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These are Hop's quotes in the Pokémon games.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

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  • At Player's House
"Hello, hello!"
"Oh! That your flash new phone, <player>?"
"Were you watching Lee's exhibition match on it? But you can't cheer him on with your hands full! You know the only way to properly cheer on Lee would be with his famous Charizard pose! "
"Yeah, that's exactly why I came running over to get <player>! Never mind watching the match now! I've got it recording at home anyway. I record all my brother's matches."
"Come with me, <player>! He should be here any minute! And Lee always brings presents when he visits, so I wouldn't forget that Bag if I were you!"
"Now I've got to run! See you at mine later!
  • Outside of Player's House
"Hahaha! Have a look at you, <player>! That old Bag looks like it could pull you over! At least we know that it should hold anything Lee might bring, even if it's as big as a Snorlax!"
"A Wooloo... But what's it doing there?"
"Hey! You silly Wooloo! I see what you're up to! Don't go using Tackle on the fencing! Now, you listen! No going past that fence! No! Everyone knows there are scary Pokémon living in the Slumbering Weald!"
"Now that that's taken care of... How about it, <player>? Let's race! Bet I can make it to my house first, what with you lugging about that big old Bag!"
  • Hop's House
"Mum! Is he here?!"
"Yeah, yeah, but where's Lee? Have you got him crammed in a cupboard?"
"Then that's where I'm going! You know Lee is hopeless with directions. I'll make sure he doesn't get lost on the way!"
"You've got the come with, <player>. You've still never met my big bro, right? You can't miss out on your chance to meet the undefeated Champion! I'll wait for you out on the route!"
  • Outside
"Let's get a move on! Only remember, <player>... Wild Pokémon could come out of nowhere if you walk through patches of tall grass. I've got my Wooloo with me, so I'm ready for battles against wild Pokémon, of course. But not you, <player>! So we'll steer clear of the tall grass as we go."
Route 1
"Let's go and meet Lee at the station! It's dead ahead from here!"
If the player walks into the grass : "No wandering in that tall grass for you if you got no Pokémon of your own, mate!"
"Bingo! That's the sort of sharp eye that's kept you undefeated so long, eh, Lee?"
"Come on, Lee! And you, <player>!"
"Bet I can beat the both of you back home!"
"Come on, Lee! You promised us a present! So out with it! You brought <player> and me Pokémon. You did, didn't you? I know you must have!"
"Go on—you pick first. I've already got my Wooloo, after all."
If the player tries to leave without choosing : "Where are you going, <player>?! You haven't chosen a Pokémon yet!"
Grookey : "So it'll be Grookey for you? Nice one! Then I'll go with...Sobble! You're mine!"
Scorbunny : "So it'll be Scorbunny for you? Nice one! Then I'll go with...Grookey! You're mine!"
Sobble : "So it'll be Sobble for you? Nice one! Then I'll go with...Scorbunny! You're mine!"
"I'm aiming to be the next champion, so be ready! You and I'll be doing some serious training!"
  • The next day
"Course I have, Lee! <player>'s made fast friends with his/her Grookey/Scorbunny/Sobble, too."
"What're you looking at him/her for, Lee? I'm the one who'll be coming to challenge you! If you think <player> might be able to challenge you, then I guess he's/she's my first rival! But I'm not planning to lose to him/her and miss out on my chance to beat the unbeatable Champion!"
"Just having a Pokémon with you doesn't make you a real Trainer, you know. Proper Trainers raise their Pokémon up to be first-rate in battle, too!"
If the player said No to battling : "Me and Sobble/Grookey/Scorbunny are ready to have a go at you anytime!"
If the player tries to leave without battling : "And where do you think you're off to, then? We're having a battle — you and me!"
If the player said Yes to battling : "I've watched every match that Lee's ever had! I've read every book and magazine he left behind at home, too! I know exactly what to do in order to win!"
  • In battle
"A Pokémon battle it is, then! I've got two partners with me!"
After Wooloo faints : "It's not ever yet! I've added another trusty ally to my team!"
After player lands a Super-Effective hit on Hop's starter : "Did you already know about type advantages!?"
If the player hits a Critical Hit on either of Hop's Pokemon: "A critical hit? What kind of beginner's luck is that?!"
If the player defeats Hop :"You beat my two Pokémon with your one?! You and that Grookey/Scorbunny/Sobble are too much!"
  • After battle
If Hop defeated the player :"Sorry, mate. Even if you did get your Pokémon direct from a champ like Lee, looks like I’m still the greatest!"
If the player defeated Hop :"Well, that was a shock! Guess I know now why Lee thought he should give you a Pokémon, too..."
"I already want to get stronger and stronger! You've seen me battle now, Lee, so come on—— you've gotta let me take on the Pokémon Gyms!"
"Right, right, we get it... Pokédexes, then! We're on it! Looks likes it's off to the Pokémon Research Lab for you and me, <player>!"
"I'm going to be the next Champion, so completing a simple Pokédex will be nothing! Just another page in the tale of my legend! You'd probably better go tell your mum that we're heading out, though."
"<player>! Did you hear that just now?"
"The gate's open! And the Wooloo that was there..."
"It was tackling the fence pretty hard earlier. You don't think it actually broke through there, do you?"
"But it's off limits! Nobody's supposed to go in there! I remember the professor's granddaughter went in once, and she came back in a real state... And that was nothing compared to the earful she got from the professor afterward! <player>... What do you say?"
We've got to save it! : "Right? Even if we're not supposed to, this is the kind of scene where you simply have to do what's needed!"
I don't know... : "Right... No one wants to get in trouble, least of all me. But deep down you want to save that Pokémon, too, don’t you?"
"Hope you're ready for anything, because we're going in, <player>!"
If the player tries to leave : "The Slumbering Weald is over this way! Let’s go find that Wooloo!"
If talked to again : "Come on, <player>! We can't just leave that Pokémon on its own!"
Slumbering Weald
"That Wooloo… Where do you think it got off to?"
"The fog is really coming on thick now... If we don't find that Pokémon soon, this might be trouble."
If the player tries to leave : "Be serious, would you? We’ve got to go look for that Pokémon!"
"Doing all right there, Grooky/Scorbunny/Sobble? Let's be sure you're in tip-top shape."
"There. Now let's push on!"
"Did you hear that? Was that a Pokémon crying out, you think?!"
"Come on, <player>! That Wooloo might be in real trouble!"
If the player tries to leave :"Hey! <player>! Not trying to ditch me in here, are you?"
"This is mad... I can't even see my own hand in front of my face! I think I get now why this place is off-limits..."
"What in the——?!"
  • In battle
After attacking : "Wha—?! The move had no effect on it?!
After attacking again : "<player>! I can't see anything! You OK?!"
After attacking a third time :"I can’t see anything!"
  • After battle
"Wha—? Lee? How’d you manage to find your way here? You’re pants with directions. You always get lost."
"Wait, where’s the Wooloo?! We were trying to rescue that Wooloo!"
"And at least that Wooloo’s all right… Yeah, Name? I thought we’d had it when that weird fog started rolling in and that mad Pokémon attacked… but at least it wasn’t all for nothing!"
"It seemed loads stronger than any Pokémon I’ve ever seen. And it just had this sort of presence… Our moves didn’t even touch it. I mean, really— they seemed to pass right through it!"
"Even if we did get an earful from Lee…what an experience! This’ll make a pretty fine first page in the tale of my legend!"
  • Outside of Player's House
"Don’t forget to tell your mum we’re off to Wedgehurst now. She’ll go spare if you leave without a word—even worse than Lee just did!"
If the player tries to leave : "You did tell your mum that we’re heading to Wedgehurst, right? She’ll go spare if you disappear without a word."
Route 1
"Here we go! This is quite the big step, you know. My first step toward becoming the next Champion!"
"Guess I’ll probably train up Sobble/Grooky/Scorbunny a bit by having it battle against Pokémon in the tall grass."
"You should get yourself to the building with the purple roof and the great red and white ball mark out on front. That’s the Pokémon research Lab!"
  • After getting the Pokédex
"Got your Pokédex from Sonia? Then it’s time to meet lots of different Pokémon and start building up a strong team! But battling strong Pokémon in the wild can leave your team in a bad way. Not to mention what battling another Trainer can do… Luckily, we’ve got Pokémon Centers!"
"Luckier yet, they’re dead easy to spot. They look the same wherever you go."
"Come on, <player>. Bet you’ve never been inside one!"
  • Pokémon Center
"Level with me, <player>. Is this your first time in a Pokémon Center?
Yes... :"Then the future Champion’s got you covered! First things first—you talk to the lady at the counter if you want your Pokémon healed up. And Pokémon you catch are kept in computers like the one you can find here, see? After all, you can only bring six Pokémon with you on the road in your party. The Potions they sell at the Poké Mart got me out of a real rough spot the other day!"
Of course not :"Then I don’t think you need me to tell you what you already know."
"Cheers! I’m already good, though. I’m heading to Route 2, <player>! Come find me, maybe, when you’re done here!"
