Seven Sages

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The Seven Sages in the opening of Black and White

The Seven Sages (Japanese: 七賢人 Seven Sages) are notable ranking members of Team Plasma. They are a group of intelligent people from all over the world gathered by Ghetsis, who acts as their internal leader. The Seven Sages typically refrain from battling, having grunts do so for them. They are met individually throughout the games, but all of them are seen together in N's Castle where they block the way to N. All the Gym Leaders (except Cilan, Chili, and Cress) appear and clear the way to N.

After Ghetsis has been defeated, the player must help Looker find the remaining six sages all over Unova.

In the games

Sprite Name Location met Location arrested TM given
Ghetsiswalkdown.png Ghetsis Accumula Town N's Castle None
Zinzolinwalkdown.png Zinzolin Cold Storage TM01 - Hone Claws TM01
(Hone Claws)
Gormwalkdown.png Gorm Pinwheel Forest Dreamyard TM75 - Swords Dance TM75
(Swords Dance)
Broniuswalkdown.png Bronius Castelia City Chargestone Cave TM69 - Rock Polish TM69
(Rock Polish)
Giallowalkdown.png Giallo Dragonspiral Tower Route 14 TM08 - Bulk Up TM08
(Bulk Up)
Ryokuwalkdown.png Ryoku Relic Castle TM04 - Calm Mind TM04
(Calm Mind)
Roodwalkdown.png Rood Castelia City Route 18 TM32 - Double Team TM32
(Double Team)



Main article: Ghetsis


Cold Storage

"All of you--huddle around me! I can't take this cold..."
"Pokémon are our king's friends. While we're taking care of them, we can't let any harm come to them here. Everyone, drive these intruders away!"

Driftveil City

"Ghetsis... Thank you very much..."

N's Castle

"There are not two suns in the sky, nor two sovereigns over the people."
"It is the way of the universe to take from excess and fill emptiness. Taking Pokémon from people is restoring balance to nature!"

Cold Storage

"So, you returned? You're an odd Trainer. All right. I've got time enough to satisfy your curiosity."
"...Breathing. Having a heart that beats. That is simple existence and nothing more for a living being. That may be the definition of living, but I don't think that defines life."
"The experiences of joy and suffering are a vital part of being alive. Ghetsis gave me the sensation of being truly alive... What did he mean to accomplish? That isn't what's important."
"Right now, I'm shivering. I'm suffering, but I'm alive."
"Pokémon and people live by being together and relying on one another. That might be how you feel. If that's so, is it necessary to separate people and Pokémon? By talking to you, I've discovered that there's much I need to think about... I wish I had more to give you in thanks... Here, take this."
"My lord N said that he wanted to make Pokémon perfect... But, even if the relationship between Pokémon and people stayed as it now is, Pokémon can aspire to perfection..."
"It's too cold and I'm already tired of shivering in here. If you'll give me some time to think, I'll tell you what I know. So...take me with you."


Pinwheel Forest

"How are you holding up, fellow subject of our king?"
"It's not important. We can afford to abandon the Dragon Skull. According to the results of our research, this is not the legendary Pokémon for which Team Plasma is looking. It is completely unrelated. But we will not allow anyone to disrupt our plans and get away with it. We will fix it so you never interfere with us again."
"I am one of the Seven Sages of Team Plasma. Ghetsis, another of the Seven Sages, will liberate Pokémon with words alone! The remainder of the Seven Sages have ordered their compatriots to take Pokémon with full force! But the odds are a little against us now. To you, the Bug Pokémon user Burgh and the Normal Pokémon user Lenora, I say... Know your enemies, know yourself, and know you need not fear the result of a hundred battles... This time, we shall retreat quietly. To secure the liberation of Pokémon we will steal from Trainers! Even though you are Gym Leaders, we will not tolerate any further obstruction from you. In any case, we will settle this someday. I hope you are looking forward to that time as much as I..."

N's Castle

"If you make a mistake and do not correct it, that is a second mistake."
"A single fallen leaf signals the start of autumn. We know our history. The emergence of this castle is the harbinger of change in Unova..."


