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= Synopsis =
= Synopsis =
Note:  This synopsis is based on the dubbed version of the episode.  However, there are a number of differenced between the dub and the original, which are listed in the Dub edits section.
===Part One===
The episode opens as Jimmy and Typhlosion prepare to battle another trainer and his Hitmonlee.  Hitmonlee begins with a {{m|Jump Kick}}, which Typhlosion blocks.  However, Hitmonlee then uses a {{m|Rolling Kick}}, which hits Typhlosion.  That isn’t enough to defeat Typhlosion, though, so Hitmonlee then uses {{m|Mega Kick}}.  Typhlosion counters with Flamethrower, which engulfs Hitmonlee, who then faints.  Jimmy does a high paw with Typhlosion as the small crowd cheer.  As Jimmy and his opponent shake hands and become friends, the narrator talks about the wonders of the Pokémon World and the rare power that is Raikou.
Meanwhile, a helicopter enters one of Team Rocket’s secret hideouts.  Hun introduces Attila to Professor Sebastian, who shows them an item known as ‘’The Miracle Crystal’’.  As he shows them, it has the power to control all nearby electricity, and anything electrical nearby is drawn to it.  As Hun comments, it now won’t be long until unlimited power is in their hands…
As Jimmy continues on his journey, he stops by at a Pokémon Center.  Nurse Joy heals all of his Pokémon, and then Jimmy grooms Typhlosion, complementing it on his strength.  He then hears a familiar voice, and sees Marina who is talking on the phone to Vincent.  Her Misdreavous, and then Vincent, notice Jimmy. While it takes Marina a moment to remember him, when she does she is enthusiastic to talk to him.  Before she hangs up, Vincent tells Jimmy that he wants Marina to be his girlfriend.
Now sitting outside, Vincent and Marina talk about what they have done on their journeys.  Marina flirts with Jimmy who, to her annoyance, shows no interest.  She then suggests that he is afraid of her because he likes her.  Jimmy denies this, though Typhlosion seems to think otherwise.  Jimmy makes Marina change the subject, so she tells him that she battles to make people happy, and then he says that he battles to be able to help the kids back in New Bark Town.  Marina then reveals her fascination with [[Lance|FabuLance]].  Marina then challenges Jimmy to a battle.
They agree to use two Pokémon each.  Marina sends out Jigglypuff while Jimmy sends out Beedrill.  Jigglypuff starts out with {{m|Sing}}, but it fails as the speed of Beedrill’s wings erase all sound waves before they reach its ears.  Beedrill uses {{m|Agility}} followed by {{m|Twin Needle}}.  Jigglypuff launches into the air, and is able to dodge Beedrill thanks to its many dance lessons.  While Marina talks about turning it into a routine, Beedrill launches a {{m|Pin Missile}}, which makes Jigglypuff faint.
Next, Marina sends out Croconaw, while Jimmy sends out Typhlosion.  As the battle begins, thunderclouds start to build up.  Croconaw uses {{m|Water Gun}}, and Typhlosion charges into it.  Typhlosion survives the attack and uses {{m|Quick Attack}}, but a bolt of lightning shoots down between them.  Jimmy tells the Pokémon to go back to the Pokémon Center, but they go the wrong way.  Typhlosion and Croconaw are successfully recalled, but Misdreavous gets too far ahead.
As Jimmy and Marina chase after Misdreavous, the source of the thunder is revealed to be the crystal, which is now attracting electric Pokémon from all over the area.  There is no sign of Raikou yet, but Hun tells Attila that making trouble with the Pokémon that have appeared will make it more likely for Raikou to turn up.  A Raichu tries to stop them, but is quickly defeated by the crystal.  As a different, more yellow, cloud appears, Misdreavous, Jimmy and Marina also appear to see the events unfold.
