Status condition (Mystery Dungeon): Difference between revisions

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* '''Mobile'''
* '''Mobile'''
* '''Blinker''' - The Pokemon cannot see other Pokemon, items or the dungeon walls. Caused by a Blinker Seed.
* '''Blinker''' - The Pokémon cannot see other Pokémon, items or the dungeon walls. Caused by a Blinker Seed.
* '''Cross-Eyed''' - The Pokémon is under the effects of an X-eye Seed. All other Pokémon, including friends and foes, and items on the floor will be replaced by substitutes, making targeting a foe more difficult, while making it easier to accidently attack a friend.
* '''Cross-Eyed''' - The Pokémon is under the effects of an X-eye Seed. All other Pokémon, including friends and foes, and items on the floor will be replaced by substitutes, making targeting a foe more difficult, while making it easier to accidently attack a friend.
* '''Eyedrops''' - The Pokémon is able to see all hidden traps and all invisible Pokémon. Caused by using an Eyedrop Orb.
* '''Eyedrops''' - The Pokémon is able to see all hidden traps and all invisible Pokémon. Caused by using an Eyedrop Orb.

Revision as of 08:22, 19 January 2009

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Status ailments are considered differently in the Mystery Dungeon games compared to the main series. Statuses can be caused by various moves, and may represent not only statuses in the traditional sense (such as being asleep), but also as a result of moves being used (such as being in the middle of a two-turn attack). Because of this, a player may have multiple status ailments in effect, though some effects are mutually exclusive.

Major status effects are those which may be removed using items, Aromatherapy, Heal Bell, or stepping on Dungeon Tiles. Though not statuses in and of itself, all sealed moves are unsealed and any reduction of movement speed is negated whenever a major status effect is healed. Pokémon with Natural Cure will suffer major status effects for at most 5 turns, while Pokémon with Self-Curer will have status durations cut in half. Pokémon with Early Bird affected with a sleep ability (Asleep, Nightmare, and Napping) will have its status durations further cut in half.

In the following lists, each group of statuses are mutually exclusive. Moves in italics are considered to be major statuses.

  • Asleep - The Pokémon does not do anything. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Items cannot be removed from this Pokémon. Lasts 3-6 turns.
  • Sleepless- The Pokémon can not fall asleep. Lasts for 3-6 turns, or until you leave the floor.
  • Nightmare - The Pokémon is damaged while sleeping. Lasts 3-6 turns, or until the Pokémon awakes.
  • Yawning - The Pokémon will get the Asleep status when this status ends. Items cannot be removed from this Pokémon. Lasts 2 turns. Caused by Yawn.
  • Napping

  • Burned - The Pokémon will lose 5 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 20 turns after that. Burns can be healed by stepping on non-regular water tiles (even by Pokémon for which this would normally cause a warp), or the use of specific items.
  • Poisoned - The Pokémon will lose 4 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 10 turns after that. Poisoned Pokémon cannot naturally regenerate HP.
  • Badly Poisoned - The Pokémon will lose 6HP at the end of its next turn, and every 2 turns after that. Like Poisoned Pokémon, Badly Poisoned Pokémon cannot naturally regenerate HP.
  • Paralyzed - The Pokémon cannot use attacks (regular or special) or Wonder Orbs, and movement speed will be reduced by 1. Thrown items will continue to inflict damage. This normally lasts up to 2 turns.

  • Frozen - The Pokémon will not do anything, though it may not receive damage. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Pokémon on Magma tiles cannot be frozen. Frozen Pokémon can be defrosted if a Template:T2 attack is used against it, if it is forced on a Magma tile, or a specific item is used on it. This lasts for 3-5 turns.
  • Leg Hold - The Pokémon cannot move, and cannot switch places with the team leader. This lasts for 2-5 turns.
  • Wrapped Around Foe
  • Wrapped By Foe
  • Ingrain - The Pokémon cannot move, and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon gains 10HP at the end of the next turn, and every five turns after that. Lasts 15-30 turns. Caused by Ingrain.
  • Petrified
  • Constriction - The Pokémon cannot move, and cannot switch places with the team leader. The Pokémon loses 5 HP at the end of the next turn, and every two turns after that. Lasts 3-6 turns.

