
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 14:51, 3 June 2024 by Salmancer (talk | contribs) (Some more ideas here, notably the "fiction sections for non fictional subjects" writeup under Other.)
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Not fully organized yet, check back for even more updates

The HIT-LIST (To-Do, but aggro)


  • Rewrite every TCG group article to take advantage of the rulebook and old blog posts. Include indicative examples, along with relevant images
    • Pokemon ex
      • Marketing says we have to deal with "Type Shifted Tera Pokemon ex"
    • Pokemon EX
    • Trainer card
      • Not looking forward to this, probably a "90% of this article is now my writing" situation
    • Item card
      • Should look like Stadium
      • Needs to name a number of "formulaic name" groups
    • Supporter card
      • Should look like Stadium
    • Tool
    • Shiny Pokemon
      • This got messily merged (more like one article overwrote the other), so now I have to actually do the merging work
      • Highlight that yes, "Shiny Pokemon" is technically a term. It can also be compounded with other Pokemon descriptions: "Shiny Tera Pokemon ex" is valid even if it is meaningless
    • Pokemon (but last because there's no way to do it before everything else)
  • New articles
    • Dual type Pokemon
    • Stage 2 Pokemon
      • Mostly a c/p of Stage 1
    • Basic Pokemon
    • Split off Baby Pokemon for rules reasons
    • Battle Style
    • Effects of attacks
      • Overview, key examples, markers because they have names
    • A number of articles that need to exist for digital reasons, as obtainable items in a games
      • Deck Box
      • Card Sleeves
  • Rewrite a number of mechanics articles, using the rulebook as grand arbiter because whew "Damage Type" makes me spiral.
    • Type
    • Attack
    • Marker
      • Still needs to be moved to Counter
    • Pokedex entry
    • Technical Machine
    • Special Condition
      • The Shockwave, Char, and Imprison markers still have to go!
    • Murder "cards with Held Items"
      • Onus is on someone to prove they exist, I only see "Berry" and "Item"
      • Now if only we had a DP Series rulebook...
  • Create articles for TCG commericals (aka, 90% of TCG fiction, meaning they qualify for articles in a way other commericals don't.)
    • The Pokemon Youtube channel has them all back to Furious Fists, so there's plenty to fill up.
    • First up is the other Team Up one, then I think I should skip to ones that get cited on articles like Brilliant Stars and Lost Origin
  • Consult TCG Live for information.
    • It's great for images probably
    • Can demystify "effects of attacks" (but they are called "status effects" in this game)
  • Finish dealing with Fossil Trainer card
    • Write TCG sections for Pokemon groups
      • Decide how much detail I need because if Regi burns me out this is going to take a couple eternities
      • Finish Regi
  • Actually put useful textual information in various articles "In the TCG" sections
    • Just a list doesn't say a whole lot about how these cards are related to each other and how they were presented to the audience
    • I hate filling out lists
    • Picking articles to do is hard. It's more fun when there's an angle like the lack of Ash Ketchum cards.
  • Finish putting descriptions for every single group of Owner's Pokemon
    • So broad that no intro can adequately cover everything. Has to be done by group.
    • Bullet point for each "grouping within a grouping"
      • Highlight the ones that have cards that reference that group.
    • Image per group for the jist, but has to be large enough.
  • Finish "Belt" an article running through belts in Pokemon fiction
    • As you may expect, this mostly so that it has a list of cards
  • Create a number of other articles about related cards
    • Badges from Evolving Skies
    • Rotom item cards
  • Add V-UNION and LEGEND section to Combined Illustration page
    • those count but at the same time have their own page
    • No list and maybe only one image
  • Create errata page.
    • Guess it can start by slurping up the official list (which is not comphrensive, but gotta start somewhere)
  • Table-ize the Poke Ball page so that information is easier to get
    • Determine if effects that have been errataed about get their own row or share an exsting rows
  • Add Energy Type information to Dragon type TCG species pages.
    • Only recent cards considered, as per the current leads
  • Figure out a clearer system to communicate the reclassification of Trainer cards.
    • As is, it's taking up lots of space and can be hard to parse.
    • I suggested using move/ability style sections, set per Series
  • Collect TCG Live images and commerical images to supplement articles
    • Lost Zone is first on the docket, in order to properly complete the article

Spin-off games


  • Rewrite every Quest article. Between the text dumps (thanks Abcboy) and a endgame save, I've got it all on deck. I only have to muster the motivation because I HATE POKEMON QUEST!!!
  • Power Stone
  • Each area article
    • Highlight visual elements, interactive objects, general structure. Like a travel brochure
      • Dang it, we're a fandom wiki, these places are more than just a bundle of game data with a name on top!
  • Tumblecube Island
  • Cooking
  • Pokexel (still super weird)
  • New articles
    • PM Ticket
    • Battery
    • List of Items in Pokemon Quest
      • Shop template makes them all links, so someone has to clean up the fallout