  • Outside
"Listen, <player>. I’ve been thinking... If you’re a Pokémon Trainer now, you must want to try your hand at the Gym Challenge, right?"
The Gym Challenge?/What's that? :"The Gym Challenge, mate! The annual competition where Trainers can battle it out for the right to challenge the Champion! But the trick is that you’ve got to be endorsed if you want to take part. And Lee doesn’t seem to think I’m up to snuff… So I’m thinking I ought to talk to the professor and see if she could help! You’ve got to take part, too! A proper rival is just the thing every Trainer needs to keep growing stronger, after all. Keeps you motivated, right? The professor’s house is way down at the end of Route 2, so let’s head there…and give our teams the chance to train up a bit along the way!"
Route 2
"Over here, <player>!"
"All right, <player>? It’s time we filled in out teams a bit—"
"Lee?! Where’d you come from?"
  • After the catching tutorial
"Typical Lee!"
"The Pokémon on your team will get Exp. Points when you catch Pokémon, too."
"All right! I’m gonna catch loads of Pokémon. The professor will be shocked when she sees!"
  • Outside Magnolia's House
"Look! There’s the professor!"
  • Magnolia's House
"Hey, Professor, do us a favor, would you? Help me convince Lee he should endorse us for the Gym Challenge!"
"Right! I’ll be waiting outside, <player>!"
  • Outside
"Hurry it up, <player>! You’ve gotta battle me so I can get myself that endorsement!"
if the player tries to leave :"Hurry it up, <player>! You’ve gotta battle me so I can get myself that endorsement!"
"I’m going to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer there is! And to do that, I need that endorsement to take part in the Gym Challenge! Come at me with everything you have so we can prove to Lee that we’ve got what it takes!"
Of course :"It’s time for my legend to begin!"
I need to prepare :"Oh, fine... Guess I can wait a bit."
  • In battle
"Have you gotten a bit stronger? Me and my team will put you to the test and see!"
After player lands a Super-Effective hit :"Well, look at you! Seems you’ve really learned your type matchups!"
After player lands a Critical Hit :"You landed a critical hit on my Pokémon?! You’ve got plenty of spirit—that’s for sure!"
When Hop sends out his last Pokémon :"It’ll be a close one! But that’s exactly my sort of match!"
When Hop uses his starter's same-type move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Branch Poke :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Water Gun :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Ember :"Our flames are burning bright!"
If the player defeats Hop :"Oof! Gutted that I lost… But I’d expect nothing less from my rival!"
  • After battle
If Hop defeated the player for the second time :"Undefeated! And my Pokémon’s moves were seriously on point!"
If Hop defeated the player for the first time :"Hah! See that! I knew I could do it. Am I ever glad I could beat you this time!"
If the player defeated Hop for the second time :"And I even got my Poké Ball throw perfect, too!"
If the player defeated Hop for the first time :"This was you getting back at me for last time, wasn’t it? Argh! I’m gutted to lose to you of all people!"
"The sting of defeat and joy of victory... I guess going through both is the key to the two of us getting stronger, right?"
"Yes! Thanks, Lee! I swear I’m going to win my way through the Gym Challenge to reach you!"
"All right, <player>! You and me are going to train up against one another to aim for that Champion’s title!"
Absolutely! :"The more we keep battling against one another, the more our Pokémon will grow."
Against one another? :"That’s the way of it when you’ve got a great rival! Just like you’ve got me, and I’ve got you!"
"Huh? What’s that?!"
"<player>! Would you look at this? They’re Wishing Stars! Since there are two of them, you should take one yourself!"
"With one of those, my Pokémon can Dynamax! They’re gonna be massive! YES!"
"I will be the greatest Trainer ever! I WILL be the greatest Trainer ever! I WILL BE THE GREATEST TRAINER EVER!!! There! I’ve said it three times, so surely my wish will come true now, right?"
"Ah, right. You’ve done heaps of research on the Dynamax phenomenon, haven’t you, Professor? Then please! Give <player> and me the power to Dynamax our Pokémon!"
"First we got to battle against that mad Pokémon in the Slumbering Weald, and now this... It really feels like we’re getting caught up in the adventure of a lifetime!"
  • The next morning, inside Magnolia's House
"It’s morning at last! And time for our adventure to truly start!"
"Er, well, there was weird heavy fog, and then this even weirder Pokémon appeared... <player> tried to fight it off! But then I think we both passed out or something. It’s all pretty hazy."
"Thanks, Professor! This is brilliant! It’s just like the one Lee has on him, too. Now we can Dynamax our Pokémon like he does!"
"The legend of my reign is finally about to begin!"
"Come on, <player>! I’ll beat you to the station!"
  • Outside
"One last thing before we race, <player>. See, I’ve got some great advice for you!"
"You know how you sometimes see Pokémon wandering about out of the tall grass, yeah?"
"If you move real slow like, and crouch down, those Pokémon won’t pay you any notice."
"But on the other hand... If you whistle at them, you’ll be SURE to catch their attention!"
"If you’re a bit rubbish as whistling, just remember this: "Need a fail-proof trick? Press the Left Stick!""
"Try it out, and let’s see who can catch the most Pokémon, <player>!"
"You remember Wedgehurst Station, right? Where we went to pick up Lee before. That’ll be the goal, so see you there!"
"Come on, <player>! You’ll never beat me to the station at that pace!"
"So, out with it, <player>! How many did you catch? I caught a really special one!"
If the player did not catch any Pokémon :"And you got... Not one?! What were you doing this whole time? You’re going to want a team if you’re a Trainer!"
If the player caught one Pokémon :"And you’ve got yourself... Ooh, just one! Looks like we’re at a draw. Though we are rivals and all, so that’s fair!"
If the player caught multiple Pokémon :"But look at how many you caught! You’re well on your way to building a fine team."
"That’s a technical machine! A TM, mate! With a TM like that, you can teach your Pokémon a new move in a flash. And you can use them again and again, too. That one can teach the move Swift. Lee gave it to me ages ago, and now it’s yours."
"The Gym Challenge will begin in Motostoke! And our train’s waiting, so let’s go!"
  • Train Station
"What’re you doing here, Mum?"
"Thanks, Mum. And just think how lucky you are—mother to the first ever pair of Champion brothers! Because I’m certain to be the Champion next. You’ll see!"
"Wish us luck! Not that we’ll need it."
"There are loads of brilliant Trainers and all kinds of Pokémon out there waiting for us! My excitement’s running ahead of me even faster than that train can go, Name! Come on! We’re off!"
  • On the Train
"Motostoke is surrounded by a vast Wild Area! It’s a real sight. There’re all sorts of wild Pokémon just wandering about—everywhere you look! Plus, you can camp out, do a spot of fishing... I don’t think I could ever get tired of it!"
Meetup Spot
  • Inside Station
"Hey, Mr. Station Master! Isn’t this the Wild Area? What’re we stopped here for?"
"What’s there to be sorry about? This is brilliant!"
Brilliant?/What is? :"This Wild Area is massive! There are loads of Pokémon to battle here! You get it, don’t you, <player>? This is the best possible place to put together the greatest team!"
  • Outside
"Look at that!"
"That’s Motostoke, way off that way!"
"And between there and here are countless new Pokémon waiting to be met!"
"Oh, hello. And if it isn’t Sonia."
"Yikes... Being an adult has got its own challengers, eh?"
"Well, I’m off to go stick my head in as many of those red glowing dens as I can find. I’m going to battle the snot out of a bunch of Dynamax Pokémon and fill in another page in the tale of my legend!"
  • Outside
"You made it, too?"
"Motostoke Stadium... This is where the opening ceremony will be held."
"Everyone’ll be watching the opening ceremony for the Gym Challenge... My mum... Your mum... The whole world!"
"It’s getting me a bit nervous, really... Naw, this isn’t nerves... I’m only trembling because I’m so excited!"
"Come on, <player>! It’s time the world learned our names!"
"Would you take a look at this... The place is packed with Gym Challengers! Every one of these folks is another rival!"
"Let’s get signed up!"
"Seriously? What a piece of work..."
"Well, now you’ve had two, because I am as well!"
"I’m Hop! I’m Leon’s little brother, in fact. And the next Champion. Get me all signed up, would you?"
"That’s the League Chairman for you! Even booked us all hotel rooms! I’m off to check out the fancy digs!"
  • Budew Drop Inn
"Oh hey, Sonia! What’re you doing at our hotel?"
"What’s this, then?"
"Huh... I suppose that hero must’ve been about as strong as Lee, then! Looks like you’re going to have your hands full with plenty to research, though, Sonia. Black storms and swords and shields and all..."
"Probably so! And we’ll look out for you, too, Sonia. If we hear anything about any hero or whatnot, we’ll tell you!"
"I wasn’t expecting checking in would be such a big fuss, <player>! What’s going on? Sneaking in some Pokémon battles without me?"
"Don’t think you can get ahead of me that easily... I need to get some training in, so I’m joining! Here, I’ll even heal up your Pokémon, too."
