Team Rocket Elite Trio

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Harry redirects here. For the character of the day in Young Kiawe Had a Farm!, see Harry (SM011).
If you were looking for the Detective Pikachu character, see Harry Goodman.
Ken, Al, and Harry

The Team Rocket Elite Trio are three Team Rocket members who appear in the Pokémon Adventures manga. Individually, they are known as Ken (Japanese: ケン Ken), Al*/Ryu* (Japanese: リョウ Ryō), and Harry (Japanese: ハリー Harry). As members of Team Rocket, the trio are sub-leaders who each serve the three high-ranking members, Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Koga, respectively.


Red, Green & Blue arc

The trio are unnamed in this chapter.

The first of the trio to appear is Ken in Tauros the Tyrant, where he appeared as one of the people helping with the creation of Mewtwo. After Green stole a data disc with information on Mew, Ken sent several Team Rocket Grunts after her. Once they found her, they ambushed Green with several Pokémon. With the power of his strong Tauros, Ken nearly managed to defeat her with Tauros's ability to control other Pokémon with his tails. However, Green had her Ditto, Ditty, Transform into Ken's Tauros and defeated them by exploiting this ability. Green managed to escape, but left a fake data disc behind to trick Ken and the other Grunts.

After learning that the disc was a fake, Ken became furious and sent the Grunts to find Green again. To get them off of her trail, Green had Ditty take the form of Mew so that it could lead Team Rocket away. The trick did not last long, as Ken managed to catch and defeat Ditty. After returning Green's Pokémon to her, Ken attacked her and Red while they attempted to capture the real Mew. Ken tried to capture Mew himself, but it retaliated by defeating him and saving Green and Red in the process.

The second to appear is Harry, who appeared at the Seafoam Islands to capture Articuno. There, he faced Red, who had come to the island to capture Articuno himself. As they battled, Articuno noticed that Red was defending it, prompting it to attack Team Rocket while leaving his Pokémon alone. Articuno would later flee, forcing Harry and the other Grunts to follow it.

The third and last to appear is Al, who attacked Blaine for betraying Team Rocket. After Red made his appearance, he gets mixed up in the showdown between Blaine and Team Rocket. With the help of Moltres, they gained an advantage over their enemies, only for it to be defeated by Red's newly-obtained Aerodactyl.

At the Silph Co. building, Harry and Al attempted to find the intruders, Red, Green, and Blue, only to be dismissed by Green disguised as Sabrina.

Yellow arc

Ken, Al, and Harry reveal that after their defeat at Saffron City, they along with other members of Team Rocket that escaped, are aiming to revive Team Rocket. They attempt to hijack the S.S. Anne in The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually), only for Yellow to try and stop them. Despite the non-threatening look of her team, Yellow manages to defeat the trio by threatening to drop the now-damaged ship on their heads.

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Ken, Al, and Harry appear under the command of the Masked Man. They first appear attacking Gold, knocking him unconscious in the process. Ken reveals that they were going to intercept information that was being delivered to Professor Elm, but mistook Gold's backpack for the bag that had the information. After figuring out their mistake, they went back to take the real information as well as stealing Professor Elm's Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. When Silver reveals that Gold has Cyndaquil and that he stole Totodile, Ken gets angry and attacks the boy. Confident that a newly-obtained Pokémon will give Silver a disadvantage, Ken has his Elekid attack, only for it to be defeated by a powerful Frustration. Having been defeated, Ken and the other Team Rocket members retreat.

They later appear at the Ruins of Alph to capture the Unown inside. There, they face Gold and Bugsy, who had come to investigate the area. After a long battle, Gold and Bugsy manage to disturb the wild Unown inside who then proceeded to attack the trio. After they escaped, the trio were left trapped inside and were forced to solve a puzzle to escape.

Later, they were tasked with the capture of Suicune, which they executed by following Eusine and tricking him by having a Ditto transform itself into Suicune's likeness. With Eusine distracted, they were able to find Suicune and attempt to capture it. Although Suicune attempts to run away, they follow it on Girafarig's back, only to be put to sleep by Crystal's Parasee's Spore. After they wake up, they find Eusine had arrived to battle them personally.

By using Spinarak's silk net combined with Elekid's electricity, they were able to create an electric net to give them an advantage in battle. Harry stayed behind while Al and Ken went to continue pursuing Suicune. Harry, although powerful, was defeated when Eusine tricked his Girafarig into shocking itself by biting a metal chain that had been tied to the electric net. Ken and Al were defeated when it was revealed that Eusine had snuck some mistletoe seeds onto their body, which tied them up. For their defeat, Ken, Al, and Harry were punished by Carl and Sham by being chained to a wall. Soon after, they are approached by the Masked Man, who they had not met in person, and are quickly frozen.

