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Revision as of 15:24, 18 January 2013 by Riox-Ibui (talk | contribs)
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カスミ Ibui
"The Water Master!"
Black White Cheren.png
Age 18
Gender Male
Eye color Dark Brown
Hair color Black
Hometown Cerulean City
Region Kanto
Trainer class Gym Leader* Pokémon Trainer Pokémon Coordinator Pokémon Master
Specializes in Water types

Riox is a Pokemon Trainer from the Kanto region.He is a Pokemon Coordinator and a Water type Pokemon Master as well.


He joined Bulbapedia a in december 2012.As a user his goal is to make more and more edits. He beginned his travel with a newly hatched Togepi.After watching and discoverin many pokémon he decided to make his goal ; being the a Water type Pokemon Master. He first travelled through the Kanto region.Then he went to Johto.After that he went to the Hoenn region where he started to take part in the Pokemon Contests.Than he went to the Sinnoh region.Now he is in his travell through the Unova region with his travelling companions.

Favorite Characters


As his goal is to be a Water type Pokemon Master ,he always tends to capture Water type pokémon,but his team is also composted by other types pokémon.

On hand

Egg → Togepi → Togetic
Riox's Togetic
Debut BW103

Togetic is Riox's starter pokémon.He is seen always seen outside of its Poké Ball.Togetic was the second pokémon that Riox used in his battle against Virgil.It managed to defeat Virgil's Leafeon.In the end he was used against Virgil's Eevee, and won, making Riox the winner..

Togetic's known moves are Metronome, Ancient Power, Aerial Ace and Zap Cannon.

Oshawott → Dewott → Samurott
Riox's Samurott
Debut BW103

Samurott is the first pokémon that Riox captured in the Unova region,as an Oshawott.He is his 'premium brand'.During a battle against Misty he evolved into a Dewott.In the Aspertia Gym he was send out to battle Cheren 's Stoutland, and evolved into a Samurott.

It was used against Virgil's Jolteon ending in draw.

Samurott's known moves are Hydro Pump, Razor Shell, Hydro Cannon and Megahorn.

Panpour → Simipour
Riox's Simipour
Riox's Simipour
Debut BW103

Simipour is the second pokémon that Riox captured in the Unova region, as a Panpour.After having a battle with the Striaton trio, Cress gave to Riox a [{Water Stone]].He then evolved his Panpour.

He was the sixth pokémon that Riox used aginst Virgil.He fought against Virgil's Flareon defeating it.

Simipour's known moves are Scald, Shadow Claw, Ice Punch and Focus Blast.

Zorua → Zoroark
Riox's Zoroark
Riox's Zoroark
Debut BW103

Zoroark is the third pokémon that Riox captured in the Unova region,first as a Zorua.After having a battle with N, Zorua evolved into a Zoroark.

He was the third pokémon tha Riox used against Virgil.He fought agianst Virgil's Umbreon and defeated it.Then it was defeated by Virgil's Espeon.

Simipour's known moves are Night Daze, Foul Play, Flamethrower and Dark Pulse.

Frillish → Jellicent ShinyVStar.png
Riox's Jellicent
Debut BW103

Jellicent is the fifth pokémon that Riox captured in the Unova region.

Simipour's known moves are Ominous Wind, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball and Psychic.

Riox's Dragonite
Debut BW103

Dragonite is the sixth pokémon that Riox captured in the Unova region.

Simipour's known moves are Hurricane, Dragon Rush, Surf and Outrage.

At home

Lickitung Debut.png
Forbidden Forest Bulbasaur.png
Pidgeot anime.png
Growlithe → Arcanine
Virgil Vaporeon.png
Egg → Eevee → Vaporeon
Misty Politoed.png
Poliwag → Poliwhirl → Politoed
Misty Corsola.png
Ash Lapras.png
Misty Gyarados.png
Jessie Dustox.png
Katie Walrein.png
Spheal → Sealeo → Walrein
Izabe Island Absol.png
Barry Empoleon.png
Piplup → Prinplup → Empoleon
Paul Electivire ThunderPunch.png
Elekid → Elektabuzz → Electivire
Ash Buizel Ice Punch.png
Paul Froslass.png
Snorunt → Frosslass
Jessie Yanmega.png
Iris Emolga.png
Luke Zorua.png
Egg → Zorua



N (anime)

Reshiram (anime)


Club Battle

Iris Emolga Attract.png
Burgundy Dewott Water Pulse.png
Zoroark Night Slash.png


Ash Buizel Ice Punch.png

Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup

Jessie Yanmega.png
Zoroark Night Slash.png
File:Rival Samurott Ice Beam B2W2 Trailer.png
Volkner Electivire.png