"I’m Hop, one of this year’s Gym Challengers! And the one who’s gonna be the next Champion! Now let’s have us a nice two-on-two!"
"So you’re a Gym Challenger, too? Team Yell, was it? Pretty impressive that you already have a set of fans to call your own!"
If talked to at any point :"I guess we probably should head to the front desk to get checked in."
  • The next morning
"So this is it... Now my legend really begins!"
"Watch out, <player>! I’ll beat you to Motostoke Stadium!"
"I can’t wait for the first match! Pretty soon I’ll have so many fans, I’ll have to fight 'em off like Lee does!"
"Standing there on the pitch...in the stadium...in front of everyone! There’s really no words for it, but... I can barely contain myself! My heart’s racing!"
"Let’s do it, <player>! You know the Gym Challenge has a set order that you’ve gotta visit the Gyms in, right? The first is in Turffield! And to get there, we need to head to Route 3!"
  • Outside
"There you are! I’ve been waiting! Let’s have a battle, you and me. We’ll get in a bit of training!"
All right! :"I knew you’d be up for it! We’ve got to stay keener than anyone else if we want to steal the spotlight from our rivals!"
But why? :"Seriously? This is the moment when you play along and act pumped up for battle! If you’ve gotta ask why we should bother training, you’ll never make it through the Gym Challenge!"
  • In battle
"Keep up, mate! This is our chance to see if we are up to the Gym Challenge!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"Typical! Should’ve known you’d mastered type matchups!"
When the player lands a critical hit :"Landing a critical hit like that... You’re pretty tough when you get serious!"
When Hop's Pokémon's move doesn't affect the player's Pokémon :"Wha-? I made such a careless mistake? I'm supposed to be the greatest Trainer ever!"
When Hop lets out his last Pokémon :"Backed into a corner? You got it all wrong, mate! This’ll just make my victory all the better!"
When Hop uses his starter's same-type move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Branch Poke :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Water Gun :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Ember :"Our flames are burning bright!"
After defeating Hop :"Was that really good training? Looks like I’d better keep my guard up!"
  • After battle
"Just what I’d expect from my rival! You know what? I’ll even give you one of my League Cards! That’s how good I think you did in that battle."
"Our Gym Challenge starts right now—from here in Motostoke! Although the first Gym Leader we’ll have to challenge is in a town way far off from here... Still, you’d better believe I’m going to keep on winning my way to that Championship Match!"
"Hello, Galar! Meet your next Champion! From the sleepy town of Postwick—it’s me, Hop!"
"Look! Just take a look at that, <player>! That’s Turffield Stadium down there!"
"The Gym Leader just returned, too. Milo’s his name. But the place is jam-packed with challengers. It’ll be ages before our turn comes up..."
"Oh... But Sonia was looking for you, <player>. She wanted to ask you something. She tried asking me, but I had no idea. She’s up on that what’s-her-face hill. You know the one."
"What? You don’t know the hill? Well, have a look at your map if you’re not sure!"
"Oh! If it isn’t Sonia’s Yamper! He’s a good boy. He’ll show you the way!"
If talked to again :"What? You don’t know the hill? Well, have a look at your map if you’re not sure!"
"Take a look at this, <player>!"
"The Grass Gym Badge! I got it in one try!"
"I reckon I’m just about the greatest when it comes to wrangling Wooloo... I’ve had plenty of practice at it, after all!"
"But I’m sure you can win this one, too. After all, you are my rival!"
Route 5
"There you are, <player>!"
"I’m warning you, though... Any closer than that and we’re going to have to have a battle—you and me!"
"I warned you! We’re both Gym Challengers who’ve earned ourselves a Grass Badge. This is the perfect training!"
  • In battle
"Let’s have a taste of what a Gym Badge holder’s team can do!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"Typical! Should’ve known you’d mastered type matchups!"
When the player lands a critical hit :"Landing a critical hit like that... You’re pretty tough when you get serious!"
When Hop uses a super-effective move :"I’ve learned loads from studying Lee’s battles!"
When Hop sends out his last Pokémon :"Every one of my Pokémon is an ace! This is no problem at all!"
When Hop uses his starter's same-type move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Razor Leaf :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Water Pulse :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Flame Charge :"Our flames are burning bright!"
After defeating Hop :"We both got ourselves the same Grass Badge, so how come you’re so much stronger?!"
  • After battle
"You’ve gotten strong, <player>. Seems I’ve got to train even harder from now on."
"Next up is Nessa, the leader of the Water Gym!"
"All right, mate! You’ve got both the Grass Badge and the Water Badge by now, right? In that case, we’re both headed for Motostoke and the Fire Gym Leader, Kabu! How about I share with you a little tip about that Leader Kabu? From what I heard, he’s holed up now in Galar Mine No. 2, undergoing some special training! If he’s in there, then we can’t take him on in Motostoke even if we zip right over there—putting the brakes on our Gym Challenge. So I say we head to Galar Mine No. 2 ourselves! Let’s go see what all the fuss is about!"
Galar Mine No. 2
"Well, look at you, <player>!"
"Surrounded by adoring fans, eh? You’ll even be showing up Lee pretty soon!"
"Yeah? And can’t you see that I’m Hop, the Trainer who’ll be your next Champion?"
"You think I’m joking? I’ll prove it, then! And I think a battle with you lot would definitely end with some laughs!"
"Let’s take ’em together, <player>! You ready, mate?"
Yes :"The two of us were endorsed by the Champion himself! We’ll show you just what that means!"
No :"Got it! Then get yourself all ready for a good battle!"
"Nice one, <player>! That’s my rival for you!"
"Now then... Where could Kabu have gone off to? Let’s keep going. Maybe he’s further in!"
"That’s Kabu... Man, he’s wicked! No wonder he’s the Fire-type Gym Leader!"
"I remember Lee talking about Kabu. He said that a lot of Gym Challengers give up because they just can’t beat Kabu."
"Man, now I’m getting all fired up, too!"
Motostoke Outskirts
"That Carkol from before... I guess it must’ve been here on a job. You do know about Poké Jobs by now, right?"
I do :"Course you do!"
Poké what? :"Looks like there’s no helping it, in that case... Settle down and let professor Hop teach you a thing or two! Let’s see if I can remember what Lee had written down in his old notebooks... Basically, you can have your Pokémon go about and help companies or other folks who are in need of something. You can take Poké Jobs from the Rotomi at any Pokémon Center, so give it a look sometime."
"Now I’m cream-cracked! I’m for the Budew Drop Inn and some sleep. Come tomorrow, that Fire Gym Leader Kabu better be ready, because I’ll be coming for him!"
  • Outside
"Slow moving, aren’t you, <player>?"
"I’ve already gone and earned my Fire Badge! That man of fire Kabu is just what you’d expect. Nearly got burnt in my battle with him! Even with my strongest team, it was definitely touch-and-go...but I still won in the end!"
"Get a shift on, <player>! I bet you could beat the man of fire, too!"
"Hey, <player>! I was on fire in my battle against Kabu!"
"<player>! I figured that if anyone could do it, you and <Pokémon> would be the ones...but still! That match had me right at the edge of my seat!"
"With all the Badges we’ve earned ourselves, I reckon we should be all right even against the fierce Pokémon you find deep in the Wild Area. Let’s go find out for ourselves!"
  • Outside
"Hurry it up, <player>!"
"You’re the Gym Leader, but you still came all the way to see us off? Oh, I bet you can already tell that I’m the one who’ll become the next Champion, yeah?"
"Thanks, you all! We’re gonna keep winning! We’ve got to if we want to face-off in the Champion Cup, after all!"
"Come on, <player>! Let’s head for Hammerlocke!"
East Lake Axewell
"Hello again, Wild Area, my old friend! I’ve come back to you even stronger than before!"
"<player>! Hammerlocke is up that way—got it?"
"And, yeah, you could certainly rush straight there without a single detour..."
"but now that you and I have a few Gym Badges, we should be able to catch stronger Pokémon!"
"So I know what I’m doing. I’ll be catching myself some amazing Pokémon to fill in the next page in the tale of my legend!"
"Rubbish. More like you don’t know enough to recognize greatness when you see it. My throws are the greatest, and my bro is the finest Champion the world has ever seen! I’m not gonna listen to you insulting him!"
"You’re on then. I know you challenged <player> to battle in Galar Mine No. 2 and lost to him/her there. And I’m his/her greatest rival. In other words...there’s no way you’re beating me."
"I’ll show this wally my real skills in battle! So, see you later, <player>! Let’s meet up in Hammerlocke when I’m through with him!"
Route 6
"Oh, hey, <player>. You’re heading to Stow-on-Side, right?"
"Oi, Team Yell. Don’t suppose you’ll let us through?"
"What do you say, <player>? If we don’t get past them, we won’t be able to continue our Gym Challenge at Stow-on-Side..."
I'll battle them! :"You... Yeah, that’s the spirit!"
Let me think... :"I don’t figure thinking at them is going to change much about the situation. What else you got?"
