SMF (TCG): Difference between revisions

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==Key cards==
==Key cards==
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Scizor|H21}}''' - Scizor was the deck's main attacker. Its Poké-Body, ''Poison Resistance'', was useful against {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Beedrill|H4}}'s ''Venom Spray'' Poké-Power by preventing Scizor from being Poisoned. While Scizor's ''Snatch'' attack was occasionally useful, an SMF player aimed to use ''Heavy Metal'' often. ''Heavy Metal,'' Scizor's second attack, was able to do a significant amount of damage if Scizor had several Metal Energy attached to it. Since Metal Energy also reduced the amount of damage Scizor took from attacks, SMF typically attempted to stack several on a single Scizor to allow it to survive longer while doing more damage with ''Heavy Metal''.
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Scizor|H21}}''' - Scizor was the deck's main attacker. Its Poké-Body, ''Poison Resistance'', was useful against {{TCG ID|Skyridge|Beedrill|H4}}'s ''Venom Spray'' Poké-Power by preventing Scizor from being Poisoned. While Scizor's ''Snatch'' attack was occasionally useful, an SMF player aimed to use ''Heavy Metal'' often. ''Heavy Metal,'' Scizor's second attack, was able to do a significant amount of damage if Scizor had several Metal Energy attached to it. Since Metal Energy also reduced the amount of damage Scizor took from attacks, SMF typically attempted to stack several on a single Scizor to allow it to survive longer while doing more damage with ''Heavy Metal''.
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Furret|48}}''' - Furret complemented Scizor well with its ''Scavenger Hunt'' Poké-Power. ''Scavenger Hunt'' allowed the SMF player to trade two cards in hand for one Energy card from his or her deck. Because Special Energy cards such as Metal Energy are typically difficult to search out of a player's deck, Furret increased the pace at which the player could stack Metal Energy cards on Scizor.  ''Scavenger Hunt'' also increased the effectiveness with which SMF could tech different {{TCG|Special Energy card|Special Energy cards}} for unique situations.
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Furret|48}}''' - Furret complemented Scizor well with its ''Scavenger Hunt'' Poké-Power. ''Scavenger Hunt'' allowed the SMF player to trade two cards in hand for one Energy card from their deck. Because Special Energy cards such as Metal Energy are typically difficult to search out of a player's deck, Furret increased the pace at which the player could stack Metal Energy cards on Scizor.  ''Scavenger Hunt'' also increased the effectiveness with which SMF could tech different {{TCG|Special Energy card|Special Energy cards}} for unique situations.
* '''{{TCG ID|Fossil|Muk|13}}''' - Muk's Pokémon Power, ''Toxic Gas'', negated all other Pokémon Powers in play. ''Toxic Gas'' made Furret's ''Scavenger Hunt'' unusable, so the SMF player needed to be very careful when playing Muk. However, it provided a strong counter to {{TCG|Feraligatr/Parasect}}, another popular archetype of the time. ''Toxic Gas'' shut off {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Feraligatr|5}}'s ''Downpour'' Pokémon Power as well as {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Parasect|35}}'s ''Allergic Pollen'' Pokémon Power, greatly decreasing Feraligatr/Parasect's damage output.
* '''{{TCG ID|Fossil|Muk|13}}''' - Muk's Pokémon Power, ''Toxic Gas'', negated all other Pokémon Powers in play. ''Toxic Gas'' made Furret's ''Scavenger Hunt'' unusable, so the SMF player needed to be very careful when playing Muk. However, it provided a strong counter to {{TCG|Feraligatr/Parasect}}, another popular archetype of the time. ''Toxic Gas'' shut off {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Feraligatr|5}}'s ''Downpour'' Pokémon Power as well as {{TCG ID|Neo Revelation|Parasect|35}}'s ''Allergic Pollen'' Pokémon Power, greatly decreasing Feraligatr/Parasect's damage output.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Cleffa|20}}''' - Cleffa provided SMF with significant draw support in the form of its ''Eeeeeeek'' attack.  ''Eeeeeeek'', for a cost of {{e|Colorless}}, allowed the SMF player to shuffle his or her hand into the deck and draw a new hand of seven cards. Since SMF needed a relatively large number of cards to set up completely, Cleffa was very valuable early in the game.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Cleffa|20}}''' - Cleffa provided SMF with significant draw support in the form of its ''Eeeeeeek'' attack.  ''Eeeeeeek'', for a cost of {{e|Colorless}}, allowed the SMF player to shuffle their hand into the deck and draw a new hand of seven cards. Since SMF needed a relatively large number of cards to set up completely, Cleffa was very valuable early in the game.
* '''{{TCG|Gold Berry}}''' - Gold Berry assisted with the deck's strategy of tanking a single Scizor for a long time. While Metal Energies reduced the damage Scizor took from attacks, Gold Berry removed much of the damage that an opponent did manage to do, making Scizor even more difficult to Knock Out.
* '''{{TCG|Gold Berry}}''' - Gold Berry assisted with the deck's strategy of tanking a single Scizor for a long time. While Metal Energies reduced the damage Scizor took from attacks, Gold Berry removed much of the damage that an opponent did manage to do, making Scizor even more difficult to Knock Out.

