Jack (TCG GB)

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カネコウジ Kanekōji
GM Jack.png
Grand Master Jack
Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Trading Card Game Islands
Trainer class Grand Master
Generation I
Games Pokémon Trading Card Game;
Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!
Elite Four of Pokémon Dome
Specializes in Water Ice

Jack (Japanese: カネコウジ Kanekōji) is the third Grand Master. He plays using the Legendary Articuno Deck (Japanese: でんせつのフリーザーデッキ Legendary Freezer Deck). In Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, he uses the ウォーターレジェンドデッキ Water Legend Deck.

Pokémon Trading Card Game

Jack is the third of the four Grand Masters who are available to battle after the player obtains all eight Master Medals.

Legendary Articuno Deck

Main article: Legendary Articuno Deck (TCG)
Quantity Card Type Rarity
Seel Water Uncommon
Dewgong Water Uncommon
Lapras Water Rare Holo
Articuno Water Rare Holo
Articuno Water Rare
Chansey Colorless Rare Holo
Ditto Colorless Rare
Professor Oak T Uncommon
Pokémon Trader T Rare
Energy Retrieval T Uncommon
Switch T Common
Scoop Up T Rare
Gambler T Common
25× Water Energy Water E

Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!

At the start of the game, Jack was kidnapped by Team Great Rocket and imprisoned in the GR Water Fort. After being freed by the main player, he will offer a Magikarp.

Between the time in which he has been freed and the time in which Grand Master Rod has arrived in Pokémon Dome, Jack challenges the player and, when defeated, gives out one Psychic Battle, Island of Fossil and Legendary Power booster packs.

Before the player can duel with Kanzaki, Biruritchi's bodyguard, the player is required to fight him in the Pokémon Dome to obtain one of the Legendary cards - Articuno.

Water Legend Deck

Main article: Water Legend Deck (TCG)
Quantity Card Type Rarity
Krabby Water Common
Kingler Water Uncommon
Magikarp Water Uncommon
Dark Gyarados Water Rare Holo
Lapras Water Rare Holo
Articuno Water
Articuno Water
Jynx Psychic Uncommon
Chansey Colorless Uncommon
Energy Removal T Common
Energy Retrieval T Uncommon
Professor Oak T Uncommon
Super Energy Removal T Rare
Switch T Common
Scoop Up T Rare
Bill T Common
Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Uncommon
Full Heal Energy Colorless E Uncommon
20× Water Energy Water E


TCG1 Jack.png TCG2 Jack.png TCG2 Jack Win.png TCG2 Jack Loss.png Jack OD.png
Sprite from Pokémon
Trading Card Game
Main sprite from Pokémon
Trading Card Game 2
Win sprite from Pokémon
Trading Card Game 2
Loss sprite from Pokémon
Trading Card Game 2
Overworld sprite from
GB1 and GB2

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Japanese カネコウジ Kanekōji From 寒 (kan), cold.
English Jack Possibly Jack Frost
French Jacques
German Paul
Italian Jack
Spanish Jaime

Pokémon Dome
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.