Aquapolis (TCG)

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地図にない町 / 海からの風
Cards in set English: 186
Japanese: 92 / 90
Set number English: 14
Japanese: 14 / 15
Release date English: January 15, 2003
Japanese: March 8 / May 24, 2002
Theme Decks

Rock Garden (GrassFighting)
Abyss (FireWater)

Base Booster Pack 1
The Town on No Map / Wind from the Sea
e-Card 4
e-Card 5

Aquapolis is the name given to the second expansion of cards of the e-Card era of the Trading Card Game. It was the second set to be compatible with Nintendo's e-Reader peripheral.


Aquapolis is an amalgamation of the Japanese sets e-Card 2 and e-Card 3, officially named The Town on No Map and Wind from the Sea respectively. It is speculated that Wizards of the Coast wanted to rush out as many sets as they could before they lost their license. It is the largest set in the history of the TCG, with an impressive 186 cards. Including the reverse-holographics and box toppers, it stands at a colossal 340 cards.

Aquapolis was the first set to separate the holographic cards from the rest of the set; the cards are numbered with an H (H##). This avoided confusion brought about in Expedition, where the reverse-holographic counterparts of the holographic and non-holographic rare cards were the same. Wizards did not produce reverse-holographic cards for the holographic rares in this set.


  • The symbol for Aquapolis is adopted from the theme of the Japanese e-Card 2 and e-Card 3 sets, which focus on a secluded coastal town and mysterious undersea ruins respectively.
  • Some cards were numbered with letters (##a/##b). The two versions are identical apart from the Dot-Code strip, which contains different data for that particular Pokémon. This is the only set in the TCG to feature this.
  • Aquapolis is the first set to introduce Crystal Pokémon to the TCG.
  • Aquapolis includes box toppers #5-#8.

