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"These donuts (should be rice ball) are great!" Brock, you made my childhood special. XD
This user identifies as female.
Finally I can edit my own userpage. (_ _)
Anyway, my name is Esther Siaw, you can refer me as Esther. I'm from Malaysia and I found this website since a year ago (if I not mistaken XD). At past I used to be a mad Pokéfan since 6 until 12, I had watched the anime in Chinese, English, and Malay version. But the thing that I remember the most is Brock's rice balls. In Chinese version they literally translated them as "饭团, fàn tuán (rice balls)", but when I re-watched the same episode in different dub, especially in English, Brock said these were donuts (Seriously? Donuts with rices on them? C'mon! X"D).
Translation list based on official release
- Dalam Bayangan Zekrom!
- Kemunculan Iris dan Axew!
- Sandile, Perubahan Pancuran!
- Kelab Pertaruhan dan Keputusan Tepig!
- Ancaman Ketua Tiga Orang!
- Tapak Mimpian!
- Snivy Yang Susah Ditangkap!
- Selamatkan Darmantian dari Loceng!
- Axew Yang Mengalami Masalah!
- Persaingan di Kelab Champ!
- Rumah Untuk Dwebble!
- Kemunculan Skuad Trubbish!
- Minccino—Kemas dan Rapi!
- Suatu Malam di Muzium Nacrene City!
- Pertaruhan Ikutan Lenora!
- Pertarungan Ulangan di Nacrene Gym!
- Scraggy Yang Dilahir Jadi Liar!
- Sewaddle dan Burgh di Pinwheel Forest!
- Pembalasan Demdam dari Konnoisor! -------
- Menari Dengan Ducklett Bertiga!
- Alam Sesat Gothitelle!
- Rempuhan Venipede!
- Pertaruhan Jenis Bug! -----
- Emolga yang Menarik Hati!
- Emolga dan Volt Switch Baru!
- Seram di Rumah Agam Litwick!
- Perjalanan Dragon Master!
- Kehilanngan Scalchop Oshawott!
- Cottonee yang Dilamun Cinta!
- UFO Elgyem!
- Pertaruhan Ketiga Ash dan Trip!
- Mengalami Ketakutan!
- Iris dan Excadrill lawan Dragon Buster!
- Tangkap Roggenrola!
- Ke Mana Awak Pergi, Audino?
- Archeops di Dunia Moden!
- Connoisseur Pakar Pancing di Pertandingan Pancing!
- Masa Berfilem! Zorua dalam "Lagenda Kesatria Pokemon"!
- Pertaruhan di Nimbasa!
- Cilan lawan Trip, Ash lawan Georgia!
- Kemarahan Kelab Pertaruhan: Emolga lawan Sawk!
- Finale Kelab Pertaruhan: Keputusan Hro!
- Taktik Scrafty Meowth!
- Purrloin: Manis atau Nakal?
- Beheeyem, Duosion, dan Pencuri Mimpi!
- Persengketaan Gunung Beartic!
- Krisis dari Bawah Tanah!
- Pertaruhan di Bawah Tanah!