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==Possible tech cards==
==Possible tech cards==
[[File:BillBaseSet91.jpg|thumb|left|200px|{{TCG ID|Legendary Collection|Bill|108}}]]
[[File:BillBaseSet91.jpg|thumb|left|200px|{{TCG ID|Legendary Collection|Bill|108}}]]
* '''{{TCG ID|Skyridge|Oracle|138}}''' and '''{{TCG ID|Legendary Collection|Bill|108}}''' - Used in place of the deck's typical drawing support ({{TCG ID|Expedition|Copycat|138}} and {{TCG ID|Expedition|Professor Oak's Research|149}}), Oracle and Bill effectively allowed the SMF player to search his or her deck for any two cards once per turn. Oracle, a {{TCG|Supporter card}}, placed any two cards on top of the player's deck, while Bill allowed the player to draw those two cards. It was a more precise, but less consistent, drawing engine, as it required the player to have two specific cards in hand to function properly.
* '''{{TCG ID|Skyridge|Oracle|138}}''' and '''{{TCG ID|Legendary Collection|Bill|108}}''' - Used in place of the deck's typical drawing support ({{TCG ID|Expedition|Copycat|138}} and {{TCG ID|Expedition|Professor Oak's Research|149}}), Oracle and Bill effectively allowed the SMF player to search their deck for any two cards once per turn. Oracle, a {{TCG|Supporter card}}, placed any two cards on top of the player's deck, while Bill allowed the player to draw those two cards. It was a more precise, but less consistent, drawing engine, as it required the player to have two specific cards in hand to function properly.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Tyrogue|66}}''' - {{TCG|Baby Pokémon}} such as {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Cleffa|20}} and {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Pichu|12}} were popular in SMF's era, and Tyrogue provided a way to knock out many Baby Pokémon (assuming a successful coin flip) with its inexpensive ''Smash Punch'' attack.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Discovery|Tyrogue|66}}''' - {{TCG|Baby Pokémon}} such as {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Cleffa|20}} and {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Pichu|12}} were popular in SMF's era, and Tyrogue provided a way to knock out many Baby Pokémon (assuming a successful coin flip) with its inexpensive ''Smash Punch'' attack.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Pichu|12}}''' - As many decks, including SMF variants themselves, relied on Pokémon Powers, Pichu's ''Zzzap'' attack was a powerful counter. ''Zzzap'' did 20 damage to each Pokémon in play with a Pokémon Power. Although it would damage the player's own Muk, Furret, and Suicune when used, it could also do significant damage to the opponents' Pokémon.
* '''{{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Pichu|12}}''' - As many decks, including SMF variants themselves, relied on Pokémon Powers, Pichu's ''Zzzap'' attack was a powerful counter. ''Zzzap'' did 20 damage to each Pokémon in play with a Pokémon Power. Although it would damage the player's own Muk, Furret, and Suicune when used, it could also do significant damage to the opponents' Pokémon.
* '''{{TCG|Aquapolis|Warp Energy|147}}''' - Because {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Double Gust|100}} was included in almost every archetype at the time of SMF's dominance, a player would often find themselves with an unfavorable Pokémon in his or her active position. Furret's ''Scavenger Hunt'' Poké-Power could retrieve Warp Energy from the deck in such a situation, making Warp Energy effectively the same as a searchable {{TCG ID|Expedition|Switch|157}}.
* '''{{TCG|Aquapolis|Warp Energy|147}}''' - Because {{TCG ID|Neo Genesis|Double Gust|100}} was included in almost every archetype at the time of SMF's dominance, a player would often find themselves with an unfavorable Pokémon in their active position. Furret's ''Scavenger Hunt'' Poké-Power could retrieve Warp Energy from the deck in such a situation, making Warp Energy effectively the same as a searchable {{TCG ID|Expedition|Switch|157}}.
* '''{{TCG|Neo Genesis|Recycle Energy|105}}''' - Some versions of SMF included Recycle Energy simply as a precaution against decks playing {{TCG|Energy Removal 2}}, or as a way to ensure that the deck never missed an Energy attachment after a Knock Out.
* '''{{TCG|Neo Genesis|Recycle Energy|105}}''' - Some versions of SMF included Recycle Energy simply as a precaution against decks playing {{TCG|Energy Removal 2}}, or as a way to ensure that the deck never missed an Energy attachment after a Knock Out.
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Darkness Energy|142}}''' - At the time, Darkness Energy's effect of adding 10 damage to attacks applied to all {{TCG|type}}s of Pokémon as opposed to only {{ct|Dark}}s. Thus, it consistently allowed Scizor to do more damage with its attacks.
* '''{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Darkness Energy|142}}''' - At the time, Darkness Energy's effect of adding 10 damage to attacks applied to all {{TCG|type}}s of Pokémon as opposed to only {{ct|Dark}}s. Thus, it consistently allowed Scizor to do more damage with its attacks.


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