"Think I’ll leave this to you, <player>. Keep up the pace."
"<player>... You and <Pokémon> were brilliant together!"
"See, Bede really wiped the floor with me the last time we battled... And don’t get me wrong—I can take a loss! Battling means you’ve got to lose sometimes."
"But he said that I was dragging Lee’s good name through the mud, being so rubbish like I was... And I just can’t get those words out of my head!"
"If I’m weak, then people’ll think Lee’s weak, too... But I don’t want that! I can’t let Lee get dragged down! He’s the unbeatable Champion! I’m gonna have to take some time figuring this out. See you around, <player>..."
"I’m still not too sure what I should do about all that stuff I told you before... About me being weak and dragging down Lee’s good name and all, yeah?"
"But the only think I can do is get stronger, right? So I’m gonna try out all kinds of different things against you and see what works!"
You're on! :"Then let’s do this! I bet an all-out battle with my true rival will help me get my head on straight!"
Wait a second... :"What? Your rival is depressed over here, and you won’t lift a finger to help?"
  • In battle
"All I’m after is victory, and I’m counting on you to help me grab it!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"Who wouldn’t aim for a supereffective hit if they had the chance, right?"
When Hop lands a super-effective move :"How’s that? Supereffective damage! I’m always looking for an opening!"
When the player lands a critical hit :"Ouch! Even I hurt when you manage to land a critical hit like that one!"
When Hop lets out his last Pokémon :"I don’t know what I can do to try to win now... but all I can do is try! There nothing else for it!"
When Hop uses his starter's same-type move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Razor Leaf :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Water Pulse :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Flame Charge :"Our flames are burning bright!"
After defeating Hop :"My strategy goes right to pot when I’ve got all these bad thoughts running through my head..."
  • After battle
"Hrmmm... I tried switching my team members in and out to max out their potential in every matchup, but... We just couldn’t get it together somehow... Maybe that’s why I’m still so weak..."
"But Lee really is the greatest Trainer! And I don’t want people to be laughing at him all because his little brother is rubbish!"
"It’s not enough! I’ve got to try harder! And harder and harder till no one’s laughing! I’m off, mate! Off to find the kind of Pokémon that I can really draw the strength out of!"
"Oh! <player>!
"First that forest, then that mad quiz... I’ve been lost in every sense of the word! But it looks like I’ve finally caught up to you again."
"Come with me to Route 7! I could use a bit of competition to motivate me!"
Route 7
"All right, <player>! You and I both know I’ve got to keep on trying different strategies if I’m gonna get strong enough to catch up to Lee... No! Not just catch up! If I want to surpass him!"
"So I think you know what’s coming, mate... Let me try out my latest in a battle against you!"
  • In battle
"All right! Time for me to test exactly how far I can go with my latest and greatest team!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"The way you battle… You know, it kind of reminds me of Lee!"
When Hop uses a super-effective move :"How’d you like that attack?! Now I really feel like we’re getting somewhere!"
When Hop lands a critical hit :"Considered the possibility your opponent might land a critical hit on your Pokémon, mate?"
When Hop lets out his last Pokémon :"I’m the kind of guy who gets fired up to win in these situations!"
When Hop uses his starter's signature move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Drum Beating :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Snipe Shot :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Pyro Ball :"Our flames are burning bright!"
After defeating Hop :"This is rubbish... My team can’t perform if I can’t get my own head straight as their Trainer..."
  • After battle
"Before we ever started out on this journey... I remember watching Lee on the telly. He was like a bright star, so strong I could hardly bear to look right at him. But now, I can tell just how strong he really is... And what he’s got that I haven’t..."
"But I’m getting stronger, too. Maybe not as fast as you, but fine. Whatever! Thanks for letting me battle you again. And here. I’ll heal up your team for you, too!"
"I think I know what it is I really want... I want to battle Lee—I want to take on my bro. But not just that, I want to beat him! I want to be the one who beats the unbeatable Champion! And I’m going to! My mind’s made up! You and me are going to have another battle once I get my Gym Badge in Circhester!"
"Arghhh! I lost! It all went to pot!"
"There must’ve been something wrong with my strategy, but I did just what I’ve seen Lee do in battles! Here! Take it! It’s the RockSw/IceSh Leader’s League Card. You should check out the Gym Leader you’ll have to face, too."
"And me... I’ve gotta figure out what to put on my team once and for all, and no more of this doubting!"
  • Bob’s Your Uncle
"Got that Gym Badge, <player>? Nice one!"
"Based on those statues we saw back in Stow-on-Side, the sword and the shield were actually two Pokémon, right?"
"You remember the Pokémon we met that day? Do you think...it could’ve been one of them? Either the sword or the shield Pokémon?"
"Come on! You know what I’m talking about, right, <player>?"
In the Slumbering Weald? :"Exactly! The mad Pokémon we ran into in the fog! Don’t you think that could’ve been it?"
I really don't :"Not so sharp when it’s not about battle, huh? Don’t you remember that mad Pokémon we ran into in the fog that day? Don’t you think that could’ve been it?"
  • Hero's Bath
"What, like some hero waving around a sword and shield? Pull the other one. Though...I guess I’d fancy a shieldSw/swordSh, if I had to take my pick."
"Why don’t we show her, <player>! Think we can pull off a real heroic battle?"
Absolutely? :"Sonia treated us to a great meal. After that curry, I feel like I’ve got the energy to wrestle a Bewear!"
"Time for a little exhibition match, starring the future Champion!"
Give me a minute... :"All right, I get it. Prepare as much as you like!"
  • In battle
"I’m counting on you, partner!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"Now that’s a proper move!"
When the player lands a critical hit :"Steady on, partner! I feel your pain, and we’ll get them back for it!"
When Hop lets out his last Pokémon :"Think you’ve got me cornered? Not even close! It’ll be the greatest when I steal this win back!"
When Hop uses his starter's signature move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Drum Beating :"Our green power just keeps on growing stronger!"
Snipe Shot :"This wave is gonna crash right over you!"
Pyro Ball :"Our flames are burning bright!"
After defeating Hop :"I still can’t even beat you, my true rival... But I think I’m starting to see the light!"
  • After being defeated
"I’m going to keep challenging that Gym! Then, once I get that Gym Badge, I’ll be heading for Route 9 to take on Spikemuth next."
Route 7
"This is mad... You know what I mean?"
Where's Leon?/What was that loud noise? :"That’s what I’d like to know! That noise—it was like some massive explosion! There was this huge surge of red light, and then wild Pokémon just started Dynamaxing around me, brazen as you like!"
"Take a look at the news!"
"See! There’s Lee! He really is the greatest, right?"
"Lee and his Charizard took down that Dynamax Pokémon in the blink of an eye!"
"I knew Lee was strong, but this! Really makes you appreciate how great he is, eh? Let’s go meet up with him, <player>! He should be at Hammerlocke Stadium!"
  • Outside
"Over here!"
"Yeah, but why?"
"Hey, do you reckon there’s anything we could do to help out?"
"Right. Course! You’re the unbeatable Champion, after all, eh?"
"I know what I need to do, all right—defeat that Piers once and for all! You’re off to Hammerlocke Stadium, yeah, <player>? Raihan’s a tough nut to crack!"
"Raihan! I’m here to see just how good you are!"
"I’ve tried out lots of different strategies, and I’ve made up my mind about how I want to battle. I’m not gonna lose! I’m gonna beat you, and <player>, and even Lee!"
  • Train Station
"Wait up, <player>! I’m coming, too! I had Raihan beat in no time! Once I got my head on straight and stopped doubting every decision I made, that is... Heh!"
"I reckon I’m still the favorite to win, but I’m up against my true rival, <player>... So I’ll wring out every last thing I learned during my battle with you, Raihan, to beat him/her! So get a move on, <player>! The train’s waiting!"
  • On the Train
"We’re finally headed for Wyndon! There’s a lot I want to check out there. There’s that big tower...and the monorail... And Wyndon Stadium, where the whole of Galar—no, the whole world is gonna be watching us!"
"You get it, right? You and me are gonna make our match there the greatest match that ever was!"
Route 10
"So this is Route 10! It’s like a wall made out of snow!"
"Bet there’ll be Ice-type Pokémon crawling out of the woodwork in a place like this!"
"Come on, <player>! Reckon we’ll be able to train ourselves up to new heights here, before the Champion Cup starts?"
"I believe in myself and the Pokémon on my team, and I know we’ll all get loads stronger!"
"So I’m off! See you in Wyndon, mate!"
  • Outside
"All right! Wyndon City! This is the place where I become a legend at last!"
"You get it, don't you, mate? After all, I'm about to become the new Champion of the Galar region!"
"That's it! I'm headed straight for Wyndon Stadium! Don't waste too much time, <player>. You should head there yourself!"
"This is the reception desk! Turns out I was the first to register for the Champion Cup."
"In other words, I'm already number one. It's pretty much in the bag that I'll win this thing!"
