Emilia Christie

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Emilia Christie
エミリア・クリスティー Emilia Christie
Emilia Christie.png
Emilia in Detective Pikachu
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Red
Hometown Ryme City
Region Unknown
Generation VI, VII, IX
Games Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu Returns
English voice actor Kira Buckland
Japanese voice actor Risa Shimizu

Emilia Christie (Japanese: エミリア・クリスティー Emilia Christie) is a reoccurring character in the game Detective Pikachu. She is a rookie assistant director at GNN.

In the games

Detective Pikachu

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing info from chapters 5-8

Emilia first appears in the vicinity of Tahnti Station, where she tries to stop an Aipom from stealing a little girl's necklace. After the Aipom gets away, Emilia volunteers to stay with the little girl while Tim Goodman and Detective Pikachu retrieve the necklace.

Later, she and her coworker Meiko Okamoto visit Litwick Cave to get footage for a story encouraging people to visit it, at their boss's suggestion. However, during filming, a wild Glalie suddenly goes berserk and starts attacking everything in the vicinity. Emilia injures her leg while trying to get away from it, but Tim and Pikachu show up in the nick of time and manage to drive Glalie away. Unfortunately, Glalie's attack caused the entrance of the cave to collapse, so they need to find another way out. Tim and Pikachu eventually find a wild Drifblim that carries Emilia and the others out of the cave.

Emilia appears again in Chapter 3, being invited to PCL by Dorothy Fisher to prepare for shooting a special feature for a news program themed around "The Cutting Edge of Pokemon Research". She's pleasantly surprised to run into Tim. Emilia and Tim are feeding the laboratory's Trevenant prior to the shoot when suddenly, Trevenant goes berserk. Everyone gets out of the courtyard safely, but Trevanant does a lot of damage to the things in the courtyard. Wallace Carroll blames Tim for Trevenant's rampage and tries to fire him, but Emilia and Meiko stick up for him and say that Tim would never hurt a Pokémon. After watching through the footage that Meiko took, the PCL staff agree that Tim didn't do anything to provoke Trevenant.

In Chapter 9, Emilia accompanies Tim and Detective Pikachu to the Baker Detective Agency so they can figure out where at the Pokémon Carnival R is going to be dispersed. After they determine that it will likely be at the Central Square, Emilia heads there with the detective duo. While Tim and Pikachu investigate the area for possible locations of R, Emilia investigates her coworkers to see if any of them is acting suspiciously. She ends up being captured by her boss Roger Clifford and used as a hostage atop the clock tower in an attempt to stop Tim and Pikachu from shutting down the last R dispersing machine.

Emilia has several entries in Tim's case list:

Case List Entry
Important info She is an assistant director at GNN. She works with Meiko. I met her during the incident at Tahnti Park.
Chapter 1
(as Woman)
She's with the girl whose necklace was taken.
Chapter 2 We met her again in the cave. She injured her foot.
Chapter 3 We didn't expect to see her here. Pikachu was surprised, too. She's apparently planning to do a story on PCL. When Trevenant went berserk, she saved us just in time.
Chapter 6 She is an assistant director at GNN. She's showing us how the Yanma camera crew works.
Chapter 8 She is an assistant director at GNN. She got on the luxury cruise ship with Graham.
Chapter 9 She is an assistant director at GNN. She is helping us with our investigation of R-related incidents.

Detective Pikachu Returns

Emilia in Detective Pikachu Returns

Emilia cameos in Detective Pikachu Returns as the anchor for GNN News.

Personality and characteristics

Emilia is a considerate person and hates to inconvenience others.

Emilia and Meiko do pretty much all their work together, from planning to filming. Occasionally, they have requests for content from their superiors, but generally they have the freedom to do what they want.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 清水理沙 Risa Shimizu
English Kira Buckland


  • Emilia appears to be the basis for the creation of the character Lucy Stevens from the movie Detective Pikachu.
  • Emilia shares her last name with the mystery writer Agatha Christie.

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese エミリア・クリスティー Emilia Christie
Chinese Cantonese 艾蜜莉亞‧克利斯蒂 Ngaaihmahtleih'a Hāakleihsīdai
Mandarin 艾蜜莉亞‧克利斯蒂 Àimìlìyǎ Kèlìsīdì *
艾蜜莉亚·克里斯蒂 Àimìlìyà Kèlǐsīdì *
France Flag.png French Emilia Christie
Germany Flag.png German Emilia Christie
Italy Flag.png Italian Emilia Christie
Spain Flag.png Spanish Emilia Christie

Characters in the Detective Pikachu series
Detective Pikachu Tim GoodmanDetective PikachuEmilia ChristieMike BakerFrank HolidayAmanda BlackstoneMeiko OkamotoPablo MillanDorothy FisherFrederick HartfieldCarlos HernandoWallace CarrollRita PartridgeNina O'HaraEthan GrahamRoger CliffordJohn WaalsRose MiltonLouise MulliganMax WarholOlga EllisonHiro MorganBrad McMasterGino FarinaAlexander WildeSimon YenMilo GreenWalter EckhartKeith NormanCarina MitchellMewtwoHarry Goodman
Detective Pikachu Returns Tim GoodmanDetective PikachuHarry GoodmanIrene GoodmanSophia GoodmanRachel MyersHoward MyersEmma MyersWill ButlerFrank HolidayBrad McMasterSanjeev DenisClaudia DenisBrandon BarnesLarry TurnerPablo MillanJessica MillerCharles MerlochQuiz professorChris HonorTrevor GordonEmilia ChristieKeith NormanGrowlitheDarmanitanLuxrayPangoroMewtwo
POKÉMON Detective Pikachu Tim GoodmanDetective PikachuLucy StevensLieutenant Hide YoshidaHoward CliffordRoger CliffordDr. Ann LaurentSebastianJackMewtwoHarry Goodman
Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.