1999 Burger King trading cards

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The Burger King trading cards are a set of collectible cards which were distributed with the 1999 Burger King promotional Pokémon toys. The cards came in an assortment to be separated along perforated edges. Each card features one of the 151 Pokémon that were known at the time (including Mew) on the front and a Collectible Movie Scene from Mewtwo Strikes Back on the reverse. There are ten Collectible Movie Scenes in total, appearing in sequence over the course of the set.

There are a few regional differences between the American and Canadian versions of the cards. The American versions of the cards have a trivia question about each Pokémon on the front and a description of the movie scene on the reverse. This was omitted from the Canadian version, likely due to the difficulty of fitting both English and French descriptions on the cards. Additionally, while the American cards have the Pokémon height and weight statistics listed in United States customary units, the Canadian cards use the metric system.

List of cards


Set # Front Title PokéTrivia Collectible Movie Scene
01 BK 01.png Bulbasaur What is planted on Bulbasaur's back at birth?
A bulb that becomes a large plant
02 BK 02.png Ivysaur What does Ivysaur have twice as much of?
Strengths and weaknesses
03 BK 03.png Venusaur What does Venusaur absorb to keep moving?
04 BK 04.png Charmander When does steam spurt from Charmander's tail?
When it rains
05 BK 05.png Charmeleon What can Charmeleon do with its special Fire Spin technique?
Attack two to five times in a row
06 None.png Charizard What does Charizard sometimes do unintentionally?
Set forest fires
07 None.png Squirtle How does Squirtle slow down its enemy?
The Bubble Technique
08 None.png Wartortle Where does Wartortle hide when hunting prey?
In the water
09 BK 09.png Blastoise What does Blastoise hide inside its shell?
Two high-pressure water cannons
10 None.png Caterpie What happens to Caterpie when it changes into a Metapod?
It can't move
11 None.png Metapod What are Metapod's most dangerous enemies?
Birds like Pidgey and Spearow
12 BK 12.png Butterfree What two toxic dusts make Butterfree very dangerous?
Sleep powder and stun spore
13 None.png Weedle What is Weedle's favorite food?
14 None.png Kakuna How does Kakuna protect itself?
Its shell hardens
15 BK 15.png Beedrill How does Beedrill attack?
With large poisonous stingers on its front legs and tail
16 None.png Pidgey Where is the most common place to find Pidgey?
In the forest
17 None.png Pidgeotto At what level does Pidgeotto evolve from Pidgey?
Level 36
18 None.png Pidgeot How far above the ground can Pidgeot fly?
Two miles
19 BK 19.png Rattata What other Pokémon character does Rattata live peacefully with?
20 None.png Raticate What does Raticate use its whiskers for?
Guidance and balance
21 BK 21.png Spearow How does Spearow stay in the air?
It flaps its short wings very hard
22 None.png Fearow What technique can Fearow use to copy an enemy's attack?
Mirror Move
23 None.png Ekans 2
24 BK 24.png Arbok What does Arbok's Glare technique do to the enemy?
Paralyzes them
25 BK 25.png Pikachu How does Pikachu zap its opponent with electric power?
Squeezes its cheeks
26 BK 26.png Raichu How much power is in Raichu's Thunder Wave technique?
10,000 volts
27 None.png Sandshrew What makes Sandshrew tough to train?
It's a picky eater
28 None.png Sandslash How does Sandslash protect itself from predators?
The porcupine spines on its back
29 None.png Nidoran♀ What makes Nidoran dangerous?
It's small, poisonous barbs
30 None.png Nidorina How does Nidorina evolve?
By use of a Moon Stone
31 None.png Nidoqueen What is the most powerful object on Nidoqueen's body?
Its tail
32 None.png Nidoran♂ What happens to Nidoran when faced with danger?
Its ears stiffen
33 None.png Nidorino How does Nidorino increase its power before attack?
Focus Energy technique
34 BK 34.png Nidoking What does Nidoking do to its prey?
Wraps its tail around the prey and crushes its bones
35 None.png Clefairy What do some people believe about Clefairy?
It prays to the moon
36 BK 36.png Clefable How does one gain Clefable's trust?
Extra love and care
37 BK 37.png Vulpix What happens to Vulpix's tail as it grows older?
It splits at the tip
38 BK 38.png Ninetales What will happen if an enemy grabs one of Ninetales' tails?
A 1,000 year curse may be put on them
39 None.png Jigglypuff When does Jigglypuff like to pound it's attackers?
As soon as they're snoozing
40 None.png Wigglytuff What happens when Wigglytuff gets angry?
It sucks in air and inflates its body like a giant balloon
41 None.png Zubat What does Zubat use to identify and approach targets?
Ultrasonic waves
42 None.png Golbat How many cubic inches of blood per bite can Golbat drain?
48 cubic inches
43 None.png Oddish What does Oddish like to do at night?
Plant seeds and sprinkle pollen
44 BK 44.png Gloom 3
