Island of Fossil (TCG GB2): Difference between revisions

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|setname     = Island of Fossil
setname=Island of Fossil|
|jasetname   =  
|setlogo      = TCG2 Booster3.png
transsetname=Island of Fossil|
|transsetname =
image=TCG2 Booster3.png|
|setsymbol    =
|jasetnum    = 3
prevset=Legendary Power|
|jacards      = 59
|enrelease    = ''N/A''
|jarelease    = ''N/A''
nextset=Psychic Battle|
|numdecks    = 0
|prevset=Legendary Power|japrevset=Legendary Power|japrevsetname=Legendary Power
|nextset=Psychic Battle|janextset=Psychic Battle|janextsetname=Psychic Battle
'''Island of Fossil''' (Japanese: '''化石のしま''') is one of the eight sets found in {{Card GB 2}} for the [[Game Boy Color]].

'''Island of Fossil''' is one of the eight sets found in {{Card GB 2}} for the [[Game Boy Color]].  
The booster pack image features an {{p|Omanyte}}.

The cover of the booster pack features an {{p|Omanyte}}.
[[Club Master]]s and their [[Club Member]]s usually give out these booster packs when they are defeated.

[[Club Master]]s and their [[Club Member]]s usually give out the booster packs when they are defeated.
Island of Fossil includes cards from {{TCG|Base Set}}, the {{TCG|Jungle}} expansion, and {{TCG|Fossil}} expansion. It also includes a number of {{TCG|Vending Machine cards}} and cards from the {{TCG|Intro Pack}} that were never released outside of Japan. {{TCG ID|GB|Electrode|1}} is included as in-game exclusive card.
It includes cards from {{TCG|Base Set}}, {{TCG|Jungle}}, {{TCG|Fossil}}, the {{TCG|Vending Machine cards|Vending Machine collection}}, {{TCG|Video Introduction Set}}, and also has an addition of {{TCG ID|GB|Electrode|1}}, which is exclusive to the game.

