List of locations by index number in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD

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Revision as of 11:00, 7 September 2012 by SnorlaxMonster (talk | contribs) (there are two laboratories in Orre, so I don't know which it is referring to)
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Each location Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness has its own identification number used internally by the game, mostly to display where a Pokémon was caught. They are enumerated here, in order.

As none of the locations in Orre correspond to locations in Kanto or Hoenn, Pokémon traded to any of the Generation III handheld games will display "met in a trade" as their captured location. When transferred to Generation IV, Pokémon will, like with Pokémon caught in the handheld games, use the game identifier to mark the Pokémon as being from a "Distant land", rather than "Orre".

If an XD Pokémon is traded to Colosseum, it will always display the captured location as "Mt. Battle", even if it was captured in a location that appears in Colosseum. Likewise, a Colosseum Pokémon will be identified in XD as being from a "Distant land", even though it was captured in the same region. This is because the games do not understand each other's index number lists.

# location
0 met at a distant land.
1 Outskirt Stand
2 Outskirt Stand
3 Phenac City
4 Phenac City
5 Mayor's House
6 Mayor's House
7 Phenac City
8 Phenac City
9 Phenac City
10 Phenac City
11 Pre Gym
12 Pre Gym
13 Phenac Stadium
14 Phenac Stadium
15 Pyrite Town
16 Pyrite Town
17 Pyrite Town
18 Pyrite Town
19 Pyrite Town
20 Pyrite Town
21 Pyrite Town
22 Pyrite Town
23 Pyrite Town
24 Pyrite Bldg
25 Pyrite Bldg
26 Pyrite Bldg
27 Pyrite Bldg
28 Pyrite Bldg
29 Pyrite Cave
30 Miror's Hideout
31 Pyrite Cave
32 Pyrite Cave
33 Pyrite Cave
34 Pyrite Cave
35 Pyrite Colosseum
36 Agate Village
37 Relic Cave
38 Relic Cave
39 Agate Village
40 Agate Village
41 Agate Village
42 Agate Village
43 Agate Village
44 Agate Village
45 Agate Village
46 Agate Village
47 The Under
48 The Under
49 The Under
50 The Under
51 The Under
52 The Under
53 The Under
54 The Under
55 The Under
56 met at a distant land.
57 The Under Subway
58 The Under Subway
59 The Under Subway
60 The Under Subway
61 The Under Subway
62 The Under
63 Under Colosseum
64 Deep Colosseum
65 Front Of Lab
66 Laboratory
67 Laboratory
68 Laboratory
69 Laboratory
70 Laboratory
71 Laboratory
72 Laboratory
73 Laboratory
74 Mt. Battle
75 Mt. Battle
76 Mt. Battle
77 Mt. Battle
78 Mt. Battle
79 Mt. Battle
80 Mt. Battle
81 Mt. Battle
82 Mt. Battle
83 Mt. Battle
84 Mt. Battle
85 Mt. Battle
86 Mt. Battle
87 Mt. Battle
88 Mt. Battle
89 Mt. Battle
90 Mt. Battle
91 Mt. Battle
92 Mt. Battle
93 Mt. Battle
94 Mt. Battle
95 Mt.Btl Colosseum
96 met at a distant land.
97 met at a distant land.
98 met at a distant land.
99 met at a distant land.
100 met at a distant land.
101 met at a distant land.
102 Realgam Tower
103 RealgamTwr Dome
104 RealgamTwr Dome
105 RealgamTwr Dome
106 RealgamTwr Dome
107 RealgamTwr Dome
108 RealgamTwr Dome
109 RealgamTwr Dome
110 RealgamTwr Dome
111 RealgamTwr Dome
112 RealgamTwr Dome
113 RealgamTwr Dome
114 RealgamTwr Lobby
115 Realgam Tower
116 Realgam Tower
117 Realgam Tower
118 Tower Colosseum
119 Phenac City
120 Pyrite Colosseum
121 Under Colosseum
122 The Under
123 Realgam Tower
124 Realgam Tower
125 Deep Colosseum
126 Orre Colosseum
127 The Under
128 Phenac City
129 Snagem Hideout
130 Snagem Hideout
131 Snagem Hideout
132 Snagem Hideout
133 Snagem Hideout
134 Snagem Hideout
135 Snagem Hideout
136 Snagem Hideout
137 Snagem Hideout
138 The Under Subway
139 The Under Subway
140 Laboratory
141 Laboratory
142 Pyrite Colosseum
143 met at a distant land.
144 met at a distant land.
145 met at a distant land.
146 met at a distant land.
147 met at a distant land.
148 met at a distant land.
149 met at a distant land.

Generation IGeneration IIGeneration III (Colo/XD) • Generation IVGeneration VGeneration VI
Generation VII (SM/USUMLGPE) • Generation VIII (SwShBDSPLA) • Generation IX (SV)

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