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These are Salvatore's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

NaranjaS/UvaV Academy
  • In the staff room, after talking with Nemona
"Waouh! Thanks for coming to say bonjour!"
  • In the staff room, after taking one language class
"Oh! <player>! Did you come all the way here to the staff room just to see me?"
I sure did!/"All the way here"?: "Hahaha! Seems I've finally made it into the hearts of my students! That makes me très happy! After all, like I said in class, communication is very important! If there's anything you're confused about in class, or if you're having trouble here at the can always come here and tell me, ton ami Salvatore—your friend Salvatore, that is! Ouais!"
  • If talked to again after
"My dear <player>! Let's communiquer a bit—communicate, that is!"
  • In the schoolyard, after taking three language classes
"<player>! I'm in a bit of a pinch!"
"Take a look at this!"
"This Pawmi really doesn't seem to be feeling well! I don't know if the poor thing can even stand up! What should I do? What should I do?!"
Regardless of choice: "Oh, right! I could use a Potion! Do you have any on you, <player>?"
"This'll fix you right up, my friend! Potion power, GO!"
"Phew. That seems to have done the trick just in the nick of time! But this Pawmi doesn't appear to belong to a Trainer. Hmm... Could a wild Pokémon have wandered onto the academy grounds? Still, I can't just leave it here alone without anyone to make sure it's OK. It's decided, then! I, Salvatore, will just have to lend all of the helping hands I have to take care of Pawmi in this touch-and-go situation!"
"Merci very much for your advice, <player>."
"Adios! Au revoir! Farewell!"
  • In the biology lab, after taking four language classes
"Oh! My dear <player>!"
"Thanks to your advice from before, Pawmi is... Well, just see for yourself!"
Regardless of choice: "Hmm...yeah. It's feeling better, but this particular Pawmi may just be a bit meek, I suppose?"
"Even so, it never utters so much as a cry, which is odd. That part has even Mr. Jacq here stumped."
"Ne t'inquiète pas! Don't worry about it!"
"I have some more information now thanks to the academy's security cameras, though. It seems Pawmi was attacked by a wild Pokémon and fled here to the academy grounds."
"Maybe it's still in a bit of shock from that experience and can't bring itself to speak yet?"
"Yep! If that's the case, there's absolutely no problem with keeping quiet! Pas de problème! We can just attendre—wait, that is—until it feels like talking! That's all we can do, really!"
"Even if you can speak all sorts of languages, there's no guarantee that you can understand what's going on in someone's heart."
"But have no fear! I won't give up! No—I'll keep on trying until we've figured each other out!"
  • If talked to again after*
"Pawmi's doing great! It's just a bit of a quiet one!"
  • In the staff room, after passing the language final
"My dear <player>! Pawmi here is as healthy as can be!"
"Hahaha! Well, it seems being quiet is simply a part of this one's personality! But it's hard for a Pokémon to communicate with its fellows without speaking up."
"As you know, wild Pokémon use their cries to tell each other all sorts of things—like the location of food or whether there are predators nearby. So even if I were to release it back into the wild, I'm afraid that it may not be able to do those sorts of things!"
"What do you think, <player>? Where does Pawmi belong?"
How about here?: "Here? At the academy?"
With you, Mr. Salvatore!: "Oh?! I didn't expect to hear mon nom—my name!"
"So you think it should stay here...with me! I was so focused on getting it back in good health so it could return to the wild that I didn't even consider that possibility!"
"What do you think about that idea, my little Pawmi friend?"
"Pawmi! It spoke! At last! Even without speaking Pokémon language myself, I know that that reply means "yes"! Oh, my dear <player>! Merci so very, very much for all your help with Pawmi!"
"All the more reason you should have this—here, a rare Pokémon for you to raise!"
"Ahhh, I'm so happy! Yes—I, Salvatore, will take it upon myself to look after Pawmi for good! I will indeed!"
  • If talked to again after
"Pawmi's never been better! How's that Meowth I entrusted to your care? Doing su-PURR-bly, I hope?"
  • Language classes
Languages (1)
"My dear students! How ARE you all today? Feeling good, I hope?"