==Card list==
==Card list==
{| {{graytable}}
{{Setlist/header|title=Island of Fossil|tablecol=5BC7E5|bordercol=3B8295|cellcol=94DBEE|rarity=yes|symbol=no|sprite=yes|colspan=5}}
|- style="background: #eaeaea;"
{{Setlist/entry|C01|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Ekans|46}}|Grass||Common||2 C01 Ekans}}
{{Setlist/entry|C02|{{TCG ID|Vending|Arbok|S3}}|Grass||Rare||2 C02 Arbok}}
{{Setlist/entry|C03|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Nidoqueen|7}}|Grass||Rare Holo||2 C03 Nidoqueen}}
!Card Name
{{Setlist/entry|C04|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Zubat|57}}|Grass||Common||2 C04 Zubat}}
{{Setlist/entry|C05|{{TCG ID|Vending|Golbat|S1}}|Grass||Uncommon||2 C05 Golbat}}
{{Setlist/entry|C06|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Oddish|58}}|Grass||Common||2 C06 Oddish}}
{{Setlist/entry|C07|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Gloom|37}}|Grass||Uncommon||2 C07 Gloom}}
{{Setlist/entry|C08|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Vileplume|15}}|Grass||Rare Holo||2 C08 Vileplume}}
| C01 || [[File:TCG2 C01 Ekans.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Ekans|46}} || {{e|Grass}} || 10 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C09|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Bellsprout|49}}|Grass||Common||2 C09 Bellsprout}}
{{Setlist/entry|C10|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Weepinbell|48}}|Grass||Uncommon||2 C10 Weepinbell}}
| C02 || [[File:TCG2 C02 Arbok.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Arbok|S3}} || {{e|Grass}} || 30 || {{rar|Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|C11|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Victreebel|14}}|Grass||Rare Holo||2 C11 Victreebel}}
{{Setlist/entry|C12|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Grimer|48}}|Grass||Common||2 C12 Grimer}}
| C03 || [[File:TCG2 C03 Nidoqueen.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Nidoqueen|7}} || {{e|Grass}} || 43 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|C13|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Muk|13}}|Grass||Rare Holo||2 C13 Muk}}
{{Setlist/entry|C14|{{TCG ID|Video Intro|Koffing|Set}}|Grass||Common||2 C14 Koffing}}
| C04 || [[File:TCG2 C04 Zubat.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Zubat|57}} || {{e|Grass}} || 10 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C15|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Weezing|45}}|Grass||Uncommon||2 C15 Weezing}}
{{Setlist/entry|C16|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Pinsir|9}}|Grass||Rare Holo||2 C16 Pinsir}}
| C05 || [[File:TCG2 C05 Golbat.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Golbat|S1}} || {{e|Grass}} || 25 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C17|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Magmar|36}}|Fire||Uncommon||2 C17 Magmar}}
{{Setlist/entry|C18|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Squirtle|63}}|Water||Common||2 C18 Squirtle}}
| C06 || [[File:TCG2 C06 Oddish.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Oddish|58}} || {{e|Grass}} || 8 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C19|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Wartortle|42}}|Water||Uncommon||2 C19 Wartortle}}
{{Setlist/entry|C20|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Psyduck|53}}|Water||Common||2 C20 Psyduck}}
| C07 || [[File:TCG2 C07 Gloom.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Gloom|37}} || {{e|Grass}} || 22 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C21|{{TCG ID|Vending|Golduck|S3}}|Water||Rare||2 C21 Golduck}}
{{Setlist/entry|C22|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Poliwag|59}}|Water||Common||2 C22 Poliwag}}
| C08 || [[File:TCG2 C08 Vileplume.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Vileplume|15}} || {{e|Grass}} || 35 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|C23|{{TCG ID|Vending|Poliwhirl|S1}}|Water||Uncommon||2 C23 Poliwhirl}}
{{Setlist/entry|C24|{{TCG ID|Vending|Poliwrath|S1}}|Water||Rare||2 C24 Poliwrath}}
| C09 || [[File:TCG2 C09 Bellsprout.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Bellsprout|49}} || {{e|Grass}} || 11 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C25|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Horsea|49}}|Water||Common||2 C25 Horsea}}
{{Setlist/entry|C26|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Seadra|42}}|Water||Uncommon||2 C26 Seadra}}
| C10 || [[File:TCG2 C10 Weepinbell.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Weepinbell|48}} || {{e|Grass}} || 28 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C27|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Omanyte|52}}|Water||Common||2 C27 Omanyte}}
{{Setlist/entry|C28|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Omastar|40}}|Water||Uncommon||2 C28 Omastar}}
| C11 || [[File:TCG2 C11 Victreebel.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Victreebel|14}} || {{e|Grass}} || 42 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|C29|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Articuno|2}}|Water||Rare Holo||2 C29 Articuno}}
{{Setlist/entry|C30|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Pikachu|60}}|Lightning||Common||2 C30 Pikachu}}