  • UNITE...
  • Test every character so that any nuances line up on their page as BP original "effect text"
  • Add a cute intro line to every character, which helps make them stand out and highlights what makes them cool
    • A number of characters are stuck with having their intros deal in mechanics because they're a little complex and there's no reason to make a mechanics sections when our intros are universally empty. Fill in those too.
  • Create the article Hindrance
  • Pokemon UNITE's main article is overdue for some massive updates
    • One angry talk page comment on stages converted into actual content
    • A brand new plot section, taking the tutorial into account
    • Offline Mode
  • Panic Parade....
    • (Grumbles in limited time events. We should stop covering them so that we get the fundamentals down pat for sure, then loop back)
    • User:Salmancer/Panic Parade behaviors exists so we at least can fill up a wild Pokemon table
  • Theia Sky Ruins
    • Gotta finish this so we have the template for all UNITE stages
    • Legendary Giants data
    • Heck of a lot of spawn time data
      • Maybe I should cut this, I just don't have the motivation. We're keeping split by spawn criteria though, that's neat.
    • Fix Green to match other Legacy Trainers
    • Check blog to fill Legacy Trainer Showdown section
  • UNITE animations
    • UNITE cenimatic trailer
      • new article
      • Put onto existing articles
        • All instances are UNITE characters
    • Challenge the World
      • Put onto existing articles
        • All instances are UNITE characters
  • UNITE manga
    • articles for each chapter
    • Put information onto existing articles
      • Decide wethter these have to under the UNITE character or under the species page
  • Collect images related to UNITE to fill out various articles.
    • My pipeline for Switch images got them tagged as bad images, so I'm stuck I guess until I figure something out.


  • Genre audit for game infoboxes
    • Probably have to parrot official site, there is no more correct source. (Curse fandom logic!)
      • GO is a Real World Adventure
      • Detective Pikachu Returns is a Cinematic Adventure
  • Create articles to demonstrate the need for correctly handling fictionalized real worlds
    • Create article for "On the GO News"
      • Livestream event from GO related to Ultra Beasts
    • Create articles for "Ava's House" and "Ava's School
    • Two Path to the Peak locations
      • Both names are conjectural, but they make more appearances than a number of named anime locations so I don't see a reason they shouldn't have articles
  • Give TrainerSplash a hand with their "Crossovers" page
    • Note that Drum n' Fun does misname the song "Alola!" (already on the Trivia page)
    • Determine songs included in the LGPE medley in Drum n' Fun
      • Determine best way to display medleys on that page. (probably list for now, to be quick)
    • Play Rhythm Festival, check for Pokemon songs
  • Fiction sections for Non-Fictional subjects
    • Our hand is forced by fictionalized real worlds
      • Games and Consoles in The Journey of One Dream are non-cameos. They are story relevant
      • Challenge the World prominently shows consoles by the nature of running through all the games of the World Championships
    • This requires different structure for games vs consoles vs cards
      • Games
        • Use a single paragraph to run through all adaptions. They are less important
          • Anime series/seasons, TCG series and sets, manga, and more
            • Remember that sometimes focuses come back around. Ultra Prism is Sinnoh based, even though it's from Sun & Moon.
            • And don't forget Remakes! Red and Blue is adapted in Team Up even though what has prompted it was Let's Go
        • Focus more on cases where the literal game and/or the UI for a game appears
          • Pokemon Red and Blue literally appears in the Journey of One Dream, and it's UI is referenced in The Adventure
          • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet appear in Challenge the World
          • Two Nintendo Switches appear in the Journey of One Dream, owned by the main characters. They play Sword and Shield from inside the consoles.

Block Puzzles (suggestions that need some amount of concensus/Admin approval to pass)