"Je m'appelle Salvatore. My name is Salvatore!"
"Merci beaucoup! That is, thank you very much for your attention here in my class!"
"I'm so heureux—or happy—for this chance to re-experience my younger days with you all!"
"Do you know what "Salvatore" means? It means "savior"! So just imagine I'm here to SAVE you from spooooky new languages. Haha! Funny, no?"
"That's right! My classes will teach you about various languages from different regions. You may say "Good morning!" or "Hello!" as a greeting, but people from elsewhere may say "Bonjour!" or "Salut!" I've heard there's even a popular streamer out there who smashes several languages together and says "'Ello, 'ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour!""
"There are so many regions out there in the world, and each can have their own unique languages!"
"Gracias, merci, xièxie, arigato, danke—these all have the same meaning! Can you guess what it is?"
Good-bye/Good night: "Oh! <player>, was it? That's not quite right, but your willingness to speak up will serve you well in language learning!"
Thank you: "Waouh! <player>, was it? Bravo! That's correct! And speaking up is important in language learning, too!"
"Gracias, merci, xièxie—these words all mean "thank you." I guess some of you probably knew at least one of those!"
"Despite meaning the same thing, their lengths and sounds are all different! Isn't that interesting?"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one of my wise words of advice! When you travel abroad, you should try to speak the local language as much as you can—even if you can't speak it very well! I'm sure your willingness to try will make the people you meet très heureux—very happy!"
"Honestly, from my experience, just being able to say "hello," "delicious," and "thank you" in the local language will get you pretty far. For everything else, just pretend you're Mr. Mime and gesture away!"
"Oh! There's that pesky bell. I guess that's all the time we have for today! Well, adios! Mata ne! À la prochaine! See you later, everyone!"
Languages (2)
"My dear friends! How ARE you all today? Feeling absolutely fantastic, I hope? It's time for Salvatore's Language Lesson! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready, everyone? You can answer with "Yes" or "Oui"!"
Regardless of choice: "C'est super!"
"In our last class, I believe I taught you all how to say "thank you" in other languages, right? In le cours d'aujourd'hui—today's class—we will learn about a certain word sure to make people happy when you use it in your travels abroad!"
"What word, you ask? Well, you'll have to guess! Délicieux! Hǎochī! Buono! Can anyone tell me what these words mean?"
Delicious: "Waouh! Correct! C'est super! I knew I could count on you, <player>!"
Sorry: "Oh, <player>! If sorry really did "cut it," as they say, the justice system would be inutile—unnecessary! Sorry, but that's a mauvaise réponse—a wrong answer!"
Help: "Oh, <player>! I hear your SOS! Don't worry! I'll SAVE you, or my name's not Salvatore! That was a mauvaise réponse—a wrong answer—but I hear you!"
"Délicieux! Hǎochī! Buono! All of these words mean "delicious"!"
"Using the local word for "delicious" at markets or restaurants is sure to get a big sourire—a smile, that is—from whoever you're talking to! It'll make communication go more smoothly—I guarantee it!"
"People love it when someone says the cuisine of their homeland is delicious! Who wouldn't be heureux—happy—to receive such a compliment?"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one of my wise words of advice! The first step to smooth communication is to compliment the person you're talking to! After all, it's not very likely that a compliment would put someone in a bad mood! This doesn't only apply to people in other regions, either! It's the same for all of you, too! You can put this tip to use with your classmates!"
"How about you all try complimenting each other after class? I bet it will make for an ambiance plus sympathique—a more friendly atmosphere!"
"That's all for today! See you all au prochain cours—next lesson, that is! Adios! Mata ne!"
Languages (3)
"My dear friends! How ARE you all today? You certainly look fantastic! It's time for another one of Salvatore's Language Lessons! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?!"
"... ... ... ... ... ... Ahem. Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?!"
Regardless of choice: "Très bien! Very good! My lessons are not a one-way street! Non non! I am très triste when no one speaks up! Very sad, that is!"
"In our last class, I believe I taught you all how to say "delicious" in other languages, right? In le cours d'aujourd'hui—today's class—we will learn about a very special phrase that you can put to use when the time is juuust right!"