| C12 || [[File:TCG2 C12 Grimer.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Grimer|48}} || {{e|Grass}} || 17 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C31|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Raichu|14}}|Lightning||Rare Holo||2 C31 Raichu}}
{{Setlist/entry|C32|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Voltorb|67}}|Lightning||Common||2 C32 Voltorb}}
| C13 || [[File:TCG2 C13 Muk.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Muk|13}} || {{e|Grass}} || 34 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|C33|{{TCG ID|GB|Electrode|1}}|Lightning||Rare||2 C33 Electrode}}
{{Setlist/entry|C34|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Mankey|55}}|Fighting||Common||2 C34 Mankey}}
| C14 || [[File:TCG2 C14 Koffing.png]] || {{TCG ID|Video Intro|Koffing|Set}} || {{e|Grass}} || 14 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C35|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Primeape|43}}|Fighting||Uncommon||2 C35 Primeape}}
{{Setlist/entry|C36|{{TCG ID|Vending|Machoke|S3}}|Fighting||Uncommon||2 C36 Machoke}}
| C15 || [[File:TCG2 C15 Weezing.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Weezing|45}} || {{e|Grass}} || 27 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C37|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Golem|36}}|Fighting||Uncommon||2 C37 Golem}}
{{Setlist/entry|C38|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Kabuto|50}}|Fighting||Common||2 C38 Kabuto}}
| C16 || [[File:TCG2 C16 Pinsir.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Pinsir|9}} || {{e|Grass}} || 24 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|C39|{{TCG ID|Vending|Aerodactyl|S2}}|Fighting||Uncommon||2 C39 Aerodactyl}}
{{Setlist/entry|C40|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Alakazam|1}}|Psychic||Rare Holo||2 C40 Alakazam}}
| C17 || [[File:TCG2 C17 Magmar.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Magmar|36}} || {{e|Fire}} || 24 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C41|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Slowpoke|55}}|Psychic||Common||2 C41 Slowpoke}}
{{Setlist/entry|C42|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Slowbro|43}}|Psychic||Uncommon||2 C42 Slowbro}}
| C18 || [[File:TCG2 C18 Squirtle.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Squirtle|63}} || {{e|Water}} || 8 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C43|{{TCG ID|Vending|Gastly|S3}}|Psychic||Common||2 C43 Gastly}}
{{Setlist/entry|C44|{{TCG ID|Vending S3|Haunter|2}}|Psychic||Uncommon||2 C44 Haunter}}
| C19 || [[File:TCG2 C19 Wartortle.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Wartortle|42}} || {{e|Water}} || 22 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C45|{{TCG ID|Masaki|Gengar|Promo}}|Psychic||Rare Holo||2 C45 Gengar}}
{{Setlist/entry|C46|{{TCG ID|Vending|Hypno|S3}}|Psychic||Uncommon||2 C46 Hypno}}
| C20 || [[File:TCG2 C20 Psyduck.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Psyduck|53}} || {{e|Water}} || 15 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C47|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Jynx|31}}|Psychic||Uncommon||2 C47 Jynx}}
{{Setlist/entry|C48|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Clefable|1}}|Colorless||Rare Holo||2 C48 Clefable}}
| C21 || [[File:TCG2 C21 Golduck.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Golduck|S3}} || {{e|Water}} || 28 || {{rar|Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|C49|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Meowth|56}}|Colorless||Common||2 C49 Meowth}}
{{Setlist/entry|C50|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Persian|42}}|Colorless||Uncommon||2 C50 Persian}}
| C22 || [[File:TCG2 C22 Poliwag.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Poliwag|59}} || {{e|Water}} || 13 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C51|{{TCG ID|Vending|Lickitung|S1}}|Colorless||Uncommon||2 C51 Lickitung}}
{{Setlist/entry|C52|{{TCG ID|Vending|Tauros|S3}}|Colorless||Common||2 C52 Tauros}}
| C23 || [[File:TCG2 C23 Poliwhirl.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Poliwhirl|S1}} || {{e|Water}} || 30 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C53|{{TCG ID|Vending|Porygon|S1}}|Colorless||Uncommon||2 C53 Porygon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C54|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Item Finder|74}}|Trainer||Rare||2 C54 Item Finder}}
| C24 || [[File:TCG2 C24 Poliwrath.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Poliwrath|S1}} || {{e|Water}} || 40 || {{rar|Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|C55|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Super Energy Removal|79}}|Trainer||Rare||2 C55 Super Energy Removal}}
{{Setlist/entry|C56|{{TCG ID|Fossil|Mysterious Fossil|62}}|Trainer||Common||2 C56 Mysterious Fossil}}
| C25 || [[File:TCG2 C25 Horsea.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Horsea|49}} || {{e|Water}} || 19 || {{rar|Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|C57|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Computer Search|71}}|Trainer||Rare||2 C57 Computer Search}}
{{Setlist/entry|C58|{{TCG ID|Base Set|Clefairy Doll|70}}|Trainer||Rare||2 C58 Clefairy Doll}}
| C26 || [[File:TCG2 C26 Seadra.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Seadra|42}} || {{e|Water}} || 23 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|C59|{{TCG ID|Jungle|Poké Ball|64}}|Trainer||Common||2 C59 Poké Ball}}