Attila grabs the Raichu and a Mareep, and just as Jimmy and Marina are about to run in, Raikou appears from the yellow thundercloud.  It quickly frees the Raichu and Mareep, and all of the electric Pokémon run away.  Team Rocket are unfazed, and go to attack Raikou.  Raikou attacks back with a thunderbolt that is sucked into the crystal.  Though it keeps attacking, the powerful electric attacks are just sent straight back.  As Hun points out, the more it fights the stronger Team Rocket get.  Raikou collapses, but before Attila can capture it, Jimmy runs forward telling them to stop.  He sends out Typhlosion, while Attila sends out Skarmory and Hun sends out Steelix.
Huns warns Jimmy to “leave now or be destroyed”.
Jimmy warns Team Rocket to “let Raikou go, or you’re in for the fight of your life.”
===Part Two===
Skarmory begins with {{m|Fury Attack}}, while Typhlosion begins with {{m|Flamethrower}}.  Steelix counters with {{m|Sandstorm}}, stopping the flamethrower and causing a threat to Typhlosion as “sand puts out fire every time.”  Typhlosion tries to “hang tough”, but is hit by Skarmory’s {{m|Steel Wing}}.
With Typhlosion defeated, Attila sends electricity from the crystal to further weaken Raikou.  Feeling the need to stop it, Marina and Misdreavous enter the battle.  Steelix goes to use {{m|Bite}}, but Misdreavous uses {{m|Perish Song}}.  While Skarmory and Steelix are in pain, Attila returns his attention to Raikou, but Jimmy sends out Beedrill, who uses Pin Missile on Attila’s machine.  The claws break off, meaning that it is now impossisble to capture Raikou.  After creating a smoke screen, Team Rocket escape.
Raikou turns to go, but Jimmy calls after it, as it is in pain and they can help it.  Raikou hits Jimmy with a {{m|Thundershock}}, and he is thrown back.  But Jimmy just gets back up again, narrowly missing another attack.  The two stare each other down, until Jimmy makes a step forwad.  Raikou sends forward another electric attack, which is countered by a fire attack from Typhlosion.  Jimmy assures Raikou that they want to help it, promising that it can trust him.  Raikou then collapses.
Back at the Pokémon Center, Professor Elm tells Marina that there is a danger that Raikou will become withdrawn and depressed and not heal properly because it is in captivity.  Marina decides that singing it a song may help, and while Professor Elm admits that that isn’t a bad idea, he tells her that the important thing is to set it free as soon as it is healed.  News of Raikou spreads, but Chansey guards the door so that only Jimmy is watching as Nurse Joy works on healing it.
That evening, as Team Rocket work on repairing their machine and Raikou sleeps, Marina gets Jimmy to cheer up.  However, as they begin talking, a man comes in demanding to see Raikou.  Marina, who thinks he is cute, asks his name.  But then Officer Jenny leads another man to them.  The first man is Eugene, while the second is Kudo, and they appear to know each other.  Marina is more interested in Eugene’s cape, which Eugene informs her that no one is permitted to touch.
Eugene explains that Raikou is a legendary Pokémon, making him unique and extraordinary.  While it cannot be captured, man has always tried to capture that that they cannot possess.  As Raikou can control thunder and lightning, those envious feel that capturing it will allow them to capture its power, and so men have always hunted Raikou.  Because of this, Raikou does not trust humans.  Kudo says that Raikou thinks that all humans are the same, but Jimmy believes that it can sense who its friends and enemies are.
The following morning, Raikou wakes up and is strong enough to break the glass in the Pokémon Center.  Jimmy introduces himself, but Raikou just sends more electricity his way.  As the others appear, Raikou blows a hole in the wall and runs off.  The clouds that the crystal created have returned, and Raikou runs right back into Team Rocket’s trap.  Eugene tells Jimmy and Marina to get into his car so that they can follow it.  Meanwhile, Kudo mans the home base and calls Officer Jenny.
Raikou soon appears in front of Attila and Hun, who introduce themselves as its new masters.  Raikou replies with another lightning bolt to the crystal, which just powers it up even more.  Hun sends out Steelix to get more electricity into the crystal, which then sends out electricity everywhere.  Next, Steelix uses {{m|Dig}} which causes serious damage to Raikou.  However, before they can do more damage, Eugene’s car appears and Jimmy gets out.