During the attack on the Pokémon League, Ken, Al, and Harry were brainwashed with special masks to keep them under the Masked Man's control. There, they faced Lt. Surge, who was horrified to see them attacking their former superior. By reminding them of what Team Rocket stood for, Lt. Surge helped them break free of the Masked Man's control and shatter their masks. Now freed from their control, Lt. Surge leaves the trio to free the other Team Rocket members while he goes to face the Masked Man.

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

It was revealed that the three were put in charge of transporting the two Deoxys to their hideout after they had been stolen from the Mossdeep Space Center. After they arrived in Kanto, the Deoxys had begun changing their appearance, which they reported to Sird. Soon after, one of the Deoxys escaped, annoying Sird because of her decision to trust the trio.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

The trio are put in charge of fending intruders out of Ilex Forest under the command of Giovanni. The three spot two figures which they are about to attack but upon realizing that it is two seemingly harmless Pichu, they carry on with their duty. Soon, they are confronted by four female Rocket Grunts who accuse the three of defying the Executives. The trio attempt to explain that Giovanni has returned but to no avail.

At that moment, Celebi arrives carrying the medicinal herbs that Giovanni has been seeking to cure his disease. Assuming that the trio is using Celebi to try and defy their new leaders, the Rocket Grunts attempt to capture Celebi for themselves. Ken, Al, and Harry battle the Grunts to buy time for Celebi to escape. Eventually, they manage to catch up with Giovanni with the Rocket Grunts chasing after them. They give the medicinal herbs to Giovanni, which cures him of his disease.



Ken's Machamp

Machamp was used to attack Green in order to retrieve the data disc she had stolen. After it defeated her Wartortle, Blasty, Green caused it to attack its teammates by having her Ditto, Ditty, take Tauros's appearance and using its tails to control Machamp.

None of Machamp's moves are known.

Ken's Tauros

Tauros is described as the King of the Safari Zone and the leader of his herd. By whipping his tails, he was able to control the other Pokémon and had them attack Green to retrieve a stolen data disc. Eventually, it was knocked over a cliff and quickly came back, only for it to turn out to be Green's Ditto, Ditty, in disguise.

In Great Girafarig, Tauros was used to chase after Suicune, only to be defeated by a Leech Seed from Eusine's Jumpluff.

None of Tauros's moves are known.

Ken's Jynx

Jynx was used to attack Red and Green after they tricked Team Rocket and capture Mew. When she attacked Mew, Red and Green tried to defend it, only to be defeated. Mew retaliates against it and freezes Ken and Jynx while sparing Red and Green.

Jynx's known moves are Psybeam, Psywave, and Ice Punch.

Voltorb and Electrode
Ken's Voltorb and Electrode

Ken's Voltorb and Electrode were used to attack Yellow on the S.S. Anne. With their speed, they managed to easily dodge Yellow's Dody.

Voltorb and Electrode's known moves are Swift and Sonic Boom.

Ken's Elekid

Ken's Elekid was his main Pokémon through the Johto arc. She was first used to knock Gold out in New Bark Town. Next, she faced Silver's Totodile but was defeated by Totodile's Frustration.

In Into the Unown, Elekid was used at the Ruins of Alph. However, when she tried to attack Gold and Bugsy, they escaped when Gold had his Sunkern, Sunbo, use Flash to blind everyone for a few seconds. She was later attacked by wild Unown.

In Indubitably Ditto, Elekid was with the trio when they fell alsleep from Crystal's Parasee's Spore. In Great Girafarig, Elekid and Al's Spinarak created an electric net for Harry to battle Eusine in.

Elekid's latest appearance was in Slick Slowking, where she electrocuted guards so Team Rocket can take over the Magnet Train.

Elekid's known moves are Thunder Punch and Thunder Shock, and her Ability is Static.

Ken's Octillery

Ken's Octillery was first used to surround Suicune. It started to have problems after being hit by some Spores. It was also used to imitate the legendary beast by using Ice Beam while a grunt's Ditto took on Suicune's form, as to lure in Eusine.

In The Last Battle II, a brainwashed Ken used Octillery when battling Lt. Surge, the battle ended when Lt. Surge broke the trio out of the Masked Man's control.

Octillery's known moves are Ice Beam and Octazooka, and its Ability is Sniper.

Mime Jr.
Ken's Mime Jr.

Mime Jr. was used to keep intruders out of Ilex Forest under Giovanni's orders. When several Rocket Grunts attacked Celebi, Ken used Mime Jr. to defend it by copying his opponent's movements.

Mime Jr.'s only known move is Copycat.
Mime Jr. has also used Fury Swipes* via Copycat.


Al's Gengar
Debut Holy Moltres

Al's Gengar was used to surround Blaine in Cinnabar Island.

Gengar's only known move is Night Shade.

Al's Slowpoke

Slowpoke was used to attack Yellow on the S.S. Anne. With its psychic abilities, it was able to tip the S.S. Anne, knocking all of the passengers in the water.

