Pokémon Black and White Versions: Difference between revisions

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* The amount of C-Gear skins distributed differed between regions; Japanese versions had 31 skins, North American versions had 22 skins, and European versions had 25 skins.
* The amount of C-Gear skins distributed differed between regions; Japanese versions had 31 skins, North American versions had 22 skins, and European versions had 25 skins.
* As {{p|Victini}} is a Shiny Locked Pokémon, its shiny form can never be obtained. In Japanese versions if the game generated a value that would cause Victini to be shiny, the battle would never begin, this was fixed in international versions.
* As {{p|Victini}} is a Shiny Locked Pokémon, its shiny form can never be obtained. In Japanese versions if the game generated a value that would cause Victini to be shiny, the battle would never begin, this was fixed in international versions.
* In the Japanese version, a female {{tc|Swimmer}} claims that the place in her bikini where she stores her Poké Balls is a "woman's secret": 「ビキニの わたしが どこに モンスターボールを しまうのか? フフフ…… {{ruby|女|おんな}}{{ruby|秘密|ひみつ}}よ」 However, this was changed in the English version: ''"I'm a girl with everything... Well, everything but a place to put my Poké Balls!"''
* The {{ga|Hilbert|male player character}} is able to ride the [[Nimbasa City|Rondez-View Ferris Wheel]] with {{tc|Hiker}} Andy during the [[season (game mechanic)|summer]]. However, Hiker Andy's dialogue was considerably changed between language versions. In particular, Hiker Andy invites the player to the Ferris wheel in the Japanese version, but Hiker Andy appears to be have been invited by the player instead in the English version. Hiker Andy appears to be afraid of heights in the English version, but not in Japanese.
** Before battle: 「いやあ! そこの {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}! まいにち ムシムシと {{ruby|暑|あつ}}いな! こんな イケない {{ruby|夏|なつ}}を {{ruby|満喫|まんきつ}} しないわけには いかないよ! な? そこでだ! ボクと {{ruby|一緒|いっしょ}}に {{ruby|観覧車|かんらんしゃ}}に つきあわないか! もちろん タダとは いわんぞ! ボク {{ruby|自慢|じまん}}の ポケモンで {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}を もんであげよう!」 (''Hey! You, boy! It's hot and humid everyday! We can't help but to fully enjoy the summer! Right? Will you come along and ride the Ferris wheel together with me? Of course I'm not saying that's all! I'll proudly show you my Pokémon, boy!'')
**: English version: ''"Hi, Trainer. Enjoying the summer? It's sure hot today. That's summer for ya. What? You wanna ride the Ferris wheel? It's for two at a time, so take a friend. What? You want me to ride it with you? Sure, I guess. I'll ride with ya... But you gotta win a Pokémon battle!"''
** If the player accepts to battle: 「そうかァ! 少年! キミは {{ruby|見所|みどころ}} アリ だな! さあ 早速 あいさつ代わりに イッパツ 勝負と いこうか!」 (''I see! Boy! You are interesting! Then let's have one quick match instead of an introduction!'')
**: English version: ''"Sure enough. A little battle practice is a good way to spend a summer's day."''
** If the player refuses to battle:  「ああ {{ruby|残念|ざんねん}}だ {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}! {{ruby|暑苦|あつくる}しい {{ruby|夏|なつ}}の ひととき キミのような {{ruby|若|わか}}い つぼみと エンジョイ したかったのだが!」 (''Ah, what a pity, boy! In this sweltering summer, I wanted to enjoy some time with with a young blossom like you!'')
**: English version: ''"Oh well. Didn't feel like wasting my time riding a Ferris wheel anyway."''
** After the battle: 「いやあ よかったよ! {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}! キミも キミの ポケモンも {{ruby|立派|りっぱ}}! {{ruby|結構|けっこう}}! タマランよ! さあて…… {{ruby|2人|ふたり}}の {{ruby|身体|からだ}}も {{ruby|心|こころ}}も {{ruby|必要|ひつよう}} {{ruby|以上|いじょう}}に {{ruby|温|あたた}}まった ところで…… {{ruby|観覧車|かんらんしゃ}}に {{ruby|突入|とつにゅう}}だ! さあ ついて{{ruby|来|こ}}い {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}!」 (''"Wow, that was good! Boy! You and your Pokémon are splendid! Wonderful! Awesome! Now then... We'll both warm our bodies and hearts even more somewhere... Let's rush into the Ferris wheel! Come on, follow me, boy!"'')
**: English version: ''"Nice job. I'm impressed. You and your Pokémon make a great team. Thanks, that was fun. See ya! What? That's not what I promised? You still want to ride the Ferris wheel? OK, sure enough, I guess..."''
** During the ride: 「オオウ…… ムシムシとして…… まるで サウナだな {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}! アアア {{ruby|熱|あ}}いなァ…… {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}の {{ruby|肌|はだ}}を {{ruby|汗|あせ}}が {{ruby|伝|つた}}っているぞ…… ところでだ…… {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}…… {{ruby|恋人|すきなひ}} とか いないのか?」 (''Oow... This is hot and humid... Quite like a sauna, boy! Aah, so hot... There is sweat dripping from your skin, boy... By the way... Boy... You don't have a lover, right?'')
**: English version: ''"I thought I'd enjoy this ride, but I feel like I'm enclosed in a tiny little space... Luckily, I'm not scared of heights. That would not be cool for a Hiker. I'm gonna stay cool. Feel cool on the inside, look cool on the outside."''
** After the ride: 「いやあ {{ruby|想像|そうぞう}}を こえて アツく ムシムシした {{ruby|空間|くうかん}}だったなあ! だが これで ボクと {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}の あいだは {{ruby|しんてん|進展}}したな! な! ボクは しばらく この{{ruby|辺|あた}}りで ウロウロする {{ruby|予定|よてい}}だ! {{ruby|2人|ふたり}}の あいだを {{ruby|進展|しんてん}} させたい ときは {{ruby|遠慮|えんりょ}}なく {{ruby|声|こえ}}を かけて くれたまえ! な! では また{{ruby|会|あ}}おうな! {{ruby|少年|しょうねん}}!」 (''Wow, that room was even more intensely hot and humid than I imagined! But this helped closing the gap between me and you, boy! Right? I plan to wander this vicinity for a while! When you want to close the gap between us two even more, feel free to call me out! Right? Well, let's meet again sometime! Boy!'')
**: English version: ''"It...uh...it was fun... Yeah, great view... What? I wasn't looking at the view? I was looking at my feet the whole time? What are you talking about? You think I'm scared of heights? Nah. That would be lame. I hike on mountains way higher than a silly little Ferris wh-wheel. C-catch ya later, Trainer!"''
* In the Japanese version, a female {{tc|Swimmer}} claims that the place in her bikini where she stores her Poké Balls is a woman's secret. However, this was changed in the English version.
** 「ビキニの わたしが どこに モンスターボールを しまうのか? フフフ…… {{ruby|女|おんな}}の {{ruby|秘密|ひみつ}}よ」 (''Where in my bikini do I store my Poké Balls? Fufufu... Woman's secret!'')
**: English version: ''"I'm a girl with everything... Well, everything but a place to put my Poké Balls!"''

===Localization changes shared by Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2===
===Localization changes shared by Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2===

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