Theme decks

English Theme Decks

Card lists

English expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
H1 Ampharos Lightning Rare HolographicH
H2 Arcanine Fire Rare HolographicH
H3 Ariados Grass Rare HolographicH
H4 Azumarill Water Rare HolographicH
H5 Bellossom Grass Rare HolographicH
H6 Blissey Colorless Rare HolographicH
H7 Electrode Lightning Rare HolographicH
H8 Entei Fire Rare HolographicH
H9 Espeon Psychic Rare HolographicH
H10 Exeggutor Grass Rare HolographicH
H11 Houndoom Darkness Rare HolographicH
H12 Hypno Psychic Rare HolographicH
H13 Jumpluff Grass Rare HolographicH
H14 Kingdra Water Rare HolographicH
H15 Lanturn Lightning Rare HolographicH
H16 Magneton Metal Rare HolographicH
H17 Muk Grass Rare HolographicH
H18 Nidoking Fighting Rare HolographicH
H19 Ninetales Fire Rare HolographicH
H20 Octillery Water Rare HolographicH
H21 Scizor Metal Rare HolographicH
H22 Slowking Psychic Rare HolographicH
H23 Steelix Metal Rare HolographicH
H24 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare HolographicH
H25 Suicune Water Rare HolographicH
H26 Tentacruel Water Rare HolographicH
H27 Togetic Colorless Rare HolographicH
H28 Tyranitar Darkness Rare HolographicH
H29 Umbreon Darkness Rare HolographicH
H30 Victreebel Grass Rare HolographicH
H31 Vileplume Grass Rare HolographicH
H32 Zapdos Lightning Rare HolographicH
1 Ampharos Lightning Rare
2 Arcanine Fire Rare
3 Ariados Grass Rare
4 Azumarill Water Rare
5 Bellossom Grass Rare
6 Blissey Colorless Rare
7 Donphan Fighting Rare
8 Electrode Lightning Rare
9 Elekid Lightning Rare
10 Entei Fire Rare
11 Espeon Psychic Rare
12 Exeggutor Grass Rare
13 Exeggutor Psychic Rare
14 Houndoom Fire Rare
15 Houndoom Darkness Rare
16 Hypno Psychic Rare
17 Jumpluff Grass Rare
18 Jynx Psychic Rare
19 Kingdra Water Rare
20 Lanturn Water Rare
21 Lanturn Lightning Rare
22 Magneton Metal Rare
23 Muk Grass Rare
24 Nidoking Fighting Rare
25 Ninetales Fire Rare
26 Octillery Water Rare
27 Parasect Grass Rare
28 Porygon2 Colorless Rare
29 Primeape Fighting Rare
30 Quagsire Water Rare
31 Rapidash Fire Rare
32 Scizor Metal Rare
33 Slowbro Water Rare
34 Slowking Psychic Rare
35 Steelix Metal Rare
36 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare
37 Suicune Water Rare
38 Tentacruel Water Rare
39 Togetic Colorless Rare
40 Tyranitar Darkness Rare
41 Umbreon Darkness Rare
42 Victreebel Grass Rare
43 Vileplume Grass Rare
44 Zapdos Lightning Rare
45 Bellsprout Grass Uncommon
46 Dodrio Colorless Uncommon
47 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon
48 Furret Colorless Uncommon
49 Gloom Grass Uncommon
50a Golduck Water Uncommon
50b Golduck Water Uncommon
51 Growlithe Fire Uncommon
52 Magnemite Metal Uncommon
53 Marill Water Uncommon
54 Marowak Fighting Uncommon
55 Nidorino Grass Uncommon
56 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon
57 Scyther Grass Uncommon
58 Seadra Water Uncommon
59 Seaking Water Uncommon
60 Skiploom Grass Uncommon
61 Smoochum Psychic Uncommon
62 Spinarak Grass Uncommon
63 Tyrogue Fighting Uncommon
64 Voltorb Lightning Uncommon
65 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon
66 Wooper Water Uncommon
67 Aipom Colorless Common
68 Bellsprout Grass Common
69 Chansey Colorless Common
70 Chinchou Water Common
71 Chinchou Lightning Common
72 Cubone Fighting Common
73 Doduo Colorless Common
74a Drowzee Psychic Common
74b Drowzee Psychic Common
75 Eevee Colorless Common
76 Exeggcute Grass Common
77 Exeggcute Psychic Common
78 Goldeen Water Common
79 Grimer Grass Common
80 Growlithe Fire Common
81 Hitmonchan Fighting Common
82 Hitmontop Fighting Common
83 Hoppip Grass Common
84 Horsea Water Common
85 Horsea Water Common
86 Houndour Fire Common
87 Houndour Darkness Common
88 Kangaskhan Colorless Common
89 Larvitar Fighting Common
90 Lickitung Colorless Common
91 Magnemite Lightning Common
92 Mankey Fighting Common
93 Mareep Lightning Common
94 Miltank Colorless Common
95a Mr. Mime Psychic Common
95b Mr. Mime Psychic Common
96 Nidoran♂ Grass Common
97 Oddish Grass Common
98 Onix Fighting Common
99 Paras Grass Common
100 Phanpy Fighting Common
101 Pinsir Grass Common
102 Ponyta Fire Common
103a Porygon Colorless Common
103b Porygon Colorless Common
104 Psyduck Water Common
105 Remoraid Water Common
106 Scyther Grass Common
107 Sentret Colorless Common
108 Slowpoke Water Common
109 Smeargle Colorless Common
110 Sneasel Darkness Common
111 Spinarak Grass Common
112 Tangela Grass Common
113 Tentacool Water Common
114 Togepi Colorless Common
115 Voltorb Lightning Common
116 Vulpix Fire Common
117 Wooper Water Common
118 Apricorn Forest T Rare
119 Darkness Cube 01 T Uncommon
120 Energy Switch T Uncommon
121 Fighting Cube 01 T Uncommon
122 Fire Cube 01 T Uncommon
123 Forest Guardian T Uncommon
124 Grass Cube 01 T Uncommon
125 Healing Berry T Uncommon
126 Juggler T Uncommon
127 Lightning Cube 01 T Uncommon
128 Memory Berry T Uncommon
129 Metal Cube 01 T Uncommon
130 Pokémon Fan Club T Uncommon
131 Pokémon Park T Uncommon
132 Psychic Cube 01 T Uncommon
133 Seer T Uncommon
134 Super Energy Removal 2 T Uncommon
135 Time Shard T Uncommon
136 Town Volunteers T Uncommon
137 Traveling Salesman T Uncommon
138 Undersea Ruins T Uncommon
139 Power Plant T Uncommon
140 Water Cube 01 T Uncommon
141 Weakness Guard T Uncommon
142 Darkness Energy E Rare
143 Metal Energy E Rare
144 Rainbow Energy E Rare
145 Boost Energy E Uncommon
146 Crystal Energy E Uncommon
147 Warp Energy E Uncommon
148 Kingdra Colorless Rare HolographicH
149 Lugia Colorless Rare HolographicH
150 Nidoking Colorless Rare HolographicH

