Monthly Point

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Monthly Points (Japanese: マンスリーポイント Monthly Point) are a mechanic in Pokémon Duel. They were added in version 7.0.0. By collecting them, players are able to climb a ladder of Points to obtain figures and other rewards. By purchasing a Player Pass, players gain access to a second ladder with different rewards. Monthly points can be earned by playing League Matches or distributed as rewards. Without Boosts, players gain 20 Points for winning a League Match and 4 Points for losing one. By purchasing a 3-Hour Enhancement Boost, players can gain 10 Points for a loss while it is active. While a 3-Day Duel Boost is active, players gain double the Monthly Points for both wins and losses. Purchasing Boosts also grants a number of bonus Monthly Points. In addition to the notable rewards listed below, both ladders contain various enhancement figures as well as unlocked Time Boosters.

Monthly Point Rewards

February 13-March 12, 2019


1 50 200 600 800 1,000 1,800 2,500 4,500
Vullaby (485) Abra (591) Scrafty (614) Scraggy (483) Mandibuzz (463) Kadabra (592) Kangaskhan (560) Eevee (526) Espeon (534)

Get with Player Pass

1 20 100 300 500 700 900 1,800 6,500 8,500
Mega Absol (410) Duel Mega Absol Mask.png Scraggy (483) Mandibuzz (463) Kadabra (592) Vullaby (485) Abra (591) Scrafty (614) Vaporeon (527) Necrozma (503) Necrozma (504)

March 13-April 10, 2019


1 50 200 600 800 1,000 1,800 2,300 4,000
Carbink (620) Marill (22) Trubbish (614) Garbodor (601) Dragonair (280) Azumarill (369) Dragonite (281) Mega Salamence (292) Sylveon (534)

Get with Player Pass

1 20 100 300 500 700 900 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
Mega Absol (410) Duel Dusk Mane Necrozma Mask.png Dragonair (280) Garbodor (601) Azumarill (369) Jolteon (528) Duel Dawn Wings Necrozma Mask.png Marill (22) Trubbish (614) Mega Absol (410) Necrozma (503) Ultra Necrozma (525) Ultra Burst
Ultra Burst
Duel Ultra Necrozma Mask.png Necrozma (504)

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