45 BK 45.png Vileplume How did Vileplume evolve from Gloom?
By use of a Leaf Stone
46 None.png Paras What do the mushrooms on Paras' back shoot out?
Stun Spores
47 None.png Parasect What can Parasect's mushroom be used for?
To make magical potions
48 None.png Venonat What does Venonat enjoy doing at night?
Flying near bright lights
49 None.png Venomoth What part of Venomoth's body is color coded?
The scales on its wings
50 BK 50.png Diglett Where does Diglett live?
About three feet underground
51 None.png Dugtrio How far underground does Dugtrio dig to trigger earthquakes?
Up to 60 miles
52 None.png Meowth Why does Meowth wander the streets at night?
To look for change
53 None.png Persian What technique can Persian use to lower an opponent's attack?
54 BK 54.png Psyduck How does Psyduck use its mysterious power for protection?
It Hypnotizes its enemy
55 None.png Golduck What is Golduck often mistaken for?
The Japanese sea monster, Kappa
56 BK 56.png Mankey What other way, besides Mankey's superior footwork, can it fight?
With a powerful punch
57 BK 57.png Primeape When will Primeape give up a chase?
When it has caught its quarry
58 BK 58.png Growlithe How does Growlithe scare away intruders?
Barks and bites them
59 BK 59.png Arcanine What characteristic about Arcanine has been admired for centuries?
Its beauty
60 BK 60.png Poliwag Why does Poliwag have a hard time standing and walking?
It has newly grown legs and no arms
61 BK 61.png Poliwhirl What does Poliwhirl do to keep its body slimy?
It sweats
62 None.png Poliwrath 5
63 None.png Abra How many hours of sleep a day does Abra need?
Up to 18 hours
64 BK 64.png Kadabra What happens when Kadabra uses its special brainwaves?
Competitors get headaches
65 None.png Alakazam 5
66 BK 66.png Machop What does Machop like to study?
Martial Arts
67 None.png Machoke 5
68 None.png Machamp 5
69 None.png Bellsprout What type of plant does Bellsrpout resemble?
Venus flytrap
70 BK 70.png Weepinbell How does Weepinbell finish a fight?
With a spray of acid
71 None.png Victreebel 5
72 None.png Tentacool 5
73 None.png Tentacruel 5
74 None.png Geodude 5
75 BK 75.png Graveler 5
76 BK 76.png Golem 6
77 BK 77.png Ponyta What famous breeder raises Ponyta?
Lara Laramie
78 None.png Rapidash 6
79 None.png Slowpoke 6
80 None.png Slowbro 6
81 None.png Magnemite 6
82 None.png Magneton 6
83 BK 83.png Farfetch'd Why is Farfetch'd almost extinct?
Some think it makes a delicious meal
84 None.png Doduo 6
85 BK 85.png Dodrio 6
86 None.png Seel 6
87 None.png Dewgong 6
88 BK 88.png Grimer What are the two things Grimer loves?
Dirt and slime
89 BK 89.png Muk How dangerous is the slime on Muk's body?
So toxic even its footprints are poisonous
90 BK 90.png Shellder What is Shellder's best type of protection?
Its hard shell
91 None.png Cloyster
92 None.png Gastly
93 None.png Haunter
94 None.png Gengar
95 None.png Onix
96 BK 96.png Drowzee 7
97 None.png Hypno 7
98 BK 98.png Krabby What does Krabby use its pincers for?
Balancing, walking sideways and weapons
99 None.png Kingler 7
100 BK 100.png Voltorb What happens to Voltorb when it thinks it will be defeated?
Voltorb self destructs so it can't be captured
101 None.png Electrode 7
102 BK 102.png Exeggcute How does Exeggcute travel?
In swarms
103 None.png Exeggutor 7
104 BK 104.png Cubone What does Cubone make its armor and weapons out of?
Bones of ancient Pokémon
105 None.png Marowak
106 None.png Hitmonlee
107 BK 107.png Hitmonchan 8
108 BK 108.png Lickitung How long is Lickitung's tongue?
At least twice as long as its body
109 None.png Koffing 8
110 None.png Weezing 8
111 None.png Rhyhorn 8
112 None.png Rhydon Where does Rhydon live?
Deep underground in molten lava
113 BK 113.png Chansey 8
114 None.png Tangela 8
115 None.png Kangaskhan 8
116 None.png Horsea 8
117 BK 117.png Seadra How does Seadra pierce its opponent's skin?
Using its spiky fins
118 None.png Goldeen 8
119 None.png Seaking 8
120 BK 120.png Staryu How does Staryu get from place to place?
Psychic powers
121 None.png Starmie
122 None.png Mr. Mime
123 None.png Scyther
124 None.png Jynx
125 None.png Electabuzz
126 BK 126.png Magmar What ghost type technique can Magmar learn?
Confuse ray
127 BK 127.png Pinsir How does Pinsir use its claws in battle?
To crush its opponents
128 None.png Tauros How does Tauros attack an enemy?
Charges violently and whips it with its tails
129 BK 129.png Magikarp 9
130 None.png Gyarados 9
131 None.png Lapras 9
132 BK 132.png Ditto 9
133 None.png Eevee
134 None.png Vaporeon
135 None.png Jolteon
136 BK 136.png Flareon 10
137 None.png Porygon 10
138 None.png Omanyte 10
139 None.png Omastar 10
140 None.png Kabuto 10
141 BK 141.png Kabutops 10
142 None.png Aerodactyl 10
143 BK 143.png Snorlax 10
144 None.png Articuno 10
145 None.png Zapdos 10
146 None.png Moltres 10
147 None.png Dratini 10
148 None.png Dragonair 10
149 None.png Dragonite 10
150 BK 150.png Mewtwo How and where was Mewtwo created?
Genetically engineered on Cinnabar Island from the cells of Mew
151 BK 151.png Mew 10