The Town on No Map

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Nidoran♂ Grass Common
2 Nidorino Grass Common
3 Grimer Grass Common
4 Muk Grass Rare
5 Muk Grass Rare HolographicH
6 Spinarak Grass Common
7 Spinarak Grass Common
8 Ariados Grass Rare
9 Ariados Grass Rare HolographicH
10 Hoppip Grass Common
11 Skiploom Grass Common
12 Jumpluff Grass Rare
13 Jumpluff Grass Rare HolographicH
14 Growlithe Fire Common
15 Growlithe Fire Common
16 Arcanine Fire Rare
17 Arcanine Fire Rare HolographicH
18 Houndour Fire Common
19 Houndoom Fire Common
20 Psyduck Water Common
21 Golduck Water Common
22 Goldeen Water Common
23 Seaking Water Common
24 Marill Water Common
25 Azumarill Water Rare
26 Azumarill Water Rare HolographicH
27 Wooper Water Common
28 Wooper Water Common
29 Quagsire Water Uncommon
30 Suicune Water Rare
31 Suicune Water Rare HolographicH
32 Magnemite Lightning Common
33 Voltorb Lightning Common
34 Voltorb Lightning Uncommon
35 Electrode Lightning Rare
36 Electrode Lightning Rare HolographicH
37 Zapdos Lightning Rare
38 Zapdos Lightning Rare HolographicH
39 Elekid Lightning Uncommon
40 Drowzee Psychic Uncommon
41 Hypno Psychic Rare
42 Hypno Psychic Rare HolographicH
43 Mr. Mime Psychic Common
44 Jynx Psychic Uncommon
45 Espeon Psychic Rare
46 Espeon Psychic Rare HolographicH
47 Smoochum Psychic Common
48 Nidoking Fighting Rare
49 Nidoking Fighting Rare HolographicH
50 Cubone Fighting Common
51 Marowak Fighting Common
52 Hitmonchan Fighting Common
53 Phanpy Fighting Common
54 Donphan Fighting Uncommon
55 Tyrogue Fighting Common
56 Hitmontop Fighting Common
57 Chansey Colorless Common
58 Eevee Colorless Common
59 Porygon Colorless Common
60 Togepi Colorless Common
61 Togetic Colorless Rare
62 Togetic Colorless Rare HolographicH
63 Porygon2 Colorless Uncommon
64 Smeargle Colorless Common
65 Blissey Colorless Rare
66 Blissey Colorless Rare HolographicH
67 Umbreon Darkness Rare
68 Umbreon Darkness Rare
69 Houndour Darkness Uncommon
70 Houndoom Darkness Rare
71 Houndoom Darkness Rare HolographicH
72 Magnemite Metal Uncommon
73 Magneton Metal Rare
74 Magneton Metal Rare HolographicH
75 Weakness Guard T Uncommon
76 Super Energy Removal 2 T Uncommon
77 Seer T Uncommon
78 Pokémon Fan Club T Uncommon
79 Town Volunteers T Uncommon
80 Grass Cube 01 T Uncommon
81 Fire Cube 01 T Uncommon
82 Water Cube 01 T Uncommon
83 Lightning Cube 01 T Uncommon
84 Psychic Cube 01 T Uncommon
85 Fighting Cube 01 T Uncommon
86 Darkness Cube 01 T Uncommon
87 Metal Cube 01 T Uncommon
88 Pokémon Park T Uncommon
89 Power Plant T Uncommon
90 Darkness Energy E Uncommon
91 Metal Energy E Uncommon
92 Rainbow Energy E Uncommon

