Picross NP Vol. 1

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Picross NP Vol. 1
ピクロスNP Vol.1
Picross NP Vol 1.png
Title screen
Basic info
Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Nintendo Power)
Category: Puzzle
Players: Single player
Connectivity: None
Developer: Jupiter Corporation
Publisher: Nintendo
Part of: Generation I miscellaneous
Release dates
Japan: April 1, 1999[1]
North America: N/A
Australia: N/A
Europe: N/A
South Korea: N/A
Hong Kong: N/A
Taiwan: N/A
Japanese: Official minisite page
English: N/A

Picross NP Vol. 1 (Japanese: ピクロスNP Vol.1) is a logic puzzle game, developed by Jupiter Corporation and published by Nintendo.

It was available on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan in April 1999 exclusively via the now defunct Nintendo Power service. Players used to be able to purchase a blank SF Memory Cassette or GB Memory Cartridge, and then download games on to them in Lawson stores across Japan via the Loppi machines for cheaper than the recommended retail price. Picross NP Vol. 1 was the first in a series of eight Nintendo-themed Picross games, which were not released in standard cartridge form, and were exclusive to the service, and were only for the SF Memory Cassette, not the GB Memory Cartridge. The Nintendo Power service was discontinued on February 28, 2007.

Picross NP

Picross NP Vol. 1 was the first in a series of eight Picross NP games exclusive to the Nintendo Power service. All of these games were themed after Nintendo's most successful games and franchises.

Volume Theme
Volume 1 Pokémon
Volume 2 Yoshi's Story
Volume 3 Kirby
Volume 4 Star Fox 64
Volume 5 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Volume 6 Super Mario 64
Volume 7 Wario Land II
Volume 8 Donkey Kong Country


In Picross, each puzzle—referred to by the game as a 'problem'—consists of a grid of squares. The player is given 30 minutes to complete a puzzle by shading in particular squares in order to make some sort of picture. In each puzzle, there are numbers adjacent to each row or column which indicate how many squares in each corresponding row or column need to be shaded.

The player can mark squares thought not to form part of the picture with an 'X'. If the player attempts to shade in a square that is not part of the picture, a time penalty will be incurred: 2 minutes for the first mistake, 4 minutes for the second, and 8 minutes for any mistake thereafter.

Depending on the difficulty level, each puzzle grid can be 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 tiles in both length and width, and the grid is not required to be square.

The game features a How to Play (Japanese: あそびかた) and a Competition (Japanese: 対戦) mode along with the main puzzles.


There are 6 rounds of puzzles.


(Japanese: ビギナー)
12 puzzles
A きょうりゅう Dinosaur
B いぬ Dog
C かざぐるま Windmill
D ランナー Runner
E ブレザー Blazer
F がくせいかばん Satchel
G たんす Drawer
H ヘルメット Helmet
I ミルクパック Milk pack
J すなどけい Hourglass
K まんねんひつ Fountain pen
L しろヘビ White snake


In the game's 'Character' round, there are 12 puzzles that are based on Pokémon.

(Japanese: キャラクター)
12 puzzles
A Meowth Picross NP Vol. 1.png ニャース Meowth
B Mr. Mime Picross NP Vol. 1.png バリヤード Mr. Mime
C Psyduck Picross NP Vol. 1.png コダック Psyduck
D Clefairy Doll Picross NP Vol. 1.png ピッピにんぎょう Clefairy Doll
(Pippi Doll)
E Togepi Picross NP Vol. 1.png トゲピー Togepi
F Electrode Picross NP Vol. 1.png マルマイン Electrode
G Gloom Picross NP Vol. 1.png クサイハナ Gloom
H Pikachu Picross NP Vol. 1.png ピカチュウ Pikachu
I Zapdos Picross NP Vol. 1.png サンダー Zapdos
J Rapidash Picross NP Vol. 1.png ギャロップ Rapidash
K Poliwag Picross NP Vol. 1.png ニョロモ Poliwag
L Snorlax Picross NP Vol. 1.png カブゴン Snorlax