"Ai shiteiru! Je t'aime! Te amo! Ich liebe dich! Does anyone know what these phrases mean?"
Time to eat: "Oh, <player>! Non non! We can't have you eating anyone! That's a mauvaise réponse—a wrong answer!"
I love you: "Fantastique, <player>! Correct! You deserve a médaille d'or—a gold medal!"
I'm going home: "Oh, <player>! Non non! I can't let you go home just yet! That's a mauvaise réponse—a wrong answer!"
"Je t'aime! Te amo! Ich liebe dich! These three phrases you may know, I think! Why? Because they're all quite famous ways to say "I love you!""
"Oh, my! Have I embarrasses you all, my friends? What timides little garçons et filles—shy boys and girls, that is!"
"It's so very important to express your feelings about things to others, you know! This is ESPECIALLY true for positive emotions! If you get married someday and argue with you spouse over some silly little thing... All you have to do is apologize and say "I love you" et tout ira bien—and all will be well, that is! I should know! Why, just last week, I had a big argument with ma femme—my dear wife, that is! But I was quick to say I'm sorry, and all was well!"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one of my wise words of advice! It's best to be quick to apologize when you have an argument with someone! That goes for your families, friends, AND your crushes! I know you can do it! I believe in you!"
"Our prochain cours—our next class—will be the midterm exam! Be sure to review what we learned in all our lessons so far! Adios! Mata ne!"
Languages Midterm
  • Before the test
"Aujourd'hui—today—we take our midterm exam! Détendez-vous—relax, that is—and do your best! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready? Let's begin!"
  • After the test
"C'est fini! Time is up! Posez vos stylos—put down your pens, that is! I hope that was easy enough for you. Especially that dernière question—that last question!"
"I'm sure you all did great! Bravo, my friends! You can check your scores at the school's front desk."
Languages (4)
"How did you like the midterm exam? You all did really great! We're halfway there! And now, time for another lesson! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?"
Regardless of choice: "Très bonne réponse—great answer! Merci, my friends! I knew I could count on you stars."
"Leading up to the midterm, we learned all sorts of words from different regions! Starting today, though, I'll be throwing a curve ball—for we begin listening comprehension! Vas-y—go for it, my assistant! Pika pi, Pikachu!"
"As you just heard, Pokémon can also use words to communicate! It's not always easy for us to understand them, but their words have meanings—just as ours do. Pokémon can use language to share all kinds of information with each other—like the location of food or whether there may be predators nearby! The same Pokémon's cries may sound different depending on what it wants to say! I'm sure you're all curious, so aujourd'hui—today, that is—let's learn some Pokémon language!"
"Je t'en prie—if you would be so kind, Pikachu!"
"What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?"
Happiness/Sadness: "Sorry, <player>, that's not right! Pokémon language is hard, isn't it?"
Anger: "Merveilleux, <player>! Correct! I guess we should call you "Professor"!"
"When Pikachu says..."
"It's using its angry voice! That's right—I had my little Pikachu friend here pretend to be angry for us!"
"Don't you think he did a great job? Give Pikachu a round of applause, everyone!"
"The same Pokémon can even communicate its feelings in many different ways! Their voices change depending on their mood and physical condition. Try listening more carefully to Pokémon—you might gain a deeper understanding of them! That having been said, Pokémon are quite mysterious creatures! Some actually don't communicate with words at all, but instead use things like electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves—some even use telepathy!"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one of my wise words of advice! If you poke at your Pokémon too many times while washing them during picnics, they'll get mad at you like Pikachu just demonstrated!"
"Well, adios! Mata ne! À la prochaine! See you later, everyone!"
Languages (5)
"My dear friends! How ARE you all today? I hope you are doing MARVELOUSLY well! It's time for another of Salvatore's Language Lessons! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?!"
Regardless of choice: "I would expect no less from my excellent friends! Even your replies to my questions are excellent! Aujourd'hui—today—we will once again be focusing on listening! Vas-y—go for it, my assistant! Pika pi, Pikachu!"
"As you may remember form our last class, the same Pokémon's cries may sound different depending on what it wants to say! Aujourd'hui—today, that is—we will be learning more about the language used by Pokémon!"