Slowpoke's only known move is Confusion.

Al's Hypno

Al's Hypno was used to attack Yellow on the S.S. Anne. After the ship was tipped over by Slowpoke, Hypno was used to lift Ken, Al, and Harry into the air with Meditate, only to have its legs frozen by an Ice Beam from Yellow's Omanyte, Omny. Al commanded Hypno to fight back, but in doing so, broke its concentration required to use Meditate, sending him and the other two into the water.

Much later, it was used to keep intruders out of Ilex Forest under Giovanni's orders. When several Rocket Grunts attacked Celebi, Al used Hypno to defend it by having it switch a stolen herb with another object.

Hypno's known moves are Meditate and Switcheroo.

Al's Spinarak

Al's Spinarak made its debut in the Ruins of Alph, where it was used to tie up Gold and Bugsy with its silk; however, they escaped, at the cost of waking up wild Unown. Spinarak then created webs to corner Gold and Bugsy, so the Unown can attack them. However, Gold's Cyndaquil, Exbo, used Smokescreen, hiding them from the Unown, making them attack the trio and their Pokémon.

In Indubitably Ditto, Spinarak was with the trio when they fell alsleep from Crystal's Parasee's Spore. In Great Girafarig, Spinarak and Ken's Elekid created an electric net for Harry to battle Eusine in.

Spinarak's known moves are Spider Web and String Shot, and its Ability is Swarm.


Sabrina's Moltres
Debut Holy Moltres
Main article: Legendary birds (Adventures)

Moltres was borrowed by Al to be used against Blaine and Red. With its flames, Blaine was forced to stay behind while Red went on ahead to revive an Aerodactyl. When Red returned with his newly-obtained Aero, they did enough damage that Al was forced to retreat. Afterward, it was returned to Sabrina.


Harry's Muk

Harry used Muk to help Team Rocket on their mission to get Articuno. When Red tried to stop them, Harry sent Muk against Red's Gyarados, Gyara. It was eventually frozen by Articuno.

None of Muk's moves are known.

Harry's Machop

Harry's Machop was one of the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket for their experiments.

None of Machop's moves are known.

Harry's Kingler

Harry's Kingler was one of the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket for their experiments.

None of Kingler's moves are known.

Harry's Ekans

Ekans was used to attack Yellow on the S.S. Anne. After Harry was knocked into the water, he had Ekans attack again, only for it to be defeated by Red's Pikachu, Pika. Afterward, it was tied up by a String Shot from Yellow's Caterpie, Kitty.

Ekans's only known move is Acid.

Harry's Weezing

Weezing was used to attack Yellow on the S.S. Anne. After Harry was knocked into the water, he had Weezing attack again, only for it to be defeated by Pika. Afterward, it was tied up by a String Shot from Yellow's Caterpie, Kitty.

Weezing's only known move is Sludge.

Harry's Girafarig

Girafarig made its debut in the Ruins of Alph, where it was used to face Gold and Bugsy. After the Unown were disturbed by Gold, they attack Girafarig, defeating it.

In Indubitably Ditto, Girafarig was used to follow Suicune when it was running away, the trio and their Pokémon fell asleep when Crystal's Parasect, Parasee, used Spore on them all. In Great Girafarig, it was used to battle Eusine inside an electric cage created by Al's Spinarak and Ken's Elekid. Girafarig was defeated after its tail was tricked into biting a metal chain connected to the electric net.

Girafarig's only known move is Psywave.

Harry's Skorupi

Skorupi was used to keep intruders out of Ilex Forest under Giovanni's orders. When several Rocket Grunts attacked Celebi, Harry had Skorupi defend it by battling its foes.

Skorupi's only known move is Acupressure.



Language Name Origin
Japanese ケン Ken
English, German, Spanish,
French, Vietnamese
Ken Same as Japanese name
Italian Fulvio
Korean Ken Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) Jiàn*) From the Japanese name 健 Ken
Kěn* Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese Gihn* From the Japanese name 健 Ken
Gin* From the Japanese name 建 Ken


Language Name Origin
Japanese リョウ Ryō
English Al*
Ryu* Similar to his Japanese name
German Roy Similar to his Japanese name
Spanish Al Same as his English name
French Ryô Transcription of his Japanese name
Italian Rio Similar to his Japanese name
Korean Ryu Similar to his Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) Liáng* From the Japanese name 良 Ryō
Liàng* From the Japanese name 亮 Ryō
Chinese (Cantonese Lèuhng From the Japanese name 良 Ryō
Vietnamese Ryo Transcription of his Japanese name


Language Name Origin
Japanese ハリー Harry
English, German,
Spanish, French
Harry Same as his Japanese name
Italian Enrico From Enrico, Italian cognate of the name Henry
Korean 할리 Harry Transcription of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 哈利 Hālì Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 哈利 Hāleih
Vietnamese Hari Transcription of his Japanese name

See also

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