Attila says that they are just adding to their collection like any other trainer, but Jimmy disagrees telling them to fight Raikou fairly.  Hun states that their goals are too big to be hindered by anything as noble as fairness.  When Jimmy tells them that what they are doing is wrong, Attila says that they are acting like all Pokémon trainers, but Jimmy tells them that they don’t know Pokémon trainers at all.  “When we battle, we have respect for each other.  When we battle, it’s to learn and get better.  When ‘’we’’ battle, it’s for the love of the contest, and not to steal the powers of a noble and legendary creature.”  Jimmy tells Team Rocket that hewill not let them take Raikou.
As the Raikou jumps into battle, he is hit by the crystal’s electricity.  But before anyone can release a Pokémon, Steelix uses {{m|Rock Throw}} on Jimmy and Marina.  One big rock is heading straight for them, yet before they are a hit, a beam from off-screen hits and destroys it.  Looking to where the beam came from, they see a Meganium with… FabuLance?  No, FabuVinny.  Vincent has come to save them.  Vincent orders Meganium to use {{m|Solarbeam}}, but it barely damages the part-steel Steelix.  Steelix then uses {{m|Crunch}}, followed by {{m|Iron Tail}} and Rock Throw.  Eugene goes to save them, but the rocks prevent him from doing it.
Meanwhile, Raikou has collapsed from the electric attacks that the crystal has been hitting it with.  Attila then activated the capture bubble.  As it hits Raikou, the electricity causes it to cry out in pain.  But Typhlosion sends a Flamethrower at the bubble.  Hun explains that this is bad as the system is only designed to absorb electricity – it doesn’t know how to handle any other form of energy.  As Typhlosion begins to push the bubble back, Misdreavous joins in with {{m|Psybeam}} and Meganium joins in with Solarbeam.  As the bubble blows up, Steelix knocks everyone out f the way, and Attila grabs Raikou.  Raikou is put into the cargo hold and Team Rocket fly off, but with Marina trapped with Raikou!
Raikou tries to blow his way out, but the walls are non-conductive.  It then tries banging its way out, but the walls are too strong for that to work, either.  Marina promises to find a way out, and as Raikou scrapes away a loose piece of the floor, she finds it.  Marina sees some wires, which can be pulled apart.  This makes the door open.  They are too far up for Marina to be able to safely escape, but as Raikou can make the jump, she encourages it to escape.  Attila activates the emergency overide, but Raikou escapes before the door closes.  As Team Rocket prepare to get Raikou back, it watches as they move away with Marina still trapped.
===Part Three===
As Vincent panics, Eugene tells Jimmy that the firs rule of any rescue operation is to remain calm.  Jimmy then gets the idea to contact Marina using Vincent’s Pokégear.  However, Team Rocket has already got to her, and Attila breaks the Pokégear.  All is not lost, though, as they can now locate where she was when the call was made.
Meanwhile, the crystal has been activated again and is seen by Raikou as well as Eugene, Jimmy and Vincent, who are now heading towards it.  When they get there, Vincent demands to see Marina, who is tied up but otherwise all right.  Jimmy tells them to let Marina and Raikou go, but Eugene realises that they don’t have Raikou since the crystal is active.  Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning huts the crystal, and it seems that Raikou is fighting the battle from outside of the crystal’s range.  Raikou is stronger than ever, but that is bad news as well as good news since they are right in the line of fire.