| C27 || [[File:TCG2 C27 Omanyte.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Omanyte|52}} || {{e|Water}} || 19 || {{rar|Common}}
| C28 || [[File:TCG2 C28 Omastar.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Omastar|40}} || {{e|Water}} || 32 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C29 || [[File:TCG2 C29 Articuno.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Articuno|2}} || {{e|Water}} || 35 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
| C30 || [[File:TCG2 C30 Pikachu.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Pikachu|60}} || {{e|Lightning}} || 14 || {{rar|Common}}
| C31 || [[File:TCG2 C31 Raichu.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Raichu|14}} || {{e|Lightning}} || 35 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
| C32 || [[File:TCG2 C32 Voltorb.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Voltorb|67}} || {{e|Lightning}} || 10 || {{rar|Common}}
| C33 || [[File:TCG2 C33 Electrode.png]] || {{TCG ID|GB|Electrode|1}} || {{e|Lightning}} || 35 || {{rar|Rare}}
| C34 || [[File:TCG2 C34 Mankey.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Mankey|55}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 7 || {{rar|Common}}
| C35 || [[File:TCG2 C35 Primeape.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Primeape|43}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 35 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C36 || [[File:TCG2 C36 Machoke.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Machoke|S3}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 24 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C37 || [[File:TCG2 C37 Golem.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Golem|36}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 36 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C38 || [[File:TCG2 C38 Kabuto.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Kabuto|50}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 9 || {{rar|Common}}
| C39 || [[File:TCG2 C39 Aerodactyl.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Aerodactyl|S2}} || {{e|Fighting}} || 30 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C40 || [[File:TCG2 C40 Alakazam.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Alakazam|1}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 42 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
| C41 || [[File:TCG2 C41 Slowpoke.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Slowpoke|55}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 18 || {{rar|Common}}
| C42 || [[File:TCG2 C42 Slowbro.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Slowbro|43}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 26 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C43 || [[File:TCG2 C43 Gastly.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Gastly|S3}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 13 || {{rar|Common}}
| C44 || [[File:TCG2 C44 Haunter.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending S3|Haunter|2}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 26 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C45 || [[File:TCG2 C45 Gengar.png]] || {{TCG ID|Masaki|Gengar|Promo}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 40 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
| C46 || [[File:TCG2 C46 Hypno.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Hypno|S3}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 30 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C47 || [[File:TCG2 C47 Jynx.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Jynx|31}} || {{e|Psychic}} || 23 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C48 || [[File:TCG2 C48 Clefable.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Clefable|1}} || {{e|Colorless}}|| 34 || {{rar|Rare Holo}}
| C49 || [[File:TCG2 C49 Meowth.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Meowth|56}} || {{e|Colorless}}|| 15 || {{rar|Common}}
| C50 || [[File:TCG2 C50 Persian.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Persian|42}} || {{e|Colorless}} || 25 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C51 || [[File:TCG2 C51 Lickitung.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Lickitung|S1}} || {{e|Colorless}} || 20 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C52 || [[File:TCG2 C52 Tauros.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Tauros|S3}} || {{e|Colorless}} || 35 || {{rar|Common}}
| C53 || [[File:TCG2 C53 Porygon.png]] || {{TCG ID|Vending|Porygon|S1}} || {{e|Colorless}} || 18 || {{rar|Uncommon}}
| C54 || [[File:TCG2 C54 Item Finder.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Item Finder|74}} || T || - || {{rar|Rare}}
| C55 || [[File:TCG2 C55 Super Energy Removal.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Super Energy Removal|79}} || T || - || {{rar|Rare}}
| C56 || [[File:TCG2 C56 Mysterious Fossil.png]] || {{TCG ID|Fossil|Mysterious Fossil|62}} || T || - || {{rar|Common}}
| C57 || [[File:TCG2 C57 Computer Search.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Computer Search|71}} || T || - || {{rar|Rare}}
| C58 || [[File:TCG2 C58 Clefairy Doll.png]] || {{TCG ID|Base Set|Clefairy Doll|70}} || T || - || {{rar|Rare}}
| C59 || [[File:TCG2 C59 Poke Ball.png]] || {{TCG ID|Jungle|Poké Ball|64}} || T || - || {{rar|Common}}

