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These are Sierra's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In spin-off games

Pokémon GO


"How amusing! You dare to challenge me?"
"Such an eager Trainer. I’ll happily defeat you."
"Your inevitable loss will be such a good lesson."
"Pay attention, Trainer. You just might learn something!"
"I’m getting tired of battling weaklings. Let’s get this over with."
"Silly Trainer. You ought to know better than to oppose me."
"You’ve had your fun. Now it’s time for you to fight me."
"I can see this will be a struggle for you. Don’t worry. I’ll defeat you quickly."
"It’s so cute how willing you are to accept your defeat. Let’s battle."
"I’m not fond of dealing with weaklings. Pay attention! You might learn something."
  • GO Fest 2020:
"It’s almost silly that I’m here, considering we already took over this event."
"Aww, you think the confetti is for you... Sorry, darling, it’s for our flawless victory."
"You’ve already had your fun. This year, your little festival is ours!"
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"You look like you’ve got some fight in your eyes."
Before battle
"This is probably a waste of my time, but I do love winning!"
"I won’t be surprised when I win."
"It will be good for you to see a true Trainer like me in battle."
"If you are as weak as your team leaders, then this fight will be easy."
"You should probably take notes, dear."
"I’ll never pass up an opportunity to show off on the battlefield!"
"Can we move this along? I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a meeting to get to."
"You shouldn’t get in my way. You might get hurt, dear."
"This is a challenge you should walk away from, dear."
"This won’t be all bad—when you lose, you’ll at least get to hear me say you made a good effort."
  • GO Fest 2020:
"I didn’t even need to be here for this take-over. Just to make it worth my time, let’s battle."
"I know I’ll be disappointed in your battling, so let’s just get this over with."
"Might as well pass the time with a battle, considering your little event is ruined."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"Fancy a battle?"
Prebattle screen
"I envy you—you get to battle me!"
"This will be a battle I’m sure you’ll never forget."
"You already know this, but you don’t stand a chance."
"You can’t possibly match my skill, dear."
"I do hope you like the taste of failure!"
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"Don’t look so surprised, dear. Ours is only a temporary truce."
Upon victory
"I wish I could enjoy this victory, but it wasn’t a surprise!"
"...Oh? You’re still here?"
"Move along, dear. Team GO Rocket always wins."
"Come back when you can actually pose a challenge, dear!"
  • GO Fest 2020:
"Oh surprise, surprise—I won. I wouldn’t expect anything less."
"See? Wasn’t that a silly waste of time? This celebration is ours!"
"I’m sorry, darling—you lost. I’m afraid I can’t relate. I don’t know what losing feels like."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"Did you think I’d go easy on you today? "
Upon being defeated
"I’ve lost my touch... But it will not happen again."
"I underestimated you, but I will not make the same mistake again."
"I can’t lose... What does this mean?"
"You win this time, but things’ll go differently next time we meet!"
"Ugh, these Pokémon are too weak for a Trainer like me!"
  • GO Fest 2020:
"This must be a mistake. Failure isn’t an option."
"You must have some kind of special power on your side that made you win. That’s the only explanation..."
"I can’t believe I lost to such an unworthy opponent! You’ll pay for disrupting our plans!"
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"This won’t happen again. Now shoo!"
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"My thoughts on your Pokémon? Let’s have a look, dear."
XXS: "Oh! This <Pokémon> is one of the smallest I’ve ever seen."
XS: "What a quaint little <Pokémon>. "
S: "This <Pokémon> is on the smaller side."
L: "Hmm. That’s not a bad size for a <Pokémon> at all."
XL: "Your <Pokémon> is quite large, isn’t it?"
XXL: "Well! You’ve landed one impressive <Pokémon>, darling!"

Special Research

Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - An Uneasy Alliance
  • 2/6 (if the player is a member of Team Instinct)
"Well, well! Isn’t this a lovely surprise? We’re on the same side for once!"
"Don’t look so concerned. There’s nothing in it for me if the world sinks, shakes, or whatever it is we’re supposed to be worried about. "
"<Player>, darling, you can trust me."
"Not that you have many options right now—especially with your esteemed team leaders and the little begoggled one otherwise occupied."
"Collaborating will be a new experience for me, too. So let’s find the silver lining of this debacle and learn from one another, shall we? "
"First, you and your Pokémon will accompany me to a few locations where Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon have appeared."
"Come along. Let’s see what you’re made of."
  • 3/6 (if the player is a member of Team Instinct)
"These snapshots could’ve been dreadful, but they’re actually decent! Color me mildly impressed."
"They’d be better without your Pokémon in the way. All the same, these will help us better understand Primal Reversion."
"Primal Reversion? You know, the phenomenon where Kyogre and Groudon can transform when they absorb massive amounts of energy from nature. It’s quite similar to Mega Evolution, but powered by a different source."
"There, you see? Take that tidbit as a token of my appreciation for your assistance. Perhaps working with others does have its merits."
"For our next move, let’s see how helpful these observations are in facing the power of Primal Reversion directly."
"I believe I hear a telltale cry coming from that direction. Take your Pokémon and challenge them for me, would you? "
  • 5/6 (if the player is a member of Team Instinct)
"Truly impressive! You’ve managed to calm Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon more than once now."
"Watching you and your Pokémon in action has been a joy. I’ve learned ever so much."
"In fact, I’ve learned enough that Team GO Rocket no longer needs you to be part of this operation!"
"Oh, but where are my manners? I must thank you for showing us exactly how to take down Kyogre and Groudon."
"Rest secure in the knowledge that you’ve contributed to the glory of Team GO Rocket."
"You didn’t think this would last forever, did you? Oh, darling. Our alliance ends now."
"Solitude is best, after all..."