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Revision as of 18:43, 7 December 2007 by ArcToraphim (talk | contribs) (Shipping:PikeShipping moved to Shipping:BlushShipping: Pike is Ash/Lucy)
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370Luvdisc.png This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

PikeShipping is the belief of a romantic relationship between Brock and Pike Queen Lucy.

PikeShipping has a very small following compared to the other Shippings though it is still popular among some shippers.


Lucy's hints

  • Lucy is one of the few female characters to ever show any romantic feelings for Brock.
  • She continuously blushed every time Brock made any physical contact with her or even spoke to her.
  • When Brock asked her if she would like to travel with them she stared hopefully at him until Max dragged Brock away by the ear.
  • She likes Abra because its eyes remind her of Brock.

Brock's hints

  • Like many females before her, Brock fell in love with her at first sight and continued to proclaim his love for her throughout the episode.
  • Throughout Lucy and Ash's battle Brock continued to cheer for Lucy to win, and when the others asked him to cheer for Ash he refused and continued to cheer for Lucy.
  • At the end of the episode, Brock asked Lucy if she would like to travel with him and the others on their never-ending journey, (Which is rather odd since he usually tells the girls he meets if he can live with them) but before she can answer, Max drags Brock away.


Project Shipping logo.png This article is part of Project Shipping, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each couple in Pokémon.