Wind from the Sea

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Oddish Grass Common
2 Gloom Grass Uncommon
3 Vileplume Grass Rare
4 Vileplume Grass Rare HolographicH
5 Paras Grass Common
6 Parasect Grass Uncommon
7 Bellsprout Grass Common
8 Bellsprout Grass Common
9 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon
10 Victreebel Grass Rare
11 Victreebel Grass Rare HolographicH
12 Exeggcute Grass Common
13 Exeggutor Grass Rare
14 Exeggutor Grass Rare HolographicH
15 Tangela Grass Common
16 Scyther Grass Common
17 Scyther Grass Common
18 Pinsir Grass Common
19 Bellossom Grass Rare
20 Bellossom Grass Rare HolographicH
21 Vulpix Fire Common
22 Ninetales Fire Rare
23 Ninetales Fire Rare HolographicH
24 Ponyta Fire Common
25 Rapidash Fire Uncommon
26 Entei Fire Rare
27 Entei Fire Rare HolographicH
28 Tentacool Water Common
29 Tentacruel Water Rare
30 Tentacruel Water Rare HolographicH
31 Slowpoke Water Common
32 Slowbro Water Uncommon
33 Horsea Water Common
34 Horsea Water Common
35 Seadra Water Uncommon
36 Chinchou Water Common
37 Lanturn Water Uncommon
38 Remoraid Water Common
39 Octillery Water Rare
40 Octillery Water Rare HolographicH
41 Kingdra Water Rare
42 Kingdra Water Rare HolographicH
43 Chinchou Lightning Common
44 Lanturn Lightning Rare
45 Lanturn Lightning Rare HolographicH
46 Mareep Lightning Common
47 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon
48 Ampharos Lightning Rare
49 Ampharos Lightning Rare HolographicH
50 Exeggcute Psychic Common
51 Exeggutor Psychic Uncommon
52 Slowking Psychic Rare
53 Slowking Psychic Rare HolographicH
54 Mankey Fighting Common
55 Primeape Fighting Uncommon
56 Onix Fighting Common
57 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare
58 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare HolographicH
59 Larvitar Fighting Common
60 Pupitar Fighting Common
61 Doduo Colorless Common
62 Dodrio Colorless Common
63 Lickitung Colorless Common
64 Kangaskhan Colorless Common
65 Sentret Colorless-attack.png Common
66 Furret Colorless-attack.png Common
67 Aipom Darkness Common
68 Miltank Darkness Common
69 Sneasel Darkness Common
70 Tyranitar Darkness Rare
71 Tyranitar Darkness Rare HolographicH
72 Steelix Metal Rare
73 Steelix Metal Rare HolographicH
74 Scizor Metal Rare
75 Scizor Metal Rare HolographicH
76 Energy Switch T Uncommon
77 Traveling Salesman T Uncommon
78 Juggler T Uncommon
79 Forest Guardian T Uncommon
80 Memory Berry T Uncommon
81 Healing Berry T Uncommon
82 Time Shard T Uncommon
83 Undersea Ruins T Uncommon
84 Apricorn Forest T Uncommon
85 Crystal Energy E Uncommon
86 Boost Energy E Uncommon
87 Warp Energy E Uncommon
88 Nidoking Colorless Rare HolographicH
89 Kingdra Colorless Rare HolographicH
90 Lugia Colorless Rare HolographicH

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