As electricity is fired everywhere, Marina falls, but is rescued by Beedrill.  However, Skarmory is released and uses Steel Wing on them.  Marina falls again, and lands on top of Vincent.  Jimmy ensures that Marina is ok, but just before they realise their love for each other, Vincent interrupts reminding them that he is the one that Marina fell on. Hun then cuts in by ordering Steelix to use Iron Tail.  Just as Eugene is about to save them, Raikou comes in and attacks Steelix head-on.  Raikou then attacks Attila’s control panel.  Skarmory goes in with a {{m|Sky Attack}}, but Raikou runs away as the control panel explodes, blasting Skarmory back.  The orb around the crystal disappears.
Jimmy realises that Raikou’s appearance when it was winning from afar was because it protects those that it sees as its friend.  There is one worry, though.  Team Rocket has not fled.  The reason for this appears when Raikou attacks them – the electricity is still reflected back to the crystal, which then sends a powerful blast back.  Hun explains that while the control panel has been destroyed, the crystal is now running on auto-destruct, which means that its power is now twice as focussed.  The crystal hones in on Raikou, and then turns black.  Its electric hooks sink into Raikou and pull it inwards.  The more Raikou resists, the stronger the pull.  The less Raikou resists, the easier the capture.  As such, Raikou is soon trapped.
Hun taunts that their legend will last forever as they have brains and science on their side, but Jimmy, Vincent, and Marina will not let that happen.  They send out Typhlosion, Misdreavous, and Meganium.  Typhlosion uses Flamethrower, but the field now surrounding Raikou stops it.  Jimmy suggests using combined forces again, but Eugene tells them that it won’t work.  If the field explodes with Raikou trapped inside, then the blast would be so powerful that it would destroy even Raikou.
While Raikou is drained of its electricity, Eugene says that their only hope is the ‘all or nothing’ plan.  They would have to break the field open, grab Raikou, and then get out before the explosion.  They aren’t sure, but Typhlosion makes the decision to do it.  As Typhlosion runs forward, so do Misdreavous and Meganium.  Skarmory and Steelix attack, but Eugene sends out Alakazam to provide enough of a distraction to let the other Pokémon past.  Typhlosion uses {{m|Flame Wheel}} on the field, while Meganium uses {{m|Light Screen}}.
Attila then sends his Muk into the battle to use {{m|Sludge Bomb}}.  Misdreavous counters with Psybeam, but is hit by Skarmory’s wing.  Skarmory then flies up to avoid Alakazam’s Psybeam.  While this is going on, Meganium and Typhlosion begin to drain energy from the crystal’s force field.  Raikou wakes up, meaning that it will be able to flee on its own if they are successful.  This would give the other Pokémon enough time to get away.
Hun orders Steelix to use Crunch on the trainers, but Jimmy tells the Pokémon to concentrate on saving Raikou.  As Muk uses Sludge Bomb and Skarmory uses {{m|Fury Attack}}, Steelix goes after Jimmy who has run to the edge of a cliff.  Jimmy provokes Steelix, but is saved by Beedrill, leaving Steelix to fall into the river below.  With Misdreavous and Alakazam Psybeaming Muk and Skarmory, Typhlosion and Meganium have nearly broken the field.  But Steelix bursts up and goes to Crunch them.  However, Jimmy, Marina and Vincent stand in its way.  Eugene tells them to get out of the way, but Raikou breaks the field with a powerful electric attack that knocks Steelix back.  As the crystal cracks, Hun and Attila realise that the ultimate system has met the ultimate Pokémon.  They then run away, leaving become legends for another day.
While the trainers celebrate, Raikou breaks the crystal once and for all.  They thank Raikou for saving them before it runs off, save again at last.  Knowing that they will never forget Raikou, the trainers cheer.  The narrator tells us that they continued on their journeys to become great Pokémon trainers, while Raikou continued its own journey, occasionally checking in on the three humans that turned out to be friends after all.
<!-- Can someone familiar with the original version please add a paragraph on what happened after Chronicles cuts out. -->