"Were you surprised? Oh, Trainer-who-destroyed-our-castle, I was quite surprised by you!"
"If you surprise them, both Pokémon and people leave themselves open. While they're in a state of surprise, they can't use their powers like they normally would. Our intention was to surprise people by making our castle appear and showing off the legendary Pokémon... At that moment, we planned to deeply impress people's hearts with the awesome power of Team Plasma and the brilliance of our new world."
"Now that I've seen the strength of spirit in you and the Gym Leaders, I wonder how effective that strategy would have been, after all. Maybe that strength of spirit is what's needed to take Pokémon to the next level? Hm... I'm sorry to have wasted your time with this silly conversation. Take this with you."
"My lord N's dream... You were the one who put a stop to that. Please don't ever forget that."
"Musharna is said to appear here. Its Dream Mist makes you see dreams, but they are nothing but illusions. The dreams you realize with your own abilities are the real dreams."


Castelia City

"I thought it would be humorous to prepare a hideout right in front of a Pokémon Gym, but we were detected more quickly than I imagined."

N's Castle

"When the Way is forgotten, duty and justice appear."
"Accursed Gym Leaders!"
"You shall not interfere with Team Plasma... Or our king!"

Chargestone Cave

"When I saw you in Castelia, I did not care about your existence. Here in the Chargestone Cave, Ghetsis tested your ability... Once more, we will test you to learn what it is you are. Team Plasma, come out!"
"The Pokémon of our Team Plasma are also fighting for their Trainers. It was so obvious that I overlooked it... Thank you for reminding me of that. Here, I'd like you to take this."
"Pokémon do their best for their Trainers even when they are injured. I wonder whether my lord N understands what that means?"
"Those who left Team Plasma and are behaving with respect and understanding toward Pokémon... Them, please forgive! However, those who won't interact with Pokémon in a kind and honest way... Even I will never forgive them!"


Dragonspiral Tower

"It's finally time. Our lord N will become the hero! What?! Someone made it clear up here?! Now! Stop that Trainer! For our lord N! Everyone who isn't Team Plasma is an enemy! Use all your powers to take them out!"

N's Castle

"Those in accord with Fate are preserved, and those who rebel against Fate perish."
"Well... If anything should happen to our king, it would be disastrous. It would ruin Ghetsis's perfect plan! Our lord N will be disappointed, but the six of us shall defeat you here!"
"You... You're Driftveil's...?!"
"Ghetsis called us the chosen ones. He chose us and gathered us here so we can change the world! For us, defeat is impossible!"

Route 14

"Greetings to you, strong Pokémon Trainer who came to Dragonspiral Tower."
"Are you and ReshiramWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc./ZekromWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc. building a mutual understanding?" *
"Are you not making friends with ReshiramWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc./ZekromWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.?" *
"There is a saying... If somewhere in this world there is someone who understands you, it feels like that person is right beside you, even if you're as far apart as the end of the land and the top of the sky. As my lord N and his Pokémon understand one another, so, too, do you and your Pokémon understand one another. Which is my reason for giving you this..."
"The legend of Unova is about Pokémon and people working together to build a new world! The message is that simple and that strong. If changing the world makes you a hero, anyone can become a hero. As each of us changes what is in our power to change, so the world itself changes."
"Indeed, I shall. Team Plasma changed me, but it could not change the world. I'm looking forward to seeing how you lot will do."


Ryoku in the Pokémon Adventures manga

Relic Castle

"Ghetsis told us that once again we should test how much power you have. We will see if you can defeat Team Plasma!"
"Go! Hurry and fall through the flowing sands!"

N's Castle

"One can lose the forest for the trees."
"We can only do our best and leave the rest to fate. We've done everything in our power. All we can do now is believe in our lord N...and wait."

Relic Castle

"I was planning to catch the Pokémon called Volcarona that lives in this Relic Castle and present it to Ghetsis. But the Shadow Triad said that Ghetsis has gone somewhere, right?"
"The Seven Sages... We always said we were complete when the seven of us were together. Now I don't know the meaning of those words anymore. I guess I don't mind, even if we were being used, but the dream is over."
"I no longer need this. Ghetsis gave it to me, but I have no use for it."
"This Relic Castle and our own castle are both crumbling... But what's different is that this Relic Castle is the remains of a civilization. And our castle left nothing behind..."
"Understood. But we don't know much about Ghetsis or our lord N! We haven't even figured out if they are father and son..."