"Je t'en prie—if you would be so kind, Pikachu!"
"Hmmm! That sounds a little bleak, doesn't it? Its voice seems a little lower pitched, too!"
"What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?"
Happiness: "Oh no, <player>! That's incorrect. Au contraire—on the contrary, I believe it's the opposite!"
Sadness: "Ding ding ding! That's right, <player>! Fantastique!"
Surprise: "Oh no, <player>! That's incorrect. Unless, perhaps, Pikachu was so surprised that it dropped a tasty Berry!"
"When Pikachu says..."
"It's expressing sadness! Kind of makes you want to cry, doesn't it? That's right—I had my little Pikachu cry as if it was...crying! Haha! Funny joke, right?"
"Don't you think it did a great job? Give Pikachu a round of applause, everyone!"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one of my wise words of advice! If you hear one of your Pokémon making sad noises like this one, you should treat them with even more kindness than usual."
"Well, you probably already knew that, though! A piece of cake for you all, I'm sure! Of course, this goes for your classmates and others as well! Friends should support each other in times of sadness! I truly hope that you all can have smiles on your faces all the time, my friends!"
"Our prochain cours—next lesson, that is—will be our final lesson together! I hope you're ready for the climactic finale! Adios! Mata ne!"
Languages (6)
"My dear friends! How ARE you all today?"
"It's time for the last of Salvatore's Language Lessons! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?!"
Regardless of choice: "What a résponse fantastique—great answer, that is! Perfect for our last class together! I love it! And aujourd'hui—today—we will once again be having a listening lesson! Vas-y—go for it, my assistant! Pika pi, Pikachu!"
"Let's get right to it, my little Pikachu friend! For our last listening class...tell everyone how you're feeling right now, s'il te plaît!"
"Oooh! Can you feel that? That's one contagious emotion in Pikachu's voice!"
"What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?"
Happiness: "Well done, <player>! I'm so HAPPY that you got it right! Haha! Get it?"
Pain: "Oh, my! Did Pikachu sound like it was in pain to you, <player>?"
Surprise: "Oh, my! Did Pikachu sound surprised to you, <player>?"
"When Pikachu says..."
"It's expressing happiness! Doesn't it make you just want to break out into a happy dance? But I didn't have to ask Pikachu to put on an act today. Oh no—I simply asked it to show you all how it felt about getting to have class with you! Getting to meet so many new friends and study together in this class with you... It's made both me and my little Pikachu so very happy!"
"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one last wise words of advice! As you live your lives, I'm sure you will all have times when you get mad or sad—maybe even more than you would like! Everything has its ups and downs. Life is a veritable roller coaster! But, à la fin—in the end, that is—there is surely happiness waiting for you! So gardez le sourire—keep a smile on your face—even in the hardest of times!"
"When you're faced with a problem that you can't handle alone, find someone to rely on, be it a teacher, your family, your friends—anyone!"
"Our prochain cours—next lesson—will be our final exam! Be sure to review what we learned in all our lessons so far! Adios! Mata ne!"
Languages Final
  • Before the test
"Aujourd'hui—today—we take our final exam! Détendez-vous—relax, that is—and do your best! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?! Let's begin!"
  • After the test
"C'est fini! Time is up! Posez vos stylos—put down your pens, that is! I assume the obligatory dernière question—last question, that is—gave you no trouble!"
"I'm sure you all did great! Bravo, my friends! You can get your scores at the school's front desk!"
Academy Ace Tournament
  • Before battle
"Bonjour, my dear <player>! I won’t shy from this battle! Allez, on y va!"
  • In battle
Upon sending out his last Pokémon: "I should not be the one saying au revoir to the audience after this battle... That should be you!"
Upon Terastallizing his Raichu: "Do you want to see what I’m capable of? You do, don’t you?"
Upon first using Raichu's Thunder: "Pokémon moves are just another form of communication! Consider this a greeting!"
Upon being defeated: "What a victory! Tu es incroyable—that is, you’re incredible, <player>!"
  • After being defeated
"Oh no! Looks like this is the end of the line for me! Adios, mata ne, and adieeeuuu!"