= Major events =
= Major events =
== Debuts ==
== Debuts ==
* [[Jimmy]]
* [[Marina]]
* [[Vincent]]
* [[Attila]]
* [[Hun]]
* [[Kudo]]
= Characters =
= Characters =
== Humans ==
== Humans ==
Line 55: Line 132:
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
= Trivia =
= Trivia =
*By the time this aired dubbed, Eugene and Vincent had already been seen before.  However, on those occasions, 4Kids called the, Eusine and Jackson respectively
== Errors ==
== Errors ==
== Dub edits ==
== Dub edits ==
The dub of ''The Legend of Thunder'' is one of the most heavily edited episodes of Pokémon. <!-- someone who has seen it please elaborate --><!-- Will do when I do the synopsis. -->
The dub of ''The Legend of Thunder'' is one of the most heavily edited episodes of Pokémon.  


Revision as of 21:59, 6 November 2005


The Legend of Thunder
No picture currently available.
ポケットモンスタークリスタル・ライコウ 雷の伝説
Pocket Monsters Crystal: Raikou - Legend of Thunder
First broadcast
Japan December 30, 2001
United States -
English themes
Opening Pokémon Chronicles theme
Japanese themes
Opening 新たなる誓い (acoustic version)
Ending 新たなる誓い
Animation Team Koitabashi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 越智浩仁 辻初樹 Template:Romanizations/越智浩仁 辻初樹
Assistant director 越智浩仁 池端隆史 Template:Romanizations/越智浩仁 池端隆史
Animation director 松原徳弘 井ノ上ユウ子 Template:Romanizations/松原徳弘 井ノ上ユウ子
No additional credits are available at this time.

The Legend of Thunder! (Japanese: ポケットモンスタークリスタル・ライコウ 雷の伝説 Pocket Monsters Crystal: Raikou - Legend of Thunder) is a made-for-TV anime movie. It was not aired dubbed for three and a half years, until the May of 2005 when it became the first three episodes of Pokémon Chronicles. Rather than follow Ash, it follows Jimmy, Marina, and Vincent, three trainers from New Bark Town, in their attepts to prevent Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun from capturing Raikou.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Note: This synopsis is based on the dubbed version of the episode. However, there are a number of differenced between the dub and the original, which are listed in the Dub edits section.

Part One

The episode opens as Jimmy and Typhlosion prepare to battle another trainer and his Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee begins with a Jump Kick, which Typhlosion blocks. However, Hitmonlee then uses a Rolling Kick, which hits Typhlosion. That isn’t enough to defeat Typhlosion, though, so Hitmonlee then uses Mega Kick. Typhlosion counters with Flamethrower, which engulfs Hitmonlee, who then faints. Jimmy does a high paw with Typhlosion as the small crowd cheer. As Jimmy and his opponent shake hands and become friends, the narrator talks about the wonders of the Pokémon World and the rare power that is Raikou.

Meanwhile, a helicopter enters one of Team Rocket’s secret hideouts. Hun introduces Attila to Professor Sebastian, who shows them an item known as ‘’The Miracle Crystal’’. As he shows them, it has the power to control all nearby electricity, and anything electrical nearby is drawn to it. As Hun comments, it now won’t be long until unlimited power is in their hands…

As Jimmy continues on his journey, he stops by at a Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy heals all of his Pokémon, and then Jimmy grooms Typhlosion, complementing it on his strength. He then hears a familiar voice, and sees Marina who is talking on the phone to Vincent. Her Misdreavous, and then Vincent, notice Jimmy. While it takes Marina a moment to remember him, when she does she is enthusiastic to talk to him. Before she hangs up, Vincent tells Jimmy that he wants Marina to be his girlfriend.

Now sitting outside, Vincent and Marina talk about what they have done on their journeys. Marina flirts with Jimmy who, to her annoyance, shows no interest. She then suggests that he is afraid of her because he likes her. Jimmy denies this, though Typhlosion seems to think otherwise. Jimmy makes Marina change the subject, so she tells him that she battles to make people happy, and then he says that he battles to be able to help the kids back in New Bark Town. Marina then reveals her fascination with FabuLance. Marina then challenges Jimmy to a battle.

They agree to use two Pokémon each. Marina sends out Jigglypuff while Jimmy sends out Beedrill. Jigglypuff starts out with Sing, but it fails as the speed of Beedrill’s wings erase all sound waves before they reach its ears. Beedrill uses Agility followed by Twin Needle. Jigglypuff launches into the air, and is able to dodge Beedrill thanks to its many dance lessons. While Marina talks about turning it into a routine, Beedrill launches a Pin Missile, which makes Jigglypuff faint.