"I'm all sorted and ready to battle you on the biggest stage of them all! But it looks like Bede couldn't make it. Hard luck..."
"Somehow I didn't think he'd take being disqualified lying down, you know what I mean? I guess it is what it is..."
"Come on, <player>. We should head to the locker room!"
  • Locker room
"<player>! I'll be waiting for you in the final match!"
"After seeing the way you battled, I can't accept any outcome besides winning this match! My team is on fire!"
  • Before battle
"I just had this sort of flashback, you know. Remember? Back when we were still in Postwick."
"When we got our Pokémon from Lee that day, I never would've dreamed that I'd end up standing here...facing you, of all people."
"But it's time I finish what I started that day... Got it? The one who'll become Champion is me!"
  • In battle
"We battled back in the garden, but I'm really fired up for this match in the stadium!"
When the player uses a super-effective move :"I knew you'd be aiming for a supereffective hit!"
When Hop uses a super-effective move :"How's that? I learned a lot by studying Lee's old matches!"
When Hop lands a critical hit :"All right, a crit! Now we're really getting up to our full speed!"
When Hop lets out his last Pokémon :"Think you got me backed into a corner? No way! This'll just make my victory all the better!"
When Hop activates Dynamax :"Release all the thoughts poured into my Wishing Star... Time for a Dynamax!"
When Hop uses his starter's same-type Max move :"Have a taste of our true power!"
Max Overgrowth :"A verdant emerald! Max Overgrowth!"
Max Geyser :"An overflowing azure! Max Geyser!"
Max Flare :"A burning crimson! Max Flare!"
After defeating Hop :"<player>... Thanks, mate. I'm really glad you were the one here with me."
  • After being defeated
"You know, even when Sonia was saying that you and me looked like we could become heroes, I never really felt like one..."
"But you, mate! I think maybe you really could do all sorts of great things! Good on you, <player>! And <Pokémon> and all the rest of your team!"
  • Stadium Lobby
"That was you, Lee!"
"That's right, <player>! The real challenge is what's coming next. And I'm completely exhausted! I just want to head back to the hotel and rest."
"I wouldn't say no, but...you never care at all what food tastes like, Lee! A night like this deserves more than rubbish takeaway, so at least pick something good!"
  • Rose of the Rondelands
"All right—that's enough! <player>'s already tired from battle! And you've been asking rather rude questions! We've got ourselves dinner plans with my brother, so, sorry, but clear off already, would you?"
"Phew... Famous people sure have it rough, eh?"
"I hope Lee gets here soon. I could eat my own arm about now."
  • Several hours later...
"This is absurd... Even Lee's never this late. Something's not right. He always does what he says he'll do. As a kid, he promised me he'd become Champion one day, and he went and did just that! He ought to be able to keep to his own dinner plans!"
"Oh, pack it in, Piers! I'm seriously worried here! So I don't need to see your smug mug looking like you're having a go at me, even though you act like you're giving me good advice!"
"But why Rose Tower? What could he have to do there at this hour?"
"Piers, do us a favor. Take us to Rose Tower, would you? Neither <player> nor I know the way."
"Brilliant! You're the best, Piers! Let's go make a real ruckus!"
  • Outside
"No. This is brilliant! I'll search around the front of the stadium!"
If talked to at any point :"There's no sign of that bad League staff! Where'd they go?!"
  • Outside
"So this is Rose Tower! Just how tall do you think it is? I can't even see the top, up there in the clouds."
"Yeah, <player>. What should we do?"
Let's go ahead! :"Good thinking! Let's go collect Lee and get out of here! Without him, there's no Champion for you to challenge in the Champion Cup!"
Wait for the others to catch up? :"'Fraid I can't agree to that, mate. Team Yell's giving it their all to help us out so we can go ahead and help Lee."
"Let's go, <player>!"
  • 1F
"Whoa, it's huge in here! What in the world is this place meant to be?!"
"Listen, <player>... Don't know if you knew this already, but I've heard Rose Tower was built on a Power Spot. Yeah, you know what I'm saying... When we get up to the roof and have a bit of space, we can Dynamax our Pokémon!"
"Which is all well and good. But less certain is whether this lift can get us to the top... Rose Tower has, like, a hundred floors, right?"
"We need to speak with Chairman Rose! Tell us where he is!"
"All right! We're nearly to Chairman Rose! Hold on, Lee! We're coming!"
"Come on, <player>! Let's crack on!"
  • Elevator
"This is taking ages..."
"What? I don't think we're at the roof yet... Why have we stopped?"
"Wait... So the folks working in the tower can stop the elevator from the outside at any time? We're just trying to get to the top already!"
"Our teams have been working themselves ragged for us. Let me heal them all up."
"Looks as though we're nearly there, mate... Look sharp! Let's do this!"
  • Top floor
"<player>... Stay on guard..."
"Typical <player>! You and <Pokémon> are unstoppable!"
"Lee... You never showed when you were supposed to, so I got worried that something had happened.."
"Piers and Marnie and all those Team Yell oddballs, they all helped us out to get here..."
  • The next evening, inside Rose of the Rondelands
"This is it. Did you get enough sleep? You and your team are the ones battling, but I've had Butterfree in my stomach since I woke up..."
"What's all this! Didn't learn your lesson yesterday?! If you need another helping of Hop and his trusty Rillaboom/Cinderace/Inteleon, I'll be happy to give you one!"
"Well, that's what she says... I guess we trust her, then, yeah, <player>? Let's go! I can't wait another minute!"
  • Outside
"This is it. Here at Wyndon Stadium, the greatest stadium in all Galar... You're gonna show everyone the greatest battle ever, mate, and set the world on fire! So go get yourself checked in!"
  • Locker room, after clearing the Finals
"All right? The big moment's finally here, eh? I came just to cheer you on, you know!"
"Still, it's not easy picking sides... After all, it's the showdown between my big brother and my rival... Who should I really want to win more?"
"Right... You reckon I should cheer for <player>, too, don't you? Couldn't agree more. After all, we did start this thing out together, way back in Postwick."
"So you better beat Lee, you hear? If anyone can beat the unbeatable Champion, it'll be you, mate."
  • After Rose's interruption
"That video stream... That was from Hammerlocke Stadium, right? What in the world did the chairman do...?"
"But, Lee! You're terrible at directions... What if you get lost along the way?"
"I want to help my brother, <player>! I've got to! But I can't even manage to beat you, so what sort of help could I ever be...?"
You can help! :"Easy for you to say..."
Just try! :"But what? What can I even do?"
"Hold the phone... The chairman was talking about the Darkest Day. That's the thing where the sky went all dark once, ages and ages ago, right?"
"What does he mean, he's bringing that about? And where did we even hear that name...?"
Back in Motostoke/That statue of the hero... :"That statue of the hero in Motostoke! Sonia said something back then, didn't she... Though it turned out to be wrong, since there were actually two heroes and all that."
"Still! Those two managed to bring an end to the Darkest Day with the sword and shield Pokémon! Sonia thought the Pokémon might still be sleeping somewhere though, right?"
"We should try to find them, <player>! But where should we start looking...?"
Back in the Slumbering Weald? :"That's it, <player>! I'm sure it's got to be the Slumbering Weald! That illusion you tried to fight off that day—it must've been one of the Pokémon that are supposed to be sleeping there!"
Back home in Postwick? :
Maybe in Circhester? :"You sure about that? I dunno... Doesn't feel right to me. Sonia said the Pokémon might still be sleeping somewhere though, right?"
"Let's go back to the Slumbering Weald! If we're lucky, we'll find something that can help!"
Slumbering Weald
"Ready for this, <player>? I wonder if we're about to head straight into a wall of fog again... Not that it'd bother us now. We've both grown loads stronger and so have our Pokémon."
"Going into the forest after Wooloo that day... That was the start of everything, wasn't it? A legendary beginning, really..."
"I reckon whatever we're about to see will be pretty legendary itself! Let's head in and add another page to our tale!"
"What's with this fog! It's even worse than the first time we came here..."
"They really are here... The sword and shield Pokémon! I knew it!"
"Hey! Where're you going?! We need your help over here!"
"What?! Come off it, Sonia! You must've seen that, right?! Those...those...sword and shield Pokémon! They were right in front of us! But then they disappeared into the forest..."
"Wha... Then were those just...illusions or something?"
"Did they really? Ta, Sonia. Thanks for digging into it."
"Even if it is just an illusion or whatever, we did manage to find that Pokémon again... Maybe the sword and the shield that those two used to carry are still here, too!"
"Would you take a look at that, <player>! Now that's something you don't see every day... This place definitely feels like the stuff of legend."
"See that, <player>! The sword and the shield! The legends really were true!"
"That settles it! I'm taking the shieldSw/swordSh! Though...wow, would you look at the state of this thing? It seems like it might fall to pieces if you so much as look at it funny."
"I don't know if these rusty old things will really be able to stop the Darkest Day, but... Well, I guess it can't hurt to have them along! Let's hope they bring us some good luck!"
