Great Encounters (TCG)

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← Secret Wonders
TCG expansions
Majestic Dawn →
Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters SetSymbolGreat Encounters.png
Cards in set 106
Set number 35
Release date February 13, 2008
Theme Decks

Eternal Time (MetalFighting)
Infinite Space (WaterPsychic)
Endless Night (DarknessGrassFire)

Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters is the name given to the fourth expansion of cards of the Diamond & Pearl era of the Trading Card Game.


Great Encounters' name is based on the Moonlit Pursuit subset of Pokémon Card Game DP4 and begins the transition of the set into English-language sets. The set contains 100 cards from Card Game DP4, with two Dialga, two Palkia and two Darkrai (one of each a LV.X) being held back from Shining Darkness, completing the 106-card set. The cards from Card Game DP4 that were not included in Great Encounters were later printed in Majestic Dawn.

In order for the fifth Japanese set, Pokémon Card Game DP5, to be released closer to the eleventh Pokémon movie (Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin), the set's release was delayed by three months, making a six-month gap between the release of it and the previous set. In order to prevent such a large gap in the English-language releases, Moonlit Pursuit/Dawn Dash was separated between two sets: Great Encounters and Majestic Dawn.

Great Encounters is also the first set to include Darkrai, containing its Moonlit Pursuit card and both its Shining Darkness cards (including the LV.X variant). Cresselia is the only LV.X card in the set to originate from Moonlit Pursuit/Dawn Dash; Darkrai, Dialga and Palkia were held back from Shining Darkness.

