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On May 4th, polls opened for UEPC's first Council of Representatives election, with the members BlazeShadow, GeorgeSlayer, Wonder, Lorem Ipsum and Tamsis winning. All except Wonder were promoted to join the Council of Representatives.
On May 4th, polls opened for UEPC's first Council of Representatives election, with the members BlazeShadow, GeorgeSlayer, Wonder, Lorem Ipsum and Tamsis winning. All except Wonder were promoted to join the Council of Representatives.

Unlike standard forums, who run on an Administrator, Moderator, Member basis, the UEPC takes structural influence from the United States Senate, and mainly consists of numerous councils:
The decision-making structure of the UEPC is separated into the following entities:
===Council of Moderators===
The Council of Moderators currently consist of twenty appointed members; 18 National Moderators and 2 International Moderators.
The purpose of the Council of Moderators is to receive ideas and opinions from the members of the nation they represent (In the case of the Nationals) or the community as a whole (International) and either propose ideas, or vote discuss proposals accordingly.
Once a proposal is discussed at length, it will be put up for a final vote, with the result decided by a majority.
Each Moderator can debate and vote on proposals, and can appoint an Assistant Moderators to help them in their individual duties. Assistant Moderators however, cannot debate or vote, and must pass their opinions onto their Moderator.
Current Members of the Council of Moderators (Non-International Moderators Listed Alphabetically by Country): <br/>
Kirluu (International) <br/>
Pirate Dave (International) <br/>
DoubleSoul (Denmark)<br/>
Mickelvlm (Denmark)<br/>
Yellow Rayquaza (Finland)<br/>
Gauthier (France)<br/>
Flyfunner (Germany)<br/>
Kalecgos (Germany)<br/>
Arty2 (Greece)<br/>
Zeus198 (Greece)<br/>
Gkx (Italy)<br/>
Ombra (Italy)<br/>
Hell-Hunter (Netherlands)<br/>
Mew (Netherlands)<br/>
Maestro Arena (Spain)<br/>
Tyrano (Spain)<br/>
Kratos_Aurion (Sweden)<br/>
Verituuli (Sweden)<br/>
Joeno (United Kingdom)<br/>
Ryu Shoji (United Kingdom)
Once a proposal has passed the Council of Moderators, it will be passed on to the next step - The Council of Representatives.
===Council of Representatives===
The Council of Representatives is a collection of members, who, along with the Council of Moderators, are there to assist in the creation of rules and policies. They also have the ability to advise and make recommendations to the Administrator of the Union and the Moderators regarding their execution (enforcement) of the rules and to consider and dismiss a Moderator in cases of serious misconducts. A member of the Council of Representatives must be voted in, and will hold their position for a term of 3 months, meaning the next election will take place in August 2010.
The Council of Representatives also help choose the next President of the Union.
Current members of the Council of Representatives:
BlazeShadow <br/>
GeorgeSlayer <br/>
Lorem Ipsum <br/>
SophieZide <br/>
Tamsis <br/>

===President of the Union===
===President of the Union===
The President of the Union will be elected by the Council of Representatives, having had to have held that position prior to consideration. The President will handle all Technical, Budgetary and External functions of the Union, the ability to appoint Administrators, Vice-Administrators and members of the Council of Moderators. The President also has the ability to dissolve the Council of Representatives.
The President of the Union exercises all technical and budgetary functions of the Union, and also conducts the Union's external representation. The President of the Union also appoints the Administrator, and the national and international moderators.

The current President of the UEPC is Tsuroerusu.   
The current President of the UEPC is Tsuroerusu.   

===Administrator of the Union===
===Administrator of the Union===
The Administrator of the Union will be appointed by President, and is in charge of directing the International Moderators and acts as the President of the Council of Moderators, although s/he may not vote except in the case of a tie, and may delegate the Presidency.
The Administrator of the Union exercises executive functions and is in charge of the day-to-day management of the UEPC. The Administrator of the Union directs the international moderators and presides over the Council of Moderators.

The current Administrator of UEPC is Cool Ivysaur.
The current Administrator of UEPC is Cool Ivysaur.
===Council of Moderators===
The Council of Moderators, jointly with the Council of Representatives, exercises rulemaking and policymaking functions, it consists of the national and international moderators, the former representing their respective national communities. Each moderator may introduce a proposal to be debated by the rest of the Council of Moderators, each moderator has one vote. Most decisions made by the Council of Moderators must then be approved by the Council of Representatives.
===Council of Representatives===
The Council of Representatives, jointly with the Council of Moderators, exercises rulemaking and policymaking functions, it consists of representatives of the regular members, elected for a three month term. In addition to the rulemaking and policymaking functions shared with the Council of Moderators, the Council of Representatives also approve appointments made by the Administrator of the Union, and can dismiss a moderator if he or she is found to have committed serious misconducts.

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