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These are Courtney's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Ruby

Weather Institute
  • Before battle
"Ahahahaha! You're going to meddle in Team Magma's affairs? You're either absolutely fearless, simply ignorant, or both! You're so cute, you're disgusting! I'll put you down, kiddy!"
  • Being defeated
"Ahahahaha! You're disgustingly strong!"
  • After being defeated
"Ahahahaha! We got meddled with unexpectedly! We're out of options. We'll have to pull out. But this isn't the last you'll see of Team Magma! We have other plans! Don't you forget it!"
Seafloor Cavern
  • Before battle
"Ahahahaha! How did you manage to get here without a submarine? What an impressive child! But... It won't do to have you meddling about here. And, I do want payback for what happened at the Weather Institute... I'm going to give you a little taste of pain! Resign yourself to it!"
  • Being defeated
"Ahahahaha! Ouch!"
  • After being defeated
"Ahahahaha! You're so darn strong. It's terribly disappointing that you're not a Team Magma member. You could have enjoyed the fabulous world our Boss has promised to one of our own..."

Pokémon Omega Ruby

Southern Island
  • Before battle
"... Who are you?"
"Yes. For the time being...get away from me. The Pokémon behind you... Its Mega Stone... No less. That is what... That's what we of Team Magma seek. How about it? Will you get away from me... or not?"
"... Well then..."
  • Being defeated
"... Slurp. ♪"
  • After being defeated
"As anticipated. Unanticipated. You. Target lock...completed. Commencing...experiment. You. Forever. Aha... ♪"
"Returning home."
Mt. Pyre
  • Before battle
"... ...Analyzing."
"...Hah. ♪"
  • Being defeated
"...Funny. ♪"
  • After being defeated
"...Again? That's unanticipated. ...I knew it. You...are interesting! ...Haha. ♪"
"I'm looking forward to... I'm looking forward to... When we...can meet again."
Team Magma Hideout
  • Before battle
"... ... ...I knew you would come."
"...Too bad, though. ...It's all over now. ♪ ...The submarine has been upgraded."
"...Look. ♪ ...At that drill. ...With that...even the seal on the Seafloor Cavern is in for a walloping! ♪"
"... ...There's still for me to do. ...I must...stop you. ...Until Leader Maxie...departs... ...But... ...Now...I just...want to... ...With you... ...I want to...engage... ...You... ...I want to...analyze. Ahahaha. ♪"
  • Being defeated
"Hah hah... Uhn...hah hah..."
  • After being defeated
"... ...Change...the world."
"...Leader Maxie... ... ...Mission... ...Complete. ...Leader Maxie...has departed. ...For the development...of humanity. ...For our...dreams... ...To you...whom I had not foreseen. ...I will give a hint. ...So that you...may dream...the same dream as us. ...Leader headed for...the sea stretching out from Lilycove. ...In the depths of the sea...lies the Seafloor Cavern. ...What are you...going to do? ...Looking seaside towns. ...That might work. ...Ahaha. ♪"
"...I don't know...what you could do to get there. ...Even if I knew...I wouldn't tell. ...Ahaha. ♪"
Delta Episode
Petalburg City
  • Before battle
"Tedious...bothersome...child...You should...just be quiet...and give me...the Key Stone!"
"I already know...that you can...use...Mega Evolution!"
"Aha. ♪ Nice timing...maybe. ♪ I'll be taking...yours first! Give me...the Key Stone!"
  • Being defeated
"Just barely..."
  • After being defeated
"...No! You're always meddling! If that' it Meteor Falls...the Leader's...Key Stone..."
Mossdeep Space Center
"...Ha ha. ♪ Ahahaha! ♪ Ahahahaha haha! ♪ ♪ ♪ Ahahahaha hahahahahahaha! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ... My team...The team I put all hope into...Leader Maxie...was broken. He was broken! He was broken by this brat!"
"Grr...Shut up! Enough! I've have enough of this world!"
"Aha! ♪ I know... ♪ Inside that rocket is the same amount—no, even more—Pokémon life energy than what powered the ultimate weapon in the war 3,000 years ago."
"Ahaha! ♪ I think we're in for an impact so big it will surpass the massive explosion that ended the war! I don't know what all this talk of a meteoroid is, but I have no need of it. Here, by my own hand... I'll make this rocket explode...And bring an end to this world..."
"I will...fix...Project AZOTH! Of course, I'll also destroy this dimensional shifter that's supposed to warp the asteroid away someplace, too. ♪"
  • Before battle
"Don't. Get. In. My. Way."
  • Being defeated
"...Just barely!"
  • After being defeated
"Why? Why always...Always, always, always, always...Get in my way!"
"Darn! Dang it..."
"Our...leader...Leader Maxie's...Key Stone. Is she steal it?!
Team Magma Hideout
"I'm sorry! Leader Maxie, I'm sorry! I won't do it...anymore! I'll never do that...again! So please...Forgive...Forgive me."
"Wahh... Uwahh... Waahhh! Waahhh... Of course I will!"
  • Subsequent visits
"Glad to see you looking well."

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Battle Resort
"I'll...make him cry..."
"Might be...nice..."
"You...seem fun. ♪ Target...locked... Aha. ♪"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Courtney (Masters)

Menu interface (voice clips)

  • After being recruited
" Courtney. You. Target lock...completed. Aha... ♪"
  • Sync pair viewer
"You... ...I want to...analyze. Ahahaha. ♪"
"Don't. Get. In. My. Way."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"You...on my team. Engage!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Maxie)
"Together...with Leader Maxie."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Archie)
"I intention of following you."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Can't wait to...experiment."
  • Upon leveling-up
"We'll be...much stronger!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Aha! ♪ Super!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"That was...unanticipated."
  • Receiving EX style
"Can't wait to...experiment."
  • During conversation
"Good luck!"
"All right."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Will you...come? To Team Magma's...morning meeting? Leader Maxie...would be so...happy. ♪"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
" artificial island. Fun! I want to...analyze it."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"City night. For the development...of humanity. For our...dreams."
  • During special gift conversation
"You. Take...this present."