Theme decks

Card list

No. Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
1 DPBP#307 Blaziken Fire 56 Rare HolographicH
2 DPBP#527 Cresselia Psychic 48 Rare HolographicH
3 - Darkrai Darkness 38 Rare HolographicH
4 DPBP#530 Darkrai Darkness 40 Rare HolographicH
5 - Pachirisu Lightning 30 Rare HolographicH
6 DPBP#167 Porygon-Z Colorless 54 Rare HolographicH
7 DPBP#518 Rotom Lightning 38 Rare HolographicH
8 DPBP#304 Sceptile Grass 52 Rare HolographicH
9 DPBP#310 Swampert Water 53 Rare HolographicH
10 DPBP#130 Tangrowth Grass 38 Rare HolographicH
11 DPBP#204 Togekiss Colorless 51 Rare HolographicH
12 DPBP#387 Altaria Colorless 42 Rare
13 DPBP#015 Beedrill Grass 41 Rare
14 DPBP#012 Butterfree Grass 36 Rare
15 DPBP#397 Claydol Fighting 45 Rare
16 DPBP#522 Dialga Metal 68 Rare
17 DPBP#346 Exploud Colorless 58 Rare
18 DPBP#287 Houndoom Darkness 41 Rare
19 DPBP#106 Hypno Psychic 28 Rare
20 DPBP#108 Kingler Water 33 Rare
21 DPBP#155 Lapras Water 47 Rare
22 DPBP#438 Latias Colorless 45 Rare
23 DPBP#439 Latios Colorless 47 Rare
24 DPBP#354 Mawile Metal 32 Rare
25 DPBP#403 Milotic Water 47 Rare
26 DPBP#523 Palkia Water 67 Rare
27 DPBP#062 Primeape Fighting 41 Rare
28 DPBP#087 Slowking Psychic 41 Rare
29 DPBP#236 Unown H Psychic 12 Rare
30 DPBP#374 Wailord Water 43 Rare
31 DPBP#122 Weezing Psychic 42 Rare
32 DPBP#043 Wigglytuff Colorless 46 Rare
33 DPBP#024 Arbok Psychic 31 Uncommon
34 DPBP#385 Cacturne Darkness 36 Uncommon
35 DPBP#306 Combusken Fire 24 Uncommon
36 DPBP#282 Delibird Water 26 Uncommon
37 - Floatzel Water 32 Uncommon
38 DPBP#426 Gorebyss Water 34 Uncommon
39 DPBP#266 Granbull Colorless 34 Uncommon
40 DPBP#303 Grovyle Grass 26 Uncommon
41 DPBP#348 Hariyama Fighting 38 Uncommon
42 DPBP#425 Huntail Water 33 Uncommon
43 DPBP#314 Linoone Colorless 24 Uncommon
44 DPBP#345 Loudred Colorless 31 Uncommon
45 DPBP#275 Magcargo Fire 35 Uncommon
46 DPBP#309 Marshtomp Water 23 Uncommon
47 DPBP#011 Metapod Grass 9 Uncommon
48 DPBP#329 Pelipper Water 45 Uncommon
49 DPBP#166 Porygon2 Colorless 39 Uncommon
50 - Purugly Colorless 47 Uncommon
51 DPBP#427 Relicanth Water 31 Uncommon
52 DPBP#389 Seviper Psychic 26 Uncommon
53 DPBP#285 Skarmory Metal 31 Uncommon
54 DPBP#086 Slowbro Water 39 Uncommon
55 DPBP#203 Togetic Colorless 23 Uncommon
56 DPBP#234 Unown F Psychic 13 Uncommon
57 DPBP#235 Unown G Psychic 17 Uncommon
58 DPBP#373 Wailmer Water 14 Uncommon
59 DPBP#388 Zangoose Colorless 23 Uncommon
60 DPBP#396 Baltoy Fighting 11 Common
61 - Buizel Water 14 Common
62 DPBP#384 Cacnea Grass 12 Common
63 DPBP#010 Caterpie Grass 6 Common
64 DPBP#424 Clamperl Water 15 Common
65 DPBP#105 Drowzee Psychic 13 Common
66 DPBP#023 Ekans Psychic 16 Common
67 DPBP#402 Feebas Water 4 Common
68 - Glameow Colorless 14 Common
69 DPBP#286 Houndour Fire 13 Common
70 DPBP#041 Igglybuff Colorless 6 Common
71 DPBP#365 Illumise Grass 29 Common
72 DPBP#042 Jigglypuff Colorless 23 Common
73 DPBP#014 Kakuna Grass 9 Common
74 DPBP#121 Koffing Psychic 18 Common
75 DPBP#107 Krabby Water 8 Common
76 DPBP#390 Lunatone Fighting 31 Common
77 DPBP#428 Luvdisc Water 28 Common
78 DPBP#347 Makuhita Fighting 15 Common
79 DPBP#061 Mankey Fighting 14 Common
80 DPBP#308 Mudkip Water 7 Common
81 DPBP#165 Porygon Colorless 7 Common
82 DPBP#085 Slowpoke Water 10 Common
83 DPBP#274 Slugma Fire 11 Common
84 DPBP#265 Snubbull Colorless 11 Common
85 DPBP#391 Solrock Fighting 29 Common
86 DPBP#386 Swablu Colorless 7 Common
87 DPBP#129 Tangela Grass 12 Common
88 DPBP#202 Togepi Colorless 4 Common
89 DPBP#305 Torchic Fire 7 Common
90 DPBP#302 Treecko Grass 7 Common
91 DPBP#240 Unown L Psychic 18 Common
92 DPBP#364 Volbeat Grass 34 Common
93 DPBP#013 Weedle Grass 5 Common
94 DPBP#344 Whismur Colorless 8 Common
95 DPBP#328 Wingull Water 6 Common
96 DPBP#313 Zigzagoon Colorless 6 Common
97 - Amulet Coin T -- Uncommon
98 - Felicity's Drawing Su - Uncommon
99 - Leftovers T - Uncommon
100 - Moonlight Stadium St - Uncommon
101 - Premier Ball T - Uncommon
102 - Rare Candy T - Uncommon
103 - Cresselia LV.X Psychic X Rare Holo LV.X
104 - Darkrai LV.X Darkness X Rare Holo LV.X
105 - Dialga LV.X Metal X Rare Holo LV.X
106 - Palkia LV.X Water X Rare Holo LV.X

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