Users in general

  • Split Narrative Illustration
    • TAG TEAM cameo is ready to go
    • Convince people that 151 is just a mess to keep here
  • Split Theme Deck into it's component parts
    • Theme Deck
    • V Battle Deck
    • ex Battle Deck
    • League Battle Deck
  • Split Owner's Pokemon because it's a blanket term much like "Battle Style" and no article should have to endure 74 lists.
    • Has anyone tried editing that thing. Yikes, load times.
  • Convince people that we should start putting useful information in card intros. People will understand that when an intro is not boilerplate, that means you should read it.
    • First reveal, heavily marketed card of set
    • rules nightmare!
  • Move Team Flare Gear and Team Flare Hyper Gear cards to their correct names, including the the "gear" suffix.
  • Add a new section to card articles called "Errata and Selected Rulings"
    • Does what it says on the tin
    • "Selected Rulings" means it is not every card interaction, only pertinent ones that don't go with a card group"
      • Bulbapedia is not a TCG rules resource
  • Decide on consistent terms for many many properties of cards in the TCG
    • Pick one of "Card Type" or "Category".
      • I want "Category" to avoid confusion with "Energy Type", even if "Category" appears less often
    • Cull the use of M Pokemon EX. No one has stepped up to prove the term exists, it's time for it to go.
    • Are Ancient, Rapid Strike, Ultra Beast, etc "labels" or "attributes" or "gameplay mechanics"
  • Convince people to make list of cards be "as printed" instead of "as ruled" to reduce the amount of trouble in maintaining those lists
  • Create a structure that TCG sections of species articles use
    • I'm thinking 4 paragraphs.
    • 1st is boilerplate intro.
    • 2nd is notable printings (sets where it was in marketing, all ultra rares, anything with tourney success)
    • 3rd is mechanical identinty, or sheepishly admitting there isn't one
    • 4th is funny and weird cards
  • Get Shop template to support PM Tickets
  • Get UNITE move template to have custom support for Gyarados
  • Establish UNITE stage structure in Project Sidegames so that the system isn't undercut by Full-Force Battle and friends
  • Consider how best to describe game controls in cases where games are released on multiple platforms
    • Move (UNITE) is suffering pretty bad because we didn't do this before. No time like the present!
  • Do something regarding April Fools articles because having fandom content next to offical material is nothing but trouble
    • I would love to go full throttle on these, but the current structure prevents it. Allow the Rainteicune theory cowards!


  • Randomized locations (Happenstance Island, Changing Land, Shuffle Surivial Mode) should have randomized images
    • Trick TFwiki uses for their Discord article. (Yes the My Little Pony character)
    • Think about how fun this would be, visually demonstrating that these places have no set appearance!
    • On the other hand, this is not useful
  • Convince people that minor Pokemon anime roles like being sent out to fight Team Rocket in a group are still notable
    • Notabilty policy does not leave a hole like this
    • As a fandom wiki, shouldn't we strive for complete comprehensiveness? TFwiki sure wouldn't let a background cameo in a crowd shot slip past their notice, why do we?
    • Sure, before you reach character status trying to discern "appearances" is hard, but after "character" has been achived we might as well give them their due.
  • Recurrring Wild Pokemon become characters on second appearance, and get articles immediately
    • I hate that for some reason, a Pokemon jumps 5 steps up the notablity totem pole the minute a human owns it
      • One of these days I'm going to make a parody of this. It's silly
  • Codifiy that alternate versions of games get their own pages, Mario Wiki style
    • Look, I can't do anything regarding Pokemon Adventure, and I can't confirm everything about Pokemon Quest is 100% accurate to Pokemon Adventure. (They even added a second island at some point! Nuts!)
    • At some point, we have to make a clean break so that information from different versions of games doesn't get conflated in odd ways.
  • Update speculation policy to account for UNITE and Quest "lore"
    • We do have to make some leaps, and we're already making leaps in cases like Dr. Fuji.
      • Certain move animations in UNITE are very obviously meant to be move X (Thunder Cage, Follow Me) but technically there isn't a custom policy as with the anime.
      • With Quest, the scope of the game is small enough that there are no other (reasonable) answers. Three characters, one place, and we legally can't say the energy signature at the end is just the Mewtwo?
  • Approve switching Guyana to my South America article
  • Create a 100% foolproof TCG origin policy
    • Allow for attacks with names similar to a GX attack to be included (They're very distinctive)
    • Consider Max [name] and G-Max [name] to be valid matches
    • Names of Pokemon, attacks, and Trainers in text can be referenced.
    • Fully codify Trainer reference in text as a indicating ownership.
    • If the art trips anime move spec policy, we can reference it
    • Some Pokemon cards that are similar to other Pokemon cards in their evolutionary line can be called out as references to the older card
      • See Garbodor (Breakpoint) and Mega Mewtwo (the Y) for examples
    • Consider some effects to be worthy of tracking their use in Origin sections
      • Discard hand, draw 7
      • 2 prize staple card draw Pokemon
      • Supporter that reshuffles hands of both players, then draws X cards
  • Create attack articles, so that there is finally, finally, finally a place to talk about attacks with regard to their flavor
  • Rock attacks ignoring resistance
  • Call for Family's endless variations
    • Ultimate Ray is similar to Trinity Nova, and Trinity Nova is a souped up Trinity Charge. (Hmm, maybe that one is actually trivia on Arceus VSTAR)

  • Get a TCG manual of style completed using the now consistent terminolgy, so that the BP write ups don't slip back into no mans land.
    • Shouldn't even be that hard, we have the rulebook! Which can't be incorrect, its the rulebook!
    • How should links in card text work, as some more articles start filling in.
      • Is there such a thing as too much blue links?
      • Avoid linking to hand, deck, Pokemon?