{{GB Sets}}<br>
{{GB Sets}}<br>

Revision as of 22:42, 15 June 2012

Island of Fossil
TCG2 Booster3.png
Cards in set 59
Legendary Power
Psychic Battle

Island of Fossil (Japanese: 化石のしま) is one of the eight sets found in Template:Card GB 2 for the Game Boy Color.

The booster pack image features an Omanyte.

Club Masters and their Club Members usually give out these booster packs when they are defeated.

Island of Fossil includes cards from Base Set, the Jungle expansion, and Fossil expansion. It also includes a number of Vending Machine cards and cards from the Intro Pack that were never released outside of Japan. Electrode is included as in-game exclusive card.

Card list

Island of Fossil
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
C01 [[Image:RegMarkEkans.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ekans]] Grass 2 C01 Ekans
C02 [[Image:RegMarkArbok.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Arbok]] Grass 2 C02 Arbok
C03 [[Image:RegMarkNidoqueen.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Nidoqueen]] Grass 2 C03 Nidoqueen
C04 [[Image:RegMarkZubat.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zubat]] Grass 2 C04 Zubat
C05 [[Image:RegMarkGolbat.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Golbat]] Grass 2 C05 Golbat
C06 [[Image:RegMarkOddish.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Oddish]] Grass 2 C06 Oddish
C07 [[Image:RegMarkGloom.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Gloom]] Grass 2 C07 Gloom
C08 [[Image:RegMarkVileplume.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Vileplume]] Grass 2 C08 Vileplume
C09 [[Image:RegMarkBellsprout.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Bellsprout]] Grass 2 C09 Bellsprout
C10 [[Image:RegMarkWeepinbell.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Weepinbell]] Grass 2 C10 Weepinbell
C11 [[Image:RegMarkVictreebel.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victreebel]] Grass 2 C11 Victreebel
C12 [[Image:RegMarkGrimer.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Grimer]] Grass 2 C12 Grimer
C13 [[Image:RegMarkMuk.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Muk]] Grass 2 C13 Muk
C14 [[Image:RegMarkKoffing.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Koffing]] Grass 2 C14 Koffing
C15 [[Image:RegMarkWeezing.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Weezing]] Grass 2 C15 Weezing
C16 [[Image:RegMarkPinsir.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pinsir]] Grass 2 C16 Pinsir
C17 [[Image:RegMarkMagmar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Magmar]] Fire 2 C17 Magmar
C18 [[Image:RegMarkSquirtle.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Squirtle]] Water 2 C18 Squirtle
C19 [[Image:RegMarkWartortle.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Wartortle]] Water 2 C19 Wartortle
C20 [[Image:RegMarkPsyduck.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Psyduck]] Water 2 C20 Psyduck
C21 [[Image:RegMarkGolduck.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Golduck]] Water 2 C21 Golduck
C22 [[Image:RegMarkPoliwag.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Poliwag]] Water 2 C22 Poliwag
C23 [[Image:RegMarkPoliwhirl.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Poliwhirl]] Water 2 C23 Poliwhirl
C24 [[Image:RegMarkPoliwrath.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Poliwrath]] Water 2 C24 Poliwrath
C25 [[Image:RegMarkHorsea.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Horsea]] Water 2 C25 Horsea
C26 [[Image:RegMarkSeadra.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Seadra]] Water 2 C26 Seadra
C27 [[Image:RegMarkOmanyte.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Omanyte]] Water 2 C27 Omanyte
C28 [[Image:RegMarkOmastar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Omastar]] Water 2 C28 Omastar
C29 [[Image:RegMarkArticuno.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Articuno]] Water 2 C29 Articuno