Next, Marina sends out Croconaw, while Jimmy sends out Typhlosion. As the battle begins, thunderclouds start to build up. Croconaw uses Water Gun, and Typhlosion charges into it. Typhlosion survives the attack and uses Quick Attack, but a bolt of lightning shoots down between them. Jimmy tells the Pokémon to go back to the Pokémon Center, but they go the wrong way. Typhlosion and Croconaw are successfully recalled, but Misdreavous gets too far ahead.

As Jimmy and Marina chase after Misdreavous, the source of the thunder is revealed to be the crystal, which is now attracting electric Pokémon from all over the area. There is no sign of Raikou yet, but Hun tells Attila that making trouble with the Pokémon that have appeared will make it more likely for Raikou to turn up. A Raichu tries to stop them, but is quickly defeated by the crystal. As a different, more yellow, cloud appears, Misdreavous, Jimmy and Marina also appear to see the events unfold.

Attila grabs the Raichu and a Mareep, and just as Jimmy and Marina are about to run in, Raikou appears from the yellow thundercloud. It quickly frees the Raichu and Mareep, and all of the electric Pokémon run away. Team Rocket are unfazed, and go to attack Raikou. Raikou attacks back with a thunderbolt that is sucked into the crystal. Though it keeps attacking, the powerful electric attacks are just sent straight back. As Hun points out, the more it fights the stronger Team Rocket get. Raikou collapses, but before Attila can capture it, Jimmy runs forward telling them to stop. He sends out Typhlosion, while Attila sends out Skarmory and Hun sends out Steelix.

Huns warns Jimmy to “leave now or be destroyed”. Jimmy warns Team Rocket to “let Raikou go, or you’re in for the fight of your life.”

Part Two

Skarmory begins with Fury Attack, while Typhlosion begins with Flamethrower. Steelix counters with Sandstorm, stopping the flamethrower and causing a threat to Typhlosion as “sand puts out fire every time.” Typhlosion tries to “hang tough”, but is hit by Skarmory’s Steel Wing.

With Typhlosion defeated, Attila sends electricity from the crystal to further weaken Raikou. Feeling the need to stop it, Marina and Misdreavous enter the battle. Steelix goes to use Bite, but Misdreavous uses Perish Song. While Skarmory and Steelix are in pain, Attila returns his attention to Raikou, but Jimmy sends out Beedrill, who uses Pin Missile on Attila’s machine. The claws break off, meaning that it is now impossisble to capture Raikou. After creating a smoke screen, Team Rocket escape.

Raikou turns to go, but Jimmy calls after it, as it is in pain and they can help it. Raikou hits Jimmy with a Thundershock, and he is thrown back. But Jimmy just gets back up again, narrowly missing another attack. The two stare each other down, until Jimmy makes a step forwad. Raikou sends forward another electric attack, which is countered by a fire attack from Typhlosion. Jimmy assures Raikou that they want to help it, promising that it can trust him. Raikou then collapses.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Professor Elm tells Marina that there is a danger that Raikou will become withdrawn and depressed and not heal properly because it is in captivity. Marina decides that singing it a song may help, and while Professor Elm admits that that isn’t a bad idea, he tells her that the important thing is to set it free as soon as it is healed. News of Raikou spreads, but Chansey guards the door so that only Jimmy is watching as Nurse Joy works on healing it.

That evening, as Team Rocket work on repairing their machine and Raikou sleeps, Marina gets Jimmy to cheer up. However, as they begin talking, a man comes in demanding to see Raikou. Marina, who thinks he is cute, asks his name. But then Officer Jenny leads another man to them. The first man is Eugene, while the second is Kudo, and they appear to know each other. Marina is more interested in Eugene’s cape, which Eugene informs her that no one is permitted to touch.

Eugene explains that Raikou is a legendary Pokémon, making him unique and extraordinary. While it cannot be captured, man has always tried to capture that that they cannot possess. As Raikou can control thunder and lightning, those envious feel that capturing it will allow them to capture its power, and so men have always hunted Raikou. Because of this, Raikou does not trust humans. Kudo says that Raikou thinks that all humans are the same, but Jimmy believes that it can sense who its friends and enemies are.

