Bulbapedia:List of moves with unique animations

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This article is an official process on Bulbapedia.

Its contents outline a formal process used when handling disputes and other such situations on Bulbapedia.

This is a list of moves that have been deemed to have a consistent and uniquely identifiable animation in the anime. If a move is on this list, it can be positively identified in the anime even if no verbal or other explicit identification is made. Any move not on this list must be explicitly acknowledged by the characters or script, per the speculation policy.

Basic guidelines

The contents on this page are judged on a case-by-case basis by staff. If you think a move has a unique animation, please create a new section on this page's talk page asking for it to be considered. Below are some guidelines about what moves are eligible for being unique.

For an animation to be considered unique, its animation must be distinct enough to set it apart from the rest (as in the case of Solar Beam's charge). A move should be used more than once to verify a consistent animation across uses and, as appropriate, users. In most cases, a move must be explicitly identified at least once in the current anime series before it can be considered. However, if a Pokémon with a signature move uses a move that is unidentified but has animation consistent with the in-game animation or description of that species' signature move (such as Blacephalon’s Mind Blown), the move can be taken under consideration without needing verbal identification.


Generation I

Move Type Animation description Series
Fire Punch Fire The user's fists becomes engulfed in flames and punches the opponent Blaine Magmar Fire Punch.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire Candice Medicham Fire Punch.png Chili Pansear Fire Punch.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Pangoro Fire Punch.png Rocket Prize Master Jessie Dusclops Fire Punch.png
Ice Punch Ice The user's fists becomes engulfed in ice or blue energy and punches the opponent Lorelei Jynx Ice Punch.png Ash Snorlax Ice Punch.png Volkner Electivire Ice Punch.png Brycen Beartic Ice Punch.png Wulfric Mega Abomasnow Ice Punch.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Rocket Prize Master James Dusclops Ice Punch.png
Thunder Punch Electric The user's fists becomes engulfed in electricity and punches the opponent Drake Electabuzz ThunderPunch.png Gary Electivire ThunderPunch.png Conway Dusknoir ThunderPunch.png Ellie Ampharos ThunderPunch.png Alain Mega Charizard X Thunder Punch.png Pangoro Thunder Punch.png Leon Charizard Thunder Punch.png Captain Pikachu Thunder Punch.png
Vine Whip
(must be used offensively)
Grass The user attacks the opponent with a green vine Ash Chikorita Vine Whip.png May Bulbasaur Vine Whip.png James Carnivine Vine Whip.png Ash Snivy Vine Whip.png Clemont Chespin Vine Whip.png Kukui Venusaur Vine Whip.png Horace Bayleef Vine Whip.png
(must be used offensively)
Water The user creates a large wave and rides it. It then crashes it down on the target. Marcellus Remoraid Surf.png Juan Whiscash Surf.png Kyle Crawdaunt Surf.png Caesar Surf.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Lana Brionne Surf.png Raihan Goodra Surf.png Ludlow Quagsire Surf.png
Seismic Toss Fighting The user grabs the opponent, jumps into the air and spins them around before throwing them towards the ground. Machop Seismic Toss.png Brawly Hariyama Seismic Toss.png Roark Geodude Seismic Toss.png Montgomery Throh Seismic Toss.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Leech Seed
(only if it has made contact)
Grass Vines comes out of the seed and absorbs the opponent's HP Grass Tournament Tangela.png Ash Bulbasaur Leech Seed effect.png Gardenia Turtwig Leech Seed.png Mona Lilligant Leech Seed.png Jessie Pumpkaboo Leech Seed 2.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Solar Beam Grass The user absorbs sunlight before firing a bright beam of light. Casey Meganium SolarBeam.png Tyson Sceptile SolarBeam.png Nando Roserade SolarBeam.png Trip Serperior SolarBeam.png Blue Flower Florges Solar Beam.png Lusamine Lilligant Solar Beam.png Oliver Stanium Solar Beam.png
Poison Powder Poison The user scatters poisonous purple dust towards the opponent, poisoning them Move was not used during the Original series Jeremy Butterfree PoisonPowder.png Shroomish PoisonPowder.png Amoonguss PoisonPowder.png Ramos Weepinbell Poison Powder.png Vileplume Poison Powder.png
Stun Spore Grass The users scatters yellow or orange dust towards the opponent, paralyzing them Ash Butterfree Stun Spore.png Officer Jenny Parasect Stun Spore.png Kenny Breloom Stun Spore.png James Amoonguss Stun Spore.png Vivillon Stun Spore.png Parasect Stun Spore.png Goh Butterfree Stun Spore.png
Sleep Powder Grass The user scatters blue or green dust towards the opponent, causing them to sleep Ritchie Butterfree Sleep Powder.png Gloom Sleep Powder.png Oddish Sleep Powder.png Mr Shaw Roselia Sleep Powder.png Viola Vivillon Sleep Powder.png Shiinotic Sleep Powder.png Goh Oddish Sleep Powder.png
Petal Dance Grass The user unleashes a storm of pink petals towards the opponent, causing confusion upon contact Move was not used during the Original series Drew Roselia Petal Dance.png Forsythia Roserade Petal Dance.png Toby Maractus Petal Dance.png Shauna Bulbasaur Petal Dance.png Lusamine Lilligant Petal Dance.png Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
String Shot
(must be used offensively)
Bug The user fires a string of silk towards the opponent Azalea Gym Caterpie Weedle Metapod Kakuna String Shot.png May Wurmple String Shot.png J Ariados String Shot.png Luke Larvesta String Shot.png Spewpa String Shot.png Sophocles Charjabug String Shot.png Goh Wurmple String Shot.png
Metronome Normal The user wags its fingers and summons a random move Misty Togepi Metronome.png
Misty Togepi Metronome Splash.png
May Munchlax Metronome.png
May Munchlax Metronome Splash.png
Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Black & White Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Clefable Metronome.png
Clefable Metronome Petal Blizzard.png
Fire Blast Fire The user fires a flame that takes the shape of the kanjī 大 (Dai) Blaine Magmar Fire Blast.png Harley Octillery Fire Blast.png Black Belt Zangoose Fire Blast.png Virgil Flareon Fire Blast.png Moria Talonflame Fire Blast.png Ash Torracat Fire Blast.png Mew Fire Blast.png
Swift Normal The user fires multiple golden colored stars towards the opponent Misty Staryu Swift.png Skarmory Swift.png Dawn Ambipom Swift.png Charles Accelgor Swift.png Korrina Mienfoo Swift.png Ilima Eevee Swift.png Kiley Vaporeon Swift.png
Transform Normal The user transforms into the opponent Duplica Ditto Transform.png Mew M08 Transform.png Narissa Ditto Transform.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Black & White Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Aether Paradise Ditto Transform.png Kublock Ditto Transform.png
Rock Slide Rock The user manifests a cluster of rocks and drops them onto the opponent Egan Magcargo Rock Slide 2.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire Alan Nosepass Rock Slide 3.png Cilan Dwebble Rock Slide.png Alain Metagross Rock Slide.png Kukui Braviary Rock Slide.png Goh Aerodactyl Rock Slide.png
Tri Attack Normal The user fires three multicolored beams simultaneously Falkner Dodrio Tri Attack.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl Cameron Hydreigon Tri Attack.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY DJ Leo Dugtrio Tri Attack.png Gurkinn Mega Alakazam Tri Attack.png