C30 [[Image:RegMarkPikachu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pikachu]] Lightning 2 C30 Pikachu
C31 [[Image:RegMarkRaichu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Raichu]] Lightning 2 C31 Raichu
C32 [[Image:RegMarkVoltorb.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Voltorb]] Lightning 2 C32 Voltorb
C33 [[Image:RegMarkElectrode.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Electrode]] Lightning 2 C33 Electrode
C34 [[Image:RegMarkMankey.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mankey]] Fighting 2 C34 Mankey
C35 [[Image:RegMarkPrimeape.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Primeape]] Fighting 2 C35 Primeape
C36 [[Image:RegMarkMachoke.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Machoke]] Fighting 2 C36 Machoke
C37 [[Image:RegMarkGolem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Golem]] Fighting 2 C37 Golem
C38 [[Image:RegMarkKabuto.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kabuto]] Fighting 2 C38 Kabuto
C39 [[Image:RegMarkAerodactyl.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Aerodactyl]] Fighting 2 C39 Aerodactyl
C40 [[Image:RegMarkAlakazam.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Alakazam]] Psychic 2 C40 Alakazam
C41 [[Image:RegMarkSlowpoke.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Slowpoke]] Psychic 2 C41 Slowpoke
C42 [[Image:RegMarkSlowbro.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Slowbro]] Psychic 2 C42 Slowbro
C43 [[Image:RegMarkGastly.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Gastly]] Psychic 2 C43 Gastly
C44 [[Image:RegMarkHaunter.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Haunter]] Psychic 2 C44 Haunter
C45 [[Image:RegMarkGengar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Gengar]] Psychic 2 C45 Gengar
C46 [[Image:RegMarkHypno.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Hypno]] Psychic 2 C46 Hypno
C47 [[Image:RegMarkJynx.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Jynx]] Psychic 2 C47 Jynx
C48 [[Image:RegMarkClefable.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Clefable]] Colorless 2 C48 Clefable
C49 [[Image:RegMarkMeowth.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Meowth]] Colorless 2 C49 Meowth
C50 [[Image:RegMarkPersian.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Persian]] Colorless 2 C50 Persian
C51 [[Image:RegMarkLickitung.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lickitung]] Colorless 2 C51 Lickitung
C52 [[Image:RegMarkTauros.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tauros]] Colorless 2 C52 Tauros
C53 [[Image:RegMarkPorygon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Porygon]] Colorless 2 C53 Porygon
C54 [[Image:RegMarkItem Finder.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Item Finder]] Trainer 2 C54 Item Finder
C55 [[Image:RegMarkSuper Energy Removal.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Super Energy Removal]] Trainer 2 C55 Super Energy Removal
C56 [[Image:RegMarkMysterious Fossil.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mysterious Fossil]] Trainer 2 C56 Mysterious Fossil
C57 [[Image:RegMarkComputer Search.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Computer Search]] Trainer 2 C57 Computer Search
C58 [[Image:RegMarkClefairy Doll.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Clefairy Doll]] Trainer 2 C58 Clefairy Doll
C59 [[Image:RegMarkPoké Ball.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Poké Ball]] Trainer 2 C59 Poké Ball

TCG GB1 sets: ColosseumEvolutionMysteryLaboratoryPromotional Card
TCG GB2 sets: Beginning PokémonLegendary PowerIsland of FossilPsychic Battle
Sky Flying PokémonWe Are Team RocketTeam Rocket's AmbitionPromotion Card

Project Sidegames logo.png This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TCG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TCG, respectively. Project TCG logo.png