  • Cringing - The Pokémon cannot use any regular attacks, special attacks, or orbs, but may throw items. If in the middle of a linked move, the rest of the linked move is skipped. Lasts for one turn.
  • Confused - The Pokémon does not respond to commands properly, and may even attack a teammate.
  • Paused
  • Cowering - The Pokémon will turn in the opposite direction before attacking with a regular attack, a special attack, or an orb. Such an attack may target allies as if they were enemies. Lasts 10-12 turns.
  • Taunted The Pokémon will only be able to use moves that cause damage. It will not be able to alter stats or cause status ailments. Caused by Taunt.
  • Encore - The Pokémon is stuck with using only one move. In the case of linked moves, only the move Encore was used against will work. Other moves will fail.
  • Infatuated

  • Bide
  • SolarBeam - The Pokémon is currently charging a SolarBeam.
  • Sky Attack - The Pokémon is currently charging a Sky Attack.
  • Razor Wind - The Pokémon is currently charging a Razor Wind.
  • Focus Punch - The Pokémon is currently charging a Focus Punch.
  • Skull Bash - The Pokémon is currently charging a Skull Bash. Defense is increased by 1 stage while this status is active.
  • Flying - The Pokémon is currently charging a Fly.
  • Bouncing - The Pokémon is currently charging a Bounce.
  • Diving - The Pokémon is currently charging a Dive.
  • Digging - The Pokémon is currently charging a Dig.
  • Charging - The Pokémon is under the effects of Charge. Template:Type2 moves while this status is in effect. This effect ends after the Pokémon's next turn or when a special attack is performed, whichever comes first.
  • Enraged - The Pokémon is under the effects of Rage. Attack is increased by 1 stage whenever the Pokémon takes damage. Lasts 5-10 turns.

  • Reflect
  • Safeguard
  • Light Screen
  • Counter
  • Magic Coat
  • Wish
  • Protect
  • Mirror Coat
  • Enduring
  • Mini Counter - 1/4 of damage dealt by all physical attacks will be reflected back at the foe. It is brought about by using a Rebound Orb.
  • Mirror Move
  • Conversion 2
  • Vital Throw
  • Mist

  • Curse
  • Decoy
  • Snatch

  • Leech Seed - The Pokémon has taken a leech seed. At the end of each turn, 10HP damage will be dealt to the Leech Seeded Pokémon, and 10HP will be returned to the Pokémon that used Leech Seed.
  • Destiny Bond

  • Sure Shot - The Pokémon's attacks are likely to hit.
  • Whiffer - The Pokémon's attacks are likely to miss.
  • Set Damage - Special moves made by the Pokémon (including one-hit KO moves) will always inflict 35HP damage.
  • Focus Energy - The Pokémon's attacks are likely to critical hit. Caused by Focus Energy.

  • Long Toss - Items tossed by the Pokémon will have extended range.
  • Pierce - Items tossed by the Pokémon will pass through obstacles.

  • Invisible
  • Transformed - The Pokémon has transformed. Caused by Transform.
  • Mobile

  • Blinker - The Pokémon cannot see other Pokémon, items or the dungeon walls. Caused by a Blinker Seed.
  • Cross-Eyed - The Pokémon is under the effects of an X-eye Seed. All other Pokémon, including friends and foes, and items on the floor will be replaced by substitutes, making targeting a foe more difficult, while making it easier to accidently attack a friend.
  • Eyedrops - The Pokémon is able to see all hidden traps and all invisible Pokémon. Caused by using an Eyedrop Orb.

  • Muzzled - Moves that require the use of the mouth will fail. The Pokémon may not also eat or drink items. Lasts 10 turns. For a list of moves affected by Muzzled status, see the individual move articles.

  • Power Ears - If the Pokémon is the team leader, the location of all other Pokémon are visible on the map.

  • Scanning - If the Pokémon is the team leader, the location of all items are visible on the map.

  • Grudge

  • Terrified - The Pokémon can only move, and is incapable or using moves or items. If the terrified Pokémon is not the team leader, then they will flee from other Pokémon, including other members of the team. Lasts three turns.

  • Perish Song - The Pokémon loses all HP after four turns, unless it has Protect status at this time. Caused by Perish Song.

  • Stair Spotter - If the Pokémon is the team leader, the location of the stairs is visible on the map.
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