(Japanese: レギュラー)
48 puzzles
A こうもりがさ Umbrella A おにさん Oni A てんし Angel A きんぎょ Goldfish
B うみがめ Sea turtle B ワゴンカー Wagon car B ヨーヨー Yo-yo B とぐろヘビ Coiled snake
C ファックス Fax machine C チキン Chicken C ちりとり Dustpan C ゾウ Elephant
D フィルム Film D あらいぐま Raccoon D さる Monkey D りゅう Dragon
E Stomach E せんぷうき Fan E かもめ Seagull E そうがんきょう Binoculars
F ワイン Wine F イエローカード Yellow card F CDプレイヤー CD player F サンタ Santa
G ネッシー Nessie G シュノーケル Snorkel G しょくだい Candlestick G もくば Rocking horse
H アルコールランプ Alcohol lamp H ダンベル Dumbbell H わんちゃん Doggie H はなたば Bouquet
I くり Chestnut I ミシン Sewing machine I ベッド Bed I サンドウィッチ Sandwich
J いす Chair J えんぴつ Pencil J ロールペーパー Roll of paper J ピエロ Clown
K くすり Medicine K ラグビー Rugby K ゆうしょうカップ Trophy K かぼちゃ Pumpkin
L でんたく Calculator L タクシー Taxi L カバ Hippopotamus L ピノキオ Pinocchio


(Japanese: 特集)
12 puzzles
A ほうりゅうじ ごじゅうのとう Hōryū-ji Five-Storied Pagoda
B しゃかさんぞんぞう Shaka Sanzon Elephant
C いつくしまじんじゃ Itsukushima Shrine
D びょうどういんほうおうどう Byōdō-in Temple
E にんなじ こんどう Ninna-ji Temple Structure
F きょみずのぶたい Stage of Kiyomizu
G げんばくドーム Atomic Bomb Dome
H りょうあんじ せきてい Ryōan-ji Rock Garden
I ろくおんじ きんかく Rokuon-ji Golden Pavilion
J ひめじじょう Himeji Castle
K しらかわごう Shirakawa-gō
L ひうんかく Flying Cloud Pavilion


(Japanese: プロフェッショナル)
12 puzzles
A とびこみ Dive
B ポロ Polo
C アイスホッケー Ice hockey
D ハードル Hurdle
E レシーブ Receiver
F けり Kick
G じてんしゃ Bicycle
H ホームラン Home run
I テニス Tennis
J ピッチャー Pitcher
K たかとぴ High jump
L ファインセーブ Fine save


(Japanese: エキストラ)
12 puzzles
A ポット Pot
B むしめがね Magnifying glass
C でんきゅう Light bulb
D クロワッサン Croissant
E やどかり Hermit crab
F ブタのちょきんばこ Piggy bank
G トナカイ Reindeer
H カウボーイハット Cowboy hat
I はいはい Crawling
J じゆうのめがみ Statue of Liberty
K よこづな Yokozuna
L ネプチューン Neptune


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Play It! series: Play It!Play It! Version 2
TCG Client series: Card Game OnlineTrading Card Game OnlineTrading Card Game Live
Misc. TCG: Card Game: How to Play DSTCG Card DexTrading Card Game Pocket
Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros.MeleeBrawlfor Nintendo 3DS/Wii UUltimate
Snap series: SnapNew Pokémon Snap
Picross: Picross NP Vol. 1Picross (GBC) (canceled)Picross (3DS)
Pinball series: PinballPinball miniPinball: RS
Puzzle series: Puzzle LeaguePuzzle Challenge
Trozei series: Trozei!Battle Trozei
Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team & Blue Rescue Team
Explorers of Time & Explorers of DarknessExplorers of Sky
Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad
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Rumble series: RumbleRumble BlastRumble URumble WorldRumble Rush
PokéPark series: PokéPark WiiPokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Detective Pikachu series: Detective PikachuDetective Pikachu Returns
Playground: Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Pokémon game templates
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