  • Create a project for handling fictionalized real worlds, before we start drowning in them
  • Redo Project Pokedex so as to move much of the media put in "Other appearances" to proper sections
  • Push forward a number of alternate templates
    • Split TCG games off from Spin-off series, there's a few too many
    • Replace Quest Locations with a proper region template. Tumblecube Island is a real place, darn it!
    • Create an Aeos Island template
    • Kill Catching Berries. I'm default opposed to keeping them separate because they are "less important".
      • The only reason there isn't a delete template on that is because I don't know how to add one without it propagating onto every page the template is used on
  • Create a number of new policies to help clarify wiki ongoings
    • BP:NOT, a list of things Bulbapedia does not provide
      • Like, every wiki has one of these, and they make good anti-mission statements
      • Put "Bulbapedia is not a TCG rules resource" on it, explaining why there are no articles on zones like "Hand" and "Discard Pile"
    • BP:UPKEEP, a number of practices that should not be done to save time in the future
      • No redundant lists. Any two lists on the same topic must either convey different information or the same information in a different format.
      • Restrict dates of events to game and event pages. So they don't have to be updated for every rerun, except for those pages.

Pie in the Sky (More of a "burn it all down" group. Probably never happening, but never hurts to dream.)

  • Change coverage policy so that crossover characters get to have articles.
    • They are a supremely entertaining part of TFwiki, we should copy them.
      • Part of that fun is "obfuscating stupidity" or "pretending that everything about the subject that is not seen in Pokemon media doesn't actually exist." Codify that.
    • Why can't we have Mii as an article for Rumble games and My Pokemon Ranch?
    • Why can't we have Yoda for that one Wotc Q&A?
  • Convince people that it's more important to be correct than to be first. We can afford to wait until TPCi does all the translation work, and for the marketing machine to roll out, then update everything.
    • Think of all the time spent having to translate Japanese cards that could be spent on tightening current TCG articles while having the same ultimate result when the cards come out in English!
    • Bulbapedia isn't even salaried. What is the incentive to be first to have information?
    • Get User:Salmancer/To promote Pokémon into mainspace.
      • It's a TFwiki classic, but Pokemon! How is it not encylopedic? (This is a joke, but maybe we can loosen up?)
      • It may be a good thing I stopped playing Masters. (I'm being mean but both events are good stories. Just you know, pulling out all the stops on plot devices)
  • TCG articles should stop being universally dismabiguated with (TCG). Instead, more specific disambiguations should be used instead.
    • Expansions
      • (Expansion) (prefered)
      • (TCG Expansion)
      • (TCG) (Expansions could keep the default, it's easier)
    • Card articles
      • Non-Pokemon use (Card)
      • Pokemon card disambiguations use (Card)
      • Pokemon continue to use set and collectors number
    • Energy Types
      • (Energy Type) (this is better)
      • (TCG Type)
    • Products
      • (Product)
      • (TCG Product)
      • NOT (Deck), there's a few of these with "Deck" in their name.
  • Treat Generation as a core series exlcusive timekeeping scale.
    • Even older spin off games have some problems with this. It doesn't really say exactly what Pokemon are in the game since they have date cutoffs based on reveals
      • For some games like Rumble, Gates to Infinity, and Quest, the roster is limited anyway by means that may not directly map to Generations.
    • Modern spin-off games actively don't care. Do you see the number of "Cross Generation" entries? And dates wind up saying more, like how the Alolan Pokemon in Shuffle are super power crept because they started existing later. This is something just saying "part of Gens 6 and 7 doesn't tell you
    • The TCG and Anime already have perfectly good timekeeping systems in the Series and the Series. (Yes, this is joke)
      • Also, as XYZ and Zygarde cards indicate, they also demonstratably don't care for strict generational divides
      • TCG based games should use Series just because that's how the rules are structures and it determines what cards are included. Way more helpful than a Roman Numeral with no game relevance.
        • TCG Live is straddling a weird line where the beta is Gen 8 but the final is Gen 9 and ugh why bother resolving this.
  • Do away with "Side Series"
    • This distinction is nothing but trouble
    • As owners of the proverbial house, we don't need to tie ourselves in knots to justify how things are organized. Just say these spin offs are sorted with Core Series games because Bulbapedia says so.
      • Note in the intro of all affected games, for obvious reasons
  • Do away with Epicodes
    • Why should an article be titled anything other than the subject's given name?
      • No, the work of having to move the page does not justify this, it should only happen one time per article!
    • It's a system that leaves certain episodes that didn't get put in to the system perpetually "othered". I don't like it
      • Sorry Snow Way Out! and Holiday Hi-Jynx, you woke up on the wrong side of Electric Solider Porygon and now you can never be counted as an episode according to BP.