The following morning, Raikou wakes up and is strong enough to break the glass in the Pokémon Center. Jimmy introduces himself, but Raikou just sends more electricity his way. As the others appear, Raikou blows a hole in the wall and runs off. The clouds that the crystal created have returned, and Raikou runs right back into Team Rocket’s trap. Eugene tells Jimmy and Marina to get into his car so that they can follow it. Meanwhile, Kudo mans the home base and calls Officer Jenny.

Raikou soon appears in front of Attila and Hun, who introduce themselves as its new masters. Raikou replies with another lightning bolt to the crystal, which just powers it up even more. Hun sends out Steelix to get more electricity into the crystal, which then sends out electricity everywhere. Next, Steelix uses Dig which causes serious damage to Raikou. However, before they can do more damage, Eugene’s car appears and Jimmy gets out.

Attila says that they are just adding to their collection like any other trainer, but Jimmy disagrees telling them to fight Raikou fairly. Hun states that their goals are too big to be hindered by anything as noble as fairness. When Jimmy tells them that what they are doing is wrong, Attila says that they are acting like all Pokémon trainers, but Jimmy tells them that they don’t know Pokémon trainers at all. “When we battle, we have respect for each other. When we battle, it’s to learn and get better. When ‘’we’’ battle, it’s for the love of the contest, and not to steal the powers of a noble and legendary creature.” Jimmy tells Team Rocket that hewill not let them take Raikou.

As the Raikou jumps into battle, he is hit by the crystal’s electricity. But before anyone can release a Pokémon, Steelix uses Rock Throw on Jimmy and Marina. One big rock is heading straight for them, yet before they are a hit, a beam from off-screen hits and destroys it. Looking to where the beam came from, they see a Meganium with… FabuLance? No, FabuVinny. Vincent has come to save them. Vincent orders Meganium to use Solarbeam, but it barely damages the part-steel Steelix. Steelix then uses Crunch, followed by Iron Tail and Rock Throw. Eugene goes to save them, but the rocks prevent him from doing it.

Meanwhile, Raikou has collapsed from the electric attacks that the crystal has been hitting it with. Attila then activated the capture bubble. As it hits Raikou, the electricity causes it to cry out in pain. But Typhlosion sends a Flamethrower at the bubble. Hun explains that this is bad as the system is only designed to absorb electricity – it doesn’t know how to handle any other form of energy. As Typhlosion begins to push the bubble back, Misdreavous joins in with Psybeam and Meganium joins in with Solarbeam. As the bubble blows up, Steelix knocks everyone out f the way, and Attila grabs Raikou. Raikou is put into the cargo hold and Team Rocket fly off, but with Marina trapped with Raikou!

Raikou tries to blow his way out, but the walls are non-conductive. It then tries banging its way out, but the walls are too strong for that to work, either. Marina promises to find a way out, and as Raikou scrapes away a loose piece of the floor, she finds it. Marina sees some wires, which can be pulled apart. This makes the door open. They are too far up for Marina to be able to safely escape, but as Raikou can make the jump, she encourages it to escape. Attila activates the emergency overide, but Raikou escapes before the door closes. As Team Rocket prepare to get Raikou back, it watches as they move away with Marina still trapped.

Part Three

As Vincent panics, Eugene tells Jimmy that the firs rule of any rescue operation is to remain calm. Jimmy then gets the idea to contact Marina using Vincent’s Pokégear. However, Team Rocket has already got to her, and Attila breaks the Pokégear. All is not lost, though, as they can now locate where she was when the call was made.

Meanwhile, the crystal has been activated again and is seen by Raikou as well as Eugene, Jimmy and Vincent, who are now heading towards it. When they get there, Vincent demands to see Marina, who is tied up but otherwise all right. Jimmy tells them to let Marina and Raikou go, but Eugene realises that they don’t have Raikou since the crystal is active. Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning huts the crystal, and it seems that Raikou is fighting the battle from outside of the crystal’s range. Raikou is stronger than ever, but that is bad news as well as good news since they are right in the line of fire.