"Maybe the Pokémon themselves really are still asleep somewhere. So it seems we're on our own if we want to go help Lee. This is all the help we've got!"
If talked to at any point :"If anybody's gonna help Lee now, I guess it's just you and me, mate! He's probably still at Hammerlocke Stadium, trying to keep the Darkest Day at bay."
"So what d'you say, <player>? Wanna grab a Flying Taxi to head right there?"
Let's go! :"Then let's get out of this gloomy forest and fly back to Hammerlocke!"
Not yet :
  • Outside
"Well, I don't care if I'm up against the Darkest Day or the chairman or whatever! I'm going ahead! I'm off to help my brother!"
"What...what is all this?! We need to help Lee!"
"Discouraged...? You don't get it, do you, Chairman? Neither me nor my Pokémon are anywhere near giving up! We've learned to be strong, thanks to the Gym Challenge you organized!"
"All right, <player>? I'm ready for anything. Are you?"
Of course! :"Wouldn't expect any less from my rival! Now, come on! We've got to help Lee!"
Give me a moment :"Yeah, we've no idea what's going on up there. Better be sure you're really ready!"
"Wow... It's huge! Let's take it on together, <player>!"
After trying to attack :"What? I can't use any moves!"
After trying to attack a second time :"I forgot! We found the sword and shield in the Slumbering Weald!"
After trying to attack a third time :"<player>, use that swordSw/shieldSh! It might be old and rusted, but there's got to be some use to it!"
  • In battle with Eternatus's third phase
"Hey, looks like we can use our moves now! Thanks to Zacian and Zamazenta, that is!"
  • Upon defeating Eternatus
"This is it! Hurry, <player>! Try to catch Eternatus NOW!"
  • Three days later, inside Rose of the Rondelands
"I don't know about you, but I slept like the dead! Everyone's still talking about what happened, but at least things are back to normal now."
"We really did defeat Eternatus together with Zamazenta and Zacian!"
"And still Lee's...well, he's being Lee. Insisting on having a Championship Match with you today. It's a bit much, isn't it? You sure you're up for it?"
"I'm not even too sure about him. He was out cold and hurt pretty badly himself during all that mess. I do understand how he feels, though."
"Feels like I've been waiting forever to get to see you and him face off in a serious match."
"So come on! The match'll be at Wyndon Stadium. Where else!"
Slumbering Weald
"Huh? <player>?! What're you doing here in the woods?"
What about you? :"Nobody ever comes in here, since this is the forest where Zacian and Zamazenta rested. It's the best place to do a bit of thinking, since it's so quiet and all."
The truth is... :"You say you felt like something was calling you here, <player>? That's... Mate, that's pretty uncanny."
"Oh, but I hadn't had the chance to tell you! Congrats on your victory, <player>!"
"Honestly, <player>... I never thought you'd manage to beat my brother. The greatest Champion Galar ever had! He was undefeatable till you came around! It's actually still pretty hard to believe..."
"Really... You're amazing, <player>. So amazing, maybe, that I don't even realize just how amazing you really are!"
"<player>, do you think... Would you be up for one more battle?"
Sure! :"Thanks, <player>!" Then show me the strength that defeated Lee, the greatest Champion we ever had!"
Why? :"Because I want to feel for myself the strength that defeated my brother, the greatest Champion we'd ever had... Come on, <player>!"
"I'm ready when you are, so just say the word!"
If talked to again :"This'll be a serious battle! You're ready for that, aren't you?"
Of course! :"This is it!"
Wait a minute... :
  • Upon being defeated
"I didn't expect there to be such a gap between you and me, mate..."
  • After being defeated
"So, there really is no way I could ever beat you... I mean, you can even beat my "undefeatable" brother!"
  • After Sonia appears
"And if it isn't Sonia."
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off assisting the professor?"
"Y-you are?!"
"Yeah, I expect so... Sonia and <player>, you both amaze me! I've got a lot to live up to here!"
"Er, oh, right..."
"We...were! Yeah, that's what we were doing! We were just about to do that."
"That must be it, <player>! Why you felt like you were called here!"
"Let's put the sword and the shield back and say a proper thanks for all the help. Maybe if we do, we'll get to see Zacian and Zamazenta again someday."
  • Upon returning the Rusted SwordSw/ShieldSh
"Zacian! Zamazenta! Thanks loads for helping us out! Took us a while, but we've brought back your precious relics and all!"
"All right! That about settles that. <player>, why don't you and I head back?"
"What're you gonna do, Sonia?"
  • After Sordward and Shielbert appear
"That's just plain rude!"
"New kings? Descendants? Seriously, what are you on about?"
"Hey! Don't go nicking those! We just returned them!"
"But...there's no way anyone can prove who those ancient things belong to! Even if we can't prove it, they're really important to Zacian and Zamazenta!"
  • After Player battles SordwardSw/ShielbertSh
"Sorry, <player>... I lost to him..."
"... ... ..."
"W-wait! Stop! Give back that Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh!
Turffield Stadium
"I got everyone who was seated on the north side of the stadium evacuated!"
"You must've heard, right? More Dynamax Pokémon are running amok!"
"I lost in the Semifinals, though..."
"Ah, <player>!"
"I chased those red and blue guys and saw them head into Turffield Stadium. Then I heard that uproar, and there was no way I could leave it alone. I had to help out."
"So, er... Sorry! I actually lost sight of them in all the rush."
"I don't know how much I can really help... If I come along, I might just end up slowing the rest of you down..."
"Uh... OK!"
  • After battle
"There wasn't any Trainer anywhere! And the Pokémon seemed like it couldn't even control the power itself..."
  • After Sordward and Shielbert appear
"Ah! It's you two! I knew you'd be here! Give the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh back!"
"What's with these two! Arrrghhh! Get over here so I can battle you!"
"What was that about Zacian and Zamazenta?!"
"So you were the ones who caused all this? Stop!"
"B-but they're getting away!"
"But still! Ughhh... Fine. You're right. I get it."
"And that they plan to continue doing it!"
I won't allow it!/We have to stop them! :"Yeah!"
"This is no time to be hung up on getting back the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh..."
"<player!> Piers! We've got to stop those two!"
If talked to again :"Where would those red and blue buffoons have gone off to next? Let's head out and look, <player>!"
  • Outside
"Oh! Sonia!"
"If Pokémon are being forced to Dynamax and running wild, there's no way I can simply sit by and watch! What do you say, <player>?"
If talked to again :"If someone's in trouble, then I want to help! So, let's get out there and do our best. All right, <player>?"
Hulbury Stadium
"We came here to help you out."
Motostoke Stadium
"Mr. Kabu! I'm glad you remember me."
  • After defeating both Dynamax Pokémon
"Hey, <player>? That your Rotom Phone ringing?"
"What?! Sonia, you all right?!"
"We've got to help Sonia and get back the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh!"
"Let's hurry to the Pokémon Lab!"
  • Pokémon Research Lab
"Sonia and the professor are the ones who've been inconvenienced here!"
"Forcing Pokémon to Dynamax against their will... You've gone way out of bounds here! And I haven't forgot about getting back the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh, either!"
Steady on/We'll fight them together :"<player>... Thanks, mate!"
"First thing's first! Let's get these weirdos out of here!"
  • After battle
"I did it... We won! We really won!"
"Give back the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh, and stop forcing Pokémon to go all crazy!"
If talked to at any point :"So those two weren't working alone? One of their followers even betrayed Sonia... That's real rough..."
  • Outside
"But...you were upset. We didn't want to say anything to make it worse."
"Those weirdos said that they wanted to reveal the true natures of Zacian and Zamazenta."
"<player>! This is no time to be lying about! If Pokémon are in trouble, why're we still here?! Let's get right out there to lend a hand!"
Stow-on-Side Stadium
"Nice one! Then let's all work together!"
Ballonlea Stadium
"Bede?! What about the Dynamax Pokémon?!"
"That's right—you're a Gym Leader now! Though I don't know about "elite" or whatever."
"Why'd I know you'd say something like that...? We came all the way out here just to lend a hand!"
"Look, I'm sorry, mate, but...this is hardly the time!"
  • After battle
"Even after losing his right to participate in the Gym Challenge, Bede still found his own way to crash the Champion Cup... Yeah, I'd say he's a force to be reckoned with."
"I think I get why he was chosen to be the next Gym Leader. He might be unbearable at times—or really, most all the time—but he's a fierce Trainer."
He takes things seriously :"Yeah. Watching him battle you, it was plain to see how much work he puts into it."
He's really strong :"He's strong enough that even a Champion like you recognizes it, eh?
"Right, right, I hear you! And I won't be outdone by that Bede or anyone! On to the next one!"
Circhester Stadium
"<player>'s here, so everyone can relax!"
  • After battle
"Hah...hah... Just barely! Battling a Dynamax Pokémon all on your own is pretty hard work!"
"I...I do?"
"I do not! Shut your gob, Piers!"
Hammerlocke Stadium
"We're here to help, too! Right, <player>?"
