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Hey, since the Pokémon egg page lists eggs that are given to you in game, would it be cool if I listed in-game trades? I'll try and get started Manga-in-a-bottle 09:54, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

Go for it. List the nicknames, too, and gender if it doesn't change depending on that of the player's. Like Charap the Chatot, both my friend and I got it as a female, so I think it may be set. And the OT/ID number it has, as well, since that's most definitely set. --TTEchidna 17:09, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
I support this fully. In fact, I wanted to do it at some point, but couldn't remember enough of the in-game trades to even start the list... ^^o --Pie ~ 19:26, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
Oh man, I like this idea. I can play through the Japanese Blue version to get the trades exclusive to that game as well if you'd like. ... I'll do it anyway :D MK 15:52, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
Make sure that you take down their ID number and OT name. I think it'd be an internally stored piece of data, even in Gen I. --TTEchidna 17:24, 11 June 2007 (UTC)

Nicknames and Original Trainers

Can they please be added for all the Pokémon received in trades? Zurqoxn 19:59, 16 August 2007 (UTC)

The Evolution Error

Which Gen I in-game trade made the famous "Your Pokémon went and evolved!" error? I'll add it to the article as trivia --Manga-in-a-bottle 12:08, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

It's Raichu for Electrode. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 12:16, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

Um, your edit seems to have buggered up and I don't know how to fix it...Manga-in-a-bottle 12:54, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

Isn't it incomplete?

IMHO, the article is incomplete. There are many things to be added: info about the in-game requirements to trade (especially between generations), about the Mobile System in the Japanese Crystal version, info about the in-game trades, short info about OTs and IDs (and the links to corresponding articles) and so on. Since Porygon-Z does not agree, it should be discussed. --Pokeresp 23:31, 7 May 2008 (UTC)

I 100% aggree with you. All that information is needed, especially the requirements to trade. I can't see any reason why this valuable information shouldn't be on the page.--Cjhard 08:40, 16 June 2008 (UTC)

you could also include that pokemon at certain levels wont obey you until you have a badge.--Darkcloud1111

Gen III trading

I have a question that is not adressed in this article: If say FireRed or LeafGreen goes far enough to trade with Ruby\Sapphire\Emerald gets a new Generation III Pokémon (i.e. Mudkip) and recieves one, Can the Mudkip then be traded to a FireRed or LeafGreen that has not yet gotten the national dex? If not what kinda mechanism stops this from happening? -- D558 18:02, 5 June 2009 (UTC)

It's a while since I tried this but IIRC the pokemon can be traded and will show up with question marks in place of the pokemon number. Plugwash

International trading in GenIII

There isn't anything on it in this article... only the fact that GenI/II corrupts your game with international Pokémon and that global trading was added in IV. But there isn't anything for III. I know for a fact that Japanese games can trade with English ones (Only the first five letters in English names are read on the JP version- ie: "HORSEA" becomes "HORSE" while Japanese names are fully recognizable on the English game), but I'm not sure about other languages... I'd add it to the article myself but not knowing about other languages kinda held me back there. Tina 02:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

I'm wondering if after seeing this, I should've started the discussion in the Gen III article...
The article says that Pokémon traded from different regions will not retain their names in the versions they were traded to. This is partially correct, being it so in the case of trading a Pokémon from a non-Japanese version to a Japanese version. However, the opposite isn't true and trading the Pokémon back again to its original version will retain its original name. For example, trading a Squirtle to a JP version from an US/UK version will make the JP version show its name as SQUIR. If you check the Squirtle, now owned by the Trainer of the JP version, on your US/UK version or even if you trade it back to your game, you'll see that its name is still SQUIRTLE. But I have to look this subject more thoroughly, to check what happens with the names when the Pokémon evolves and you trade it back to its OT or when it's checked by another game other than the two involved in the trade. Pokemon lover 21:14, 7 January 2010 (UTC)
BTW, what happens when linking handheld and console games of different regions? Can someone try it out, please? I don't have any console games so can't say anything on the matter. Pokemon lover 21:37, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

XD and Colosseum requirements

The Colosseum one I need to go back and check again but in XD Gale of Darkness you simply need to save Phenac Town to trade to the GBA, you don't have to beat Greevil. ShinyGlaceon 00:10, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Also at least for fire red and leaf green you have to meet certain requirements on the gameboy side to trade with colloseum and XD, i'm not sure if these are the same requirements as for trading with ruby/sapphire. I think ruby and sapphire can trade with colloseum and XD regardless of what stage they are at. I have no idea about emerald. Plugwash 20:35, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

Just an idea...

I've got something i'd like to have tested out. Just say, for example, someone was trading an Infernape and a Weavile in the top floor of the Pokémon Center. Just a normal trade. And just say, once they left the room, the Weavile's trainer saved the game and turned it off, but the other person, the Infernape's trainer, turned it off WITHOUT saving. Would the Infernape appear on BOTH games, or would it just screw something up? Thanks!--Evilpichulady 20:07, 5 May 2010 (UTC)Evilpichulady