Battle interface (voice clips)

  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Get away."
  • Using Pokémon move
"Get them."
  • Using item
"A walloping!"
  • Using Trainer move
"Our chance!"
  • Using sync move
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"Aha! ♪"
  • Uh-oh!
  • Switching in
"Nice timing."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Too bad."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
  • "Let's do this" emote
  • "Thanks" emote
  • Defeat
  • Victory
Main Story Villain Arc - Hoenn - Delta of Land, Sea, and Sky
  • Differing Perspectives
"Leader Maxie..."
"With Groudon...we could take Team a heartbeat... So why not...attack?"
"Leader Maxie be careful..."
"But Team Aqua... So annoying... If I get rid of them...I bet he'd be proud of me..."
  • Battle over Natural Energy
"Kyogre...engaged us first..."
"Team Aqua... So barbaric..."
"That' line... We'll... eliminate you!"
  • Super-Ancient Pokémon and People
"Roger that..."
  • Justice Serving Beliefs
"Where are you...Groudon?"
"Hurry up... Find it..."
"Really...? Where is it? Take me there!"
"Maxie...will be happy..."
"Tell me... How can I control Groudon...with my sync stone?"
  • Uncontrollable Power
"I will destroy...Team Aqua!"
"Don't. Get. In. My. Way."
  • Maxie and Archie
"Team...Aqua! Destroy... DESTROY!"
"Until the eliminated... Can't...obey orders!"
"No... Please don't...hate me!"
"Leader Maxie... I...I just..."
  • Destroy the Meteor
"I feel...messed up...again..."
  • In the Shadows of Pasio's Crisis
"I'm...sorry! I...won't do that...again!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Galar - A Millennium into the Future
  • Taking Sides
"Shut up..."
"I'm only here to help the development of humanity...and our leader..."
"Don't order me around..."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Courtney
"Camerupt... I'll leave it you. ♪"
"Strange... We weren't...supposed to lose..."
"... ... ..."
Are you OK?: "<player>... You...saw that."
You look down.: "<player>... Maybe...I am."
"I don't...understand. My Camerupt...looked lost?"
" Camerupt. Given to me... By Leader Maxie..."
"Camerupt is...strong... I believe in Camerupt. With all...of my heart..."
"But. That Gym Leader. How can she talk...about my she knows my Camerupt!"
That's not the right approach.: "What's...wrong...with believing in my partner?"
You believe in her...but that's it?: "Huh? I don't...understand..."
"All of your partner Pokémon."
" my Camerupt."
"Camerupt is I believe in her... What could be wrong...with that?"
That's not what being partners is about.: "Huh?"
Partners have to support each other.: "Support?"
"I don't...really get it..."
"Camerupt and I...always battle together..."
"When she wins...I tell great she did..."
"I've always nice to her..."
"That's what it be partners. Doesn't it?"
You can't just heap praise on her.: "But...but I have to praise her when she does well...don't I?"
What do you do when Camerupt makes a mistake?: "Nothing..."
"... ... ..."
"I think I get...what you mean."
"Leader Maxie... That's how he was...with me."
"He always set me straight...when I made mistakes."
"Thanks to that...I was able to accomplish so much. As a Team Magma admin."
" I understand...thanks to you...and that Gym Leader..."
"So now... It's. Time. To. Experiment."
"With you...and Camerupt. Engage. ♪ Aha. ♪"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"You...seem fun. ♪"
  • Random conversation
"Team Magma...would be nothing without Leader Maxie..."
"Maxie's our dream..."
"You. What's...yours?"
  • Random conversation
"Pasio... An artificial island."
"Many people... Pokémon... Ideas... All here together."
"I want show me around."
"Everything. I'll analyze...and report to Leader Maxie..."
  • Random conversation
"Tabitha. He's my...teammate on Team Magma..."
"But not only...a teammate."
"My special friend. ♪"
  • Random conversation
"Aha. ♪ So pairs on Pasio."
"You...are the best. ♪"
"Engage. ♪"
  • Random conversation
"There is much about you that is...unanticipated."
"I want to...know more. Much more."
"I'm going to...experiment..."
"Forever. And ever. Aha. ♪"
  • Random conversation
"Is there anyone...important to you?"
"Leader Maxie. He's very me. ♪"
"He always thinks...about what's best. For all of us."
"That's why...I'll follow him. Forever."
  • If spoken to again
"You. I'll give...advice."
"If there's someone who's important to you... Target...lock!"
"But...Tabitha said that's creepy...and... Not. To. Do. It."
  • Random conversation
"Team Magma grunts...follow me."
"But...I'm not good orders. Not like...Tabitha."
"To analyze things...that look fun. ♪"
  • If spoken to again
"Aha. ♪ I have an...idea!"
"You. Join Team Magma. You me. ♪"
"If you do, I can... Forever... Aha. ♪"
"That would be...nice. ♪"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Aha. ♪ You're here!"
"You... Today, I want to analyze...again!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Will you...come? To Team Magma's...morning meeting? Leader Maxie...would be so...happy. ♪"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Pasio... An artificial island. Fun. ♪ I want to...analyze it. ♪"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"City night... For the development...of humanity... For our...dreams..."
  • Special gift conversation
"This. I found it..."
"I'll give you."
  • After giving out item
"So...helpful. ♪"