  • After two stadiums are visited
"<player>! We've got to go help all the other places where these Dynamax Pokémon are running wild!"
  • After three stadiums are visited
"Looks like most of the stadiums have got this Dynamax problem sorted now. Let's keep up the pace, <player>!"
  • After all stadiums are visited
"Right! I think that's all the stadiums sorted now! We didn't miss any, did we, <player>?"
"If we don't find them quick, they could just start all this up again!"
"And once we find them again, I'm going to take them right down!"
"That's your Rotom Phone, <player>! It's got to be Sonia!"
"Heh! Called it."
"Even over the phone, Sonia sure sounds lively..."
Energy Plant
"Why are you forcing Pokémon to Dynamax?"
"Zacian and Zamazenta saved all of Galar!"
"You seriously want to make the two Pokémon that saved us all run amok?!"
"You think we'll let you get away with this?"
  • After battle
"We've driven them back! Now we can head up to the roof!"
Tower Summit
"This is all because I let them get away with stealing the Rusted ShieldSw/SwordSh!"
"I hate to admit it, but if anyone can stop it, it's got to be you, <player>! I'll keep everyone else safe down here! So you don't have to worry about a thing! You just focus on calming down ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh!"
  • After battle
"ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh... Are you...all right?"
"Thanks for saving me, ZacianSw/ZamazentaSh."
"Looks like it still can't control all that power..."
"I don't like this, <player>... Not one bit. I'm going to go after ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh!"
"And this belongs to ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh—not you!"
  • Through Rotom Phone
"Hello? <player>?! I was just— Whoa! Hey, calm down!"
"Heh! I suppose you heard that? Yeah, I've got ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh here with me!"
Are you OK? :"ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh started going crazy, so things have been better! But I'm hanging in there..."
Where are you? :"ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh was going wild in the Slumbering Weald, but I'm doing my best to keep it in check!"
"I could sure use your help, though! Get over here quick as you can, would you?"
"I'll be waiting for you in the heart of the Slumbering Weald!"
Slumbering Weald
"There, there... Everything's all right..."
"You don't have to lose control. You can manage this. I know you can! You're the true hero who protected the Galar region, after all!"
"Oh? Got everything under control? See! I knew you could do it, champ!"
  • After Sonia and Player appear
"You two made it! And yeah, well, I was just focused on trying to calm down ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh, so..."
It looks happy now :"Yeah... It does, doesn't it? Though I can tell you, things were looking pretty fire here at first!"
Hop, you're amazing :"Y-you think? I'm pretty chuffed to hear that from you of all people, <player>!"
"What? Wait, really?! Y-you sure about this?"
"That it thinks I'm worthy of it... That it'll become my Pokémon... I'm pretty sure that was it, anyway!"
"Is it...is it really OK?"
"All right, here I go, then..."
  • After Hop catches ZamazentaSw/ZacianSh
"I still don't quite see anything like that in myself yet... But thanks to your help, I'm starting to!"
"<player>! I've got a favor to ask! Though I hate to look like I'm copying that posh jerk, Bede... Still! I want another battle against you!"
"Everything started right here...in the Slumbering Weald!"
If talked to again: :"This'll be a proper battle, <player>! You sure you're ready for me?"
Yes :"All right! Let's go, <player>!"
No :
  • In battle
"Let's do it, <player>! Don't hold anything back!"
After defeating first Pokémon :"My goal was always to surpass Lee, but he's not the Champion anymore. I'm not sure what my goal is now."
After defeating second Pokémon :"You and Sonia followed your own paths... I was the only one left behind and trying to catch up!"
After defeating third Pokémon :"But then I went around saving Pokémon alongside you and Piers... And I realized that I could help other people!"
After defeating fourth Pokémon :"Blast! You really got me with that one. But battling you sure is fun, <player>!"
After defeating fifth Pokémon :"I want to see which of us comes out the victor, and yet I also don't ever want this battle to end... That's the kind of strange feeling I'm having! You feel it, don't you, <player>?"
Yeah! :"I knew you must! It's kind of embarrassing, but I'm glad it's not just me!"
Not really... :"What? It's embarrassing if I'm the only one who's so into this!"
"Right then! Laugh or cry all you want, but this is it! This is the end!"
After defeating Hop :"Thanks to you and Lee, I'll keep getting stronger... I know it!"
  • After battle
If Hop defeated the player :"I know you haven't reached your full potential yet, <player>! Train and prepare as much as you like. I'll be waiting here whenever you're ready!"
If the player defeated Hop :"That's our greatest Champion for you... You really are strong, <player>! But getting beat this time felt a bit different. I may've lost, but I feel great!"
"You know what, <player>? I think I've found a dream of my own! I want to be someone who can help out Pokémon that're in trouble, wherever they are... I think I want to become a Pokémon Professor!"
"I started thinking I might when we were going around to all the stadiums to help out the Pokémon that were running out of control."
"I know I don't know enough about Pokémon yet, and I've got no experience for this sort of thing, but I'm gonna study and learn a whole lot! And someday I'll become the sort of professor that you, <player>, and you, Sonia... well, the sort you would be proud to know!"
"I'm gonna take a different path than you and Lee are taking, <player>...but... I'll still always think of you as my true rival!"
There's nothing I'd like better! :"Same here. We'll always be rivals, you and me!"
I still don't plan on losing to you! :"Not like I plan on losing to you, either! Even if our goals are different now... we'll always be proper rivals, you and me!"
"Sonia! Getting a bit weepy in your old age, eh?"
"Then I definitely want to! Only...you sure I can really be any help to you?"
"Wait! So you what you really mean is you're offering me the position to help yourself out? Ah, fine! I'll still do a bang-up job!"
"You'll have my back, too—right, <player>?"
  • After Sordward, Shielbert, Piers and Leon appear
"You've no idea! Those two were forcing Pokémon to Dynamax all over the place!"
"Well, fancy that... I think you've grown on them, <player>?"
"Er, what?"
"I...I do?"
"Awww, zip it, Sonia! I do not! Hehehe..."
"Right! Then it's a race to see who gets back home first!"
Pokémon Research Lab
"<player>! I'm giving it my best with my studies! It's not easy, but it's still great fun!"
Wyndon Stadium (rematch)
  • Before battle
"I want to become a legend in Galar... No, a legend for the whole world! And if I want to do that, I need to beat both you and my big bro!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Ugh! Gutted! You're always one step ahead of me, mate!"
  • After being defeated
"Even the pages detailing my defeats will add to the tale of my brilliant legend! But I don't plan on losing to you again! As your rival, I promise I'll win next time!"
Isle of Armor
"Oh! Hey, welcome back, <player>! Looks like you've been hard at work keeping up your training here at the dojo, eh?"
Hop?! What're you doing here?! :"Surprise! And nicely done, <player>. That's just the reaction I was hoping for!
Oh, Hop. You're here, too? :"Where's the surprise, mate? The welcome? Acting like I'm something the Meowth dragged in..."
"I'm here on the Isle of Armor to research more about the Dynamax phenomenon."
"I mean, it'd be loads easier than camping out for a long time, but wouldn't I be in the way?"
"Yeah, it's true—Lee did train here when we were both kids..."
"All right then, Master Mustard. You've twisted my arm! I hope you don't regret it, because I'm staying!"
"That certain...something...is—?!"
"The suspense here is killing me..."
"Are you kidding me?! Noooooo!"
"Is this, uh, how your training usually goes?"
"I've really got no Rapidash in this race, but even I'm pretty curious about that certain something!"
"I think I read something about Urshifu in a book once, too..."
"It's the Wushu Pokémon, right? The book said it lives in the mountains in some far-off region."
Does it really? :"Huh? You didn't know? Don't you have one, <player>?!"
That's pretty amazing, Hop! :"Naw, it's nothing. I just happened to be researching foreign Pokémon lately is all!"
"But yeah, I think I read that Urshifu is absolutely mad for some kind of sticky honey..."
"<player>! Honey is made from the nectar of flowers and plants, right? So maybe we need nectar made by some Pokémon that look like flowers and plants!"
"And if we're looking for those kinds of Pokémon, then I'd reckon there might be lots in a forest. I'll be able to look into Dynamaxing along the way, so count me in for some exploration!"
"There's a forest past that big marshland, right? Bet I can still beat you there!"
"Finally, <player>! I've been waiting forever for you!"
"I'd thought Glimwood Tangle was a real maze, but this place is on an entirely different level... And it's so hot and humid that I'm sweating a pond over here!"
"Sonia and I split up places to survey. And she opted for the cold and snow—and all. Too bad we can't somehow divide this heat up between us, too. We'd both feel a bit better!"
"Anyway, I was checking out this Forest of Focus place while I was waiting for you to show up... and I saw signs that Lilligant and Applin live here!"
"Maybe we can gather a bit of sweet nectar that Urshifu should love from their flowers and fruit."
If talked to again :
  • Encountering Petilil
"Look! It's a Petilil! Petilil evolves into Lilligant, which is just the Pokémon we're looking for!"
