User:Esther Siaw

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"These donuts (should be rice ball) are great!"
Brock, you made my childhood special. XD
zh 該 用戶的母語中 文
该 用户的母语中 文
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
ja-1 この利用者は簡単日本語を話します。
031.png This user identifies as female.

Finally I can edit my own userpage. (_ _)

Anyway, my name is Esther Siaw, you can refer me as Esther. I'm from Malaysia and I found this website since a year ago (if I not mistaken XD). At past I used to be a mad Pokéfan since 6 until 12, I had watched the anime in Chinese, English, and Malay version. But the thing that I remember the most is Brock's rice balls. In Chinese version they literally translated them as "饭团, fàn tuán (rice balls)", but when I re-watched the same episode in different dub, especially in English, Brock said these were donuts (Seriously? Donuts with rices on them? C'mon! X"D).


Translation list based on official release

  • BW series episodes
  1. Dalam Bayangan Zekrom!
  2. Kemunculan Iris dan Axew!
  3. Sandile, Perubahan Pancuran!
  4. Kelab Pertaruhan dan Keputusan Tepig!
  5. Ancaman Ketua Tiga Orang!
  6. Tapak Mimpian!
  7. Snivy Yang Susah Ditangkap!
  8. Selamatkan Darmantian dari Loceng!
  9. Axew Yang Mengalami Masalah!
  10. Persaingan di Kelab Champ!
  11. Rumah Untuk Dwebble!
  12. Kemunculan Skuad Trubbish!
  13. Minccino—Kemas dan Rapi!
  14. Suatu Malam di Muzium Nacrene City!
  15. Pertaruhan Ikutan Lenora!
  16. Pertarungan Ulangan di Nacrene Gym!
  17. Scraggy Yang Dilahir Jadi Liar!
  18. Sewaddle dan Burgh di Pinwheel Forest!
  19. Pembalasan Demdam dari Konnoisor! -------
  20. Menari Dengan Ducklett Bertiga!
  21. Alam Sesat Gothitelle!
  22. Rempuhan Venipede!
  23. Pertaruhan Jenis Bug! -----
  24. Emolga yang Menarik Hati!
  25. Emolga dan Volt Switch Baru!
  26. Seram di Rumah Agam Litwick!
  27. Perjalanan Dragon Master!
  28. Kehilanngan Scalchop Oshawott!
  29. Cottonee yang Dilamun Cinta!
  30. UFO Elgyem!
  31. Pertaruhan Ketiga Ash dan Trip!
  32. Mengalami Ketakutan!
  33. Iris dan Excadrill lawan Dragon Buster!
  34. Tangkap Roggenrola!
  35. Ke Mana Awak Pergi, Audino?
  36. Archeops di Dunia Moden!
  37. Connoisseur Pakar Pancing di Pertandingan Pancing!
  38. Masa Berfilem! Zorua dalam "Lagenda Kesatria Pokemon"!
  39. Pertaruhan di Nimbasa!
  40. Cilan lawan Trip, Ash lawan Georgia!
  41. Kemarahan Kelab Pertaruhan: Emolga lawan Sawk!
  42. Finale Kelab Pertaruhan: Keputusan Hro!
  43. Taktik Scrafty Meowth!
  44. Purrloin: Manis atau Nakal?
  45. Beheeyem, Duosion, dan Pencuri Mimpi!
  46. Persengketaan Gunung Beartic!
  47. Krisis dari Bawah Tanah!
  48. Pertaruhan di Bawah Tanah!