Grand Meteor Delta

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Revision as of 16:30, 12 September 2016 by Ataro (talk | contribs) (WIP. Computer's overheating, so I'll finish it later. If anyone has plot details they'd like to add, that'd be lovely. I can only remember so much from a game I played two years ago.)
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Grand Meteor Delta
グランメテオΔ Grand Meteor Delta
Grand Meteor Delta.png
Grand Meteor Delta
Region Hoenn
Debut Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire chapter

Grand Meteor Delta (Japanese: グランメテオΔ Grand Meteor Delta) is a gigantic meteoroid that appears in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and the Pokémon Adventures manga.

In the games

In the games, Grand Meteor Delta is an unnamed giant meteoroid that is on a collision course with the planet. The plot of the Delta Episode is finding a way to destroy the meteoroid and save the world from being destroyed.

The player is enlisted by Steven, Mr. Stone, and the staff at the Mossdeep Space Center in assisting with the launch of a rocket containing Infinity Energy in order to power a device known as the dimensional shifter. The shifter was outfitted with a Link Cable that would cause the meteoroid to be warped to another location. Where the meteoroid would end up was unknown, but the people working with the plan did not care as long as it was sent away.

The plan was stopped by the Draconid woman, Zinnia, who was against their plan due to the rocket being fueled by Infinity Energy and the possibility of there being another Hoenn that would be unable to defend against the meteoroid should it be warped to that Hoenn. Zinnia had her Whismur, Aster, steal the dimensional shifter and crush it, thus putting an end to the plan.

At the Sky Pillar, Zinnia reveals to the player that her people, the Draconids, have foreseen the arrival of the meteoroid. Zinnia uses the power of give Key Stones to summon Rayquaza in order to Mega Evolve it and destroy the meteoroid. Although successful, Zinnia is unable to Mega Evolve Rayquaza, as its mikado organ did not have enough energy to allow it to become Mega Rayquaza. By feeding Rayquaza the Meteorite they possessed, they player gives Rayquaza enough power to allow Mega Evolution. After battling and capturing Rayquaza, the player heads off into space in order to confront the meteoroid.

After the player secures permission to enter the Sky Pillar from Wallace, Zinnia explains the lore of the Draconids as they ascend the tower together. At the top floor, she uses the stolen Key Stones to summon Rayquaza to the Sky Pillar, but her plan fails when Rayquaza does not Mega Evolve despite her efforts. Just as she falls into despair, the Meteorite the player has been carrying for much of the game activates and is consumed by Rayquaza, granting it its missing power. Once the player has captured Rayquaza and added it to their party, Zinnia teaches it Dragon Ascent, then challenges the player to one last battle (which the player does not need to win to progress).

Once the player has gone into space with Mega Rayquaza, destroyed the meteoroid and battled Deoxys, Zinnia disappears from the Sky Pillar. She leaves behind a note with Aster thanking the player for their help. Later at Meteor Falls, her grandmother tells her that she should find her own purpose in life now that she is freed from her lifelong duty. She agrees and leaves her Salamencite with the player before departing. Zinnia's whereabouts after this point are unknown.