Castelia City

"What is it?"

N's Castle

"Superior men understand what is right. Inferior men understand what will sell."
"Constant dripping wears away the stone. I've been waiting in the abyss for this day. No one shall interfere!"

Route 18

"It smells of the sea here. This place has the same ocean smell as where I was born..."
"Ghetsis wandered the lands of this world all over, collecting knowledge of all kinds while searching for like-minded people. From the moment we met, he understood what I desired."
"The ability to understand the minds and the needs of others... This is an ability that everyone needs to survive. My lord N is a kind and excellent person who understands the hearts of Pokémon. But, conversely, perhaps his ability to understand the hearts and feelings of people is not developed enough."
"But... Even that was part of the perfection of Ghetsis's plan. When it comes to Ghetsis, I cannot separate the truths from the lies. See this? I received it from Ghetsis, but I no longer need it. I hope you can put it to good use."
"Someday, if my lord N develops the ability to understand the feelings of people as well as Pokémon, I would like us to gather again. More than anything, I want to see N confront Ghetsis."
"If that is what you desire..."


  • They share noticeable similarities with the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove.
  • At Pinwheel Forest, Sage Gorm quotes a proverb from Sun Tzu's The Art of War.
  • With the exception of Ghetsis, their names are references to the colors of the rainbow.
  • The TMs given by the sages are all for stat-raising moves.
    • Of these, Rood is the only sage that gives a TM that raises the user's stats by a total of one stage. The other TMs given either raise one stat two stages or two stats one stage.

Name origin


Language Name Origin
Japanese ヴィオ Vio From "violet".
English Zinzolin French for "reddish purple".
French Lilien Possibly from "lilac".
German Violaceus From violaceous.
Italian Violante From viola. Italian for "violet".
Spanish Menek From menekşe. Turkish for "violet".
Korean 비오 Vio Same as Japanese name.


Language Name Origin
Japanese アスラ Asura From azul. Latin for "blue".
English Gorm Gaelic for "blue".
French Azuro From azur. Old French for "blue".
German Caeruleus Latin for "blue".
Italian Celio From cielo. Italian and Spanish for "sky".
Spanish Blau German and Catalan for "blue".
Korean 아줄 Azul Same as Japanese name.


Language Name Origin
Japanese スムラ Sumura From سمرة sumra. Arabic for "brownness" or "tan".
English Bronius From braun. German for "brown". Also a Lithuanian name.
French Alezan French for "chestnut".
German Aquilus Latin for "brown".
Italian Moreno Spanish for "brown".
Spanish Sumra From سمرة sumra. Arabic for "brownness" or "tan".
Korean 스므라 Semra Same as Japanese name.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ジャロ Giallo Italian for "yellow".
English Giallo Italian for "yellow".
French Auric From aurum. Latin for "gold". Also an Au compound (Au III).
German Flavus Latin for "yellow".
Italian Giano Similar to giallo.
Spanish Giallo Italian for "yellow".
Korean 쟈로 Giaro Same as Japanese name.


Language Name Origin
Japanese リョクシ Ryokushi From 緑色 ryokushoku. Japanese for "green".
English Ryoku From ryokushoku. Japanese for "green".
French Glaucus From glaukos. Greek for "bluish-green".
German Viridius From viridis. Latin for "green".
Italian Verdanio From verde. Italian for "green".
Spanish Ryoku From ryokushoku. Japanese for "green".
Korean 녹시 Noksi From 녹 (綠) nok, Korean for "green".


Language Name Origin
Japanese ロット Rot German for "red".
English Rood Dutch for "red".
French Carmine From carmin, French for "carmine".
German Rubius From rubeus, Latin for "red".
Italian Ross From rosso, Italian for "red".
Spanish Ruga From ruĝa, Esperanto for "red".
Korean 로트 Rot Same as Japanese name.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png French Sept Sages
Germany Flag.png German Sieben Weise
Italy Flag.png Italian Sette Saggi
Spain Flag.png Spanish Siete Sabios

Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.