"Hey, doesn't that Petilil seem to be acting a bit strange?"
It looks sort of sad/It looks a bit lost :"Yeah, now that you mention it... Maybe it got separated from its parents?"
"Whoa! Who're you glomming onto, mate?! You really must be lost if you think I'm your mum!"
"And now I'm stuck. OK..."
"You've gotta help us out here, <player>!"
"Go find us one of Petilil's parents or something, would you? Look for some worried-looking Lilligant! I'll wait here with this little one. I'm afraid I'll step on it if I start walking around!"
If talked to again :
If talked to with Lilligant :"Finally, <player>! And you found Lilligant!"
"Hehe, looks like they're both pretty happy to see each other."
"What d'ya think, <player>? I'd say Lilligant is trying to thank you."
"Huh? Is this...some of the nectar from your flower, Lilligant?"
"See ya, Petilil! See ya, Lilligant!"
"Nice one, <player>! Now we've got some of Lilligant's nectar! Hopefully this nectar's sweet and sticky, just like Urshifu likes it..."
"Hrmmm... I definitely wouldn't call it very sticky. It's pretty watery..."
"I don't think this is what you need, mate, but at least we did a good deed anyway."
  • Encountering Applin
"Come on! Let's give Applin's nectar a try next!"
"There! It's an Applin!"
"Applin! No, wait!"
"This is rotten... I don't see that Applin anywhere! But I'm sure it went rolling off this way..."
"<player>! We've gotta find that Applin!"
After investigating berry tree :"Huh? Something wrong with that Berry tree?"
"Augh! It ran off again!"
"Huh? Uh, <player>? Is your head feeling a bit...moist."
"That's gotta be Applin's nectar on you! It might've given us the slip, but at least we still got what we came for!"
"But is Applin's nectar sweet enough for Urshifu?"
"Well, like they say—the proof is in the pudding! Or the Applin! So let's give it a try!"
"Hrmmm... I don't think you'd describe it as sticky exactly... It's more like juice or something..."
"Lilligant's nectar wasn't it... Applin's nectar wasn't it... They weren't really sticky enough to be the sticky honey that Urshifu loves..."
"Come to think of it, they aren't really honey at all, are they? I was thinking nectar and honey were the same thing, so I was looking for plants and flowers. But was I just barking up the wrong tree?"
  • Encountering Venipede
"Whoa, a Venipede! I don't see one of those every day!"
"It's cute looking, right? But it can produce a really thick, gooey poison inside its body—making it pretty dangerous."
"Th...that's it!"
"I was stuck on Pokémon that produce nectar... But what we really need is a Pokémon that USES that sort of nectar to produce something else!"
Something like honey?!/You just noticed?! :"Yes!"
"And when it comes to Pokémon that collect and store lots of nectar to make honey... well, the answer is obvious, right?"
Sheep Pokémon! :"Er, no, that'd be Wooloo. It might eat grass, but it can't produce honey..."
Beehive Pokémon! :"The Beehive Pokémon has got to be the answer! I'm sure of it this time!"
"And Vespiquen is the Beehive Pokémon, right, <player>? Have you ever seen one?"
"If we're talking about the Isle of Armor... I think we should find some on the island shaped like a honeycomb over near that big blue tower!"
"Now that we know where we're going, I'm off! Don't make me wait, <player>!"
"There you are, <player>! Glad you could finally make it!"
"I've seen loads of Combee around, but no sign of Vespiquen so far... But they're the ones that'd have sticky honey."
"Huh? I borrowed a Power Spot Detector from Sonia, but why's it going off now? Is it...reacting to this tree here?"
"Something's got to be up, <player>! I think we should check it out!"
If talked to again :
After shaking tree :"Wh-what is happening now?!"
  • After defeating Dynamax Vespiquen
"I sure wasn't expecting a Dynamaxed Vespiquen to come swooping out to attack us! I was too shocked to even think of joining you in the battle!"
"That is some seriously sticky honey. I'm sure it's the certain something Urshifu loves!"
"And it seems like that honey was setting off my Power Spot Detector, too. The Max Mushrooms and this honey you can find on the Isle of Armor... they both seem to have some kind of tie to Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing."
"There's tons we don't yet know about it, so there's tons of research just waiting to be done."
"Come on! You got the thing you were looking for, so let's head back to the dojo at once!"
"Heh heh! That'd be the Max Honey that Urshifu loves to the max! We got our hands on a nice haul of it!"
"You put me and <player> on it, old man! There's nothing the two of us can't do together!"
"You didn't forget for a second what that "certain something" was, did you?"
"He's the one who taught Lee all he knows, so Mustard's got to be one wicked strong Trainer!"
"I guess I'd better start getting serious about the research I came here to do, too..."
"Good luck with your things, <player>! I'm sure you'll manage—like you always do."
"I'll come dashing right back to catch that battle, though, if you do try taking on Master mustard!"
If talked to again :"Oh, you know what? I ran into that one Gym Leader at the station when I came here to the Isle of Armor. You remember the one! I guess all sorts of folks are starting to come here to the island to train a bit."
  • After defeating Mustard
"Well, I'm not surprised one bit, <player>. I knew you'd win!"
  • When showing a Pokémon not yet seen in Player's Pokédex
"<player>! Bet you'll never guess what rare Pokémon I found when I was out doing my survey!"
Well, let's see it then! :"Heh heh, surprised? Don't worry, mate. I'll keep on letting you know whenever I find a cool Pokémon you've never managed to see."
I'll take a look later :
If talked to after being shown a Pokémon for the day :"I wonder what new Pokémon I might see today... Every day's the chance for a new discovery!"
Isle of Armor Random Encounters
  • When first spoken to
"Huh? Hey, <player>! Didn't think I'd run into you out here!"
"I'm hard at work surveying the island, really. I've only been skiving off the teeniest bit. Hardly at all!"
"The Pokémon live totally different out here than they do back in the Wild Area near home. You can tell even in these little patches of grass!"
"This is one maze of a forest. You can hardly blame that Lilligant for losing track of its Petilil."
"I'm absolutely shattered from that climb... But what a view you get from up here!"
"How'd a strange cave like this come about naturally, I wonder? Maybe the river carved it out?"
"The Isle of Armor's got such nice beaches! Wish I'd brought my swim gear... F-for surveying, obviously! Aquatic surveying!"
"Sand, <player>! There's sand everywhere, mate! In my shoes! Between my toes! Like everywhere!"
"We've been walking around for ages, so it's good to just stop sometimes, you know? Dubwool seems to feel the same!"
  • During overcast conditions
"These sure look like rain clouds to me... If they were a bit whiter, they'd look comfy enough to kip on — just like Dubwool's wool!"
  • During rain or thunderstorms
"I bet Pokémon that live by the water just love these kinds of rainy days. Watch your step as you explore, though — the ground's all muddy and slippery!"
"Owww... I got sand in my eye! I'm getting flashbacks to Hammerlocke Gym..."
"Check it out, <player>! Isn't this fog just like in the Slumbering Weald? There could be Legendary Pokémon about!"
Wyndon Stadium (Galarian Star Tournament)
  • Opening Ceremony
"Hey, <player>! So he called you here, too, eh?"
"What's all this?": "Huh? You mean Lee didn't tell you anything? I've been real busy with my studies, so I actually turned Lee down at first, but... Well, that brother of mine doesn't give up easy!"
"Hey, you're...Klara, right? From the Master Dojo?"Sw / :"Hey, you're...Avery, right? From the Master Dojo?"Sh
"R-right..."Sw / :"An elegant...what?"Sh
"Th...That really is amazing! I hope you'll keep working toward reaching the major division!"
"Suddenly I'm feeling all fired up for this thing! If everyone's taking it that seriously, I don't want to be the one to lose!"
Wyndon Stadium (Lobby)
"That's Lee for you! He knows how to start off a tournament nice and proper! Still I wasn't expecting to have to team up with someone... Oh, I know! <player>! If you haven't settled on a partner yet, why not team up with me?"
"Yes": "Nobody's gonna to be able to stop this team! We're sure to win this tournament. You'll see!"
Partnering with Hop
  • In the locker room before the first round
"Looks like our first opponents are Milo and Nessa! Don't let your guard down, mate... They're not gonna be pushovers!"
  • In the locker room before the second round
"Battling together with you like this reminds me of our adventure in Rose Tower! I'm gonna go all out to show that I can keep up with you, <player>!"
  • In the locker room before the final round
"This is it, mate! We're knocking on the door of the final battle! And we're up against Raihan and Lee, of all people... But when we stand together, <player>, we've got nothing to be afraid of!"
  • On the field before the first round battle
"First things first! Let's pick up some momentum!"
  • On the field before the second round battle
"It's time for the Postwick dream team to show people what we can do!"
  • On the field before the final round battle
"Scoring a win together would really make my day, mate! Let's do our best!"
  • Winning the Tournament
"Being able to beat everyone else together with my rival <player>... I'm gonna ride this high to really crush my studies and become a great professor! Just you watch!"