Talk:Dr. Footstep

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Several Pokémon, such as Unown and the Magnemite evolutionary line, do not say anything at any level, other than "Shhnnn... shhnnn..." This should probably be noted but I don't know the best way to word it, nor do I know all of the Pokémon who are like this. They seem to mostly be the "non-biological" ones... DocSigma 13:03, 16 July 2008 (UTC)

Adding onto that, both my Drifblim and my Golbat said something about being shunned... but they said it at LV. 4 happiness and LV. 1 happiness, respectively. We should probably put something on there that tells the reader that some Pokémon say different things, but I'm not sure how to word it...--The Kkllnnator blastoise 22:08, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Okay, based on my Lileep, Haunter, Vulpix and Lickilicky, I added a couple of others. I remember a full L4 Ghost would say something about chomping on the trainer's neck, but I forgot some of it. - unsigned comment from Draikonor (talkcontribs)

Clefairy's quote on level 4 (I got the ribbon on this level): "If I said there can be friendship between Pokémon and people, will Pokémon's friends understand? But if you see Trainer and Pokémon, you will understand. Because Trainer and Pokémon are friends!" - Maybe different Pokémon sometimes have different level 4 quotes as well? RegalStar 22:58, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Perhaps we should come up with some sort of classification system of sorts. The responses seem to depend on biology and "intelligence" of the Pokémon in question. PDL 01:30, 8 January 2009 (UTC)


From my observations, I have figured that there are TWO sets of classification determining which set of lines a Pokémon would say when it is presented to Dr. Footstep. Well, actually, three to be more exact:

1. Whether the game characterizes the Pokémon's species as either "Powerful," "Cute," "Creepy," or "Ditzy." (Note that these are merely the terms that I am using to describe the tone of each set of lines assigned to the species, not taken directly from within the game.)

2. Whether the Pokémon has an actual footprint or not, as indicated by their Pokédex entry. The Pokémon with footprints have lines with more casual, down-to-earth tones, while those without footprints have lines with more ambiguous, mysterious tones. I think this is what some of us have meant by saying, "ghosts appear to have different lines."

3. And there are the "voiceless" Pokémon, like Magnemite, Unown, or even Kabuto and etc. These appear to be Pokémon which the game sees as "not having human-familiar features" enough to be given a humanlike voice. These are usually the species with no distinguishable "face," or "expression".

I'm sure that many of us by now have visited this guy enough to observe these patterns, or agree with it at least (well, maybe it's just me. -_- Dr. Footstep is one of my personal favorite NPC to visit in my D/P games) It's just that I myself am unsure of whether I am in a position to make such an extensive edit to a page. (also not too confident with my own experience with HTML) I humbly suggest, maybe we could make a chart of some sort that includes each set of lines under columns and rows indicating the classifications listed above? - unsigned comment from Crystallinefeathers (talkcontribs)

His two Japanese names

I bet 100 bucks that Futomaki is his real surname, while "Footsteps Doctor" is his (probably self-proclaimed) title. The English version just refers him to as his last name (Footstep). --Maxim 16:22, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

New LV 2

I just found a new lv 2, (1 heart) interpretation

“Hnurr… Me? Uhm… There are lots of kinds of moves. I like those Dark-type moves, oh, and those Dragon-type moves, to… How would they be for this Pokémon? Will they be for me? Or a no, no, no sort of thing? Hnurr…”

Corvy 22:15, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

New LV 1

So I just decided to give contests a try, and I pulled out a Buneary from my Box 1. I decided to see what the good Dr had to say regarding its feelings toward me, considering I put it into the box almost after it catching it a while ago. This is what I got....

"Aw....Mike only plays with other Pokemon. Buneary feels neglected. Does Mike not like Buneary that much? Buneary will try harder for Mike. Please be nicer to me!"

Just thought I'd share that to help get the page up to date. BTW, Buneary and I are on much better terms now :P --Agent Zero 02:51, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Added. R.A. Hunter Blade 12:08, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

I think this rating is used for Pokémon that have a happiness value of zero. So it could be like a LVL 0. PDL 01:15, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Wouldn't matter. It's like floors in a building. You wouldn't say you're on the zeroith floor. You'd say you're on the first floor. Also like tiers/brackets in a tournament. You're in the first round/match/whatever. R.A. Hunter Blade 03:29, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
... Except most Pokémon don't start out at that low a happiness rating. Most start off at a happiness rating of 70 while Buneary is special in that it starts off with a happiness rating of zero. Also your building analogy doesn't make sense either since buildings often have basements to them. Either way, it doesn't constitute as a "lvl.1" rating since you have to raise the happiness to even get to the same level most pokémon start out with when they are first caught! PDL 05:06, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Another from...0?

Another one from an angry rapidash

Why does TRAINER always use other Pokémon? Am I not needed much? Would I have been better off if I remained in the wild? No, I should give this Trainer a little more of a chance...

If I'm right, Palkia reacted like that, too. - unsigned comment from Brightfire10 (talkcontribs)

Possible 0/-1 rating?

I got this one with my freshly-caught Houndour in Platinum.

That TRAINER...What is that Trainer thinking? Why make me join the team, then call upon me for nothing? Am I considered useless? Is the Trainer regretting having me? Does the Trainer dare disrespect this HOUNDOUR so easily?

He sounds pretty mad. Did Platinum add a bunch of new analyses or something?