As electricity is fired everywhere, Marina falls, but is rescued by Beedrill. However, Skarmory is released and uses Steel Wing on them. Marina falls again, and lands on top of Vincent. Jimmy ensures that Marina is ok, but just before they realise their love for each other, Vincent interrupts reminding them that he is the one that Marina fell on. Hun then cuts in by ordering Steelix to use Iron Tail. Just as Eugene is about to save them, Raikou comes in and attacks Steelix head-on. Raikou then attacks Attila’s control panel. Skarmory goes in with a Sky Attack, but Raikou runs away as the control panel explodes, blasting Skarmory back. The orb around the crystal disappears.

Jimmy realises that Raikou’s appearance when it was winning from afar was because it protects those that it sees as its friend. There is one worry, though. Team Rocket has not fled. The reason for this appears when Raikou attacks them – the electricity is still reflected back to the crystal, which then sends a powerful blast back. Hun explains that while the control panel has been destroyed, the crystal is now running on auto-destruct, which means that its power is now twice as focussed. The crystal hones in on Raikou, and then turns black. Its electric hooks sink into Raikou and pull it inwards. The more Raikou resists, the stronger the pull. The less Raikou resists, the easier the capture. As such, Raikou is soon trapped.

Hun taunts that their legend will last forever as they have brains and science on their side, but Jimmy, Vincent, and Marina will not let that happen. They send out Typhlosion, Misdreavous, and Meganium. Typhlosion uses Flamethrower, but the field now surrounding Raikou stops it. Jimmy suggests using combined forces again, but Eugene tells them that it won’t work. If the field explodes with Raikou trapped inside, then the blast would be so powerful that it would destroy even Raikou.

While Raikou is drained of its electricity, Eugene says that their only hope is the ‘all or nothing’ plan. They would have to break the field open, grab Raikou, and then get out before the explosion. They aren’t sure, but Typhlosion makes the decision to do it. As Typhlosion runs forward, so do Misdreavous and Meganium. Skarmory and Steelix attack, but Eugene sends out Alakazam to provide enough of a distraction to let the other Pokémon past. Typhlosion uses Flame Wheel on the field, while Meganium uses Light Screen.

Attila then sends his Muk into the battle to use Sludge Bomb. Misdreavous counters with Psybeam, but is hit by Skarmory’s wing. Skarmory then flies up to avoid Alakazam’s Psybeam. While this is going on, Meganium and Typhlosion begin to drain energy from the crystal’s force field. Raikou wakes up, meaning that it will be able to flee on its own if they are successful. This would give the other Pokémon enough time to get away.

Hun orders Steelix to use Crunch on the trainers, but Jimmy tells the Pokémon to concentrate on saving Raikou. As Muk uses Sludge Bomb and Skarmory uses Fury Attack, Steelix goes after Jimmy who has run to the edge of a cliff. Jimmy provokes Steelix, but is saved by Beedrill, leaving Steelix to fall into the river below. With Misdreavous and Alakazam Psybeaming Muk and Skarmory, Typhlosion and Meganium have nearly broken the field. But Steelix bursts up and goes to Crunch them. However, Jimmy, Marina and Vincent stand in its way. Eugene tells them to get out of the way, but Raikou breaks the field with a powerful electric attack that knocks Steelix back. As the crystal cracks, Hun and Attila realise that the ultimate system has met the ultimate Pokémon. They then run away, leaving become legends for another day.

While the trainers celebrate, Raikou breaks the crystal once and for all. They thank Raikou for saving them before it runs off, save again at last. Knowing that they will never forget Raikou, the trainers cheer. The narrator tells us that they continued on their journeys to become great Pokémon trainers, while Raikou continued its own journey, occasionally checking in on the three humans that turned out to be friends after all.

Major events






  • By the time this aired dubbed, Eugene and Vincent had already been seen before. However, on those occasions, 4Kids called the, Eusine and Jackson respectively


Dub edits

The dub of The Legend of Thunder is one of the most heavily edited episodes of Pokémon.


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