Blue Tablecloth

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Blue Tablecloth
Blue Cloth
Bag Picnic Set SV Sprite.png
Blue Tablecloth
Introduced in Generation IX
Generation IX Bag Picnic Items SV pocket icon.png Picnic Items

The Blue Tablecloth (Japanese: ブルークロス Blue Cloth) is a type of picnic item introduced in Generation IX.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
SV $5,000 $1,250


The Blue Tablecloth serves no practical purpose other than to decorate the player's picnic.

A picnicker on Reveler's Road in front of the Kitakami Hall will give the player the Blue Chairs if the Blue Tablecloth is in their possession.


Games Description
SV A simple blue tablecloth. It's smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SV Picnic-Knacks (Levincia Branch)

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 藍色桌巾 Làahm-sīk Cheukgān
Mandarin 藍色桌巾 / 蓝色桌巾 Lán-sè Zhuōjīn
France Flag.png French Nappe Bleue
Germany Flag.png German Blaues Tischtuch
Italy Flag.png Italian Tovaglia blu
South Korea Flag.png Korean 블루 테이블보 Blue Tablecloth
Spain Flag.png Spanish Mantel Azul

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