG).
Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page.


The 2009 Pokémon World Championships were the sixth World Championships event hosted by Pokémon Organized Play and the first to officially accommodate both the Pokémon Trading Card Game World Championships and the Pokémon Video Game World Championships. Its venue was the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel in San Diego, California, and the event ran from August 14 through August 15, with TCG Last Chance Qualifiers being held on August 13 (the first time the championships were held Thursday through Saturday rather than Friday through Sunday). The TCG World Championships used the Diamond & Pearl-onwards Modified format; the Video Game World Championships required players to use Pokémon Platinum.

Brackets (TCG World Championships)

Junior Division

Round 9   Quarterfinals   Semifinals   Final
1  Tsubasa Nakamura** JP  
15  Ben Moskow US     1  Tsubasa Nakamura** JP  
10  Keito Arai** JP   8  Aaron Clarke US  
8  Aaron Clarke US       1  Tsubasa Nakamura** JP  
9  Shogo Matsuura JP       4  Heikki Kettunen* FI  
7  Isac Calmroth* SE     7  Isac Calmroth* SE
12  Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi JP   4  Heikki Kettunen* FI  
4  Heikki Kettunen* FI       1  Tsubasa Nakamura** JP
5  Takumi Kiyota* JP       2  Jason Martinez** US
13  Kakeru Takemura JP     5  Takumi Kiyota* JP  
16  Syana Takahashi JP   3  William Shand US  
3  William Shand US       3  William Shand US
6  Jun Hasebe** JP       2  Jason Martinez** US  
11  Yui Ono** JP     6  Jun Hasebe** JP
14  Fumiya Higashibara JP   2  Jason Martinez** US  
2  Jason Martinez** US  


  • * indicates a player to be a National Champion.
  • ** indicates a player who has entered the main draw via the Last Chance Qualifier.

Senior Division

Round 9   Quarterfinals   Semifinals   Final
9  Hayato Takaoka JP  
3  Nicolas Fotheringham* UK     3  Nicolas Fotheringham* UK  
8  Zachary Mirman US   8  Zachary Mirman US  
10  Nathaniel Lawson US       3  Nicolas Fotheringham* UK  
2  David Cohen US       2  David Cohen US  
12  Alex Maiman** US     2  David Cohen US
15  Jakob Droste DE   6  Edmund Kuras ** US  
6  Edmund Kuras** US       2  David Cohen US
1  Takuto Itagaki* JP       1  Takuto Itagaki JP
13  Taylor Mitchell US     1  Takuto Itagaki* US  
11  Wataru Hasegawa JP   7  Dennis Mischitz* DE  
7  Dennis Mischitz* DE       1  Takuto Itagaki JP
16  Steven Roberto US       4  Miska Saari* FI  
4  Miska Saari* FI     4  Miska Saari* FI
14  Lloyd Wenger US   5  Yuki Sogabe JP  
5  Yuki Sogabe JP  


  • * indicates a player to be a National Champion.
  • ** indicates a player who has entered the main draw via the Last Chance Qualifier.

Master Division

Round 9   Quarterfinals   Semifinals   Final
4  Koujiro Tsuruta JP  
13  Nicolas Harle FR     4  Koujiro Tsuruta JP  
16  Ross Cawthon US   6  Tia Toppari** FI  
6  Tia Toppari** FI       4  Koujiro Tsuruta JP  
11  Jayson Harry US       2  Sammi Sekkoum* UK  
7  Sebastian Crema CA     7  Sebastian Crema CA
2  Sammi Sekkoum UK   2  Sammi Sekkoum* UK  
10  Lars Andersen DK       2  Sammi Sekkoum* UK
5  Fabien Garnier* FR       1  Stephen Silvestro US
14  Sho Sasaki JP     5  Fabien Garnier* FR  
12  Alessio Parcianello IT   1  Stephen Silvestro US  
1  Stephen Silvestro US       1  Stephen Silvestro US
3  Jay Hornung US       3  Jay Hornung US  
15  Takuya Yamanaka JP     3  Jay Hornung US
8  Diego Cassiraga* AR   8  Diego Cassiraga* AR  
9  Karl Blake UK  


  • * indicates a player to be a National Champion.
  • ** indicates a player who has entered the main draw via the Last Chance Qualifier.

Brackets (Video Game World Championships)

Junior Division

Semifinals   Final
2  Santa Ito JP  
4  Towa Takahashi JP     2  Santa Ito JP
1  Jeremiah Fan* US   1  Jeremiah Fan* US
3  Kamran Jahadi US  


  • * indicates a player to be a National Champion.

Senior Division

Semifinals   Final
1  Kazuyuki Tsuji JP  
4  Grace Beck US     1  Kazuyuki Tsuji JP
2  Tasuku Mano JP   2  Tasuku Mano JP
3  Steven Wasserloos US  

Pokémon World Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game only 2004-2008; TCG and Video Games 2009-on
2004: Blaziken TechMagma SpiritRocky BeachTeam Rushdown
2005: Bright AuraDark TyranitarKing of the WestQueendom
2006: B-L-SEeveelutionsMewtrickSuns & Moons
2007: FlyveesLegendary AscentRamboltSwift Empoleon
2008: Bliss ControlEmpotechIntimidationPsychic Lock
2009: StallgonCrowned TigerQueengarLuxdrill
2010: LuxChomp of the SpiritHappy LuckPower CottonweedBoltevoir
2011: MegazoneReshiphlosionThe TruthTwinboar
2012: Pesadelo PrismTerraki-MewtwoEeltwoCMT
2013: Anguille Sous RocheAmerican GothicDarkraiUltimate Team Plasma
2014: Plasma PowerTrevgorEmerald KingCrazy Punch
2015: The Flying HammerPunches 'n' BitesHonorStoisePrimal Groudon
2016: Black DragonBebe DeckMagical SymphonyNinja Blitz
2017: Infinite ForceGolisodorIce Path FTWSamurai Sniper
2018: Victory MapDragones y SombrasGarbanetteBuzzroc
2019: Pikarom JudgeFire BoxMind BlownPerfection
2022: ADPThe Shape of MewCheryl AgainIce Rider Palkia
2023: Mew's RevengePsychic EleganceColorless LugiaLost Box Kyogre
Champions Jason KlaczynskiJun HasebeRay Rizzo