Generation II

Move Type Animation description Series
Rollout Rock The user curls into a ball and rolls towards the opponent at high speed. Whitney Miltank Rollout.png Natasha Electrode Rollout.png Ursula Jigglypuff Rollout.png Whirlipede Rollout.png Quilladin Rollout.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Rocket Prize Master Graveler Rollout.png
Attract Normal The user winks at the opponent, as hearts are released from its body and towards the opponent. The opponent then becomes infatuated with the user. Move was not used during the Original series Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire Cheryl Chansey Attract.png Iris Emolga Attract.png Penelope Sylveon Attract.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Opal Alcremie Attract.png
Dragon Breath Dragon The user inhales air and releases a blue or white beam towards the opponent Brock Steelix DragonBreath.png Archeops DragonBreath.png Ash Sliggoo Dragon Breath.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Goh Flygon Dragon Breath.png
Sweet Scent Normal The user releases pink powder towards the opponent, making them more relaxed. Casey Chikorita Sweet Scent.png Elisa Meganium Sweet Scent.png Nando Roserade Sweet Scent.png Marigold Foongus Sweet Scent.png Kazalie Lilligant Sweet Scent.png Mallow Steenee Sweet Scent.png Goh Lilligant Sweet Scent.png Katy Teddiursa Sweet Scent.png
Rain Dance Water The user summons dark clouds which causes rain. Silver parent Rain Dance.png Vito Alakazam Rain Dance.png Clair Dragonair Rain Dance.png Ash Goodra Rain Dance.png Misty Gyarados Rain Dance.png
Misty Gyarados Rain Dance clouds.png
Goh Suicune Rain Dance.png Ludlow Quagsire Rain Dance.png
Shadow Ball Ghost The user fires a black or purple ball of darkness towards the opponent. Harrison Sneasel Shadow Ball.png Agatha Gengar Shadow Ball.png Ursula Flareon Shadow Ball.png Trip Lampent Shadow Ball.png Jessie Pumpkaboo Shadow Ball.png Gladion Umbreon Shadow Ball.png Mewtwo Shadow Ball.png Hamber Dusknoir Shadow Ball.png
Whirlpool Water The user creates a fast, vicious whirlpool and traps the opponent in it. Lugia Whirlpool.png Kenny Floatzel Whirlpool.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Black & White Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: XY Dhelmise Whirlpool.png Dawn Piplup Whirlpool.png

Generation IV

Move Type Animation description Series
Thunder Fang Electric The user's mouth is engulfed in electricity and it bites the opponent. Angie Shinx Thunder Fang.png Burgundy Stoutland Thunder Fang.png Clemont Luxio Thunder Fang.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Ice Fang Ice The user's mouth is engulfed in ice and it bites the opponent. Alternatively, the user creates a set of blue teeth and the teeth bites the opponent. Crasher Wake Floatzel Ice Fang.png Burgundy Stoutland Ice Fang.png Wulfric Avalugg Ice Fang.png Move was not used in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon Ash Dracovish Ice Fang.png
Fire Fang Fire The user's mouth is engulfed in fire and it bites the opponent. Ash Gliscor Fire Fang.png Burgundy Stoutland Fire Fang.png Lysandre Pyroar Fire Fang.png Ash Torracat Fire Fang.png Rocket Prize Master Tyranitar Fire Fang.png

Generation VII

Move Type Animation description Series
Mind Blown Fire Blacephalon grabs its head and tosses it in the air. It then starts to glow and explodes in midair into something resembling fireworks Blacephalon Mind Blown prepare.png
Blacephalon Mind Blown.png
Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Sunsteel Strike Steel The user jumps into the air and an image like the sun appears behind them while they transform into the Radiant Sun phase, and they fire a large beam of energy which they also travel through to attack the target Nebby Sunsteel Strike prepare.png
Nebby Sunsteel Strike.png
Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Moongeist Beam Ghost A circle of solid blue energy glows around the user and several lines of energy spiral towards the center until they meet and a large beam of energy is fired Lunala Moongeist Beam prepare.png
Lunala Moongeist Beam.png
Move was not used in Pokémon Journeys: The Series