Collectible Movie Scenes

Set # Picture Description
1 BK S1.png Unbeknownst to these young Pokémon trainers, their invitation to meet "the world's greatest Pokémon trainer" at a secret island castle is actually a trap set by Mewtwo.
2 BK S2.png Pikachu and Togepi look on as Dragonite delivers a message to Ash from Mewtwo.
3 BK S3.png Mewtwo looms over the stadium built to prove the superiority of the Pokémon clones to their genetic "parents".
4 BK S4.png Enshrouded in a ball of psychic energy, Mew hovers above Mewtwo's stadium.
5 BK S5.png Ash dives, saving Pikachu after it is hit by a powerful psychic blast from Mewtwo.
6 BK S6.png The secluded castle headquarters of Mewtwo, built over the ruins of the laboratory where Mewtwo's life began.
7 BK S7.png Mewtwo and its army of Pokémon copies take on Mew and the Pokémon from which they were cloned.
8 BK S8.png Ash, Pikachu and pals prepare for the ultimate showdown with Mewtwo.
9 BK S9.png An unusual messenger, the winged Dragonite, interrupts these young trainers' summer picnic, to bring them an unexpected invitation.
10 BK S10.png The third member of Team Rocket's dynamic trio, Meowth, often ends up with less than pleasant jobs. Here it plays the figurehead on Team Rocket's Viking warship.

Project Merchandise logo.png This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.